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Timeline of Istivin (Sterich)...??? When did Lolth invade?
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 31, 2006
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Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:40 pm  
Timeline of Istivin (Sterich)...??? When did Lolth invade?

I'm about to run the modules from the old Dungeon Magazines #117, 118, & 119 ("Touch of the Abyss", "Shadows of the Abyss" & "Wrath of the Abyss")
They all take place in Istivin (Sterich).

I was wondering, does anyone know the timeline of events that lead up to this? What year do these adventures take place?
When did Lolth invade and create the black hemisphere of Eldritch energy in Istivin?

I know that Sterich fell to the Giants in CY 584
Keoish forces retook Sterich in CY 585, Istivin was liberated in CY 586
But that's all I got.

Any help is appreciated.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:20 pm  

According to the background blurb in #117, "Then, eighteeen years ago, Istivin fell under attack from a wholly unanticipated opponent--Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders." Assuming the Dragon article refers to a 591 C.Y. as the present year, then that would place Queen of Spiders as occuring in 573 C.Y. or so.

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:57 am  

The GDQ modules, with Lolth's bubble and so forth, took place in 576 CY. The giant invasion of 584 was a seperate event masterminded by a group of cloud giants. The Istivin series in Dungeon was set in 594, 18 years after the original events. Note that Dungeon advanced the timeline one year every year after 2001.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:29 am  

This chronology is based on Greg Vaughn and Eric Mona's corrected notes for Dungeon #117-119.

Sterich’s Timeline

CY Event
-230 Sterich is settled as a client state of Keoland. Qualtaine becomes the first Earl of Sterich.

375 Fenwick Astakane of Skipperton makes critical notes about Sterich’s nobility and peasants in his book Travels.

573 Querchard travels to Zahind and meets Resbin Dren.

574 Querchard and Resbin are married in Istivin.

575 Querchard becomes the new Earl after his fathers death.

576 Lolth and her giant cronies attack Sterich, but are thwarted by Frush O’Suggill and his adventuring company.

584 Giant King Galmoor and his servants swarmed down from the Jotens and Crystalmists and overrun Sterich. The Earl and his wife escape to Keoland and begin a reclamation plan.

585 Earl of Sterich is made Margrave by King of Keoland.

585 With Keoland’s support, Fitela is liberated.

586 Istivin is liberated on the 14th of Flocktime and is restored to power by Readying.

587 In Patchwall, the Heartlands are liberated. Count Darrishen Hartson of Keoland seeks glory in his efforts to liberate Sterich.

588 By Coldeven, all of Sterich is liberated and cleared of all invaders. Garinac is the last county to be freed. The conquered and occupied dwarven citadel of Num-Theraz, becomes a rallying point for many humanoid tribes.

590 A “shadow” falls over Istivin; its citizens are plagued by mysterious disappearances. One of these victims is the Margrave himself. His wife, Resbin Dren Emondav takes command, and rules as the Marchioness of Sterich.

591 Early Spring – The Marchioness declares the western barony of Astrakan to be her personal property hereafter. The Lord baron of Astrakan, Harker Elvenac is presumed dead, and his cousins, Errin Van Malligan and Vurrus Kline are feuding over his will’s distribution of land and personal wealth. His land is exceptionally fertile. This act by the Marchioness puts an end to the squabbling.

Mid-Spring – Lindus Mallaman, ranking priest of Heironeous is found dead. He was a leading figure in the city’s religious community and the strongest proponent of the Purifier Faction (citizens that believe that city has changed in some evil fashion during the occupation). He was found hanging by his feet from the basalt statue of Heironeous, his hands missing and his body charred by electricity. The statue seeped blood from its wrists for three days thereafter.

Late Spring- Dwarven Prince Durrok Korend of Num-Theraz (Cinderforge in common) sets up a base of operations in the western town of Ilaren. He and his small dwur army and the company of halberdiers of the Marchioness fair poorly in their initial attempt to reclaim the citadel. The halberdiers folded quickly under the endless waves of orcs and gnolls. Dwur of the neighboring states have yet to respond to the Prince’s request for aid.

General Commnader of the Army of the March Tybold Borm falls to an assassin’s knife. Distinguished war hero Griffage Terpin is appointed his successor by the Marchioness.

594 “Istivin: City of Shadows”, Dungeon #117 – 119

The Marchioness has set a deadline for the end of the year for all land-holding nobles of Sterich to make claim of their land at court in Istivin.

Hope this helps. YMMV.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:37 pm  

Thanks, you guys rock! Smile
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:20 pm  

Paizo set the date for the GDQ mods at 576 CY, however, this decision presents a serious continuity problem.

IIRC, the first official dated reference to the events of GDQ1-7 was by SKR in Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, who placed it as occurring between 576-580 CY (p. 2). Any earlier than 580, however, creates a continuity mess.

GDQ1-7 takes place after the Slave Lords series (A1-4) (which [i]Slavers![i] dates at 580 CY--p. 120), which itself takes place after T1-4 (which dates itself at 579 CY). See also, tAB, p. 3.

I tend to ignore the 576 CY date set by Paizo, as it screws with too many other issues, and set the date for GDQ1-7 at 580 CY--it solves lots of headaches and creates no serious conflicts that I'm aware of.
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:25 am  

I decoupled Queen of Spiders from Scourge of the Slavelords and set the date sometime in the mid 570s with the other classic 1st edition products. I wanted to give Sterich a bit of breathing room before the Giant Troubles occur and further lower real estate prices. I never liked the way that they strove to link ToEE, Scourge of the Slavelords and Queen of Spiders into a campaign arc... it wasw just to forced to me.

In fact, the campaign I am planning now starts in the 570s, and (low-level) PCs travel to Istiivn to investigate the mystery of what is occuring, but in a supporting role to pre-generated charcters. I plan on having them return after the Greyhawk Wars when they are more powerful to deal with the results of the Giant Troubles in Geoff and Sterich.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:11 am  

The fact that Mouse describes the Dragon Magazines as "The old Dragon Magazines," disturbs me greatly. Maybe it's just my age.
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