Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:32 pm
I'm not so sure such a prestige class is necessary. The problem with multi-classing a spell casting class is that you gain no spellcasting advancement for all levels you gain in other classes. Thus, a 5-5 wizard-cleric is casting a 5 dice fireball at a CL10 enemy and failing badly, then casting a 3rd level healing spell on their allies and not helping much. This makes the multi-classed spell caster that actually advances both classes pretty much ineffective, and it gets worse as the character gains levels.
The fighter-rogue does not have this problem because both classes allow for advancement in BAB and skill level. BAB is only mildly affected by mixing fighter and rogue, since rogues gain 3BAB/4levels. Skills aren't affected either, because the maximum skill level is governed by total level, not level in the class the skill comes from. This means that the character won't have as many rogue skills as a straight rogue, but they can get the exact same skill level in a smaller number of skills.