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questions about Zagig and The Ring of Five
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Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:32 am  
questions about Zagig and The Ring of Five

I am new to Greyhawk and through some reading, I have come across information and "rumors" about Zagig and The Ring of Five.

Can any give me some information on who are the members? and are they really rival of Circle of Eight?

Also, if this Ring of Five actually existed at one time. Is it still around today? (CY 591 and on)

Thank you!
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Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:42 pm  

Ring of Five is no longer present, currently. (591 CY)

It was founded by Zagyg in 422 CY.

Members were...

Keoghtom of Ointment fame
Tuerny the Merciless
Daern of Instant fortress fame
Evard of Black Tentacles fame

I also believe I have read somewhere that later, either the Mage (from Vale of the Mage) or his Drow servant had some form of membership within the ring.

I am assuming what you have read so far is from WGR1: Greyhawk Ruins?
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Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:51 pm  

What about Serten? I am sorry I am not fully functional..
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Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:55 am  

abysslin wrote:
Ring of Five is no longer present, currently. (591 CY)

It was founded by Zagyg in 422 CY.

Members were...

Keoghtom of Ointment fame
Tuerny the Merciless
Daern of Instant fortress fame
Evard of Black Tentacles fame

Eh? Really? Where's this mentioned (a gap in my Canon knowledge - ack!)? Embarassed

Had Tuerny escaped from the Abyss by this point?
And what's he doing working with Daern and vice versa?
What was the professed goal of this really rather weird collection of worthies? And had it anything to do with the imprisonment of the 9 demi-gods?

Most intrigued!
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Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:43 pm  

Try this site...

Once there, go to Organizations and you'll find an article on it.

Hope it helps.
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:37 am  

Ok - I had a look at the Holian article on the Codex site. It seems to have a few Canon issues (Tuerny as a Bakluni for starters). And there's no mention of Daern.

Is there any published Canon on the Ring of Five or is this a very interesting heresy?

To the ZavodaDex, I think...

Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:47 am  

Tuerny was a Baklunish male in Return of the Eight. He assumes this form as a disguise to his now Nalfashnee, Demon form.
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:53 am  

Woesinger wrote:
Is there any published Canon on the Ring of Five or is this a very interesting heresy?

WGR 1 Greyhawk Ruins is the canon resource to my knowledge as well as the LGG, iirc. Besides that Gary's article sums up a lot.
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:03 am  

Duicarthan wrote:
Tuerny was a Baklunish male in Return of the Eight. He assumes this form as a disguise to his now Nalfashnee, Demon form.

I certain Ro8 said he was originally Oeridian though. Aerdi in fact. Yeah - the Baklunish appearance was a disguise.

Must have a look at GH Ruins. Can't recalled any reference to the Ring of Five in the LGG (doesn't mean it's not there tho').

Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:55 am  

You're right, hes from Ahlissa as well. I looked it up, the Baklunish appearance is only a disguise.
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
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Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:20 am  

Woesinger wrote:
Ok - I had a look at the Holian article on the Codex site. It seems to have a few Canon issues (Tuerny as a Bakluni for starters). And there's no mention of Daern.

is the Codex back up? I thought it was down for a LONG time.


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Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:09 am  

I can't help noticing about 8 mages mentioned in this ring of 5 in the above posts. Who's correct? I do know the ring of 5 is mentioned in Greyhawk Ruins (PCs will actually meets some apprentices), but I don't have my copy with me right now.
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Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:59 pm  

Actually, the Codex is housed, but has not been catalouged, on CF! Gary let this slip a few weeks ago in a Greytalk (I think it was Gary).
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:11 pm  

I think WGR1 was where the Ring of Five were introduced. In that book the members are listed as Zagyg, The Black One of the Vale of the Mage, Leomund, Melf, and Serten.
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Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:11 am  

ScottG wrote:
I think WGR1 was where the Ring of Five were introduced. In that book the members are listed as Zagyg, The Black One of the Vale of the Mage, Leomund, Melf, and Serten.

My confussment mounts. So in canon, there's no mention of Daern, Tuerny, Evard and co?
OK - I need to make time to read GH Ruins.

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Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:10 pm  

I have the same notes as Abysslin, based on a blurb from Maldin's website, where he specifically notes WGR1 is in error. To each his own, I guess, or call the Canon Police again. Cool

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Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:11 am  

Thanks. This is great. So with all these rumors going around, I guess Ring of Five is actually even more secretive than Circle of Eight. Perhaps I will continue to dig into this shadowy past.

So the final words is that Ring of Five doesn't exist anymore, and their rivalry with Circle of Eight was actually minimal?

What I have read so far yes, majority was from Greyhawk Ruins, and other bits of info Embarassed

Thank You for all the infos!
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:41 pm  

akgigga wrote:
Thanks. This is great. So with all these rumors going around, I guess Ring of Five is actually even more secretive than Circle of Eight. Perhaps I will continue to dig into this shadowy past.

So the final words is that Ring of Five doesn't exist anymore, and their rivalry with Circle of Eight was actually minimal?

You are all correct! Well, ok, not exactly. Yes, the list that has been presented (including the date!!) is indeed from my Arcane Chronologies page on my website (and is most definitely not published canon), but let me explain.

While I consider WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins totally canonical (even more so then many on some of the interesting "DM only" backstories hidden all about the module), I really disliked the authors' choices for the Ring of Five. I thought it contained wizards from different "epochs" of Greyhawk history (and thus unlikely to ever have reason to associate), and people who had backstories that I felt were completely incompatible with each other (thus even less likely to go into such an important partnership).

The original Ring from the module includes "Zagig, The Black One of the Vale of the Mage, Leomund, Melf, and Serten". Most of these I consider recent, average (although high level) mages, and shouldn't have direct access to Zagig at all, never mind the secrets of whats under the Castle. Also, I felt there should be a specific pattern of alignments (because of my own theories as to what EXACTLY Zagig was up to), and those choices (according to my campaign) didn't fit either. Heck, they are all mostly still alive, and wouldn't have been alive when Zagig imprisoned the Nine. To be blunt, I thought the choices were massively idiotic, and - worse - arbitrary. They merely selected 4 famous mages out of hat (...err... the Players Handbook).

So I created my own Ring of Five of far more mysterious, more powerful beings from deeper in Greyhawk's history. I decided to use Zagig (N), Keoghtom (NG), Tuerny (CE), Daern (LN) and Evard (NE) for the Ring. Note that this was YEARS before later WotC product decided to (variously) demonize or deify several of those names. It should be noted here that WGR5:Iuz the Evil lists Zagyg, St.Cuthbert, Heward, Murlynd, Keoghtem and Kelanen as the beings that entrapped (or at least captured) Iuz. I choose not to follow that in my own campaign backstory, but I present it here for those who do follow that bit of canon. It should also be noted that, as either great minds think alike or fools seldom differ, Gary Holian independently came up with his own personal redescription of the Ring of Five that is eerily similar to my own list. Obvious, Gary and I must therefore be correct. ;-)

However, in the light of developments in canon AFTER I created that list all those many years ago, I've been meaning to revisit the Ring, and give it some further serious thought. Especially after whats been done with Tuerny. (Haven't gotten around to it because it hasn't been important to my campaign thus far, but eventually will be.) Clearly I need to work on a Ring of Five page for my website! :-)

As far as any players/PCs are concerned... you're absolutely correct. The actual Ring is so secretive, while some pretenders may foster rumors that they do, nobody knows who REALLY belongs to Ring of Five.

They do still exist, however. (In my campaign)

Denis, aka "Maldin"
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