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Your Favourite Friend or Foe in the Flanaess
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:59 pm  
Your Favourite Friend or Foe in the Flanaess

If you had to pick a friend or foe in the Flanaess, who would be your favourite? (any time period)

If you have difficulty picking one then list your top 3 - 5.

Now I must go think about this for a while Confused
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Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:05 am  

Easy! My favorite foes are Iggwilv and Eli Tomorast.

As for friends, hm, I would have to say I'm partial to the Greyladies, like Countess Bellisica or Jallarzi Sallavarian.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:08 pm  
Well, waitaminute...

Hi again,

Is the question, who are your favorite friends and foes as a DM, or who would be your favorites, if you lived in Greyhawk?

As a DM, my answer is - friend: Tenser, foe: Eneever Zig

Answering for myself, I'd probably still pick Tenser for my friend ("Protect me, buddy! Nice Meteor Swarm!"), but an old, crippled kobold for my foe.

~Scott "-enkainen" Casper

Yak-Men don't want to be your friends and don't want you to know they're your enemies...

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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:44 pm  

I am a DM 90% of the time I play D&D, so I'll answer from that perspective.

My favorite enemies to pit my players against are Iuz, Iggwilv, and Eclavdra.

My favorite friends for my players to run into and appreciate help from are my own retired characters. However, as far as canonnical Greyhawk characters goes, my favorite is Tornamir (Castellan of the Keep on the Borderlands).

Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:44 pm  

I too like the grey ladies.

My most used heroines are Sheroyl Kubiak, Bajastelle Rendarin, Marissa Hunter, and Marie Sennefort.

My most used villainesses include Drelzna, Glasya, Markessa, and Tiamat.

I apologize for any misspellings; I don't have my books handy.
Master Greytalker

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:30 pm  
Favorite Friend and Foe ...

Well, I too use retired former PCs as contacts and whatnot for my players, but insofar as the OP goes ...

I think that I would have to say one of my favs for helping PCs are Talasek Thrayden and Derider Fanshen, now that she's retired. Another one that I have really loved for years is Karistyne. I was horrified and exhilarated when, in the Living Greyhawk campaign, there was a story arc that involved Rary trying to wipeout her and her castle.

As far as foes, Rary would be one of my biggest ones that I love to loathe, as is Lord Robilar (but, if you follow Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk he's no longer impersonated by his evil counterpart.)
... and Iuz is probably the most awful big baddie, in my book.
I also like to add Duke Karll to the list (snicker, giggle) since he is such a horrible oppressor of the Rhennee. Evil hearted bastard that he is.
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Master Greytalker

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:32 pm  
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Last edited by Icarus on Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:19 am; edited 2 times in total
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:54 pm  

I like Iggwilv had a campaign with one of her cults in Perrenland Drelzna was in charge of this faction.

Cults of Incabulos especially in my Veluna campaign. Hobgoblins and goblins in general.

Gods of death in my campaign are the only ones who can bring back the dead. If your character dies only a death priest can make a contract to bring them back to life. Hence forth not many pcs come back to life. What price must one pay to bring the dead back to life?

Turin Deathstalker was one of my favorite Greyhawk NPCs because he could be the villain or ally.

Evard is one of my favorite villains. Until I killed him off Canon Hazen was one of my favorite allies.

Turrosh Mak is my favorite ally he is responsible for the death of many elves. What a great individual
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:19 am  

What a great topic, Dark Herald! Happy

I'll say my favorite allies were Ingrid Maelstromsdottir (which is what my DM at the time named the Storm Giantess from the Against the Giants trilogy) and Shahng (the drow weaponsmistress from the Dungeon Istivin series, whom I once had a PC of mine enter a kind of Dark One/Tyslin San-type situation with). I suppose, like some of the others, I have a thing for the Greyladies. Laughing

My worst enemies would be Warnes Starcoat, Theodain Eriason (very bitter rivals of a favorite long-term PC of mine), and Jumper (who tormented that same PC for a period of about five years, nearly killing him at least five or six times in that span). Death to the lot of them!

Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:44 am  

the_colorless_mage wrote:
I suppose, like some of the others, I have a thing for the Greyladies.

I've always thought of myself as being fairly up on all my GH lore... but ... (wait for it) ... Who are these Greyladies of whom you speak?
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:37 am  

Lareth became quite a fun recurring villain in our campaign. I've always liked Blackthorn (Markessa's henchman from the slavers modules). My version became a half-demon ogre mage sorcerer who acts as a power broker between various factions (slavers, drow, otherworldly Cabaal), who went on to ally himself with a night hag and a hag covey.

I was always fond of Sturtevant as a friendly NPC (although our version has been held at Gibbering Gate since the Greyhawk Wars).
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:00 am  

Mine would be Balabar, who was the father to one of my players characters. He was a terrible man with many dark secrets. Not only did he dabble in the dark arts but was a wereboar as well.

My player had built up such a hatred towards her father that she went nuts when she saw him and tried to kill him at every turn. He was playing all factions in the adventure, players were never sure of his intentions. just as they thought they should kill him, he would bail them out of the fire.

Next was Venaur a priest in the service of Iuz who had an assassin after the party whois name was Malek. He hunted the characters down striking from the shadows.

The players had a priest of St Cuthbert that would save the day when the opportunity presented itself
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:44 am  
Re: Greyladies?


Icarus wrote:
I've always thought of myself as being fairly up on all my GH lore... but ... (wait for it) ... Who are these Greyladies of whom you speak?

You're not missing any tidbit of Greylore, my friend. "Greyladies" was just a term I coined (apparently, not very well) as a way of saying "Ladies of Greyhawk". Smile

Adept Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:00 am  

The Scarlet Brotherhood. I use them all the damn time. My players go "its the SB again" about as often as the Doctor says, "its the Daleks~!"
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:18 am  

Favorite villain: Drelzna; being a vampire helped her survive after the Lost Caverns were looted, and I have since used her, and highlighted her relation to Iggwilv and Iuz.

Favorite friend: Bigby. Introduced him to one party using the "Prisoner of Zagyg" card adventure from From the Ashes, despite the campaign not yet getting to the Greyhawk Wars (yet). However with an different party and players, Tenser, in his Age of Worms role, is obviously going to play a big part as they advance.

I guess I just keep using those NPC's that show up in the adventures and appreciate it when notable NPC do appear in published items.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:12 am  

The bane of the characters in my longest running GH campaign (mid-late 80's) was a Ketite necromancer, who I cannot remember the name of to save my life. He was a real nasty piece of work. They tracked him all the way from GH City to Ket, which is a pretty long journey IMC. Ended up killing him and saving Bissel from an invasion by destroying the artifact he was using to aid the Beygraf's invading army.
In my current Sterich campaign the big villain for this arc is the Scarlet Witch, who unknown to the characters is an agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Fortunately none of the player have even the slightest knowledge of greylore and what the SB is, so this is all new and fresh to them. It's nice to work with a clean slate sometimes. They have also killed some of Obmi's henchmen, so he'll probably come into play later. This is an alternate-from-canon version of Obmi though, who instead of going to work for Iuz after the events of the Giant's series, set himself up as the head of a dwarven criminal gang in Istivin.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:54 am  

I had forgotten about Drelnza and want to add her to my list of favorite PC foils now that Skech and Argon have reminded me.

