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Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:51 pm  

I might add that a person need not look to medieval times for inaccurate maps. Before Louis and Clark, there were no maps for western North America. Sad

After Louis and Clark, there were many inaccurate maps of western North America. Evil Grin

The highly accurate maps we are used to today are a relatively new development. Whose to say that the Darlene maps are the most accurate? Confused

The DM makes this decision for his world, but not for everyone else's. Wink

I'll take Anna's maps over the Darlene map anyday and twice on Sunday. As Rasgon stated, its not called Canonfire! because we strictly adhere to canon. Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz

As for heraldry, my family actually has a -- several centuries old -- heraldic device; its green and silver. The green is green. It should be noted that there were not "umpteen" shades of green in medieval times. There were only the eight basic colors that we older folks knew as kids, in our pack of crayolas. In fact, silver based pigment was very rare, so silver was often represented in heraldry by the color white, gold by yellow. Shocked

In older portraits of our family's heraldic device it is shown in green and white. The family's use of the actual color silver is of relatively recent usage. Cool

So, the use of any colors other than the basic eight -- in the real world -- is simply "artistic license." Meaning that Anna has free reign! Happy

To change from this "basic" reality -- in the WoG -- would require the use of expensive magic, in my opinion. Kings and wealthy nobles might do this, but the uniforms, armor and shields of the common soldier would be based upon these basic colors, not fantastic ones.

Just sayin' Cool
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Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Ahlissa

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Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:49 pm  

Wow lot’s of interesting activity Smile

First my two coppers worth of thoughts in the distances discussion. This is an inevitable conflict of different sources not corresponding in every detail. I choose to use the Paizo maps because they have way more settlements and other details than the original Darlene maps. Then I have added lots of details from LG and other sources. Often they don’t exactly correspond and in some instances they differ a lot in details like distances. On top of differing sources comes my own work which is not free from errors and not precise in every detail. One more thing to always remember is that the Flanaess is a totally fictional place and there is nothing to really refer to for accuracy, it wasn’t until there were satellites we got the really precise maps we are so used to in real life today.

The color of the shield for the County of Ulek I have changed and there will be updated maps available soon. A trail has been added from Badwall into the Suss. Thanks a lot for the input!

Now on to a situation report, below is a rendering showing the current status of my work:

As you can see a large part of the eastern Flanaess is beginning to take shape, it’s still very rough and needs lots of work. But I have several more weeks of vacation ahead so there will be more maps released this autumn. Tehn, The Pale, Nyrond and Ratik are underway and more to come. The legend is almost finished, and will look something like this:

I’m so glad to again “conquer new ground” and I’m making a lot of progress. I also have the pleasure of having lots of great input from you hawkers both IRL and in this thread. Happy

Corrections and close up screenshots of my new work will come next week as I move in to do details, and as usual I want your input.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:11 pm  

Anna wrote:
...The color of the shield for the County of Ulek I have changed and there will be updated maps available soon. A trail has been added from Badwall into the Suss. Thanks a lot for the input!

-I'm glad I could contribute to the project. Happy

(JDG puts another notch in his weapon Cool )

Anna wrote:
...First my two coppers worth of thoughts in the distances discussion. This is an inevitable conflict of different sources not corresponding in every detail. I choose to use the Paizo maps because they have way more settlements and other details than the original Darlene maps...


Cebrion wrote:
The "latest toys" would be the Paizo maps featured in Dungeon magaizne issues #118-121.
Those are the most complete overview maps of the Flanaess to date...

-So, "they" think I'm going to shell out more money to buy what should be the exact same information.


Grrrrr... Mad

Cebrion wrote:
...For a little bit more detail of certain areas there are the 2e supplements Iuz the Evil, The Marklands, Ivid the Undying(free download, do a web search), and The Scarlet Brotherhood...

-I've got "Iuz the Evil", "The Marklands", "Ivid the Undying" & "The Scarlet Brotherhood"; they do provide a lot more detail; it's not just selling you the same thing over and over again, like the D&D Brown Covers, then D&D Blue Box, then AD&D, then AD&D 2nd Edition, and then D&D 3.5... I was smart enough to skip D&D 3.0, and I'll only buy D&D 4.0 if I suffer from cerebral ventilation.

