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Spelljammers, Serraine, and Warforged
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Master Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:47 pm  
Spelljammers, Serraine, and Warforged

With all the talk of crashed spaceships, how about some of the magical equivalents?

Spelljammers are established in Greyhawk, both from Greyspace and WGR 1 Greyhawk Ruins.
We can do a snatch and grab on the flying city of Serraine from Mystara to add some single person ships. The city itself is a great super-base along the lines of Sky Captain and the Flanaess of Tomorrow.
And that is a perfect lead into have a bunch of warforged on Serraine, or as creations of the mad SB alchemist they are trying to stop.
We can even steal the Princess Ark from Mystara, and send some Aerdy Princeling wandering around the world on a super spelljammer-yacht.

I'm seeing some major potential here if we just step up and exploit it. Of course, the Keoish Royal Air Force will whup everybody. Cool
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Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:28 pm  

City of the Gods: instead of a super city ship or whatever it is, in Arnesob's take, it could be the ruins of a fallen cloud castle akin to the Cloud Giant 'Sakhut' in Liberation of Geoff but perhaps more advanced in building material, along the level of the Doomgrinder-Star Cairns magi-tech. Wolfgang Baur's touches on the City's civilization in Raiders of the Black Ice and the Clockwork fortress also provide a more magi-tech feel than hard scifi.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:34 am  

I thought Blackmoor as Sharn was just fine. Wink
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:51 pm  
Re: Spelljammers, Serraine, and Warforged

Samwise wrote:
We can do a snatch and grab on the flying city of Serraine from Mystara to add some single person ships.

If you want single person ships then why not use ones specifically designed for Greyspace instead? Beyond the Moons (the official Spelljammer website) has a section for Greyspace and a guy called Jim D. has designed a ship called the Dragon Raider that carries five one person ships called Drakes.

According to Jim D. the Dragon Raider ships are built by The Kingdom of Aerdy, so all you have to do to get some Drakes is decide where they are built and send your PCs on a raid. Of course if they don't have any spellcasting ability (or the Drakes don't have helms in them) they won't be able to take off and if they don't have any spelljamming experience they won't know where to go. (And if the PCs do manage to steal some Drakes then they will probably be persued across Greyspace by The Kingdom of Aerdy.)
David 'Big Mac' Shepheard<br />My Greyhawk links:;t=9355<br />(If I am not here, you can find me at the Greyhawk or Chainmail forums at The Piazza.)<br />

Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:36 pm  
Re: Spelljammers, Serraine, and Warforged

Samwise wrote:

Spelljammers are established in Greyhawk, both from Greyspace and WGR 1 Greyhawk Ruins.

There are spelljammers in Treasures of Greyhawk and From the Ashes, too.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:26 am  

Sorry for revicing an old thread here but...

The is a flying Castle of sorts in UK6 All that glitters.
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