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Poll: Why I didn’t participate in Postfest:

Why I didn’t participate in Postfest:
I needed a break
 3%  [ 1 ]
Topic was too difficult to write for
 0%  [ 0 ]
Topic was not of interest to me
 3%  [ 1 ]
I’ve been too busy with other things
 33%  [ 11 ]
I’m nervous about writing an article for the first time
 24%  [ 8 ]
I’d rather put my creative efforts into Eberron/Faerun/et al
 0%  [ 0 ]
I’d rather write articles on my own schedule
 12%  [ 4 ]
I’m not into writing articles
 3%  [ 1 ]
No chance of “winning”
 3%  [ 1 ]
Other (explain)
 18%  [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 33

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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:02 pm  
Poll: Why I didn’t participate in Postfest:

Let us see about some data on this issue ...
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:05 pm  

I almost didn't submit an article in the last postfest. Due to a family emergency, I had to stop on a halfway written article. It was only because the deadline was extended that I got one in.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:08 pm  

One reason I can see to plug into the "other" category is that for the law few postfests, the articles just didn't get much air time. Although there is a link or two, you have to go looking for them. That is a little discouraging.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:25 pm  

I tend to worry too much about getting my facts straight. There are so many people who know SO MUCH about GH that it is daunting. You don't want people to say 'that's not right'... (not that I should really expect it, but you want your stuff to be accepted Wink )
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:31 pm  

I am in the nervous category and uncertain about the approach fro articles I would write.
My main strength is in rewriting and adaptation. I try to be thorough research, in using my sources, and in research stick to them

I am nervous because I do not know the things that I would be able to write about would be of interest to others. I am more a rules mechanics sort of person. As an example, I am not comfortable and perhaps not sufficiently imaginative enough to write say the history of the Gradsul CY300-CY350. I am comfortable however with fleshing converted CY576 encounter tables based off the original WOG boxed set and 1E DMG in order so it may conform to 3E or 3.5E rules (one of my many GH conversion "projects" currently), then from there be able to tell you the Average EL of a region.

I would not necessarily be of service if given a specific "project" to write about.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:33 pm  

For me it was a combination of:

a) some topics (depending on which postfest) were not that interesting; I found the topics overly narrow;

b) I like to write on my own schedule and, if I have other projects going, a postfest might not fit, particularly if it is highly specialized; and

c) a case of follow-the-leader, when I saw others not seeing a postfest as something they were going to participate in, I felt less need to participate.

No one, of course, has to participate but I tend to look forward to seeing people participate. The more the merrier.

In this line, we all doubtless have favorites whose work we like to see and not to exclude any others, but, for me, one of the people I look forward to reading is Chatdemon, who in my book is Mr. Canonfire. He has done so much for this site and done it so well for so long that to me he is Mr. Canonfire. When he absents himself, I note the absence and miss his participation. I find his work always makes me think. It has an "inner life" that I always find holds surprises. Again, this is not to discount others work, as CF is blessed with many fine writers. I do, however, look forward to Chatdemon's work among others.
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:58 pm  

no time, I have been icnredibly busy lately, still I was planning on submitting, but simply ran out of time.... ironically with CF decideing not to run a summer postfest, they are cutting out the timeframe when I have the most free time. Sad
CF Admin

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:02 pm  
Too Scared

Put me in with the too nervous or scared group. I actually had a postfest article but refrained from posting it. There are some serious Greyhawk experts out there. Even as a Living Greyhawk triad member, I am not one of these experts.

I was thinking about a Postfest where a contributor writes about what he or she wants - a non-topical Postfest. Further, there would be no word count limits, since we don't enforce that, anyway. But, does that seem too close to what the general articles are on the site's home page?
Don (Greyson)
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Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:35 pm  

No time and prefer to write articles on my own schedule (when I have time).

One of the joys of my own article series is that they conform only lightly to established Greyhawk fact; I've never been intimidated by other people's greater Greyhawk lore, instead only looking at the events of my campaigns. Greyhawk as it could be if you started with the 1983 boxed set, then took influences from later products as you saw fit.

Merric Blackman
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Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:52 pm  
Re: Too Scared

Greyson wrote:
Put me in with the too nervous or scared group. I actually had a postfest article but refrained from posting it. There are some serious Greyhawk experts out there. Even as a Living Greyhawk triad member, I am not one of these experts.

