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Current Poll Results

Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure

Mace of St. Cuthbert8 %8 %8 % 8.47% (26)
Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar5 %5 %5 % 5.86% (18)
Crook of Rao14 %14 %14 % 14.98% (46)
Hand and Eye of Vecna17 %17 %17 % 17.26% (53)
Codex of Infinite Planes20 %20 %20 % 20.20% (62)
Sword of Kas8 %8 %8 % 8.14% (25)
Orbs of Dragonkind10 %10 %10 % 10.42% (32)
Rod of Seven Parts11 %11 %11 % 11.40% (35)
Other (please explain)3 %3 %3 % 3.26% (10)

Total Votes: 307

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"Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure" | Login/Create an Account | 15 comments
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Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Mon, July 15, 2002
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As the first vote on 'other' all I have to say is:

Where the hell's my Bringer of Doom?


Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by MerricB on Thu, July 18, 2002
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It brought doom upon itself and was destroyed. What did you expect? ;-)

Funnily enough, I'm currently running a Codex IP adventure.


Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Robbastard on Thu, July 18, 2002
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Haven't most of these already been the subject of adventures?

Mace of Cuthbert--"The City beyond the Gate" in Dragon #100

Crook of Rao--"Isle of the Ape"

Hand & Eye of Vecna--"Vecna Lives," "Vecna Reborn," and "Die, Vecna, Die!"

Sword of Kas--see Vecna modules

Cup & Talisman of Al'Akbar--wasn't there a module called "Day of Al'Akbar?"

Rod of 7 Parts--"The Rod of 7 Parts."

Don't recall anything on the Orbs or the Codex, though.

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Herald on Fri, July 19, 2002
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I alway thought the mighty servant of Luek-o would be interesting. Perhaps a tie into the apparatus to kawalish.

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Herald on Fri, July 19, 2002
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The codex is in an adventure in the new Epic Level Handbook.

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sat, July 20, 2002

I personally prefer the crystal of ebon flame: It sounds quite linked to the mythology of the triad of the elder gods, particularly Tharizdun, and as such has always be underrated.
For more inspiration about the crystal refer to the short story "Ubbo-Sathla" by Clarck Asthon Smith.

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sat, July 20, 2002

In second choice, I would have voted for the Codex of Infinite Planes, a relic of great power, also linked to ancient history. Again, there is very few official information about the Tome beside 1st. edition DMG.

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Aeolius on Tue, July 23, 2002
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The Cup & Talisman (now featured in the ELH) are mentioned quite often in my undersea campaign, "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq", as the midnight hag Xaetra now holds the cup. Granted, she is now a spectral hag, having been slain by a covey of her own offspring. One of the new powers of the cup/talisman combo is resurrection. Xaetra will be most interested in that.

As for other artifacts, how about the Tovag Baragu?

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Entropist ( on Mon, July 29, 2002
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My first vote would be the Codex. Involve the Isles of Woe and the deep undersea of the Nyr Dyv.
Second, i remember reading in the Oerth journals the Suel was about the great "Binders", those were hugely powerful. Maybe someone found one while traveling in the sea of dust and brought one back!

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Entropist ( on Mon, August 05, 2002
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what about the "Ring of Gaxx?"
Seems that there could be a great story there and i don't recall ANY info that was produced after the items introduction into the book of artifacts or the first ed. DMG?...

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tue, August 06, 2002

I like Vecna, but he has had enough coverage!!!! Move on!

Re: Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Wed, August 14, 2002
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Mighty Servant of Leuk-O!

Of course, I always pictured Voltron as the Mighty Servant of Leuk-O...

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