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Starting a new campaign in...Urnst?
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Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Nyrond

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Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:43 pm  
Starting a new campaign in...Urnst?

Okay, I just got sick about revamping of WoG into 4th ed. Teiflings? Really? Really! Sigh...really?

Anyway, I am in the process of creating a new campaign for some local gamers. They are new to the WoG so they'll get hit with all the modules with some changes. I plan on running them in The Keep on the Borderlands (always a crowd favorite). Smile But before I throw them to the wolves, does anyone have any suggestions on a small scenario I can run them on to get the attention of the powers that be to send them to the Keep? I need something Greyhawkish, but I'm not sure what to do. Sad Anyone have a home grown level 1 scenario they enjoyed? I'll change the xp scale too, so pc's aren't 19th level by the 5th game session. oh and I'm not letting anyone be a sorcerer or mage in the group (kind of goes along with canon).
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:43 am  

Don't you mean feed them to the hawks? :)

For new small groups, I sometimes do a variation of the ol' Conan movie, a short segment from early on in the movie...

While travelling through the hills, forest, etc...have a large group of terribly ferocious wolves attack and pursue them. They can either find a cave for protection, or fall through the ground into a hidden cairn/tomb. The wolves won't enter cave or leap down into the cairn. The players have a choice to explore their surroundings or face the wolves.
(Hmm, maybe you would be throwing them to the wolves afterall...)

Inside the cairn, they may find a passageway leading further in. Keep it short & simple. A trap or two, some treasure (maybe from the bodies of the last wanderers into the tomb). At the end, have a ghost or something guarding a weapon or shield in the tomb. When they leave, the wolves may be gone. Were the wolves really ever there? Were they guided there by some other entity that wanted the sword/shield/whatever found?

The plot thickens...

As for tieflings...I lucked out abit. I adapted some of Clive Barker's Cabal to my D&D world. I used a small Forest of Midian where the inhabitants were unique blends of animal/humans. One player had a character from this forest, and after a year or two of playing, a greater plot had been uncovered which involved all that the player thought they had known of their own people. It turned out that it was all a lie...her people had made pacts with devils thinking to get greater power.

The forces of good defeated their evil leaders, and since many truly repented their ways their lives were spared. Their true history was forbidden to be spoken of as a part of their penance, eventually to be forgotten by most. Oh, much hilarity ensued! What character angst! What could they trust anymore? All they had known was a lie? What were they really? Oh, yes, great roleplaying it was...

Tieflings shouldn't be too hard to squeeze in now...the evil must have had a few survivors...

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Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:08 pm  
Re: Starting a new campaign in...Urnst?

Hi Wendel---

DwarffromNyrond wrote:
Anyway, I am in the process of creating a new campaign for some local gamers. They are new to the WoG so they'll get hit with all the modules with some changes. I plan on running them in The Keep on the Borderlands (always a crowd favorite). Smile But before I throw them to the wolves, does anyone have any suggestions on a small scenario I can run them on to get the attention of the powers that be to send them to the Keep?

You could start them off as part of various guilds/orders, and one or more of their guilds/orders send them to the Keep to deliver messages/special items/they're being "assigned" to the keep/etc. If you don't want to homebrew the adventure, you could use a number of lower-level modules (the spring to mind quickly, there are many other options you could look at):

- Erik Mona's LG scenario "River of Blood" (set in the City of Greyhawk, a grim and gritting intro to a campaign), or his "Whispering Cairn" intro to hte Age of Worms adventure (easily removed from the AP if you're not interested in Kyuss; WC is a bit too much for level 1 PCs if they don't get themselves some hirelings, though)
- Dark Chateau (perhaps as a retrieval mission: go there and bring back X for someone)
- Wizard's Amulet (Necromancer Games freebie @, which leads nicely into W1 Crucible of Freya
- Trouble at Grog's (from Dungeon #4, for level 1 PCs and good as an intro for new players too)
- NeMoren's Vault (Fiery Dragon, also good if the players are new to the game)

Hopefully some of those ideas help :D
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:09 am  

Excellent, one and all. I plan on running old school, so the experience point system will be smaller, so the players don't advance to 15th level by session 4 Mad Shocked Happy and so they become "entrenched" in the setting. I think I can use all of these ideas. Thank you so much for your help folks. On the Knoxville gamers site, I have already begun to lay down the "rumors" and such in the town. Hopefully the players will take not e of them. Wink

Dwarf From Nyrond
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:46 am  

Problem with the River of Blood Scenario is that I don't have any access to it Laughing
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Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:21 pm  

You can read some details @ and and I'm sure it's around on one of the LG regional sites, somewhere (or at least I would think so...).
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:54 am  

I was going to recommend The Wizard's Amulet and Crucible of Freya too, but I see that grodog already has. It is a great starting adventure, has a very old school feel to it, and works well with only minor changes. All you have to do is change a few names(of gods mostly) in the adventure and choose a place in Greyhawk to set it. That is it. If you are going to run T1-4, then set it somewhere within a couple weeks travel of Hommlet.
Master Greytalker

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Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:39 am  

I also highly recommend the Crucible of Freya as a great and flexible starting point. I used it years ago, and the players still all live in Fairhill, albeit with th city's name changed.
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