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Greyhawk Modules Locations Index

Greyhawk Modules by Level





Party Level

A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity Highport Module 4 to 7
A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade Drachensgrab Hills Module 4 to 7
A3 Assualt on the Aerie of the Slave Lords Suderheim, Drachensgrab Mountains Module 4 to 7
A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords Suderheim, Drachensgrab Mountains Module 4 to 7
ART1 Axe of the Dwarvish Lords Various Campaign Set See Below
ART1a Just a Little Feud Haverhill, Prinicpality of Ulek Campaign Set 13 to 15
ART1b Radruundar Northern Yatils, above Exag Campaign Set 13 to 15
ART2 The Rod of Seven Parts See Below Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2a Night Raiders Southern Tip of Yatils, Northwest of Veluna Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2b At the Sign of the Golden Cocatrice Greyhawk City Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2c Incedent at a Footbridge Cairn Hills Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2d Spelunking Under Barrier Peaks near Geoff Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2e Uninvited Guests West of Lake Spendlowe, Hellfurnaces Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2f Hospitality Edge of Crystalmists, South of Kester Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2g The Forgotten Temple somewhere in Great Kingdom Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART2h The Citadel of Chaos Tovag Baragu Campaign Set 10 to 12
ART3 The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga Various northern forested areas Module 7 to 20
B2 Keep on the Borderlands Western Egde of the Tors, Yeomanry Module 1 to 3
C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Ruined Amedio city Module 5 to 7
C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness Abbor Alz Module 5 to 7
C3 The Lost Isle of Castanamir Aerdi Sea, Near Spindrifts Module 2 to 5
CG0 City of Greyhawk Boxed Set Various Adventure Cards See Below
CG01 Bath Time for the Hopping Prophet Greyhawk City Adventure Card 2 to 4
CG02 Born Again Ogres of the Blinding Light Duchy of Ulek Adventure Card 3 to 5
CG03 Dark Denizens of the Deep Delve Cairn hills Adventure Card 4 to 6
CG04 The Dead of the Howling Hills Howling Hills, Iuz Adventure Card 2 to 4
CG05 A Diplomatic Incedant Greyhawk City Adventure Card 5 to 7
CG06 A Far Cry From the Swamp Greyhawk City Adventure Card 5 to 7
CG07 Final Resting Place of Dorshak Crane Greyhawk City Adventure Card 1 to 3
CG08 The Ghost's Ship Off the Southern Coast of the Bright Desert Adventure Card 6 to 8
CG09 The Griffon Hunt Southern Abbor-Alz near Bright Desert Border Adventure Card 6 to 8
CG10 The Lich Staff Greyhawk City Adventure Card 9 to 11
CG11 Mayhem at the World's End Greyhawk City Adventure Card 5 to 7
CG12 Minding the Store Greyhawk City Adventure Card 1 to 2
CG13 Prisoner of Zender Onnwal Adventure Card 8 to 10
CG14 Pygmies, Sage, Myconids and Plants Greyhawk City Adventure Card 3 to 5
CG15 Riders on the Storm Stark Mounds between Sterich and Geoff Adventure Card 4 to 6
CG16 Shadows of Terror Barrier Peaks near Geoff Adventure Card 9 to 11
CG17 Siege of the Highfolk Highfolk Vale Adventure Card 1 to 3
CG18 To Slay a Hierarch Adumbdfort, Walworth Isle Adventure Card 11 to 13
CG19 The Sunken Temple Spine Ridge near Ekul Scarlet Brotherhood Adventure Card 6 to 8
CG20 The Swamp Hag Avali Swamp, Hepmonaland Adventure Card 6 to 8