I was thinking about a Postfest where a contributor writes about what he or she wants - a non-topical Postfest. Further, there would be no word count limits, since we don't enforce that, anyway. But, does that seem too close to what the general articles are on the site's home page?

Maybe after this thread has run a few days and the info is in as to why, we can start up a thread on the "nervous" factor, or other ones, but one in particular. I very much think that should not be a factor, but I understand it.

Although I think topical is the way to go and has been based on the desire/purpose of the original 'fests to fill in an area, if there is nothing that particularly needs to be filled in, and the desire is to boost content overall, it sound fine to me. I agree with GVD that part of the fun is just being part of the 'fest, rather than having something to say on a particular topic. Some of the topic (most IMO) and have been so broad anyway, that I have not found them limiting. One of the things I did like about the topics was that it gave some kind of direction, but I do not think I need it.
Master Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:00 pm  

Definately too busy. I've got a bunch of stuff I would like to get on CF anyway, something like three articles almost ready to go and no time to finish them, and maybe another ten things in various stages of prep.

But the kids and work take precedence. :)
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:01 pm  

Sorry to appear dim...

What was the topic of the last Postfest? Or is this a more general poll about all Postfests?
CF Admin

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:08 pm  
Adventure in Greyhawk

OldManReaver wrote:
What was the topic of the last Postfest? Or is this a more general poll about all Postfests?
The last Postfest asked participants to write an adventure in Greyhawk, or an outline of such.

And, I think this poll is an effort to discuss low participation with the last three Postfests. So, it applies to Postfests in general, but perhaps the last few in particular.
Don (Greyson)
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:19 pm  


Ok, at the risk of being boring (and avoiding any duck references) what were the previous Postfest about? - or are they gathered together somewhere?

I can't see any obvious search facility on the Forums.
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:19 pm  
Postfest suggestions

I'll repeat what I said on another thread,

I thought that we overdid Postfests a bit last year, with three topics coming on all at the same time. It was just too much to try to contribute to more then one at a time.

As far as the 'first time poster' factor:

Maybe we can have a special Postfest for first time submittors only. Don't know if that would draw a lot of people, but we could float the idea out on Greytalk or the WotC forums and see if that generates any interest. By and large the Postfests could be the best way for a new comer to test the waters. I think they should be about once or twice a year, with a nice long period of build up and hyped on all the GH forums.

CF Admin

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:22 pm  

OldManReaver wrote:
... what were the previous Postfest about? - or are they gathered together somewhere?
You may view all of the Postfest entries for each fest HERE. We've had Postfests for Mysterious Places, Adventures in Greyhawk, Magic and Magical Items, Villains and Foils and Creatures, to name the ones I administered. All in Greyhawk, of course.

OldManReaver, I deleted the "duck" post you made because I had an initial suspision that your ID was a Netbot making random posts to this forum. We get that sometimes... sorry. Confused

Enjoy reading the former Postfest.[/url]
Don (Greyson)
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:31 pm  

Amen Merric, couldn't have said it better myself.
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Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:43 pm  

I've missed only one PF thus far since joining this site(I guess my answer would be I needed a break). In fact, my first article for CF was a Postfest. I overcame both rookie authoring and intimidation of canon in one fell stroke. Since then I do what Merric is saying I guess, an article series of my own schedule and working in a niche that is comfortable with respect to canon.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:02 pm  

I'm generally in agreement with Merric (where lack of time and preferring to write on my own time are concerned), and with Greyson and NathanBrazil where the "initimidation factor" is concerned. I have a huge library of D&D stuff spanning all editions, probably own 90%+ of official Greyhawk sources in one format or another, and have been "playing the game" for 20 years... that having been said, I've had very little time to play ever since I started university back in 1991 and subsequently got into the labour force, only to find that my schedule of free time seldom matches that of my gaming buddies. Also, gaming is not the only hobby in my life -- I cycle to work and back (1.5 hours a day--by the time I'm home, I've made dinner, done the dishes, talked to the girlfriend on the phone, etc., I haven't got much time or energy left!), go hiking, traveling, etc. etc. The result? I'm only now starting my very first "true" and hopefully longterm Greyhawk campaign, and will be dealing with many classic villains and storylines that the Greyhawk loremasters on these boards already seem bored/disenchanted with (as the "overused villains" poll would indicate). My priority therefore lies first and foremost in putting time into my own game... so that my friends and I can actually play once in a while!

