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Could not insert search results


SQL Error : 2006 MySQL server has gone away

INSERT INTO nuke_bbsearch_results (search_id, session_id, search_array) VALUES('295221464', 'a56b272b05132803ee554e33a1301ede', 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:4562:"22395, 22409, 22523, 22549, 22584, 22717, 23105, 23109, 23110, 23179, 23181, 23182, 23188, 23189, 23217, 23218, 23244, 23246, 23293, 23345, 23347, 23348, 23349, 23350, 23356, 23360, 23390, 23499, 23500, 23501, 23537, 23609, 23614, 23637, 23692, 23722, 23724, 23734, 23794, 23812, 23862, 23863, 23887, 23899, 23903, 23912, 23931, 23952, 23953, 23959, 23961, 24012, 24013, 24020, 24179, 24182, 24193, 24207, 24212, 24221, 24236, 24237, 24246, 24247, 24248, 24249, 24259, 24261, 24262, 24263, 24265, 24267, 24284, 24285, 24286, 24290, 24307, 24308, 24311, 24338, 24339, 24340, 24341, 24362, 24363, 24366, 24373, 24375, 24376, 24387, 24388, 24389, 24405, 24406, 24411, 24442, 24501, 24583, 24627, 24636, 24637, 24638, 24645, 24662, 24663, 24664, 24676, 24677, 24678, 24679, 24700, 24701, 24723, 24724, 24751, 24752, 24762, 24764, 24765, 24767, 24772, 24789, 24790, 24812, 24813, 24815, 24901, 24928, 24941, 24969, 24970, 24997, 24999, 25000, 25001, 25004, 25016, 25020, 25252, 25306, 25307, 25308, 25319, 25321, 25356, 25357, 25394, 25449, 25456, 25462, 25472, 25498, 25519, 25594, 25663, 25790, 25798, 25980, 25982, 25983, 25986, 25987, 25993, 25994, 26015, 26069, 26070, 26086, 26202, 26217, 26262, 26264, 26290, 26291, 26387, 26388, 26405, 26523, 26525, 26526, 26530, 26604, 26681, 26682, 26683, 26831, 26832, 26847, 26849, 26881, 26882, 26897, 26899, 26901, 26922, 26935, 26953, 26954, 27007, 27025, 27026, 27045, 27046, 27072, 27099, 27103, 27110, 27112, 27192, 27252, 27298, 27299, 27316, 27708, 27709, 27728, 27814, 27903, 27904, 28100, 28174, 28239, 28305, 28306, 28312, 28327, 28345, 28367, 28372, 28524, 29315, 29316, 29346, 29347, 29352, 29353, 29374, 29386, 29434, 29476, 29479, 29574, 29599, 29605, 29631, 29632, 29656, 29741, 29768, 29807, 29850, 29851, 29862, 29909, 29944, 29946, 30014, 30017, 30042, 30071, 30075, 30085, 30086, 30114, 30115, 30116, 30117, 30133, 30134, 30153, 30159, 30161, 30172, 30175, 30179, 30361, 30410, 30413, 30451, 30581, 30621, 31003, 31004, 31007, 31009, 31067, 31068, 31071, 31115, 31116, 31117, 31120, 31123, 31124, 31235, 31241, 31326, 31345, 31346, 31347, 31348, 31350, 31541, 31635, 31674, 32104, 32208, 32209, 32229, 32243, 32265, 32266, 32269, 32270, 32303, 32304, 32312, 32346, 32360, 32388, 32583, 32632, 33218, 40928, 41419, 41421, 41437, 41438, 41459, 41559, 41736, 41768, 41789, 41949, 42011, 42012, 42022, 42026, 42028, 42039, 42040, 42042, 42066, 42082, 42083, 42102, 42107, 42182, 42215, 42233, 42240, 42241, 42258, 42259, 42261, 42262, 42264, 42280, 42297, 42363, 42563, 42564, 42565, 42590, 42675, 42677, 42710, 42711, 42750, 42776, 42778, 42887, 42888, 42891, 42895, 42896, 42897, 42907, 42908, 42948, 42953, 42960, 43011, 43012, 43016, 43127, 43130, 43134, 43135, 43136, 43278, 43282, 43296, 43297, 43337, 43338, 43340, 43344, 43345, 43349, 43350, 43363, 43385, 43403, 43441, 43452, 43486, 43487, 43488, 43507, 43508, 43511, 43537, 43552, 43555, 43601, 43602, 43624, 43625, 43629, 43640, 43643, 43654, 43690, 43691, 43697, 43698, 43699, 43716, 43731, 43732, 43734, 43795, 43807, 43841, 43843, 43909, 43911, 43969, 43970, 43971, 43972, 44009, 44013, 44035, 44038, 44040, 44070, 44088, 44089, 44154, 44163, 44173, 44176, 44179, 44207, 44208, 44209, 44211, 44257, 44284, 44303, 44321, 44327, 44334, 44335, 44348, 44399, 44424, 44476, 44477, 44481, 44483, 44538, 44559, 44575, 44583, 44587, 44588, 44593, 44595, 44597, 44601, 44602, 44606, 44632, 44652, 44653, 44654, 44658, 44667, 44670, 44687, 44738, 44755, 44817, 44846, 44860, 44885, 44912, 44913, 44923, 44926, 44928, 44956, 45192, 48264, 48302, 48346, 48347, 48348, 48349, 48380, 48819, 48820, 48854, 48855, 48869, 48870, 48887, 48888, 48945, 48949, 48993, 48994, 48995, 48998, 49010, 49041, 49060, 49185, 49187, 49191, 49307, 49336, 49420, 49438, 49461, 49483, 49486, 49487, 49513, 49751, 49769, 49933, 49951, 49952, 49974, 49988, 49990, 49999, 50000, 50121, 50193, 50211, 50231, 50232, 50235, 50241, 50258, 50325, 50349, 50360, 50635, 50654, 50745, 50746, 50747, 50748, 50750, 50751, 50758, 50805, 50806, 50807, 50812, 50873, 50902, 50944, 50961, 50965, 50970, 50985, 50986, 51007, 51031, 51034, 51210, 51211, 51212, 51529, 51537, 52230, 53551, 53599, 53624, 53625, 53632, 53700, 53701, 53934, 53980, 54029, 54250, 54968, 54969, 54996, 55498, 55590, 55591, 55592, 55614, 55615, 55618, 55625, 55713, 55716, 55736, 55811, 55829, 56020, 56021, 56083, 56091, 56105, 56163, 56170, 56243, 56419, 56420, 56470, 56508, 56567, 56857, 57333, 57364, 57389, 57460, 57463, 57984, 58150, 58178, 61035, 61086, 61175, 62994, 63032, 63035, 63459, 63461, 63463, 63468";s:17:"total_match_count";i:652;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:5:"posts";s:12:"return_chars";i:200;}')

Line : 711
File : search.php

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