Can anyone point me in the direction or help me out with their ideas for the Tenets of the Pelorian faith. I have a Paladin of Pelor (PC) and a Cleric of Pelor (NPC) in my campaign that I would like to allow them to expand on the religious side of the characters but am at a loss as to exactly what the Tenets of Pelor would be. Especially the Paladin being that Pelor is NG and the Paladin is obviously LG.
Hope some of you can help. _________________ Cutter the Protector
Grugach God of Protection and Freedom
Details on how the church of Pelor operates (as well as other religions in the PHB) can be found in the DMG 3.5 p.145 under "The Pantheon and the Campaign Setting". There are more details under Pelor's entry in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (p. 178), including a type of "sermon" which all the the entries have. Other good souces, I think, would be Defenders of the Faith and Deities and Demigods. Of course there's also the plethora of older GH products too that might include details on the Pelorian faith.
As for paladins who's alignment differs a step from his patron deity, one thing to realize is that the paladin serves the concepts of Law and Good first and the tenets of his religion second. This is not so much a case with LG religions.
Did this help at all? :) _________________ "Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat (Those whom a god wishes to destroy he first drives mad)"
Ah, Pelor. My favorite Greyhawk God. He and his foloowers are detailed well in WotC's Deities & Demi Gods. But here is my take on the Sun Father.
His worshippers include farmers, commoners and healers. With the arrival of Mayaheine, the Sun Father has become more assertive and martial. It is now common to see fighters and warriors follow this old, Flannish deitiy. He is traditionally the sun god of the Flan people. But knowledge of him has steadily grown in recent centuries. Worship of Pelor was adopted by Oeridians moving east across the Flanaess.
Pelor's two most visible adages are "Aid Those in Need" and "Vanquish Evil." These two tenets are closely associated are meant to practiced together. True, Pelorian disciples are, whatever their class, nurturers and protectors. Official church priesthoods are always at work in charity and caring for the needy, sick, injured, suffering, and the unfortunate. The Sun Father's church builds orphanages, provides skilled midwives, establishes and maintains schools, and often officiate at funerals and weddings. At the same time, Pelorian followers strive to "Vanquish Evil." They must be ever vigilant against evil and the undead. The undead are abominations in Pelorian doctrine, and his priests are expected to do their utmost to destroy such perversions of life. After destroying undead, priests of Pelor invoke holy rites over remains in order to lay the creature's soul to rest.
Priests of Pelor favor yellow garb of varying shades, though many accentuate their yellow garb with accessories of gold, orange, white, and red - anything tasteful that represents the sun's radiance. Leaders, during official services, dress in yellow robes. High-level priests wear attire trimmed in gold. Many wear their hair long and loose in imitation of the rays of the sun, but it is often tied back or otherwise secured in situations where it could be dangerous or a nuisance. Male priests, especially older ones, often wear long beards. Some followers with exceptional zeal will die their hair and beards yellow to match their beloved Father.
Services to Pelor are held in tall, airy, bright temples with open courtyards and lots of windows and/or skylights. On sunny days, services are often held outdoors. Typical services consist of hymns, sermons, and prayers. _________________ Don (Greyson)
Excellent write up. I am going to shamelessly use this and check the other sources mention in this thread one thing I wauld like your inout on is this.
I know that Paladins are the bastions of Lawful Good and it would be alot easier to just say they must worship a LG Diety but I have came accross at least on official module where there is a Paladin of Pelor and I cant seem to get any concise input as to how worshipping a NG Diety would change the Paladins outlook. In one source book I read "Call of Duty" It puts forward the idea that there are three general types of Paladin. First there is the typical Lawful Good Paladin that strives to follow this path precisly. Then there is the Paladin that tends to slightly lean towards Law over good. then there is the Paladin that leans slightly to Good over Law. Know if you were to use these three types would there code of conduct differ slightly, bearing in mind that my game is a 3rd Ed game and Paldins dont have to be Cavaliers and have alot more options such as the use of ranged weapons and ambushes and other tactics that your typical 1st ed Paladin wouldnt use.
Anyway enough for now I look forward to your input. _________________ Cutter the Protector
Grugach God of Protection and Freedom
Interesting question, and tough to answer. There are so many interpretations and applications regarding the Lawful Good Paladin. Here is my take.
We don't use strict alignment rules in our D&D games. Characters are just people with all of their attendant shortcomings and imperfections. Our interpretation is that most of the gods are happy to recruit or convert as many followers as possible. Any possibility of the three "types" of paladin mentioned above are allowed and work well, in my estimation. But, the most important one is Good. We try to avoid the "Lawful Dumb" treatment of the paladin, so we place less emphasis on the Lawful side of alignment. A paladin's actions are acceptable as long as they are decidedly good, conducted in good faith, and in reasonable accordance with his or her deitiy's doctrine. And as long as the paladin strives to promote his faith and protect the honor, other members and property of his deity.
Gary Holian wrote an awesome treatment of Pelorian and Mayahienian paladins in Dragon #306. Get your hands on that issue if you can, it has great style-text in it regarding these two deities and more. _________________ Don (Greyson)
Tennant is a city in Iowa.
Tenant is someone who occupies rental property.
Tenet (or more awkwardly, Tenent) iis a doctrinal policy of an organization, such as a church.
I got my hands on Dragon #306. Great write up on the gods. But I seem to remember someone saying that part 2 to this was in a Dungeon mag. Does anyone know what number it is in. _________________ Cutter the Protector
Grugach God of Protection and Freedom
Cool, Cutter. And yes - the second part of Gary Holian's Paladins of Greyhawk is in Dungeon #104 from November of 2003. It too is just as good as part one. Part two has Hextorian, Hieronian and other paladins. _________________ Don (Greyson)
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