Second, I've had very little time to actually read the stuff in my collection, and being something of a perfectionist, I hate the idea of putting alot of work into an article only to find out later that I forgot a few key references (which likely will result in said work being torn to shreds by the local experts). I must admit that while I admire the work of many of the authors/posters on these boards, and that I have received good suggestions when starting the occasional thread, I find that the general tone of the Canonfire message boards can sometimes seem less cordial than the tone on other sites (I also frequent the Ravenloft Fraternity of Shadows website, which I have found to be considerably "friendlier"... and as a result, I recently contributed a fair bit of material to one of their netbooks).

That having been said, I have been working on original material for my Greyhawk campaign (set in 575CY), which I was thinking of submitting to Canonfire... but again, the initimidation factor comes into play (I also doubt that the material would transcend my campaign well enough to be of interest to others). Conversely, the lack of truly constructive feedback that articles tend to generate is likewise uninspiring (okay, so they gave it an average rating of 2 stars... on what basis?). I welcome a good critique, as it's the only way to move forward and grow... but how that criticism is articulated is crucial to determining whether someone will want to stick their neck out.

Finally, while some people may look forward to the avalanche of materials that comes out of a Postfest, I'm also more likely to miss the really cool stuff that is posted during that time because there is simply so damn much of it posted all at once. And, admittedly, some themes did not pique my interest. I did start writing an article for the Postfest on "villains and foils"... but ran out of time due to the intrusion of real life, and just never finished the article.

So there you have it, a long-winded explanation for my lack of participation... guess I could have written an article in the time it took me to write that, eh?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:41 am  
Why I didn't participate

I couldn't think of a damn thing to submit. I wrote a good four or five outlines and ended up scrapping them as done or dull.
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:24 pm  

For me, I hate to admit, it's both a lack of time and a lack of energy. My own university studies and part-time/summer jobs, to say nothing of the readings and writings I do in my free time, all drain a lot of time and energy I might be able to use writing Greyhawk material, but I've just been too drained recently. I do have a couple of ideas, but as for right now, I just need a break, and don't have the time to write even if I want to.
<div align="left">Going to war without Keoland is like going to war without a pipe organ.&nbsp; They both make a lot of noise and they're both a lot of dead weight, so what's the point in taking them along?&nbsp;</div>

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Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:04 pm  

Lack of time, resources and enough knowledge of WoG to make a proper attempt at actually writing something worth submitting. I do appreciate all those that have contributed to Canonfire. Thank you. I have read and enjoyed many of your articles. In the near future, I am planning on making time to do the research and find the proper resources to write something worth submitting.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:40 am  

I am nervous about writing an article and showing my ignorance especially given the scholars that post regularly on canonfire.

Also I still play 2nd ed. which I am comfortable with and haven't tried to understand 3rd which could make writing an article difficult.

I am not quite ready to publicly make a fool of myself yet Wink

Last edited by Crag on Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:44 am  

I don't come to this site more than once a week and don't really remember a Postfest listing... Not that I have time for such. Perhaps it needs more emphasis?
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:39 pm  

Grayson, Crag guys - I've read your posts in the forums and in my view you are as knowlegeable as any one else on this site!

Don't forget - this land is all fantasy so we can mold it as needed. If you're worried that some grognard will nit pick your article, just do what I do, write into your article that there are "other truths out there". Just as in the whole "Chronicals of Secret Times" (and in our own world) history is written by the winners. Suffice to say, a spin free history of the Scarlet Brotherhood or Keoland would most likely be very different then what any published material would say. So you can simply write off small inconsistancies with published histories as "this is the way the story REALLY went.."

So don't stop yourself from posting. Once you take the plunge it gets easier. Now I can't speak for very many other sites, but I've had a great experience in this site. Nobody gave me a tough time on any of my articles, the criticism was constructive. If I have a problem, it is that not enough people critique the articles.

Bottom line, we could all use more points of view and takes on things. I've found it to be fun and it's a great feeling to see your stuff out on the site.

