Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:12 pm
[d20 GH] Iron Heroes Greyhawk
Now, this is a bit more of a stretch than some of the other pseudo-Greyhawk setting changes, but I am finding it works very well for my group. I am currently running Age of Worms Adventure path (check here for forum discussions about doing this in Greyhawk)using the Iron Heroes rules with a variant of the Elements of Magic magic system, shown in this Wiki. There are a few major differences between this and the default Greyhawk world. For one, magic items are much more rare, and correspondingly more powerful. The standard Greyhawk artifacts exist, but creating magic items requires an Epic/Divine level of power. For another, the demi-human races are a bit less common in human-populated areas (they tend to stay in their own lands). Finally, certain types of magic are much more difficult to accomplish (teleport/plane shift is Epic, and flying is high level), while others are easier (a first level Arcanist with Spell Mastery in Ice can create a 20' wide Wall of Ice that lasts for 10 rounds). I am having to tweak with some of the history (since resurrection magic is all but impossible), but Greyhawk really fits! Opinions?
Malachias Invictus