In the current campaign that I am DMing for my son and his friends (who are all new to the game), I named a Dwarven Fighter/Thief 1/1, whom they have just rescued from enslavement in the Caves of Chaos, 'Obmi'. None of the players know that name as they are all new to D&D and Greyhawk. I'm still trying to devise ways to forshadow Obmi's future during the year and a day he has promised to serve the party for his rescue. And, I'm quivering in anticipation of all the issued the boys will have when they discover where Obmi's adventuring career takes him after parting ways with the party. Evil Grin

Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:58 am  

In the current campaign that I am DMing for my son and his friends (who are all new to the game), I named a Dwarven Fighter/Thief 1/1, whom they have just rescued from enslavement in the Caves of Chaos, 'Obmi'. None of the players know that name as they are all new to D&D and Greyhawk. I'm still trying to devise ways to forshadow Obmi's future during the year and a day he has promised to serve the party for his rescue. And, I'm quivering in anticipation of all the issued the boys will have when they discover where Obmi's adventuring career takes him after parting ways with the party

Sounds like you are having a blast playing with your son. How old is he, SirXaris?

My son is turning a 11 tomorrow and we have just started playing last year. He is playing a dwarf called Hangover Laughing

How do you find it playing with the younger kids?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:59 pm  

My buddy would be Mordenkainen. My feared bad guy would have to be Incabulos. I know he's a deity and not really an active NPC but he creeps me out more than Iuz or Tharizdun. I always did like Nerull. Incabulos takes it for me. EVIL and Nasty....*shivers* Evil
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:45 pm  

GH has so many great canonical villains (Warduke, Iggwilv, Dragotha, etc) that it's hard to choose. I would likely pick Vecna as my top villain. Don't know if I have a fave canonical heroic character, but I think Otto would be fun to hang out with--great food & music are hard to top. I'd like to hang out with Mordy's apprentice, Rautheene, however, for other reasons. :D

Speaking of "Greyladies," perhaps there should be a calendar?
Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:39 pm  

Robbastard wrote:
I'd like to hang out with Mordy's apprentice, Rautheene, however, for other reasons. :D ...
Speaking of "Greyladies," perhaps there should be a calendar?

Hey ... you know, I always liked Rautheene, but I have two questions ...
#1.) was she ever anywhere other than in The Wizards Three? That was the only place that I ever read about her.
#2.) How do y'all pronounce it? I say it kind of like "raw-thee-nay" ... but, I could see "raw-theen" too.
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Black Hand of Oblivion

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:45 pm  

Friend- Talasek Thraydin, the noble paladin of Greyhawk City who's taken a vow of poverty, and who helps the poor. Not some snobby git, but somebody that walks the walk, not just talks the talk.

Foe- Minions of Incabulos. So underused, and yet so cool. And no, I don't mean just Hags either.
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:27 am  

Villain would definitely be the Big T Tharizdun. But as far as friends go I have never used a named NPC in any of my games. They have all been ones of my own creation usually old Characters of mine or other players from games past.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:07 am  

DarkHerald wrote:

Sounds like you are having a blast playing with your son. How old is he, SirXaris?

My son is turning a 11 tomorrow and we have just started playing last year. He is playing a dwarf called Hangover Laughing

How do you find it playing with the younger kids?

It's a blast, DarkHerald! Happy

Real Life interferred and prevented me from teaching him earlier. He's currently a 16 year-old High School Junior. I make sure the role-playing never goes beyond a PG rating as the last thing I need is for his friends' parents to get wind that inappropriate discussions are going on at gaming sessions hosted by me. rolleyes

Playing the party's Gnome Cleric, my son tried to be a smart-alek trickster upon arriving at the Keep on the Borderlands during their first gaming session. He was insulting the Corporal of the Guard at the gate and the rest of the group couldn't get him to shut up, so the party's Wizard attempted to cast a Sleep spell upon him in order to prevent them all from getting in trouble. Of course, that resulted in the entire party being attacked, subdued, and thrown into the Keep's dungeon. (The guards didn't know who the Wizard intended to target with his spell. Razz )

They were able to work it out with Tornamir (the Castellan), but had to pay fines (the Wizard's was much higher than that of the others) and my son's Gnome was exiled from the Keep. That sentence was eventually pardoned as he wisened up and proved his value and trustworthiness to the Keep.

