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    Paizo's world (Adapting Pathfinder to GH)
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    Adept Greytalker

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    Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:09 pm  
    Paizo's world (Adapting Pathfinder to GH)

    I recently received Pathfinder #1 in the mail. Inside, there's an article by Erik Mona covering the Pathfinders, a Seeker-like organization. The article mentions the legendary hero Molaho Khem, who has also been mentioned in Greyhawk products (LG Journal #1, IIRC, plus some other stuff--there's also this: on the LG Bandit Kingdoms website).

    Also mentioned in the Player's Guide is a "Land of the Linnorm Kings," which is north of the detailed region of Varisia. Dragon Empire of Lynn, anyone? Looking at the map of Varisia, I'm thinking it might fit rather nicely on the west coast of Oerik, around the Gulf of Ishtar.

    I wonder if the similarities are intentional, plus the fact that Varissia's sea is to the west, making for easy GH placement. Thoughts?
    Forum Moderator

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    Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:31 pm  

    Wink Hmm good insights Rob. Time will tell. It would not be a first for the paizo crew, after all they did put Shackled City's locations into Greyhawk. So with that in mind maybe they are leaving that door open in case they get the GH license someday since Mona tries annually and I don't see any reason why he would stop trying. And in the event they ever did wrest the license from Wizards you know they'd have to drop everything they were doing to concentrate on GH, so your theory is the best way for them to not lose all the effort they put into Pathfinder.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:22 am  
    Re: Paizo's world

    Robbastard wrote:
    I recently received Pathfinder #1 in the mail. Inside, there's an article by Erik Mona covering the Pathfinders, a Seeker-like organization. The article mentions the legendary hero Molaho Khem, who has also been mentioned in Greyhawk products (LG Journal #1, IIRC, plus some other stuff--there's also this: on the LG Bandit Kingdoms website).

    Also mentioned in the Player's Guide is a "Land of the Linnorm Kings," which is north of the detailed region of Varisia. Dragon Empire of Lynn, anyone? Looking at the map of Varisia, I'm thinking it might fit rather nicely on the west coast of Oerik, around the Gulf of Ishtar.

    I wonder if the similarities are intentional, plus the fact that Varissia's sea is to the west, making for easy GH placement. Thoughts?

    I just got mine as well. I am sharply of two minds on Pathfinder to this point.

    1st - I think the adventure is very well done, particularly for a low level adventure.

    2nd - I think the description of the Thassalonian Empire is embarassingly beer and pretzels villany. Without a major overhaul, I would not want the Thassalonian Empire anywhere near Oerth. What's more, I think Paizo is utterly wasting a very cool "seven sins" trope. So far, the motif is poorly utilized to the point of it being more a conceit in the setting than something actualized. Maybe, hopefully, this will change. But the Thassalonian Empire write-up does not leave me hopeful.

    IMO - The adventure gets an A, but the background gets a C -.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:54 am  

    mortellan wrote:
    Wink Hmm good insights Rob. Time will tell. It would not be a first for the paizo crew, after all they did put Shackled City's locations into Greyhawk. So with that in mind maybe they are leaving that door open in case they get the GH license someday since Mona tries annually and I don't see any reason why he would stop trying. And in the event they ever did wrest the license from Wizards you know they'd have to drop everything they were doing to concentrate on GH, so your theory is the best way for them to not lose all the effort they put into Pathfinder.

    More digging reveals this quote from Mike McArtor:

    "I am 90% certain that the only way to get to Golarion's moons and neighboring planets will be via magic. And no magic flying ships. Probably portals, but that hasn't been fully decided yet."

    Note that he says moons.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:39 am  

    Found out a little bit about the Varisian calendar: (scroll about 3/4 down)

    And here:

    Jacobs replies to someone asking about the 5 missing days in the calendar (since the 12 months only have 30 days each):

    "The other five we don't know what to do with yet. They might be festival days. My preference, though, is that there aren't five missing days. Golarion isn't Earth, after all."
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:51 am  

    Here's another thread comparing one of the Varisian deities to Myhriss:
    Forum Moderator

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    Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:27 am  

    Hmmm, the plot thickens. Erik denials too, fun! Wink
    Master Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:56 pm  

    Coincidence? Perhaps.

