Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:22 pm
Thanks for All the 1E Greyhawk Goodness :)
Hi folks. I started a first edition campaign earlier this year and decided to make it up as completely as possible from fan-created works. The items created by all the fans over the years made this really easy to do and I wanted pass on some thanks to the many adventure and scenario contributors in the Greyhawk fan collective at large and here at Canonfire. Your work has helped make our campaign a very fun success.
The roster of adventures played through so far includes:
- Little Trouble in Big Greyhawk (By Coldpenguin625 and posted here at CF))
- A Case of Meazels (Self-written adventure, set in the Great Burn of Greyhawk City)
- Hired Help (By gord and posted here at CF)
- The Lizardman Lair (From the CoG boxed set (GoF) and scaled down for lower level PCs)
The party has made it through the above with only one casualty (they are good players who think first and slash later ) and there is still more CF-related stuff on deck:
- The Forgotten Hero (By Terry Harrison)
- Ruins of the Mistmarsh (By Sean Williams and published in Oerth Journal #2)
- The Waystation (By Jason Farina and posted here at CF.)
I have a ton more to go but this will keep the PC's hopping along for a few levels yet.
So, from my players and myself, thanks very much!
 _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>