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How do you pronounce...
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Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:53 pm  
How do you pronounce...

Touv? Do you say "tuuv", "tohv", "towv", "toh-uuv", or "Bubba ho-tep"? I'm just curious. Other WoG words I'm interested in people's pronunciation on: suloise, suel, drow, Telchur (and Telchuria), Tehn, duergar, flanaess, rhenee. I know how I say these things, and it works for me, I'm just curious as to other's views.
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Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:33 pm  
Re: How do you pronounce...

Master Greytalker

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:35 am  

Yay! A how-do-you pronounce thread! Smile

Either The Adventure Begins or the Players Guide to Greyhawk (both out of print - though PDFs should be available at Paizo or somewhere) has canon pronouciations for most of these.

This, however, takes all the fun out of a how-do-you pronounce thread by removing grounds for folk to argue over their own particular pronounciations. Happy

Here's mine:

sool-OY-z (yeah I know the other one is correct, but it's the way I've always said it).
DROW (rhymes with cow).
DOOR-gar (or DER-gar if you're German, I suppose)
fla-NAY-ss (yeah I know this is probably not correct either - Caeser isn't SAY-ser after all).
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:17 am  

I would pronounce Tenh like ten, but with a longer "e", not like "teen".
And I always pronounced Duergar du-er-gar, although dwer-gar is probably better.
Woesinger asked about german pronunciation, so here you have my comment. It should been written "dwergar" to be pronounced "dwer-gar"in german. And while I´m at it, Drau would be the german spelling for Drow if it is to be pronounced correctly. If this evokes connotations to the draug, its probably not by chance.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:21 am  

Woesinger wrote:

sool-OY-z (yeah I know the other one is correct, but it's the way I've always said it).

I pronounce it the same way and I too know it's wrong, but I just can't make myself NOT say it like that.

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:10 pm  
Re: How do you pronounce...

gargoyle wrote:
Touv? Do you say "tuuv", "tohv", "towv", "toh-uuv", or "Bubba ho-tep"? I'm just curious. Other WoG words I'm interested in people's pronunciation on: suloise, suel, drow, Telchur (and Telchuria), Tehn, duergar, flanaess, rhenee. I know how I say these things, and it works for me, I'm just curious as to other's views.

TOUV: "Two of." As in "I'll have two of those biscuits."

SULOISE: "Sool-oh-WEEZ."

DROW: Rhymes with "cow."

TELCHUR: Tell-churr. Same consonant sounds as "teacher."

TENH: Ten.

DUERGAR: Dwair-gurr. Hard "g," slightly rolled "r."


RHENNEE: Rhymes with "when, May?"
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:00 pm  

Drow. With a long "O". Why?

Crow. Throw. Row. All words with an -ow diphthong and an r immediately preceding.

Not cow. Or wow. Or meow. That's just silly or something.

Since the great EGG wrote in English, I must assume he used these standards. If otehrwise, I would think Drow should be spelled "droww," as in "Oww, that hurt, you ##%^&@!!"

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Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:10 pm  

Dragon #93 (and everything subsequent) confirmed that the proper pronuciation of drow does, indeed, make it rhyme with cow. The "R" doesn't change how the following dipthong is pronounced.
Master Greytalker

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Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:15 pm  

callmeAndydammit wrote:
Drow. With a long "O". Why?

Crow. Throw. Row. All words with an -ow diphthong and an r immediately preceding.

Not cow. Or wow. Or meow. That's just silly or something.

Since the great EGG wrote in English, I must assume he used these standards. If otehrwise, I would think Drow should be spelled "droww," as in "Oww, that hurt, you ##%^&@!!"

How about brow? brown? crown? drown? frown? growl? prow? prowl? All of these words have an -ow diphthong and an r immediately preceding.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:38 pm  

I've got one to add. What ever became of the Ixitxachitl?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:07 am  

CBorg wrote:
I've got one to add. What ever became of the Ixitxachitl?

They probably died out, because they were subjected to a surprise attack and had trouble getting allies to come:

King Of Allied State: "Why have you come, messenger?"

Messenger: "My liege, we must send support troops at once! Our allies are in grave danger!"

King of Allied State: "Which allies?"

Messenger: "The Ixtoxi... the Ixiwotso... the Ixititizwots... Never mind... I'll go away now..."


Were they the piranha men from one of the old monster books?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:11 am  

DMPrata wrote:

How about brow? brown? crown? drown? frown? growl? prow? prowl? All of these words have an -ow diphthong and an r immediately preceding.

Quite right. Arguments from analogous spelling do not get very far in English:

Beware of heard,
A dreadful word,
That looks like beard
And sounds like bird
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:45 am  

rasgon wrote:
Dragon #93 (and everything subsequent) confirmed that the proper pronuciation of drow does, indeed, make it rhyme with cow. The "R" doesn't change how the following dipthong is pronounced.

And according tho the Greyhawk Player's Guide, drow rhymes with either how or crow.
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:51 pm  

As to drow, I've always said it "DROH" instead of "DRAU" (or, rhyming with "crow" instead of "cow") simplu because its what leapt to mind first, and it sounds more sinister or intimidating that way. "DRAU" to me sounds just silly. "Suel" and "suloise" always hit me as French looking, thus "SUUL" (with that franco-german "UU" sound that most English speakers don't understand, as in "tu") and "suhl-WAHZ" (with that wonderful french "WA" sound for "oi", as in "moi"). Touv I say as "TUH-ov", like "two of", although that's probably linguistically incorrect. Just an interesting little bit of discussion. Smile
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:41 pm  
Those Dreadful Drow!!