CG21 Verbeeg of the Gnarley Forest Gnarley Forest Adventure Card 5 to 7
CG22 Vote for the Goat Greyhawk City Adventure Card 2 to 4
CG23 Wine Harvewst The Cairn Hills Adventure Card 1 to 2
D1 Descent into the Depths of the Earth DeepOerth, Hellfurnaces Module 9 to 14
D2 Shrine of Kuo-Toa DeepOerth, Hellfurnaces Module 9 to 14
D3 Vault of the Drow DeepOerth, Hellfurnaces Module 10 to 14
DM01 The Shrine of Ilsidahur, Dungeon #10 Lake Matreus, Amedio Module 3 to 6
DM02 Ruins of Niole Daer, Dungeon #13 Suss Forest, near Elredd Module 5 to 8
DM03 By the Wayside, Dungeon #19 Bracken Village, Northern Edge of Hool Marshes Module 6 to 10
DM04 The Elephant's Graveyard, Dungeon #15 Sharba, W Lake Opotleotle and Chiuthle River, Hepmonaland Module 5 to 7
DM05 The Leopard Men, Dungeon #22 Sharba, W Lake Opotleotle and Chiuthle River, Hepmonaland Module 8 to 10
DM06 Ghost Dance, Dungeon #32 Northeastern Felreev Forest, Rovers of the Barrens Module 4 to 7
DM07 Izek's Slumber, Dungeon #42 Greyhawk City Module 7 to 10
DM08 A Serenade Before, Supper Dungeon #53 Ironwood, Verbobonc Module 3 to 5
DM09 Cradle of Madness, Dungeon #87 The Cairn Hills Module 4 to 6
DM10 Valley of the Snails, Dungeon #87 Village of Hulvin, Keoland Module 3 to 5
DM11 The Shalm's Dark Song, Dungeon #87 Blackmoor Module 5 to 7
DM12 Sloth, Dungeon #91 City of Pellak, Bissel Module 5 to 7
DM13 Legend of Garthulga, Dungeon #91 Nyr Dyv Coast, Slightly NE of Dyvers Module 3 to 5
DRN1 The Dancing Hut, Dragon #83 See the notes on ART3 for placement Module 9 to 11
DRN2 The City Beyond the Gate, Dragon #100 Island in Drawmidj, W of Yecha hills Coast Module 9 to 11
DRN3 Below the Tomb of Horrors, Dragon #249 Vast Swamp Module 10 to 14
EE0 The Elder Elemental God Pentology Various Module See Below
EE1 The Earth Temple Eastern Edge of Central Lortmils Duchy of Ulek) Module 9 to 12
EE2 The Air Temple Jotuns, The Yeomanry Module 9 to 12
EE3 The Fire Temple Southern Yatils, Veluna Module 9 to 12
EE4 The Water Temple Wooly Bay, Near Fax-Badwall-Elredd on Wild Coast Module 9 to 12
EE5 The Elemental Crypt Rushmoors, Keoland Module 9 to 12
EX1 Dungeonland Castle Greyhawk Module 9 to 12
EX2 Land Beyond the Magic Mirror Castle Greyhawk Module 9 to 12
FTA0 From The Ashes Various Boxed Set See Below
FTA1 Into the Mistmarsh Southeastern Mistmarsh Sourcebook 1 to 3
FTA2 The Sin Eater Two Ford, Greyhawk Plain Sourcebook 5 to 9
FTA3 Beckoner in the Dark Central Cairn Hills Adventure Card 4 to 7
FTA4 Brainstorm Pargenter?s Mine, Abbor-Alz Adventure Card 11 to 13
FTA4 Honest Bandits Eastern Cairn Hills Adventure Card Any
FTA5 Tamara Belongs to Me The Gnarley Forest Adventure Card 2 to 4
FTA6 Dark Heart of Oak The Gnarley Forest Adventure Card 6 to 8
FTA7 Slavers By Midnight Elmshire, Midbay portion of Nyr Dyv Adventure Card 2 to 3
G1-3 Against the Giants Jotuns, Crystalmists and Hellfurnaces Module 8 to 12
G4-6 The Liberation of Geoff Geoff, Crystalmists and Barrier Peaks Module 9 to 12
GA0 Greyhawk Adventures See Below Hardcover See Below
GA1 The Entrance to the Vale of the Mage Vale of the Mage Hardcover 5 to 7
GA2 Diver Down Turucambi Reefs, Hepmonaland Hardcover 4 to 6
GA3 The Rescue of Ren Greyhawk City Hardcover 3 to 6
GA4 The House of Cards Greyhawk City Hardcover Any
GA5 Beaming Up College of Wizardry, NW Yatils Hardcover 0
GA6 Horse Sense Farmstead, Greyhawk Plain Hardcover 0
GOF0 Gem OF The Flanaess Various Sourcebook See Below
GOF1 The Mummy's Cairn Northern Cairn Hills Sourcebook 5 to 8
