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83 box set vs. From the Ashes
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:47 pm  
83 box set vs. From the Ashes

I've been playing Greyhawk with the '83 box set. It's starting to really show its age and the info is pretty sparse at times. I've never bothered with the 2nd edition set From the Ashes even though my game is a 2nd ed. group. I do use specialty priests and I know FTA has them. Other then the specialty priests, does the FTA box set offer anything of value? More information of the lands or anything that might make hunting it down worth it? Hopefully, since it does happen after the Greyhawk Wars, it doesn't change the setting into something I don't recognize. Any input would be appreciated..thanks.
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Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:04 pm  

I would reccomend FtA. Since you've been running the 83 set for a long time its highly possible you've had developments of your own that will coincide with this product perfectly. Those that don't will still work from my experience. FtA falls into two parts, IMO.
1. The timeline advanced info on GH City. The domain expands its detail immensely which is great for campaigning in the central regions. You can't get better than that.
2. The rest of the world timeline advanced. Iuz expands his rule, the GK is fractured into a bunch of little GK's, the SB is out of the closet and giants run rampant in the west. Thats pretty much this setting in a nutshell. If these don't work for you they are easy to sidestep since its all peripheral lands. The central regions are largely unchanged from the 83 guide. (maybe except the Wild Coast and the Bright Desert)
If you get FtA I would also HIGHLY reccomend you get 'Iuz the Evil' and the 'Marklands'. These will fill in a TON of setting development for you.
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Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:25 am  

Or if all else fails upgrade to Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. Depending on your time line or current edition. Otherwise FtA will suit you fine.

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