Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:30 am
City of Greyhawk ESD
I have restocked much of my Greyhawk chest with ESD scans of OOP products I foolishly discarded in my youth or never had. If anyone follows the lists that Jim Butler at Bastion Press posted for the scanning schedule, it was indicated that TSR1043-City of Greyhawk was located, but never scanned. Does anyone know why and/or if it will ever be released in ESD format?
Mr. Butler indicated on his site that WotC have told him to stop scanning all non-D&D material - they were planning on doing Star Frontiers. Top Secret, etc. but there has been no word on what happened to City of Greyhawk - the only item of the 'Greyhawk line' that wasn't released.
Just lookin' for info. Thanks