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Seven Against Iuz
Posted on: 01-04-2004 @ 01:50 am

My latest WoG campaign has seven brave (or foolish) heroes going on an epic quest - a crusade against Iuz. We have in the group: Damien - a grey elf psion (nomad) who has captured as an infant by a powerful devil and... experimented on. the Mouse - a halfling rogue paying his debt to society by crusading against evil. Anwar - a kettite human fighter/iajutsu master who serves both the King of Furyondy and the Circle of Eight. Taionna - a wood elf wizard who grew up in the Fey Realms. Nelan - a human cleric who has taken the Vow of Poverty and is a shining beacon of good. Sumanu - a vanara monk from the distant west who travels this curious land, fighting evil where he finds it. Jeel - a human fighter/rogue who dwells within the city of Admunfort and aids the forces of freedom as best he can. The first leg of their quest begins with the party infiltrating Admundfort, where they must enter a great tower filled with magic items that Iuz's forces would love get their hands on but can't, and try to remove or destroy as many of these items as possible. Also, they must see what can be done about liberating the city from Iuz. So far, the group has learned of a sepcial key that will unseal the tower, which is known as the Banewarrens, and has stolen said key from the vaults of an evil merchant family...

Last updated on 01-04-2004 @ 01:50 am

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Comment By: Tedra
(Posted on 05-21-2004 @ 03:08 pm)

Comment: Wish you would keep a running account of this campaign here. I've always enjoyed reading the chronicles of other's current games.

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