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      Bandit Kingdoms 576 CY Map and Heraldry 
    Description: ***Updated Version***

    A map (in both .jpg and .png formats) and 12 pieces of original heraldry for the Bandit Kingdoms of 576 CY.

    *Special Thanks*
    To Cebrion for letting me know that canon arms existed for Stoink and then allowing the use of his version of the heraldry on the map and in this collection. Cebrion’s excellent work is uses the description of the Stoink arms given in Saga of the Old City by Gary Gygax. A larger version can be found at this link:

    *The Map*
    The map (in both .png and .jpg formats) compliments Oerthman's Bandit Kingdoms 576 CY Gazetteer on Canonfire. Two major changes should be noted:

    1. The Territory referred to as "Abarra" in the gazetteer has been renamed to "Kor" after researching the source article "Where the Bandits Are" in Dragon 63.
    2. The town of Tortage in Redhand has been renamed as "Alhaster" to allow maximum compatibility with post-576 CY canon.

    *The Heraldry*
    The heraldry images are for the remaining 12 Bandit Kingdoms that did not have art included in the original World of Greyhawk Boxed Set. Each piece of heraldry is inspired by the description of a given territory in the 576 CY Gazetteer. Note that 5 of the 17 Bandit Kingdoms were given artwork, namely Dimre, Grosskopf, Johrase, Reyhu and Rookroost. Thus, these territories do not have heraldry included in this collection.


    Swain and Varlet at Large

    Version: 1.0 Filesize: 3.75 MB
    Added on: 28-Nov-2011 Downloads: 4216
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      City of Rauxes Map (fcw)  Popular
    Description: The City of Rauxes, in Campaign Cartographer 2 format, by Archimagus based on Rob Kuntz's design.
    Version: 1.0 Filesize: 652.00 Kb
    Added on: 29-Jan-2002 Downloads: 6354
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      City of Rauxes Map (gif)  Popular
    Description: The City of Rauxes, in an easy to use GIF format, by Archimagus based on Rob Kuntz's design.
    Version: Filesize: 372.00 Kb
    Added on: 07-Oct-2003 Downloads: 6643
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      Country surface areas and population densities of the Flanaess 
    Description: This Excel sheet has all the surface areas of the various countries, mountains, hills, lakes, forests and swamps of the Flanaess.

    It also calculates the population density of each country based on the LGG population figures.

    The excel sheet also provides the GM with tools to guide them through how to modify the populations of each country of the Flanaess to align with each GMs particular world view.

    Version: Sept 2021 Filesize: 676 bytes
    Added on: 30-Oct-2020 Downloads: 1786 Rating: 10 (1 Vote)
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      Furyondy CY 585 (PDF)  Popular
    Description: "Furyondy CY 585 (PDF)" A map inspired by WGR4 The Marklands and WGM1 Border Watch done in Illustrator CS and in PDF 6 version with switchable layers. This is all vector, no bitmaps so you can zoom in and out and print without degradation. Please post any corrections and comments. In some cases, places are spelled differently in different sources, so I tried to find the most common.
    Version: Filesize: 184.00 Kb
    Added on: 29-Aug-2004 Downloads: 6875
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      Map of Southern Salinmoor 
    Fan based map, author unknown.  Takes some cues from Wesley's Map of Saltmarsh.  Includes some odd labels.  If anyone knows who drew this, please let the mods know so it can be properly attributed!

    Version: Filesize: 4.24 MB
    Added on: 12-Jul-2021 Downloads: 1476
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      Map of the Flanaess  Popular
    Description: A nicely rendered map of the Flanaess, by Scott Westberg.

    Version: GIF Filesize: 566.99 Kb
    Added on: 17-Oct-2011 Downloads: 5518
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      Map of the Viscounty of Salinmoor: Saltmarsh  Popular
    Description: Map by Yabusama
    Version: Filesize: 1.29 MB
    Added on: 19-Jan-2005 Downloads: 10101 Rating: 9 (3 Votes)
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      Pale-Ratik-Bone March Map, Letter-Size 
    Description: An Eric Anondson map of the Pale, Ratik, Bone March area of the Flanaess.

    Version: Filesize: 1000.00 Kb
    Added on: 07-Jun-2010 Downloads: 3354
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      Pale-Ratik-Bone March Map, Poster-Size  Popular
    Description: An Eric Anondson map of the Pale, Ratik, Bone March area of the Flanaess. (Poster-size, very large!)
    Version: Filesize: 0 bytes
    Added on: 14-Jun-2003 Downloads: 6249 Rating: 9 (3 Votes)
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