GOF2 Lizardman Lair Southwestern Mistmarsh Sourcebook 4 to 7
GOF3 Blackthorn Northeastern Gnarley Forest Sourcebook 7 to 9
I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City Pelisso Swamp, Hepmonaland Module 4 to 7
I2 Tomb of the Lizard King West-Central Hool Marshes, Near Tors Module 5 to 7
I7 Baltron's Beacon Hool Marshes, Keoland Module 4 to 8
L1 Secret of Bone Hill Restenford, Lendore Isle Module 2 to 4
L2 Assassin's Knot Garotten, Lendore Isle Module 2 to 5
L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Farmin Mountains, Lendore Isle Module 3 to 6
LT1 The Star Cairns Abbor-Alz Module 5 to 8
LT2 Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad Abbor-Alz Module 9 to 11
LT3 Doomgrinder Cairn Hills Module 10 to 12
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God Rushmoors Module 1 to 3
NB1-3 Night Below Haranshire, Hold of Sea Princes, UnderOerth, Hellfurnaces Campaign Set 1 to 10
OJ1 The Fountain of Pelor, OJ #2 Critwall, Shield Lands Module 7 to 11
OJ2 The Ruins of Mistmarsh, OJ #11 Mistmarsh Module 5 to 7
OJ3 A Slight Diversion, OJ #9 City of Redspan, Duchy of Tenh Module 2 to 5
OJ4 The Mines of Elsidell, OJ #10 Elsidell Village, E of Tringlee in Lortmils, County of Ulek Module 3 to 5
OJ5 House on Summoner Court, OJ #7 Greyhawk City Module 7 to 9
PC01 A Little Local Difficulty Village of Erminit, Furyondy Module 1 to 2
PC02 Beg Steal or Barrow Village of Erminit, Furyondy Module 1 to 3
PC03 Haturan's Tomb Dyvers Module 6 to 12
PC04 Sacklewood - To Capture a Troll Sacklewood Village, Suss Forest near Elredd, Wild Coast Module 7 to 9
PC05 The Soul Husks Howling Hills, Iuz Module 18 to 20
PC06 Shadows under Scant Scant, Onnwal Module 4 to 5
PC07 The Forgotten Hero Northern Vesve Module 5 to 7
PC08 Rhennee Magic Mistmarsh Module 8 to 10
PC09 Crypt of the Undead King Cairn Hills Module 15 to 17
PC10 Defection Gnarley Forest Module Any
PM1 Bastion of Faith Possible locations include Critwall Greyhawk City Chendl Nyrond Sourcebook Any
PM2 College of Wizardry North Westernmost Spur of the Yatils Sourcebook Any
Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits Lolth?s Layer of the Abyss Module 10 to 14
QMG0 Quest of the Mist Golem series Various Module See Below
QMG1 Mist Hold Northern Lortmils, Veluna Module 5 to 7
QMG2 Into the Vesve Vesve, Wolf Nomads Module 5 to 7
QMG3 Mist Manor Cold Marshes, Blackmoor Module 6 to 8
RE1 Return of the Eight Greyhawk City Module 6 to 12
RE2 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Hommlett and Nulb, Verbobonc Module 1 to 8
RE3 Return to the Tomb of Horrors Vast Swamp Module 13 to 16
RE4 Return to White Plume Mountain Riftcanyon Module 7 to 10
RE4A Dragotha's Lair Effluvial Swamp, White Plume Mountain Web Enhancement 7 to 8
RE5 Return to the Keep on the Borderlands Western Egde of the Tors, Yeomanry Module 1 to 3
RR1 The Suel Imperium - Age of Glory Pre-Cataclysm Suel Basin Module 5 to 8
S1 Tomb of Horrors Vast Swamp Module 10 to 14
S2 White Plume Mountain Riftcanyon Module 5 to 10
S3 Expedition the Barriers Peaks Barrier Peaks Module 8 to 12
S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Southern Yatils Module 6 to 10
SB1 Scarlet Brotherhood Hierdraeden, Yeomanry Module 7 to 9
SC1 The Shattered Circle Hollow Highlands, Idee Module 1 to 3
SS1 The Hand of the Highwayman Restenford, Lendore Isle Web Enhancement 6 to 7
T1 Village of Homlett Homlett, Verbobonc Module 1 to 3
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil Homlett and Nulb, Verbobonc Module 1 to 8
