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Dragon 339 + eTools
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Site Theocrat

Joined: Aug 15, 2003
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From: WoG 2.0

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Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:32 am  
Dragon 339 + eTools

Hi all -
I've got all the datasets for eTools. But there is so much more out there - like the things from Dragon Mag's. I have been in the process of putting in the Greyhawk Feats I & II from a year or so ago into eTools and saw this months killler Greyhawk monsters in Creature Collection IV. With that in mind, I'm wondering if there is anybody else out there doing something similar.
I just don't wanna duplicate the work, and wanna see what others have done.

Be Well.
And, No I'm not back!

Theocrat Issak
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Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:51 pm  

I have been working with eTools forever now.

At one time I made a separate database for Grewhawk and started working from there. I added the minimum datasets necessary to get it up to the speed. Some of these are a matter of choice.

For 3.0, I used the "default" campaign logic and added each dataset:
Living Greyhawk Gazeteer
Epic Level Handbook
Psionics Hanbook
Deities and Demigods
The Splat Books
Manual of the Planes
The generic adventures
Arms and Equiment Guide

If it had the word Forgetten Realms, I did not add that data except on a item by item bases, like even though aarakocra were in that first Monsters of Fearun book, the were in WOG encounter tables, so I ported them over.

I also took the "Greyhawk Region Feats" and incorporated them. Now what to do...

I started with the WOG books and sets and converted each character to make them as legal to 1st ed as possible, then ran them thru 1st to 2nd ed conversion. I looked at both results to see what looked good as the basis for a 3e character and used that. If a character was 2nd ed, I used the Character Conversion book that came out with 3.0

I have several character files for each
CY576 version
CY581 version
CY585 version
CY591 version
assuming the character lived to that year or existed. I age/deage the character and give/take away about 1000 xp a year.

I made a character for person mentioned in the LGG using the NPC generator to make an elite NPC. If an older TSR source mentions a specific characteristic, trait, stat age level or possession, I incorporate that piece into the all appropriate files. Specific information always takes precedence, but I base things on 3.0/3.5 (LGG, Dragon and Dungeon articles) data.

So for example Artur Jakartai is listed in LGG as a Pal17. OK, but what are his stats? Oh, some are in the 2nd ed Furyondy sourcebook! his age too!. I create a legal 2nd ed Artur Jakartai, with legal 2nd ed stats, then convert him to 3rd ed, make an etools character and store him in the CY585 folder. Then age him 6 years and apply the appropriate stats for the character and store him in the CY591 folder. I have about 200 character running this way.


My ultimate goal that I am still working on is (of course) my interpretation of GDQ that can actually be played. Some level balancing will be necessary. "Lolth" will either be an avatar of the real thing or a Divine Rank 0 Proxie type

Joined: Jun 04, 2008
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Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:37 pm  

good evening,

I created this account when I saw your etools posts... IF anyone is still working with etools, I'm looking for all the data sets I can get since the code monkey bunch quit working... any help out there?

Subedai Sho Khan

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:55 pm  

Good evening, Temji, and welcome to Canonfire!

Sorry, but I can't help you, myself. But I assure you that there are those "here" that can, so "sit tight."

And don't be a stranger to Canonfire, now that you have the account, chime in every once in awhile and let us know what you think. We're all looking forward to hearing more from you.

So, again, welcome to Canonfire!
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Sep 16, 2006
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From: Durnagald

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:27 pm  

Old thread... that said I recently (as of 5 minutes ago) recovered my old eTools DB where I'd lovingly entered all those feats. I never did add the Greyhawk Paladin Feats from the other (Gary's?) articles, but I have the mags, so I just might.

I think ETH may let me export them as XML, but in most cases they are useless without the article that actually describes them in depth (e.g. good luck letting the Faerie Mysteries change your HP bonus to your INT bonus... you're just as soon as have a faerie knock on your door and ask for someone to frolic with).

That said, I need to either restore or re-enter my Animus template or I doubt I'll be able to load Hastern of Naelax up again...
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