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    Tharizdun vs Iuz
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    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Feb 01, 2005
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    From: Columbus, Ohio

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    Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:02 am  
    Tharizdun vs Iuz

    Sometime ago, someplace ago, I recall reading that there was some particular animosity between the Old One and The Lord of Chaos. Also, I believe that the Iuz actually fears Tharizdun's escape. I can't remember from were, tho.

    Can anyone fill me in on the details and/or point me to a source (canon or homebrew)? Have any of you actually touched on this (and to what degree) in your home campaign? Were are his cultists likely to be found? Where is his actual cell located? Whatt is it like? Has he escaped? If so, what repercussions would you expect this to have on the other gods and their relationship to their followers in your game?

    Just as an aside, I have always felt that Tharizdun is somewhat like the "Midnight" settings primordial, divine adversary.

    Please and Thank You.
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:21 am  

    I believe the source is that ALL gods have animosity toward Tharzy, and that they ALL fear his escape, after all if Tharzy destroyes the world, they are SOL (espicialy Iuz who not only lives on the material plane but contols an actual nation-state there).

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:04 pm  

    The Gord the Rogue series had Iuz (with his mother and Zuggtmoy) trying to gain something of Tharizdun's power and prevent Tharizdun's return. There were basically three factions: Iuz's faction (which included a third of the Abyss), Graz'zt's faction (another third of the Abyss), and Nerull's faction (which included a third of the Abyss and all of the other Lower Planes, all plotting to ensure Tharizdun's release).

    Other than that, there's not really any specific emnity between Tharizdun and Iuz. Iuz is more concerned with St. Cuthbert (who helped imprison him) and Vecna (who in some respects he's trying to pattern himself after, who he considers a rival on the Material Plane, and who once defeated him).
    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:33 am  

    As for Tharizdun's "cell" - it's never really been mentioned just where he's imprisoned. There's a school of thought that it might be the Far Realms (or in other words, outside the bounds of the ordered Multiverse and the Great Wheel).

    My personal pet theory is that the Multiverse and the Great Wheel ARE his prison. If Tharizdun is the ultimate Entropy, then you'd imprison him in something supremely Ordered - like the Great Wheel. This also implies that if Tharizdun ever broke from his bonds, he'd destroy the Multiverse (which is exactly what is prophesised to happen if he ever does awaken from his slumber). This is also why everyone (good, evil, law and chaos) hates and fears him - since everyone would lose (as an aside - even chaos loses, since it needs order to exist in counterpoint to - if everything is entropic then chaos itself ceases to exist or at least have meaning...or something <insert your own theosopical noodling here>).

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    Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:14 pm  

    I always liked the idea that the surviving deities used an entire plane of existence as Big T's "cell" and sacrificed a second plane to act as the "power generator" to keep Him there. This would, of course, result in what are today known as the Negative and Positive material planes, respectively.

    Sadly, that idea never got incorporated into any campaign. I always wanted to see the players' faces when that piece of trivia was revealed at the proper moment! Really kinda puts things in perspective... Cool
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