    It would be great if Eric Mona had the forsight to try something like this without jeapordizing his Pathfinder project. I must confess, with 4th edition coming out I had planned on slowing my D&D purchases to a crawl since WOTC claimed things were not compatible.

    I read an overview of the Pathfinder plotline in Dragon magazine a while back (I beleive it was Dragon), and the plotline as described really impressed me. Then I read that it would be set in another world all together, which distressed me greatly.

    As a result I decided to put Pathfinder on the "will look at it in the store but almost certainly won't buy it" list, not because the product isn't worthwhile (I like the idea, though I would have opted for shorter campaign arcs myself) but because I wasn't interested in redesigning considerable text to fit it into Greyhawk. Sooner or later I figured it would get big enough and would become a problem to incorporate it not to mention finding the time to do the work.

    Erik, perhaps you could offer some suggestions here on Canonfire as to how to overcome this difficulty without jeapordizing your position. I have really enjoyed your work with Greyhawk and hope for the days when it can continue.
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:45 pm  

    Golarion (Paizo's new Pathfinder World) is, as I understand it, getting a full mapping and gazetteer treatment next February. I suspect the larger picture will not bear much resemblance to Oerth or the Flanaess.

    Given that the Paizites are inclined to like GH, I don't think its a stretch that some similar themes will crop up. I can't imagine this would be intentional in the sense of intentionally attempting to do Greyhawk with the serial numbers filed off. Erik tried something of this actually in Armies of the Abyss from Green Ronin wherein there was "V'razzt," who sounded a lot like somebody whose name might start with a "G" etc. EGG. of course, did much the same in his later Gord novels, albeit per force.

    IMO, it would be folly to try to impersonate Greyhawk with Pathfinder, because it can say nothing good about Golorian on its own merits and Golarian must stand or fall on its own merits. I also think Erik has more artistic integrity that to try to create FakeHawk.
    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:14 pm  

    The "Land of the Linnorm Kings" is a Norse reference(probably aimed at adding some viking-like culture to Varisia), not an Oriental Empire of Lynn(Lynn-*Linn*orm) reference. Linnorms are snake-like, wingless dragons of Norse myth. Perhaps Varisia will have vikings wielding samurai swords with linnorms tattoos over their backs though. Who knows... Wink
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    Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:02 pm  
    Re: Paizo's world (Adapting Pathfinder to GH)

    Robbastard wrote:
    I recently received Pathfinder #1 in the mail. Inside, there's an article by Erik Mona covering the Pathfinders, a Seeker-like organization. The article mentions the legendary hero Molaho Khem, who has also been mentioned in Greyhawk products (LG Journal #1, IIRC, plus some other stuff--there's also this: on the LG Bandit Kingdoms website).

    Also mentioned in the Player's Guide is a "Land of the Linnorm Kings," which is north of the detailed region of Varisia. Dragon Empire of Lynn, anyone? Looking at the map of Varisia, I'm thinking it might fit rather nicely on the west coast of Oerik, around the Gulf of Ishtar.

    I wonder if the similarities are intentional, plus the fact that Varissia's sea is to the west, making for easy GH placement. Thoughts?

    I ws thinking the same. Is there somewhere online I can find a map of all oerik?
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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    Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:59 am  
    Re: Paizo's world (Adapting Pathfinder to GH)

    bestialwarlust wrote:
    I ws thinking the same. Is there somewhere online I can find a map of all oerik?

    Try this thread for Rasgon's great maps.

    Also this thread has a a great map in the first post.

    Last edited by Thanael on Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:34 am  

    Thanks! I just realized I missed this big obvious link

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