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Greyhawk Reborn!
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jan 12, 2013
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:57 pm  
Greyhawk Reborn!

So many of you know about this iniative, others probably wonder what it is. Greyhawk Reborn is legacy of Living Greyhawk campaing from 3(.5) edition times, massive multi-DM game run to move Greyhawk setting timeline.

As nowdays Wizards of the Coast almost forgotten of they once main setting i favor of Forgotten Realms, fans taking things from here, adds 15 years to official timeline, and run new campaign as Greyhawk Reborn. Community is steadingly growing on Facebook and Yahoo.

I'm very interested in this project and would like to particpiate in next campaign I would run, but probable won't be any support for Poland... Cry

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:31 pm  

At this point, they are only running games in Pennsylvania and Texas (plus GenCon in Indiana), as far as I know.

They are also using the D&D Next rules for their events.

SirXaris' Facebook page:
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:37 am  
Greyhawk Reborn clrification


Greyhawk Reborn has only been running in Pennsylvania and the northern Virginia/Maryland/Washington DC area. We are now approaching 100 tables or so since our premiere in April 2013, and are very pleased with the player response to our Greyhawk campaign. We are picking up 15 years after Living Greyhawk, and are always looking for volunteers to help by writing/running adventures, developing and managing campaign organizations, developing an area or region, or many other things we have planned for our players. We are currently using the D&D next play test rules. If you'd like more information about Greyhawk Reborn, you can check us out at our GHR Yahoo Group ( or at our Facebook group ( or our Facebook page (

The Texas group I believe is named Legandary Bandit Kngdoms, and they are not affiliated with us in any way, though it certainly appears they are doing Greyhawk justice! At this time, Greyhawk Reborn has no plans to attend Gen Con, or any other large cons, although plans can change.

If you are interested in helping Greyhawk Reborn, what we are looking for are a handful or two of people in a real world geographic area who are willing develop a Greyhawk geographical area, writing and DM'ing adventures, creating storylines, developing regional groups and even events, all based around that Greyhawk area. The Greyhawk area could be small, such as the Scranton, PA folks are doing with the Saltmarsh area of Keoland, or it could be larger, like a province or even a small country with enough helpers and a large enough player base. At this time, the GHR leads feel that we have enough regions open for play. We also feel that between the 5 regions currently available, there is plenty of room for a group of folks to work with a GHR lead and develop some stories and adventures for an area.

Keep in mind, to avoid issues with intellectual property with WotC, we have decided to have author/DMs, in that you can only run adventures you have created. We happily allow co-writing, but we don't want names added to the adventure as authors simply to allow more DMs to run the adventures. We believe strongly in what we are doing, and want to have integrity in the campaign. However, since you are running your own adventures, you do not need adventures written as completely as those in LG or LFR. You only need what YOU need to DM the adventure. Most of our current adventures run 4-10 pages, with maps and stat blocks. So writing for GHR is not as daunting of a task as it was for LG or LFR. Obviously, the GHR staff would need the adventure at least 10 days before it is to first be run, so we can check for internal consistency and game balance, as well as create the ARs needed.

If you end up with a handful of people developing an area and creating adventures for game stores, game days and possibly conventions in your area, we'd hope that some of those people and their adventures can make their way to other game days and conventions on occasion. We do have our GHR Campaign Guide and Sourcebook, as well as a GHR Adventure Template and GHR Adventure Writing Guidelines. We'd love to have more folks on board with GHR, and I'm willing to get together and meet with folks via face to face or electronically. You may contact me using the messaging function of Canonfire, or email me at

Dave Guerrieri,
Greyhawk Reborn Lead

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
Posts: 2779
From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:10 pm  

Thanks for all that information, Thyrnbryn! I'm very glad that you all are doing this and wish you the best in the endeavor. Happy

SirXaris' Facebook page:
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:33 pm  

Have you been able to get anywhere with getting permission from WotC for this effort? An acknowledgement, even?
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Oct 05, 2003
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Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:59 am  

Before we started this, I had contacted the Wizards Organized Play guy to let him know what we are doing, and if it was OK to do this with the playtest. He said it was fine, so they know what we are doing. Mike Mearls was one of the first 10 people to join our Greyhawk Reborn Facebook group, so they know we are out here.

We figure since we are authors are running their own adventures, we are OK on the intellectual property side, and have had at least one lawyer agree with us. We are obviously organizing and coordinating campaign elements such as rewards, magic items, advancement and such through the use of adventure records for each adventure, but we don't consider that a violating of IP.

I'm not sure what Wizards intent is regard OGL and such with D&D Next, but with their openness regarding the playtest, and their seeming willingness to listen and factor in playtest feedback, it seems they have changed direction from previous policies. My group was a part of the 4E playtest, and we felt we felt our feedbackwas mostly ignored. I've also chatted with people around the fringes of Wizards, and I think their will be some mechanism with the legal confines of D&D Next to at least allow us to continue what we are doing. It may even allow some form of limited distribution of adventures, which would allow Greyhawk Reborn to expand.

Anyways, that's my 2 coppers.
Dave Guerrieri,
GHR Lead
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:30 pm  

It would be nice if WotC decided they don't want to invest the resources in DnD 5 Greyhawk, they could give it over to a 3rd party developer, maybe getting royalties for outsourcing it. I know that is unlikely, and some members here like canon the way it is (Some hate Greyhawk wars/Some love it). I personally would like new material and an advance on the Greyhawk timeline, not a 4E advance like they did with Faerun. Just more dungeons, and more stories about underdeveloped regions that have so far gone unnoticed. (I miss Carl Sargent).
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:41 am  

WotC licensed Dragonlance and Ravenloft for a time, so you never know...
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:47 pm  

electryc wrote:
...I personally would like new material and an advance on the Greyhawk timeline, not a 4E advance like they did with Faerun. Just more dungeons, and more stories about underdeveloped regions that have so far gone unnoticed. (I miss Carl Sargent).

-I don't know about advancing the timeline, but they could put a blessing on Living Greyhawk, which takes it to (IIRC) CY 597. MOst DMs (here, anyway) seem to go back to the 570s anyway when starting a new campaign. I'm still in CY 577-579, depending on where your at... Maybe bring it up to a nice round CY 600? It wouldn't be bad if they avoid the temptation of putting their scent on everything by "blowing it up." Subtle evolution will be fine. Wink

Places that have been underdone in official, non LG material:

The entire Bakluni west;

The Javan/Sheldomar Valley (although there are official Dungeon articles);

The Rhizia/Thillonrian Penninsula (since the Vatun & swords thing)

Irongate! (and the old Iron League in general;


After that, maybe something connecting the Bakluni west, the Dry Steppes, the Sea of Dust to western Oerik. There's a whole world out there, or so I hear...

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