Grrrr... Mad

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
I'll take Anna's maps over the Darlene map anyday and twice on Sunday...

-Anna's maps look great; I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
As Rasgon stated, its not called Canonfire! because we strictly adhere to canon. Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz

-We don't always adhere to canon for the details of our individual campaigns, but if you're producing something (like a map) for EVERYONE's campaign (particulalry for DM use), then you should; otherwise, they could produce a module for the City of Dyvers where the Scarlet Brotherhood runs a population which consists primarily of orcish druids, with the explanation- "Hey, that's how it is in someone's campaign".

Now, for artwork, or for player use, then anything goes... Evil Grin

As many of you have pointed out, the problem seems to be competing canon as a result of TSR/WOC/God Knows Who Else trying to sell us the same bloody thing over and over again, but not paying attention to what came before.

Grrr... Mad

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
...Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz

-Which is my point.

Grrr... Evil
Master Greytalker

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Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:51 am  

Yes, Anna puts a massive amount of effort into adding in locations from LG adventures and old modules but very helpfully adds different layers to her pdfs so that people who don't want them can just hide the layer. I don't think that she could be any more considerate or helpful to the different factions than that!
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:34 am  

Various off-topic content removed. Questions, constructive criticism and recommendations are surely welcome. Otherwise, abide by the posting rules located HERE.

And now, back to enjoying what is a very great thread. Cool
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Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:55 pm  

Woo-hoo! Anna's thread is now unlocked, all cleaned up and ready to go again! Happy

Thanks again, Cebrion! You are truly the bane of Jascar! Wink
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:09 am  

Ive just spent a entertaing and informative 3 hours looking through these Maps, and adding them to my files,

Just a word to all the mapmakers here.

Thank you.
New to Grey hawk, here on my players request.
getting info to prep campaign, 1st game in two weeks
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Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:55 am  


Would it be possible to get a hex overlay for the maps?
Master Greytalker

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Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:54 am  

Should be easy to do on the pdf versions - not that I know how to do it...
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:55 am  

What an awesome resource!! I can't believe i've only just found this!! Probably the best thing i've seen map wise for any RPG anytime!
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:25 am  

No doubt. We get SO much use out of Anna's maps. Simply the best.

Prince Omote Landwehr, Holy Order of the FPQ ~ Castles and Crusades Society
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:51 am  

Well I am currently running a group of new gamers through my TOEE campaign, and spent the afternoon dreamily thinking up more ideas based solely on some of the map areas!! Still have a smile on my face Happy
Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:36 pm  

No activity from Anna in over eight months... Hope all is well with her in the real world. Sad
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:40 am  

Over on the C&C boards I constantly talk up Anna's maps for use with Greyhawk. I also posted some pics of the poster-sized print outs that I use and thought it might be OK to post these pics over here.

Sorry for the bandwidth suck-downage if you are concerned about such things.

The maps are pretty hi-res, and I had them printed out at 24" x 36". Yeah, they take up a lot of space, but the kids who are playing love 'em.

With these maps below I wanted to show the amount of detail that was included close-up. These maps have really inspired some of our Greyhawk games:

Prince Omote Landwehr, Holy Order of the FPQ ~ Castles and Crusades Society

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Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:34 pm  

Awesome stuff there Omote. Thanks for sharing. Wink
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Master Greytalker

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Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:55 am  

Awesome stuff! I was planning on printing and laminating eventually too. They look great.
Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Ahlissa

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:39 pm  

I'm well and kicking, but have been VERY busy the past year with other projects. So hadly no time at all for my mapping.

But that is about to change dramaticly for the better by the end of the year :)

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:00 pm  

Anna's alive! Yahooooo!
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:02 am  

Yay! Anna lives, and being busy is good. I just looked at those posted pics of the maps again, and they look awesome at 24" x 36". You could cover a rather massive wall with them! Cool
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:54 am  

Hello Anna! Best news I've had all week 8)

I hope your other projects have turned out as well as your mapping one has!
Master Greytalker

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Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:35 am  

Phew - thought you had been entrapped in the 4e Temple of Elemental Evil. Had my best agents out scouring the countryside (but with the global recession it's hard to afford decent adventurers these days). But the faithful never lost hope - I even put a dozen infidels to death last week for taking your name in vain.