We have a running joke in the group that whenever a character rolls a natural '1' on a Spot check, that character cowers in a fetal position screaming "A dragon! A dragon! I swear I saw a dragon!" (From Pete's Dragon. Razz ) while the rest of the party stands around staring at him in disgust.

My younger three children have been enjoying bed-time stories the last two years of the past adventures of my original character, Sir Xaris, and his companions. They are just about to hear of their exploits against King Snurre Ironbelly and his minions. I keep trying to kill characters off in the stories, but my younglings refuse to allow any of the heroes to die. Smile

By the way, tell your son that I think 'Hangover' is a great nickname for a Dwarf character. Cool

Sir Xaris
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:48 am  

By the way, tell your son that I think 'Hangover' is a great nickname for a Dwarf character.

Thanks, he is stoked by your comment.

I have managed to convince my wife to play after many, many years and now she has finally agreed. Razz

So it is me, my son, my daughter and my wife playing the Kill Bargle adventure from Dungeon Magazine.

I am looking forward to some great memories to come Happy

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:40 am  

Robbastard wrote:
Speaking of "Greyladies," perhaps there should be a calendar?

Sounds like a job for our Icarus! Evil Grin

The heavens know he's not really busy right now. Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:20 am  

DarkHerald wrote:
My son is turning a 11 tomorrow and we have just started playing last year. He is playing a dwarf called Hangover Laughing

That, sir, is full of awesome. Happy
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:27 am  

Thanks Smillan Happy

Besides having the day started with an unexpected damper. I had an awesome day with my son, watched him play cricket! HE managed to take 3 wickets, which really made his afternoon. Then it was time to watch my son open his presents.

So overall great day
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:59 pm  

Icarus wrote:
Robbastard wrote:
I'd like to hang out with Mordy's apprentice, Rautheene, however, for other reasons. :D ...
Speaking of "Greyladies," perhaps there should be a calendar?

Hey ... you know, I always liked Rautheene, but I have two questions ...
#1.) was she ever anywhere other than in The Wizards Three? That was the only place that I ever read about her.
#2.) How do y'all pronounce it? I say it kind of like "raw-thee-nay" ... but, I could see "raw-theen" too.

I think she only appear in the Wizards Three. I tend to pronounce it the former way.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:35 am  

Of all the wizards across the know multiverse who in your opinion is the strongest wizard of all?

Or the strongest in Greyhawk vs the strongest in Forgotten Realms vs Krynn

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:57 am  

Historically speaking, Merlin, Morgan Le Fey, and Circe come to mind.

In Greyhawk I'd rank Zagyg, Vecna, and Mordenkainen from greatest down. There are too many to rank in FR, though I can't think of any that would top Elminster. For Krynn, I'd have to go with Raistlin followed by Fistandantalus, but as with FR, I simply don't know those worlds well enough to do more than speculate.

Master Greytalker

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:13 pm  
Mordenkainen vs. Elminster

DarkHerald wrote:
Of all the wizards across the know multiverse who in your opinion is the strongest wizard of all?
Or the strongest in Greyhawk vs the strongest in Forgotten Realms vs Krynn

An interesting extension of the topic. I once did a study of Elminster and Mordenkainen from the Epic Level Handbook, as both are presented there, IIRC. Elminster is obviously a more powerful individual... he is, after all, a 40-somethingth level NPC. But, when one looks at purely spellcasting prowess, Mordenkainen edges him out. Their Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft skills are comparable, but, as far as potential magic, Mordenkainen is a 27th level, straight class Wizard. There's little that can top that. Elminster is limited to non-epic magic by his combination of classes, where Mordy focuses on one thing and one thing only. He actually has 12th level (Epic) spell slots. That's just ... totally epic! Laughing

At any rate, I might be prejudiced, but, my vote is for Mordenkainen for my fav. Rautheene is also fairly cool, for my money. Elminster, Raistlin and Fistandantilus are really cool, too, though.
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