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Heraldic Heresy
by: Braggi
Posted on: 01-13-2012 @ 10:40 pm

   After much to-ing and fro-ing, I settled down on a project to keep me occupied while I wait for the proofreaders to get through the latest draft of QMG2. I have started cooking up heraldry for various 576 CY-era Flanaess states, groups and individuals that need it. This in addition to getting good quality copies whomped up for the originals given in the World of Greyhawk boxed set and From the Ashes.

To date, I currently have the following done:
  1. The remainder of the Bandit Kingdoms. These have already been uploaded here to CF in a map I created for the 576 CY Bandit Kingdoms Gazetteer and also as individual files for use by players and DM's alike.
  2. All the Rovers tribes and fighting societies listed Gary Gygax's "News of the Flanaess" from Dragon 56.
  3. Crests for Bigby, Mordenkainen, the Circle of eight and the Citadel of Eight based on posts made by Gary at Rob Kuntz's old Yuku site and over at ENWorld.
  4. A crest for the Knights of Luna, based on that organization's  description in From the Ashes. 
  5. A crest for the Perrenland House of Haldus. This one is a bit obscure - it comes from a series of TSRT trading cards (not the Spellfire cards, mind you) that covered all the various AD&D campaign worlds. A friend of mine has a near complete set which he added to our group gaming collection a few years back. The heradic devices were shown on the shield and tabard of a Greyhawk knight named Kramer Haldus whose noble family is based out Traft in Perrenland.
  6. Lastly, I have run up crests for the 8 noble houses and 16 merchant clans from the descriptions given in D3 - Vault of the Drow.

   I think I might release the last few items as a Player's Aid pack that DM's can use to help illustrate the various medallions encountered in that module. I'm also looking at scouring the other older modules for heraldic and symbol-based items that can be adapted to add to my expanding personal collection. As for the rest, I'll upload whatever I can that doesn't violate copyright/falls within fair use rules.

Between this and QMG2, I've certainly been a busy little 'Hawker in the last few months...

Last updated on 01-13-2012 @ 10:40 pm

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