Sigh, I need to get out more...
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:02 am  

Hi there,

Just finished up one campaign and was looking through various ideas for another and checked out Anna's maps. Hadn't looked at Anna's site for awhile. AMAZING! Anna's maps wowed me all over again! These are just so beautiful, detailed and useful.

Anna you are simply fantastic! I hope you have time to do some more maps in the future.

Maybe the Yeomanry? Wink


GVD Happy

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Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:51 pm  

GVD, I've been begging Anna to do the Yeomanry for two years . . . no luck! Sad

She says she waiting for me to learn how to do maps! Yeah, right! Laughing Laughing Laughing

And, as Duicarthan and Icarus are "lost" in the World of War Craft ( Razz ) Anna has been lost in the World of . . . Politics! Shocked

I'm told that she's a sort of a "County Commissioner" over there. Ah well, nobody's perfect. Though Anna comes close, of course. Evil Grin

Not as glamorous as having "been entrapped in the 4e Temple of Elemental Evil," PaulN6, but pretty darn close to it! Laughing

Glad you're "back," Anna! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work . . . very soon! Happy Cool
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Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Ahlissa

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Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:31 am  
Project update

Hi Everyone!

Time for a project update, but first a BIG THANK YOU Exclamation all for your great support. It’s heartwarming for me to read your postings here.

I have been up to my ears in other things the past year so unfortunately almost no time for mapping. But do not despair this was planned with a goal in mind, to give me more time in the future.

Starting in December a dream will come true for me. I will be able to devote the time I always wanted for my Atlas of the Flanaess project.

Instead of working I have planned to spend the next couple of years to my mapping. To prove to myself that it can be done and to the rest of the world that Greyhawk is still a vibrant setting, and to have fun Happy

So I’ll get to Yeomanry, promise!

Thanks again for your support
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:24 am  
your maps

wow, the work ou do is amazing. i wish i was as cool as you doing maps. mine are rather archaic with paper and pencil, you are a true master of the art.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:04 pm  

You have been missed, and I am glad to hear that you will have chance to do some mapping again. Be sure to stop by the Thursday Night chat when you can too. Happy

All the best.
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Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:35 am  

Wow! Anna is back on track. Great news indeed! Surprised
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:16 pm  

Anna, is will be a great thing to have you back and mapping Greyhawk. Your devotion to the GH community is admirable. Your mapping skills are legendary.

Prince Omote Landwehr, Holy Order of the FPQ ~ Castles and Crusades Society
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:39 pm  

Thanks for the great support!

So a few words about what I'm up to. Today I just added two places in the Duchy of Urnst that I had previously overlooked:Delagos Caverns and the Village of Kalifane.

Had to move Sete a bit north on the road towards Molk.

Check the screenshot and see if you think it's OK placement.

For the people that have Facebook there are now a GHmaps group where I will hangout for chats and updates etc while I'm working. It's a public group so please join and keep me company, and critizise my work!

I'm now up and running with all my gear as never before! Better hardware and new and updated software tools. In a couple of months things are going to happen.....

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:37 pm  

The placement looks okay to me. As to the rest of your post, huzzah. I saw the pic of your new gear on the new Facebook group. For those who had to hunt for the group like I did, here is a post I made about Anna to promote her work:

Keep up the good work, Anna! Smile
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:11 am  

The Facebook group should do well. Very easy to communicate that way. I sent in my request to join. Your new setup does look impressive. Good luck!

Prince Omote Landwehr, Holy Order of the FPQ ~ Castles and Crusades Society

Last edited by Omote on Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:22 pm  

Time to show a first result of my renewed efforts into mapping again. This is a first try to do something I haven't really tried to do before. Local maps, up to now it's been large area maps but in order to make atlas I have to be able to do the small stuff to. So I sat down and after about 10 hours this is the result.

The village of Nulb in it's heyday.

You can get the full size map here:

I choose it because there are detailed maps already (which makes it harder) and it's a place with lots of evil atmosphere (which also makes it harder). I'll work on more of these maps in between my area maps.

An updated area 60 will be up soon, and the website will get an overhaul next week. If you're interested in keeping a close look at what I'm up to checkout the Facebook group GHmaps.

