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the Great Migrations
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2003
Posts: 349
From: the Free City of Dyvers (Kansas City, MO)

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Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:08 pm  
the Great Migrations

It always troubled me that the pale Seul came from further south than the swarthy Bakluni, and the land-locked Oerids have a god of the sea as one of their major divinities. Thus, one of my favorite heresies for WoG is the Great Migrations.

The positions of the Seul and Bakluni empires are switched. The Seul empire was in what is now the Dry Steppes, and the Bakluni in the Sea of Dust. The Seul called down the Rain of Colorless Fire, and the Bakluni the Invoked Devastation. When the Seul fled through the Crystalmists, they entered the Sheldomar Valley, and spread eastward until meeting up with the powerful Oerids, who diverted the Seul north. The Bakluni refugees had to take a much longer journey, first turning south and westward, the bulk of them eventually emerging north of the former Seul empire in the lands of the northwest Flanaess.

The Oerids were fleeing from their own Cataclysm, far to the east on the continent of Aquaria. Crossing the vast Solnor ocean, they landed on the shores of the eastern Flanaess, and soon established the lands of the Aerdi, and spread west and south. One tribe travelled further west in those early days, landing in the southern Sheldomar Valley, and the lands of the Sea Princes.

The Flan had a long history in the Flanaess, but were ill-equipped to deal with the hostile Seul and conquering Oerids. Pushed to marginal lands or subsumed into the invading populations, the Flan are a splintered and seperated people. However, a nation of proud and pure Flan exits far to the south, on the Tilvanot peninsula - Tehncahahue, the Land of the Feathered Throne!

The Olmans are simply a tribe of Flan, the Rhenee a type of Oerid gypsy, and the Tuov are a seperate race from another continent, although they have settlements in Hepmonoland. Hepmonoland, by the way, is the jungle on the southwest of the Flanaess (the Amedio in other WoGs), and the great jungle island to the southeast is the Amedio, also known as the Isle of Dread.
Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2003
Posts: 349
From: the Free City of Dyvers (Kansas City, MO)

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Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:50 am  

Oh, and as a result of the Seul never reaching the Tilvanot (at lest not in any great numbers), there is no nation called the Scarlet Brotherhood. But they do exist, my dear, oh yes they do...
Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:19 am  

gargoyle wrote:
Oh, and as a result of the Seul never reaching the Tilvanot (at lest not in any great numbers), there is no nation called the Scarlet Brotherhood. But they do exist, my dear, oh yes they do...

Now that is what I am talking about!
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