Master Greytalker

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Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:10 pm  

I have written something for every single post fest, and in nearly every instance I have missed the posting deadline... usually by a week or so. This comes from being a slow writer and a busy schedule.

I like the idea of a single annual post fest... One where the subject is announced far in advance, and where a large article can be submitted if one chooses. Lets choose a topic by say Christmas. By April each person is required to submit their title and maybe an abstract (5 sentances).

The Articles are due by Thanksgiving. Each submitter is assigned a random number and a new article is posted every two days till they are done. Then we vote.

Just a thought.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:28 am  

Just to get the other side in, I would prefer more postfests. Perhaps 3 a year is too much for a reasonable turnout. What about 2 a year? BTW, what is a reasonable turnout? Although there were only 3 on the last one and it had to be extended to get that, I very glad it was held.

Also, to follow up on O-D statement, "not enough people critique the articles." That, IMO, was one of the advantages of having a winner. It made readers look and compare, which I think resulted in some comments. I would prefer to go back to a competition, but assuming that will not happen, are their other opportunities to encourage comment. Just to through it out, what about a pop up that forces you to click on a button that says "haven't finished reading" or a vote score? Just a thought.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:29 am  

Wolfsire wrote:
Just to get the other side in, I would prefer more postfests. Perhaps 3 a year is too much for a reasonable turnout. What about 2 a year? BTW, what is a reasonable turnout? Although there were only 3 on the last one and it had to be extended to get that, I very glad it was held.

Also, to follow up on O-D statement, "not enough people critique the articles." That, IMO, was one of the advantages of having a winner. It made readers look and compare, which I think resulted in some comments. I would prefer to go back to a competition, but assuming that will not happen, are their other opportunities to encourage comment. Just to through it out, what about a pop up that forces you to click on a button that says "haven't finished reading" or a vote score? Just a thought.

I agree with this. The only addition I'd make is that IMO a reasonable turnout is at least 12 people. That makes it feel like a community event and not an isolated one, IMO.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Jan 05, 2002
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:53 pm  

For those who want to post but are intimidated at having their canon "mistakes" noticed more than their creativity...

Why not post a "draft" of your work to the reader's workshop forum?
That is less read than the main page, and would give you a chance to work the bugs out before you presented to the group as a whole.
My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.&nbsp;
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:57 am  

Lets try out these wheels:

Draft Article on Plars,
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:29 pm  

From Dec. ‘04

abysslin wrote:
1. I'm not submitting to Canonfire in fear of my work not being accepted.

What? If your work pertains to Greyhawk, it has a 99.9% chance of being accepted. In all of Canonfire's history only 1 article was rejected and that was moreso because it had nothing to do with Greyhawk and when the editors contacted the author in an attempt to help him adjust the article to better fit the boundaries of Greyhawk, there was no reply.

We want your contributions. Without sharing eachother's ideas, Greyhawk runs the risk of dying. You wouldn't want that, would you? Me neither...

2. The Canonfire Staff might not like my work bcuz they are writing Pros. There's no way I can measure up...

lol, with the exception of Gary Holian, none of us are pros (hey! I'm just a freelancer who got lucky and cares about GH way too much... -glh). We're just a bunch of losers with too much time on our hands, enabling us to slave away in order to bring Canonfire to the fans. Most of the Staff hasn't even submitted more than a couple of articles, if any! (Slackers)

3. I'm afraid if my ideas suck, people will make fun of my work.

Eww, no way! Canonfire only allows constructive feedback and most of the time that is what you'll receive. We, as a community, want to help one another get better at writing.

4. Hmmm.. sure looks like these Canonfire contributors know what they're talking about. My submission would probably not garner very much attention.

True, submissions receive a very diverse amount of attention. However, I assure you, there are things even the newest Greyhawker can come up with that will surprise the old codgers.

I'm going to use WightNight (WN) as an example here. (sorry, bud) During Postfest II (Mysterious Places), WN wanted to submit something, but he was feeling a little intimidated by the other contributors and didn't think he knew enough about any locale to write a piece on it.
I let him in on a little secret; If you write about something that has never been covered before, then you are the one that will be creating it and there will be no basis behind which to contest it.
He read the few paragraphs in WGR7: Ivid the Undying about Goldchasm, and decided to write a piece expanding on what little information was available.
His work ended up being one of the more popular postfest submissions!