I'm packing my adventure gear to go back to Nyrond and Relmor Bay to get those part finished so I can get the first "big thing" done......

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:19 pm  

Glad you're back, Anna! Happy

Feel free to play the song "Nobody Does It Better" while you work. Evil Grin
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Black Hand of Oblivion

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:17 pm  

Looks great, but based on the hex map in the ToEE map booklet, the ToEE is about 1.5 miles from Nulb(which is still pretty close). The ToEE is probably not too much farther away than what it shows on the map, so I wonder what the distance scale on the map is.
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Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:19 am  

On the enlarged map Anna links to, there's barely enough room between the village of Nulb and the T.O.E.E. to insert another "village" of Nulb.

So, unless the village of Nulb is 1.5 miles across, I don't think it's a mile and a half to the T.O.E.E. from the village of Nulb . . . not on this map.
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:27 am  

You are so right!

I was so eager to test new techniques that I forgot to check all the sources, didn't even look at my own

A corrected version will be available shortly. Thank you for your help making sure the result get as good as I can make it. If you know anything else in the vicinity that should be on the maps please let me know.


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Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:23 pm  

Just because you are "Anna," Oerth's "Goddess of Geography" doesn't mean we expect you to be infallible. It just means that we love you in spite of your fallibility. Shocked Laughing

Love ya' Anna! Keep 'em comin'! Happy
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Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:50 pm  

would love to see any of these maps... WoTC or Hasbro as it the parent abyss trying all then can do to bury D and D.. sorry rant

If any one could send me a copy I would be greatly appreciative.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:30 pm  

They are all avaiable for download at

Master Greytalker

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:58 am  

So, Anna, as you've nothing to do for the next two years we can expect the whole Flanaess to be finished by then? Evil Grin

Oh, alright, if you have to leave off Ull that'd be okay; no-one cares about that desolate hellhole anyway. Wink

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:13 pm  

Ragr, you are sooo "evil!" Evil Grin

Mort's going to flip! Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:18 pm  

I don't know for sure that I can promise the whole Flanaess within two years but here is a first sign I'm trying Wink

The fullsize jpg can be downloaded here:

and PDF here:

It was a long time coming and finally it's ready for a first inspection area 48. Eastern Bandit Kingdoms. Parts of Urnst, Pale and Tehn.

More is coming and it will not take as long this time, promise Smile


Last edited by Anna on Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:51 pm  

Nice! Not a lot of maps for this area out there. Tenh is, sadly, often ignored.
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:18 am  

Found a couple of mistakes myself.

River names, Barony names and a few other details are added and corrected.

The links in my previous post are updated, so if you downloaded the map already you can do it again and the version number should now be 2. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Master Greytalker

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:33 am  

It must be all that time I spent on the Halfling motivational speaking circuit but, I click my fingers, and hey-ho a new Annamap (a new word too). Happy

I'll try that again.... Shocked

Absolutely fantastic as always, Anna.

ps. When does Ket feature in your plans? Not that I'm pushy.

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Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:18 pm  

That's the nicest detail of Dimre that I've ever seen -- not to mention the only detailed outline of Dimre I've ever seen. Excellent work Anna! Happy

But, of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from the Flan "Goddess of Geography." Evil Grin

I just love your attention to detail. Thanks on behalf of everyone at Canonfire! Cool

(Keep snapping those fingers Ragr!) Laughing
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Master Greytalker

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Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:43 pm  

Great work as always, Anna. Cool
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:12 pm  

Niiiiice! Where'd the shield for Stoink come from?
Also, I've updated the Duchy of the Artonsamay a bit in my BK project. PM me for details.
I like the border for Dimre, well done.

Edit: Damnit, forgot to log back in as aurdraco.

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Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:19 am  

Comments on map 47:
"Warmhall" should be "Wormhall"

"The Rhelt of Kor" should be "Abbarra". The "Where the bandits are" article and map got the name wrong. Rhelt is a title, Kor is the person, Abbarra is the land. Please see LGG 25 for confirmation.

"The Freehold of Reyhu" should be "The Great Lands of Reyhu" per LGG.
Also, the land in Reyhu may be a bit too rocky. Reyhu was one of the few really fertile areas in the BK.

Again, great work! I can't wait to see more maps!

