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Canonfire :: View topic - How to scale the map in Tomb of Horrors to 1" squares?
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How to scale the map in Tomb of Horrors to 1" squares?
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Kobold Pinata

Joined: Oct 18, 2002
Posts: 92
From: Melbourne, Australia

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Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:10 pm  
How to scale the map in Tomb of Horrors to 1" squares?

I'm going to be running the Tomb of Horrors 3.5 ed update for a bunch of players and have had the idea of going to kinkos with the PDF and getting them to scale it onto larger paper so that I can use minis and 3D traps and walls from World Works with the original map as a base. I can edit out the DM only information on them so it'll be really sweet.

But I have zero idea what size to scale it up to. I'm no good at math so I haven't even bothered to try and figure it out. Figured if someone else could, then this could be helpful to not just me, but anyone wanting to run the adventure with minis.
In more modern times, only Delglath of Rinloru is known to have crafted any items from the stone of this atrocious place. Even masters of the dark arts such as Xaene and Karoolck would hesitate to follow.
Kobold Pinata

Joined: Oct 18, 2002
Posts: 92
From: Melbourne, Australia

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Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:15 pm  

Bah, forget about it. I worked it out that you have to increase it 958.49% which makes the resolution of it crap.

Better off just creating the whole thing in World Works.
In more modern times, only Delglath of Rinloru is known to have crafted any items from the stone of this atrocious place. Even masters of the dark arts such as Xaene and Karoolck would hesitate to follow.

Joined: Feb 17, 2005
Posts: 3

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Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:24 am  

Unless your players expect stunning, full-color, professional-quality battle maps, why not just use an easel pad with 1-inch grid, and hand draw? It is time-consuming, but you can be sure to get the scale exact. Office Depot, Staples, and probably any office supply store sells these 1-inch grid easel pads for under $20, and each pad has 50 sheets, 27" by 34" (big enough to map out a few rooms at a time, while small enough to leave room on a dining room table for books, character sheets, snacks, dice, etc.).
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