U1 Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Hool Marshes, Southern Keoland Coast Module 1 to 3
U2 Danger at Dunwater Hool Marshes, Southern Keoland Coast Module 1 to 4
U3 Final Enemy Hool Marshes, Southern Keoland Coast Module 3 to 5
UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave Sybarate Isle, Sea Princes Module 4 to 7
UK2 The Sentinal Lake Spendlowe, Sea Princes Module 2 to 5
UK3 The Guantlet Kamph Spur, Sea Princes Module 3 to 6
UK6 All The Glitters Northern Amedio, Hellfurnaces, Sea of Dust Module 3 to 5
WG04 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun Southern Yatils Module 5 to 10
WG05 Mordenkainen?s Fatastic Adventure Maure Castle Abbor Alz Module 9 to 12
WG06 Isle of the Ape Tenser?s Castle and Tropical Demi-plane Module 14 to 19
WG07 Castle Greyhawk Southern Cairn Hills Module 1 to 10
WG08 Fate of Istus See Below Module See Below
WG08a The Sage's Tower Rookroost Module 1 to 10
WG08b Swords for Hire Rel Mord Module 1 to 10
WG08c Countdown in Jurnre Jurnre Module 1 to 10
WG08d Diambeth's Delving Eldredd Module 1 to 10
WG08e Service for the Dead Wintershiven Module 1 to 10
WG08f The Garden of Evil Leukish Module 1 to 10
WG08g Down With the Wizard Rauxes Module 1 to 10
WG08h At the King's Right Hand Chendl Module 1 to 10
WG08i Iuz's Gambit Verbobonc Module 1 to 10
WG08j The Scarlet Masque Hesuel Ilshar Module 1 to 10
WG09 Gargoyle Rockburgh on the Hool - Tors border, Keoland Module 1 to 4
WG10 Child?s Play Rhesdain, North Perrenland Module 13 to 15
WG11 Puppets Wild Coast and Dyvers Module 1 to 3
WG12 Vale of the Mage Valley of the Mage Module 7 to 9
WGA1 The Falcon?s Revenge Greyhawk City Module 5 to 7
WGA2 Falconmaster Greyhawk City Module 5 to 7
WGA3 Flames of the Falcon Greyhawk City Module 5 to 7
WGA4 Vecna Lives Kron Hills Greyhawk City Module 12 to 15
WGA5 Die Vecna Die! Tovag Baragu, Ravenloft, Sigil Module 10 to 13
WGM Border Watch Furondy Module 1 to 3
WGQ Patriots of Ulek Principality of Ulek Module 1 to 3
WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins Castle Greyhawk, Southern Cairn Hills Module 2 to 15
WGR2 Treasures of Greyhawk See Below Module See Below
WGR2a A Little Knowledge Perrenland Module 3 to 5
WGR2b Bladestar City of Greyhawk Module 3 to 5
WGR2c The Neogi Nest City of Greyhawk Module 6 to 8
WGR2d The Shroud of Karyne Cairn Hills Module 5 to 7
WGR2e Helm of Selnor County of Ulek Module 5 to 7
WGR2f Bigby's Modest Home City of Greyhawk Module 6 to 8
WGR2g Terror in the Tropics Northern Amedio Coast Module 8 to 10
WGR2h On the Town Baymouth on Jetsom Isle Module 8 to 10
WGR2i Crossing Into Steel Monastary, Shield Lands Module 7 to 9
WGR2j Face of Xenous Greyhawk City Module 8 to 10
WGR2k Well of All Heals Rieuwood, County of Sunndi Module Any
WGR2l The Wizard Isn't Home South Shore, Nyr Dyv, near Elmshire Module 5 to 7
WGR2m All For a Hat County of Urnst Module 10 to 12
WGR2n A Sword for a Hero Western Crystalmists, Near Kester Module 17 to 19
WGR3a The Mines of Father Eye Southern Abbor-Alz, Bright Desert Sourcebook 5 to 8
WGR3b The Ruins of Shattados' Palace Eastern Bright Desert Sourcebook 6 to 8
WGR3c Rary's Tower Brass Hills Sourcebook 8 to 10
WGR6 City of Skulls Iuz Module 9 to 12
WGS1 Five Shall Be One Rookroost Module 8 to 10
WGs2 Howl From the North Hold of Stonefist Module 8 to 10

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Published on: 2004-01-30 (160484 reads)

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