5. I'm just not very good at writing. I don't think anybody will like my stuff.

BING! (that's the WRONG buzzer)

If you are afraid of your spelling and grammer skills, forget about it. That's what the editors are for. We will work closely with you to ensure your article receives the presentation it deserves.

If you are afraid that you can not present your ideas very well in a written fashion, submit them anyway! The Canonfire users are more than great at giving constructive criticism and feedback and would enjoy helping you become a better writer. That's what the Canonfire community is all about. Helping you share your Greyhawkian ideas and becoming better at conveying your contributions.

6. I better not join in on Thursday's GreyChats, I'd embarass myself not knowing anything.

Oh you! More reason to show up! The group loves to explain answers to questions and discuss Greyhawk. Get your rear to the Chat and ask away! Time to learn...

7. Damn It! Even with the directions, I still can't figure out how to join those Chats.

Contact me, or anyone else that participates in the Chat and we'll do all we can to get you in there!

My AIM is Abysslin and my email is

We'll get you in there!

8. Hmm, I'm just going to lurk on the Canonfire forums. I don't think my ideas are valid enough or my points of view will be discarded.

lol, what are you thinking!? You better start posting to the forums! We need a diverse amount of opinions and ideas in our discussions! Isn't that the point of forums? You bet it is!

If you have something you wanna discuss, chances are others will wanna discuss it too. Let's get involved here, people!

9. Ok, well I have submitted an article and it's been a few weeks... My article still hasn't been published..they must not like it..

Please be patient. There are always a number of articles in the line-up and, for the most part, they are published on a "1st come, 1st serve" basis. If there are a large number of articles in the line-up it could take up to 2 months or so before your article will hit the frontpage. It may seem like a long time, but it sure feels good when yours is finally featured! Wink

10. Dang, I can't figure out how to use 'X' feature of Canonfire or understand what 'X' is for and how it works...

Please, ask.

Also, your question may be answered by perusing the (somewhat out-of-date) FAQ

11. Wow! I really like this article I just read.

Well then, leave the author feedback in way of a comment! Even if its just a "hey, I like this article, thanks."

If it really struck you, consider opening a thread about the article in the Reader's Workshop

Alot of work and effort goes into alot of submissions. Authors will appreciate any comment or feedback you have to offer, no matter how simple or in-depth.

Also, to the right of each article is a link that will redirect you to a Printer Friendly Version of the article which is very convienent for that procedure!

Maraudar wrote:
Great advice Abysslin. I know that for myself I get worried everytime I post that someone might poke fun at it. Silly little worry I admit but it never fails I post or reply and the worry demons start crawling up my back saying "hahahahaha they are going to laugh at you and rip you apart!!" All this and I write reports for a living . I'd love to write an article myself but I know it would come across like a crime scene report, dry and boring and way to technical So I appreciate the fears that others have when the want to do the same. And you were right on the money in #3.

PSmedger wrote:
PSmedger prepares a bucket of pig's blood for Marauder's trip to the prom.... ;-)

Maraudar wrote:
Finally a use for the protection from normal missles spell

Too busy 35%, nervous 25%, and the latter being 8 people.

Well, I am glad that smillan_31 found my Plar footnotes inspirational, but did not get a good feel on the idea of using the readers workshop for drafts. Hopefully, knowing it is out there will help.

8 people declined to participate in the last postfest because they were nervous. 8 articles by itself would not be a huge postfest response, but it would not be a bad one and would, IMO, be worth it. If we can get those 8 to post, in addition to those who now have the time, that would be a good show. Plus, once the initial nervousness is gone, it will be easier to post later.

So, I think she should take direct aim at this issue with the next postfest.

So, here are some ideas to overcome that issue:

1. Heresies of Oerth- you cannot get canon wrong on this one
2. Joint projects- guaranteed to have someone covering you back with a co-author or silent editor. I am certainly no canon expert, but I will volunteer to help.
3. Orcwrit- woryed bout spellink, grammer, ect., mess pu on purpose as park of a in-charecter presention. Or use other in character presentations, any problems can be attributed to the character. You may want to add some “mistakes” on purpose.
4. Short works- just because you can go to two pages (or longer), does not mean you have to. One of my favorite works was only half a page. I have gotten board reading some of my longer posts.
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