Casey aka aurdraco
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Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:57 pm  
Brand new Annamaps

Wow ... these are as great as they ever were! And Dimre! Our favorite Light-worshiping lunatic Paladin-rogues!

Anna, I've said to your for just about two years now that your maps are truly a form of artwork. You do amazing work, and the research that you put into it to make these Rand McNally maps of gaming is nothing short of amazing. I'll be putting your new maps to good use in my new GH Home campaign that kicks off in the next week or two! Episode #5 is set in the Pale and Dimre and will feature a bit of wilderness romping!

Thanks again for all that you do for the World of Greyhawk.
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Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Ahlissa

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Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:44 pm  

Thanks again for the great remarks and corrections!

I have made corrections to area 47 and 48, hopefully I have corrected everything, if not please say so ;)

But first a few comments.

First Aurdraco wonders where I got the design for the Stoink coat of arms. In the book "Saga of old city" p163 it says: "the blazon of Stoink - a white field embellished with an azure bend, and a golden spear superimposed over all". I hope I have done something that resembles that description.

"Wormhall", "Abbarra" and "The Great Lands of Reyhu" corrected on map 47. Made the lands of Reyhu more less rocky and more fertile, thanks Aurdraco for your observations!

Thanks Icarus, and good luck with your campaign and everything else!

Here are the links to the updated files.

I have had a bit of a problem getting access to update my website, but hopefully that will be fixed soon so I can have all the maps available there.

Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:31 am  

Based on the description in "Saga of Old City", Stoink's heraldry looks like this:

I put this together a while ago, and posted it for the first time in response to a thread on Bandit Kingdom's heraldry. Feel free to use it as is, or re-do it if you like. Cool
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Last edited by Cebrion on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:56 am  


This is tremendous work! Glad to see you are back to your mapping!

Thank you!

GVD Happy
Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Ahlissa

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:41 pm  

Thanks Ceb, great to have real experts checking my work and helping out!Happy

I have updated area 48:



Now I'm moving south to map 61, here is a screenshot of the beginnings:

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Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:30 am  

A question for you, Anna, or indeed anyone really. On your Cairn Hills map (sq60) there are two towns situated on the coast of the Nyr Dyv, namely, Honton and Salt Harbour. This is an area my campaign is situated in at the moment and I wonder what the sources/references for these two places are.

Any pointers gratefully received.

ps. the new map looks as great as ever.
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Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:02 pm  

Ragr wrote:
A question for you, Anna, or indeed anyone really. On your Cairn Hills map (sq60) there are two towns situated on the coast of the Nyr Dyv, namely, Honton and Salt Harbour. This is an area my campaign is situated in at the moment and I wonder what the sources/references for these two places are.

Any pointers gratefully received.

ps. the new map looks as great as ever.
I believe those are both from Anna's home campaign. Try turning off that layer of the PDF.
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Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:15 pm  

Thanks DMPrata :)

Let's see, Honton is on the map included in the adventure module Doomgrinder. Salt Harbor is from a map made by some unknown member of the Dychy of Urnst Triad, so it might not be canon.

I hope it helps.

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:38 am  

Thanks for the help.

I've got Doomgrinder somewhere so that's okay.

Totally unfussed as to whether either is considered canon I just didn't want to start detailing them without investigating whether they had already been done.
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Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:29 pm  

A first version of map 61 is available for download here:


If you compare the southern end of map 61 it doesn't match up with map 74. I'm aware of it and fixing it. The reason are that I didn't pay enough attention to the coast of Nyrond when I made map 74, and haven't gotten around to fix it until now. But an updated version of 74 will be out shortly.

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Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:20 pm  

Anna, these maps always used to provide the highpoint of my Greyhawk 'fix'. It is great to see them being re-visited, and they are wonderful as ever!!
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Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:16 pm  

Thank you Yeoman! :) have been sadly neglected the past couple of years. The new site will be more functional, and have updated versions of my maps. The design is more elaborate but hopefully functional as well.

New website is well underway, but in the meantime this placeholder will be there. I hope to have the new site up and running during the weekend.

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:27 am  

Hi Anna!

Every map brings me a little closer to cartigraphical heaven! I'm looking forward to seeing your updated site. 8)

I just downloaded your new Nyrond map, and I think I can actually be helpful for once. According to The Marklands accessory, Mowbrenn is spelled with a "w" not a "v", and is a walled city of 19,000 people.

