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Gnome and Halfling Settlements
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Adept Greytalker

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:13 pm  
Gnome and Halfling Settlements

I'm working on naming various non-human cities, towns, nations and places, and I'm having some trouble finding much on gnomes and halflings. Since the wiki is down for the moment, does anyone know of some? The only ones I can remember right now is Elmshire (halflings) and Grossetgrottel (gnomes). I could go dig out my books and maps (which are packed away right now), but this is easier. Happy Thanks!
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Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:38 pm  

Here's a list of places gnomes live:

Gamboge (2800)
Grossettgrottell (Domain of Greyhawk) - built Stonebridge too
Grandwood (Gamboge's Rift, population 700; gold mine, ride iguanas, have a unique myth about Garl Glittergold fighting Gruumsh)
Two Ford (Domain of Greyhawk; 40)
Pargenter's Mine (Domain of Greyhawk; 40) - feign laziness
Sourlode (Domain of Greyhawk; 325 gnomes) - sour attitude
Dweomerstones (Cairn Hills; a small clan)
Berenad and Storaven (Duchy of Urnst; about 420 gnomes in each town)
Wyvernen (Wild Coast; a family of evil cutthroats)
Dreadwood (1000)
Menowood (spriggans)
Gnarley Forest (1000; live above ground in mixed-race communities - includes settlement of Namburil)
Namburil (100 gnomes; combination of warrens and above-ground cottages; allied with werebears)
Vesve (6000)
Griffs and/or Corrusks
Gryrax (refugees)
Abbor-Alz (western; silver and gem mines)
Blemu Hills - the former home of the Vecna-possessed Gnomelord; the gnomes here are all extinct or driven to the neighboring kingdom of the Flinty Hills
Cairn Hills (6000, including Grossettgrottell)
Flinty (20,000, half of these counted in Nyrond's population; Gnomeking Warren ap'Hiller)
Good Hills (5000)
Gull Cliffs (unpleasant, untrustworthy)
Hollow Highlands
Howling Hills (slaves)
Mounds of Dawn (a handful)
Iron Hills
Kron Hills (20,000, not counted in any other population figure; Free Assembly of the Kron Hills, ruled by Urthgan the Eldest) - veterans of the Hateful Wars, proud of their military traditions)
Lorridges (negotiating with Ket for independence)
Stark Mounds (mostly)

For halflings I don't have a list handy, but there are tallfellows in Esmerin.
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:45 pm  

Thanks rasgon! Here's what I've been doing; I've been collecting various names of cities, towns and place names for various races, and adding the occasional real world bits here and there, and plugging it all into the EBoN. Here's some of the names I've been able to get:
Dwarves: Angeroth, Mak Throndar, Zugarok, Thul Karok, Mondarrath, Guzbael, Kazal Gordan.
Elves: Eresseldar, Tereldyar, Haranthor, Lorianor, Var Sildan, Falvanar, Belanor, Querelska.

For halflings and gnomes, I've so far had only real world names, and a very few other sources. For gnomes, I've used place names in Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, with some dwarf and elf source names. For halflings, Great Britain, eastern France and New England. Here's some of what I've gotten:
Gnomes: Cediaskor, Durlangen, Maas Thurok, Schlerdaran, Ystasund, Baelgrannor, Enchorn, Hauredorf.
Halflings: Cartham, Cermagh, Weathmouth, Valane, Bintry, Bonborough, Bighley, Felkerry, Stramire, Tuster, Dumstaple.

Any thoughts/comments?
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Master Greytalker

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:49 am  

My memory is dreadful but I think Glandeven is a gnomish city (near Nyrond?).

A few gnomes from LG: Blacktop, Gossilgrottoshpitz (Good Hills); Moblofft (Claw Gorge) (Littleberg)

A few halflings from LG: Bucksford, Crookhollow, Crystal Spring (Good Hills)

A few dwarves from LG: Curget (Good Hills)
Master Greytalker

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:14 am  

rasgon wrote:
Grandwood (Gamboge's Rift, population 700; gold mine, ride iguanas, have a unique myth about Garl Glittergold fighting Gruumsh)

That'd be Gaborren's Rift, actually.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:46 am  

I tossed in the 1/2ling/Gnome community from the Gnomes and 1/2lings 2E sourcebook into the Sepia Uplands... dubbed it The Burrows.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:59 am  

Isn't there a gnome settlement in the Kron Hills mentioned in the background for Village of Hommlet? Greenway Valley maybe?


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Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:16 am  

Races of Stone describes the gnomish settlement of Kibosh (which would fit best in the Flinty Hills, incidently) and the dwarven settlement of Uruz. That book also has lists of gnomish and dwarven name fragments.

Races of the Wild includes a halfling town called Fanta's Meadow, and a halfling name generator.

The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings included a halfling village called Lindendale and a gnomish village called Granitehome. The gnome clans in that book are called Kappelkourt, Lafftalligon, Astrolacyll, Pipwhistlion, Kwilliticutti, Mastacatal, and Barackathal. The halfling families are the Baldorfs, Byttnis, Dudleys, Heathertoes, Newters, Ostgoods, Trills, Tucks, and Weatherbees.

The Five Shires, the halfling realm in the Mystara/Known World setting, includes the following towns: Ober's Mimbur, Bridie, Aercruth, Ringrise, Longflask, Waymeet, Wereskalot, Rollstone Keep, Mallowfern, Wardlystone, Nob's Boots, Thantabbar, Deepmoss, Leafkindle, Moon Hill, Burny, Stillpool, Sateeka, Fishtickle Bridge, Shadowgate, Brookbank, Tothmeer, Rundegos, Flagonford, Bramblerose, Rattlecart, and Shireton.

The gnome settlement in S4 is simply called the Gnome Vale, though their clan name is Gwaylar. In the recent internet-only Dungeon Magazine "Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth," the Gnome Vale was renamed Thumbvale.

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:42 am  

ScottG wrote:
Isn't there a gnome settlement in the Kron Hills mentioned in the background for Village of Hommlet? Greenway Valley maybe?

"The westward route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains and beyond."

It's not clear from the context if Greenway Valley is a settlement or just a geological feature, but it does seem safe to say that it's a place where gnomes live. Based on the Vecna Lives! map, I'd guess the Greenway Valley was a geological feature between Hommlet and Tulvar.

Vecna Lives! features the gnomish community of Osnabrölt in the Kron Hills. I'm not sure how many gnomes live in Tulvar, Hagthar, or Kron, which are also in the Kron Hills. "Verbobonc" might also be a Gnomish word.
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:13 am  

Thanks again, rasgon! I'd completely forgotten to even look at (or for!) those books!
Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
Master Greytalker

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:23 pm  

Technically, Greenway Valley is simply a valley. However, it is also the home of the majority of the area's gnomes and contains numerous individual settlements that are more or less treated as a single city. The gnomish king lives there.
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