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    "What do you feel is the future of the World of Greyhawk?" | Login/Create an Account | 8 comments
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    Re: What do you feel is the future of the World of Greyhawk? (Score: 1)
    by manicmidwife on Sat, March 23, 2002
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    I strongly agree with everything you have said. I see no reason not to license out the product and you can have generic adventures in Greyhawk to compliment LG. You could surely have either or both (but at least there is an outlet for those who cannot get into LG for whatever reason).

    It all comes down to how much work you want to put into a campaign and how much you would like to be done for you. Many people are doing their things for Greyhawk, but I love sitting back and running with something already done (with a small number of home specific modifications). Why write a module or a gazeteer when someone else does it for you? ;-) (Case in point, prior to Ivid the Undying, who had the time or motivation to anything in that region? There was too much work to do! Now we have work in Ahlissa and the Sud-Graf).

    Here is a topic for discussion:- If Greyhawk was licenced out, how many people here would start expressing an interest in submission guidelines?


    License Greyhawk NOW!

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    Here's a little poll for ya... (Score: 1)
    by Lennis on Mon, March 25, 2002
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    If new material WERE to come out, would you want to see pre-wars or post-wars materials?

    I for one would love to see some pre-war modules with a 'Gygaxian' feel to them.

    Not that I didn't enjoy Greyhawk Wars, but there is something serenely refreshing about the pre-wars period, when the strongholds of good were secure and adventurers could explore any of countless dungeons across the lands.

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    Re: What do you feel is the future of the World of Greyhawk? (Score: 1)
    by MTG ( on Wed, April 03, 2002
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    Man-of-the-Cranes wrote:
    there is no substitute for organized and product supported backing from a committed company.
    [snip] And so I seem to have voted with the majority for WotC to sell GH to such a company.
    [snip] So we need a company committed enough to dedicate the time to really researching GH's past that is not too afraid to offend us by giving GH both the support and the shot in the arm that it needs.
    I find it very interesting that the majority of people has continued to state their preference for this "option." While the idea is compelling, I find myself immediately wondering who would direct the products and not feeling great about it. Perhaps I'm being hide-bound? Still, having witnessed several instances of Greyhawk (alternate Oerths) - Gygax, Sargent, Team Greyhawk, Mona & Co. - I am more interested in watching how other fans of the setting elaborate and detail their own versions of the common materials. I support websites like Canonfire and organizations like the Oerth Journal because they provide means by which fans may inform and entertain each other. If a company were to licence the rights to produce Greyhawk products, then what I would prefer to see are new modules. Modules are very difficult to design well, and I imagine that to produce modules regularly requires a skilled team. What currently existing company might produce Greyhawk modules that most Greyhawk fans would enjoy? I remain highly interested in aquiring/reading/using the series of adventures that Erik Mona has designed/is designing. I'm also interested in the Azure Sea trilogy that the members of the Council of Greyhawk produced. Beyond those series, I hope that at year's end, the general fan base may access good LGH modules. (By good, I mean those evaluated as such by other dedicated fans.) Enough from me for now, MTG

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