Keep up the exceptional work!

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:26 pm  

The Kalamar Atlas is a good model to work from, I never bought into the setting but that book is awesome.....

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:46 pm  

Hi everyone

Finally after some problems my new website is up and running!

There are updated versions of all my maps to download. I have made the changes you pointed out Shadrach, thanks alot.

leeyn I agree about the Atlas of Kalamar it is a good example of how you can do a campaign atlas. My plan is to make a similar one for Greyhawk and make the maps even more useful.

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Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:37 am  

Anna, great job on the maps, especially being willing to so quickly incorporate feedback. Awesome job.

Cebrion, what thread was the BK heraldry talked about?


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Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:26 am  

Yes it needs to be said again AWESOME there is no other word for them. Wink
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Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:48 am  

First: Thank you so much DarkHerald! Happy

Then I have updated area 61 with the town of Theekham, between Midmeadow and Womtham.

In "Saga of Old City" Gary wrote "The travelers had angled a bit eastward at Theekham and were now going directly towards the rising sun".

I placed it at an road intersection west of Womtham, I hope you can find this location acceptable.

New full size versions versions are available at


Last edited by Anna on Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:19 pm  

More updates!

Area 48 was missing the Demonclaw tower just south of Wragby.

Credits goes to Icarus and Maldin for reserach, thanks!


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Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:45 am  

Beautifu Anna! Happy

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:37 pm  

Thanks Happy

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:17 am  


Great maps as always. I dub thee Goddess of Cartography. I guess you really do know how to read maps.
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Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:19 pm  

Hiya Anna! I like how you've improved your site, very easy to use and polished.

You corrected the County name and legend marker for Mowbrenn perfectly, but still need to change the name of the city itself.

Sorry for the pestering, keep up the fantastic work!
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:12 am  

An updated version of areamap 61 is available, with the spelling of Mowbrenn city is corrected.

Thank you Shadrach! Smile

I'm working on new maps that will be posted for your expert scrutiny and criticism. Thanks again for your help.

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:27 pm  

Anna, these maps are nothing short of amazing! Please keep this project going, I can't wait until you eventually get to Sunndi. Happy

Once the various sections of the atlas are more or less complete, are you planning to release a smaller, overview map of the Flanaess as a whole? Also, do you plan to detail Hemonaland (and/or any other lands that have possibly been detailed) once the Flanaess is done?
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Wed May 04, 2011 3:18 pm  

Thanks Azzy Happy

I don't know when I will do Sunndi, but I'm working in the east so there might be possible to take a tour south before heading west and north again.

Yes I'm planning to release a map covering the whole Flanaess!

Hepmonaland is definitely on my agenda, and the Baklunish west and the southern lands as covered in more reliable sources.

There are other parts of Oerth and they are beyond my scope for now, there are enough to do anyway. I have more Greyhawk related projects already brewing that I'm more eager to get into before heading off to any remote parts of Oerth.

New maps will be presented shortly so stay tuned!

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Thu May 05, 2011 10:04 am  

Absolutely stunning maps. Thank you, thank you, thank you....

I would love to know about how you are compiling your location data...
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu May 05, 2011 2:39 pm  

I like to lurk in these forums, but your work Anna keeps me from it. Fantastic work your doing. You are defiantly the goddess of Cartography!
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri May 06, 2011 12:05 pm  

Again thank you for your great support!

Here is an update on area 62:

High res jpg:

It is far from finished yet but it is beginning to take shape. This in a part of the Flanaess I have longed to do since I read the Gord novels and his journey across these lands. It is hard to do the books justice but I think
I'm starting to get there. I'm researching Ivid the Undying and the Nyrond Gazeteer as well to hopefully get all the details right.

The hardest part is not the mapping it's all the reading and note taking in order to nail all the details. Now I have digitized most of my Greyhawk material to Evernote. If you don't know about Evernote take a look, I love it and online personal database for everything. I have put all notes, maps, dragon mags, dungeon mags, web pages, pdfs of all published material and scanned written notes.

Now it is all searchable, fantastic I can find all instances of a place or name in seconds. on my iPad or iPhone as well.


