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Assistance "GreyHawk-izing" new location?
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:23 pm  
Assistance "GreyHawk-izing" new location?


I'm a novice DM with an interest in transforming a generic location into Oerth real-estate, with enough relative lore to be considered submittable material. Sadly, I haven't kept up with recent publications, and my notes are a mish-mash of data from 2nd edition through 3.5. I'd appreciate any ideas on how my micro-setting could be intertwined with Greyhawk canon.

My location is an island intended to cover character advancement from level 1 to roughly 6. I'd describe it as a friendlier "Isle of Dread", run by a motley bunch of NPCs. I have some simple web pages here:

Please forgive my lack of proper formatting. I'm better at the illustrations than anything else.

regards, labsenpai Smile
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Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:54 pm  

That website is pretty sharp. I like the layout, cartography and quick to digest content. Immediately when I saw the names and the tropical geography I thought of the south seas island chains were Isle of Dread has been tentatively dropped. If you look at the maps in the 1E GH gazetteer or even the world maps in later editions, there are tons of islands of varying sizes strewn throughout the tropics of Oerth. To keep it distinct from the Savage Tide arc, you could place it nearer to the other continent of Hepmonaland and that would given you access to races like Olman, Tuov and then Scarlet Brotherhood or piratical elements, plus all the Yuan-Ti and such you describe.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:35 pm  

Thanks, Mortellan.

As an artist, I try to make the visuals as pleasant as possible. Long ago in Junior High, I owned the box of Greyhawk material. It vanished in a trade for comics I think, now I only have Web resources (many from here!) I'm curious about the Savage Tide story, but I agree that my designs shouldn't involve that plot.

Some specifics I'm looking for help on:
1) The earliest human on the island was a great mage from the mainland. Where would such a character have come from, centuries before the current inhabitants?
2) One of my villains is a (CR6) Rogue with a fiendish graft. What dark religion/demonic creature of GreyHawk could he be dealing with?
3) Is there a publication with details on the Amedio region and the islands controlled by the Scarlet Brotherhood?
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 18, 2002
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Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:54 am  

A powerful mage could be a Ur-Flan sorcerer who fled the Oerid invasion of the Great Kingdom area. He pulls a Prospero and controls the island, keeps others away with powerful storms, illusions, and sea monsters, and periodically brings some in.

He would be different than the indigenous peoples. And have a penchant for evil.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:12 pm  

After some article reading about Sheldomar, I've decided to make the long-dead mage a necromancer from Port Toli. While searching for more war fodder and arcane knowledge, he finds and subdues my island of Yuan-Ti. However, his stronghold is wiped out by the resident Dragon Turtle.

My Yuan-Ti will be a strange "aquatic snake" sect, one that worships the great beasts of the Densac Gulf.

One additional question: Is there a place I can download/copy a proper WoG logo for use on my site?
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