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The Little Oerid Migrations
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:44 am  
The Little Oerid Migrations

The Little Oerid Migrations,

Gripping intro and well thought out connection to your Forgotten History. I like articles that tie things together.

Do you make distictions between the early Ullo-Kettish Oerids and the Yorodhi?

To correct the “(not yet published)” lack of editing (not your fault), :-( …The Forgotten History of the Southern Lorridges: Vecna, the Mara, and Ashardalon,

Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
Posts: 1846
From: Mt. Smolderac

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:12 am  

Very nicely written Twiceborn. I like how you used the "disappearance" of eastward migrating Oeridians to explain why the rest of that people stayed where they were in Ull. A novel explanation.
My one question -- why did you place the little migrations so early? Was it purely to line up with the rise of Vecna or did you have some other reason?
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 205
From: Calgary, AB, Canada

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Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:03 pm  
Re: The Little Oerid Migrations

Wolfsire wrote:
The Little Oerid Migrations,

Gripping intro and well thought out connection to your Forgotten History. I like articles that tie things together.

Do you make distictions between the early Ullo-Kettish Oerids and the Yorodhi?

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the article. While the Yorodhi definitely should be counted among the early Ullo-Kettish Oeridian tribes, I did not count them among the tribes that took part in the little Oerid migrations. I view the Yorodhi as being less interested in exploration and as being more concerned with the protection of their own lands. Also, it seems that although some Yorodhi eventually fled to Ekbir, intermarried with Bakluns, and migrated east into the Flanaess (over the course of many generations), their peoples were originally (and still are) based in southern Ull and the north of what today is the Dry Steppe. Thus, few of them would have had the opportunity, need or desire to travel east of Ket prior to the Great Migrations.

That having been said, I'm open to other perspectives. The advantage of not having "over-defined" the Ullo-Kettish Oerids that took part in the little Oerid migrations is that it leaves it up to the DM to determine which specific tribes might or might not have participated in the journey...

Wolfsire wrote:
To correct the “(not yet published)” lack of editing (not your fault), :-( …The Forgotten History of the Southern Lorridges: Vecna, the Mara, and Ashardalon,

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

Thanks for providing the link. Both of the articles were in the submission queue at the same time.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 16, 2003
Posts: 205
From: Calgary, AB, Canada

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Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:23 pm  

smillan_31 wrote:
Very nicely written Twiceborn. I like how you used the "disappearance" of eastward migrating Oeridians to explain why the rest of that people stayed where they were in Ull. A novel explanation.
My one question -- why did you place the little migrations so early? Was it purely to line up with the rise of Vecna or did you have some other reason?

Thanks for the kind words, Smillan. Why did I place the little migrations so early? For purely selfish, campaign-focused reasons, of course! Smile

As Wolfsire hinted, I just wanted to provide more depth/explanation to some of the "possibilities" I had presented in my previous article (The Forgotten History of the Southern Lorridges), specifically around the existence of Heironean-themed iconography in an ancient Flan chapel that pre-dated the Great Migrations and was built at the time of Vecna's rise to power.

Also, I wanted a logical reason to explain why the war-like Oerids simply "sat around" the vicinity of Ull for so many centuries without venturing further east. Given the Oeridian temperament, I think they would have been capable of moving into the Flanaess well before the advent of the Suloise-Baklunish wars, but something significant must have deterred them from doing so (i.e., Vecna and the horrors of the Bramblewood, etc.). Still, I thought it would have been plausible for a trickle of Oerids to have made it to the other side well before the Great Migrations (which, IMO, end up displacing far too many Oerids in too short a time, given how widespread they became in the Flanaess), and liked to imagine the impact of early Flan-Oeridian exchanges and eventual Oeridian assimilation on Flan culture in the northern Sheldomar (e.g., the acceptance of certain Oeridian religious beliefs and practices by some Flan tribes).

Keep in mind, this article is slated to be filed under "heretic's nest"... Wink
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