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Fri May 06, 2011 2:08 pm  

That is just fantastic !
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Mon May 23, 2011 7:09 pm  

First thanks feladur :)
Time for release, area map 62 is now available!

As usual this is a first version so there are prone to be errors and missing things, so please scrutinize it.

JPG version:
PDF version:

I'm now heading north along the Rakers into the Pale and beyond.

A special thanks as so often goes to PaulN6 for his great help with research material!

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Tue May 24, 2011 8:40 am  

Magnificent as usual.

Thanks, Anna. Cool
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Wed May 25, 2011 8:48 am  

Anna, what's your source for Tomkin? I only found one LG reference, and it was non-specific as to settlement size and placement.

Also, I think Bloodcrystal and Onyxgate should be further east. Based on the official TSR map in The Marklands, and the unofficial map for Ivid the Undying, I don't think Bloodcrystal, Onyxgate, and Millenium are supposed to line up along a straight NE-SW axis.

Nitpicks aside, great work as usual!
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Thu May 26, 2011 4:12 am  

I'm wading through the LG mods trying to dig up as much information as I can. Sometimes, a place will just be mentioned as a stop off on the way to somewhere else or other times there will be no information beyond the administrative region that it lies in. Bissel was particularly vague on these kinds of details. Other times the modules are slightly contradictory and somebody will have to make an executive decision! Essentially, there was simply no need for the writers to be be all that specific at the time. As such, I'm quite happy for Anna to make a 'best guess' when drawing up her maps.

I'm currently wading through by region, alphabetically, in my spare time (I'm on year one of the County of Urnst atm). If I turn up anything I will pass it on to Anna to incorporate.

I'm also cutting and pasting what I can about the history, names of locations (inns etc), factions, and specific NPCs with a view to drafting a full LG gazeteer in the future.
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Thu May 26, 2011 8:06 am  

I'm starting to catch up on you expert s on Greyhawk Lore, I found two references for Tomkin Wink

But it didn't reveal more. the second one was an article about Almor in OJ22 just listing it. I didn't want to leave it out so I made some guesses and improvisations of my own, just like PaulN6 writes.

In the case of Tomkin I first looked at Almor as a whole and saw that most people seemed to live in the eastern part and then I placed it as a natural center point along the defensive line along the Harp river. My first thought was to place it by the Harp river by the road to Chathold, but that was lost during the war and the references are for post war Almor. Village was the size I choose because I thought that anything larger would have been mentioned. When you make something up, don't make it too significant is a rule I have. Fortifications I thought was a must for any settlement near a frontier. In my view it will serve a role as supply and r&r facility and fallback position for the frontline.

This was an example of the line of thinking that goes into my work. But when you get passionate and work late you get carried away and forget to recheck your sources. That is what happened with Bloodcrystal and Onyxgate. I have readjusted them, and given Innspa its proper status as regional capital back. Some small terrain touch up has been added as well.

So thank you DMPrata, your nitpicks are most welcome, you truly help me!

Paul your work is truly impressive, it might not be as visible as my mapping, but I'm in awe of all the editing and reading you make. I understand the effort, becoming a pretty avid Greyhawk researcher myself . That LG gazetteer you're working on is something I look forward to and I would be proud if you would like to include my maps with it. In that case we have to find the best way to present them to go along with the written content.

To make an Atlas or Gazetteer of the Flanaess with tons of written information and maps hand in hand is my ultimate goal. To make the wonderful creation of Greyhawk justice. So thank you again for your work Paul!

So please check out the second version of area 62:

I'm hard at work on area 49 and there will be a major revision of area 48 as well. I was sloppy in my initial research of the Theocracy and the Tehn, but hopefully I'll make up for it now. I will be away for the weekend to immerse myself in my other two passions, aviation and photography. But I will be back working again Wednesday.

Here is a screenshot to study in the meantime:

a large jpg can be found here:

Thanks again for your support!


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Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 pm  
stalwart pines

Hi Anna,
Happy to see the fast progress, area 62 arrived and already a glimpse of 49...
A feedback on the Celadon forest: in the comic "Dungeons & Dragons Black & White" is quoted a secret elven city "deep within the Celadon, rumors abound about the city of Stalwart Pines, protected by rangers and populated by sylvan elves". The city is said to be accessible only to rangers and elves. the group in the comic is captured when travelling from Rel Mord and is returned around Woodwych, not much else is said to its location.
I'd suggest area 60, southeast of Starhaunt.