First, maybe those dreadful elves just wanted to confuse us all and picked the most horrible name possible. Maybe, it means "those foolish humans" in their language!

Second ... I would consider the original author's intent. Yes, we know the Player's Guide to Greyhawk says that it could be pronounced either way. But on that note, one can say either toh-may-toe or too-mah-toe, too. Also, I think that it had alot to do with popular usage, and they didn't want to say that anyone was wrong just because they said it one way or another.

If the author was trying to convey "droh", it could have been spelled many other ways. The only way to get a reader to pronounce reliably it with an "ow" at the end is to use the "w". Were he to intend dro, droh, drough, or droe, he would have spelled it that way.

Just my $.02 worth. It's all fun, and if I heard you say it different, I wouldn't giggle any more than if I heard someone say "In-SURE-ance" instaed of "IN-sure-ance", "or "pitcher" instead of "picture". It's all regional dialects, if you ask me. Although, I think that we have R.A. Salvatore to thank for all this!
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:27 am  

R A Salvatore is a hack who was told to write waht TSR wanted. :) His "developement" of the drow was only according to the wishes of the powers that be. I know a lot of people like his work, but I think its drivel (but so are most RPG novels). Still, the problem with the pronunciation of "drow" is that the majority of us speak (american) english. In english, words ending in -ow might be pronounced AU or OH. For some clarification, according to wikipedia: "Drow (pronounced either /draʊ/, rhymes with "now", or /droʊ/, rhymes with "throw") is a mythical elf-like creature in Scottish folklore which lived in caves and forged magical metal work." It then goes further to say: "The word is a variant of the Scots term "trow", which itself derives from the Scandinavian word "troll". The original Scottish Gaelic word is pronounced "dtrow" with a soft "dt" sound, and the original pronunciation sounds similar to "troll." "
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Master Greytalker

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:53 am  

Prochytes wrote:
CBorg wrote:
I've got one to add. What ever became of the Ixitxachitl?

They probably died out, because they were subjected to a surprise attack and had trouble getting allies to come:

King Of Allied State: "Why have you come, messenger?"

Messenger: "My liege, we must send support troops at once! Our allies are in grave danger!"

King of Allied State: "Which allies?"

Messenger: "The Ixtoxi... the Ixiwotso... the Ixititizwots... Never mind... I'll go away now..."


Were they the piranha men from one of the old monster books?

Sahaugin are the piranha men - Ixitxachitl are more like manta-rays

Happy to know both are found within the Dramidj Ocean - articles coming soon Wink
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:33 pm  
Re: How do you pronounce...

gargoyle wrote:
Touv? Do you say "tuuv", "tohv", "towv", "toh-uuv", or "Bubba ho-tep"? I'm just curious. Other WoG words I'm interested in people's pronunciation on: suloise, suel, drow, Telchur (and Telchuria), Tehn, duergar, flanaess, rhenee. I know how I say these things, and it works for me, I'm just curious as to other's views.

Touv: I asked SKR about this at GenCon a couple years ago, and he said "Touv" is pronounced "tOHv" (rhymes with "grove").

Suloise: "soo-low-eez."

Suel: "sool" or "soo-ul" (both sound similar).

Drow: Per Frank Mentzer's ""Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd" in Dragon #93, it can rhyme with either "cow" or "throw." I have always used the former, and I think WotC also endorses the same as "official."

Telchur: I think the LGG has this as something like Tell-Chur (rhymes with "Hell Purr"), so Telchuria would be "tell-chur-ee-uh."

Tehn: "Ten", just like the numeral.

Duergar: The Mentzer article has it as "DEW-ur-gar."

Flanaess: Mentzer has it as "fla-NES," though I've often heard (& sometimes used) "fla-nay-es."

Rhennee: I've used both "Ren-ee" & "Ren-ay."

Plus a couple of my own:

Gnoll: "Nawl" (rhymes with "ball"), occasionally "nohl" (as in the grassy kind).

Kobold: "Ka-bold", rarely "koh-bold."

As an aside, I consider any differences in pronunciation to be due to different dialects in-game. Though most peoples, including surface elves, would rhyme drow with "cow," a few very well might rhyme it with "throw."
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:39 pm  

CBorg wrote:
I've got one to add. What ever became of the Ixitxachitl?

Once again, the Mentzer article proves its timelessness (& it's full of GH goodness, too, I might add):

Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:41 pm  

Crag wrote:

Sahaugin are the piranha men - Ixitxachitl are more like manta-rays

Per Mentzer:


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Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:50 pm  
Re: How do you pronounce...

Robbastard wrote:
Gnoll: "Nawl" (rhymes with "ball"), occasionally "nohl" (as in the grassy kind).

In the Mentzer basic set, gnolls were said to be crossbreeds of gnomes and trolls, which should give a clue how he thought the word should be pronounced.

I've always read it as rhyming with troll for that reason.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:03 am  

Robbastard wrote:
Crag wrote:

Sahaugin are the piranha men - Ixitxachitl are more like manta-rays

Per Mentzer:


Sa-ha-UU-i-gan (although the second and third sylables get mushed together, and often the second gets dropped entirely, esp. when speaking quickly). Although the above pronunciation is likely more correct.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:25 pm  

DROW pronounce Dark elf. Happy
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