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Of Badges, Amulets, Talisman & Phlactery
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Joined: Sep 07, 2011
Posts: 833
From: Houston Texas

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Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:40 pm  
Of Badges, Amulets, Talisman & Phlactery

I have been working on collecting all the known magical and non-magical items such as these, into one collected work, as a side project for my Bard PC & a potential article submission here..
It is without saying that material components and divine "priestly" symbols fall with in this, so I am excluding those unless unique. I am refering more to Items Canon (first) & Homebrew (second) that symbolize various "things". They could be rumored to ward off evil or illness, or be representative universally as identifying an honor or friend. They could be either magical or mundane, yet unique to the culture that is GH.....
On canon items it would be helpful for all to reference the source. Wink

I'll Start with a few...

Canon> The Gnarley Forest Rangers - Insignia of the Oak
Silver Oak Leaf- Worn on a neck chain by junior members
Silver Oak Leafs (2) above Acorn- Worn as an amulet or Badge Worn by Mid-Level Members (Lvl 4-6)
Silver Oak Leafs (2) above Gold Acorn-Worn as an amulet or Badge for Senior Members (Lvl7+)
Silver Oak Leafs (2) above Gold Acorn Ornated with Moonstone-Worn as an amulet or Badge by Ranger Knight & High Councel.
GH Adventures- Campaign Book p41
Generally Non-magical used for mutual recognition and trusted members. Can be awarded for recognition of service to non-rangers.

Semi-Canon>The Talisman of Zagy

Homebrew> Rabbit's Foot
Worn on chain or carried in pocket.
Generally Non-magical carried for "luck" Though the Rabbit-Folk of some campaigns may refute this. Evil Grin

I hope to compile these into a list separated as denoted above for all to use.
It is by will alone I set my die in motion.....It is by gaming that thoughts acquire speed.....The hands acquire shaking..... The shaking becomes a warning......It is by will alone I set my die in motion....

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:20 pm  

Sent you a PM, DLG. Hope it's helpful.


Joined: Sep 07, 2011
Posts: 833
From: Houston Texas

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Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:50 pm  

Thanks SX... will give it a look..
All, It has also come to thought... I know there are many wonderous and unique items / artifacts.. but I am really referring to items that would .. how to phrase... be universally recognized?
For example.. in Our own world, we have the Purple Heart, the Medal of Honor, The Victoria Cross, The Blue Max, Eagle Scouts, rabbit foot, fourleaf clover, etc...
It is of these types of items within canon or homebrew to which I speak.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:36 pm  

ToEE has a couple of potential awards for PCs if they succeed in defeating the evil of the risen temple. The Silver Star of Veluna and the Gold Crown of Furyondy.

Also, Puppets lists several awards that the Ranger has stored in a chest. You'll have to research that one as I can't remember any specifics.


Joined: Sep 07, 2011
Posts: 833
From: Houston Texas

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Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:08 am  

Got the ToEE ones.... will list here if no one else does.. will look at the puppets one.. thanks
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Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:31 pm  

That's an incredibly ambitious project! I can't wait to see it if/when you post it. That's the kind of reference I find incredibly useful.

I just now found a very old copy printed on old dot-matrix printer of an aol file. It lists a whole bunch of GH magic items from 1995. It's amazing the things I held onto and the things I lost!
I can barely make out the printing...
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