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:44 pm  

Thanks Feladur, a revised 60 maps will be up shortly Smile

Thanks to a popular request I have made a quick mash-up map of the Bandit Kingdom.

It has some loose ends and is not very well put together but it might be handy for adventuring in the BK area.

A full size version:

Updates to area 48 will be available soon as well as previews of area 49 as I progress with it.

Thanks again for your help!

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:01 pm  

Beautiful Anna! Glad to see you're still at it. Smile


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Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:02 pm  

There's a typo on your lovely Bandit Kingdoms map, Anna. You accidentally typed "Kindoms," forgetting the "g."

Also, I don't see Veralos or Dragotha's lair, or the nearby giantish city of Kongen-Thulnir from Dungeon #133. I think Veralos is on the north side of the canyon, while Kongen-Thulnir is on the south side, both near the Wormcrawl Fissure. Dragotha's lair is in Wormcrawl Fissure.
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Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:36 pm  

This is why I normally don't do impulses like this, but thankfully you have me covered Smile

Thanks Rasgon!

How could I missed Dragothas lair and Kongen-Thulnir...I'm getting sloppy so its good to know I have so good help.

Here is a link to an updated version:

I will update my area maps as well soon.


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Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:58 pm  


Though you mispelled "Veralos."
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:43 am  

Corrected the spelling, thanks again Rasgon Smile

I have also added Ankheg Springs.

The new version can be downloaded here:


Edit: I just saw that Eric Anondsons map had Ankheg Springs a bit more south, and another place called Nebjanow Mines. It seems to be a LG addon.

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:14 am  
Plague Fields

Anna, your maps are absolutely beautiful. Great work.

I was looking at your Bandit Kingdoms map and I was wondering what your source for the Plague Fields location was.

In the "Return to White Plume Mountain" module, the hook in the Yellowflow River with Plague Fields was neighboring the Twisted Thickets, but further northwest, closer to Ringland and Castle Mukos. The Eric Anondsons maps also place it closer to Reyneld and Ringland, outside of the borders of Redhand. This also makes sense because they suggest the village was poisoned by runoff from WPM.

I don't have the "Iuz the Evil" maps, but the text doesn't mention WPM, but instead describes how it has been poisoned by an evil artifact. I don't know if the location is also different.

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:03 am  

Lots of new details and corrections, because I joined two area maps, this is great.

It have kept me busy for a couple of hours trying to make it right so I don't have to make yet another correction to my provisional BK map. Please take a look at the latest version to seen if I have got it right:

If there are no objections I can correct the area maps and upload to my website.

Thanks again for your help!

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:48 pm  

Hi Anna
Another area getting mapped, wow!
For your Bandit Kingdom map... in the comic "where shadows fall" an adventuring group goes through the "hole in the Oerth" town of Luendorn while travelling from the Phostwood to the Fellreev. From the feel of the locale (human city, signs saying "no elvz, no hafflings", big bar fight) I'd place it in the bandit kingdoms, so a location on the northwest route along the Artonsamay should be OK -probably closer to Rookroost, as it would not fit in character to place it in Dimre.
Keep going !

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:07 pm  
White plume mountain

Hi Anna,
just a question of aesthetics.... Why not give WPM a white plume rather than a black crater?


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Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:57 pm  

Looking good!

I noticed that "eye socket" is mispelled near White Plume Mountain, though.

Last edited by rasgon on Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:55 pm  

Awesome! As always, Anna. Happy
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Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:27 pm  

Mis-posted as its own thread, and moved here. Wink

feladur wrote:
Hi Anna,
Riftcrag hsould be written in a single word
The archbarony of Eastmarch is referenced twice on the map

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Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:59 pm  

This became a much bigger thing than I thought when I made the first Bandit Kingdom mash-up last week. At least 20 errors and missing things have been identified and now hopefully dealt with. Thank you so much for all your help!

a full size jpg:

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:20 pm  

And so, the white plume replaces the black crater. Nice. Wink Evil Grin
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