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Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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From: Houston Texas
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Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:10 am
Great compile Anna... ( I'm running out of walls!!)
Not sure if this was mentioned elsewhere, but interesting podcast that mentions two Canonfire greats.....
Master Greytalker
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Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:20 am
That is.........well, I'm speechless. No, really.
Fantastic work as always, Anna.
And for pity's sake if Wotc do come calling, tell 'em to do one. The best gaming work is always indie. Labour of love and all that.
Naughty, Argon; are you Saruman in disguise?
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:24 am
These maps are absolutely epic, Anna! I know this is a labor of love, but you certainly deserve to be paid for your work. Thanks!
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Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:27 pm
SirXaris wrote: |
These maps are absolutely epic, Anna! I know this is a labor of love, but you certainly deserve to be paid for your work. Thanks!
SirXaris |
Just a comment ( and worth risking the wrath of the Big C) I don't know if all are aware that she does take "donations in support of her efforts" on her site.
(ducking now in anticipation of lightening strikes)
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Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:25 pm
Oh my god. I just got my first look at this. It's gorgeous. My poor little netbook cries when I try to look at it scaled over 66%. It can't take the full awesomeness of your map, Anna!!!
I've always belief that the ability to create art as a composite of skill (technical ability) and talent (the ability to express and emote through the chosen medium). Some artist have more skill than talent, and some have more talent than actual skill. I think you've got an equal share of both... Your maps are breathtaking and inspiring.
TL/DR Version: You rock and so do your maps!
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:23 am
Who better to start off the Herald's interview than with the lady of the Flanaess, the grand cartographer of that is Greyhawk, the lovely lady Anna.
This is the first in a series of interviews that I will be doing. This interviews will be focused on individuals that have impacted roleplaying or Greyhawk in my opinion, one way or another.
Dark Herald
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:05 am
Excellent interview, DarkHerald! Thanks for putting so much effort in supporting the Greyhawk community.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:04 pm
Thanks for all the kinds remarks
So here are the finished versions of the Central Flanaess map.
I'm sorry it took so long to get it done but it was a tedious work to stitch all the parts together and even my computer protests a bit.
I'll will post a Road Map covering what I will concentrate on this year soon.
Thanks again for your support!!
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:04 pm
That is fantastic loading the jpg now.
Thanks for all your hard work Anna Oerth feels a bit more complete now.
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Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:06 am
SirXaris wrote: |
Excellent interview, DarkHerald! Thanks for putting so much effort in supporting the Greyhawk community.
SirXaris |
Hozah in support of DH...
Great interview, and what better place to start the New Year than with the Queen of Cartography
Apprentice Greytalker
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Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:57 pm
I can't even describe the level of excitement I feel right now as I'm downloading the map. :D I can't WAIT to game with it! Thank you Anna!!!
Edit: Whoops, logged onto the wrong account. Ha!
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:48 pm
Thank you all for your support!!!
I have made a Road Map for 2012 with some thoughts and plans for this year. You can download it here:
I'm looking forward to work with all of you fellow hawkers :)
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Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:45 pm
I am near speechless with the talent that you exhibit, gallant Anna. Bravo. I say again, Bravo! Join us for Greytalk tonight, if you get a chance.
Master Arminas
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Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:05 am
Heraldic Shields
Is there a reference you have for the various Heraldic Shields you have layered on your maps? Most I am familiar with, but others elude me. And was thinking that it would be handy to have a reference key. Some may not have access to LGG or the original '83 set that id them.(I assume this is t he starting points you used)
Not trying to create "extra work" for you *wink* Happy to assist if there is no "quick" reference in place
With HIGH regards, and humbly... DLG
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Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:12 am
Anna wrote: |
Thanks for all the kinds remarks
So here are the finished versions of the Central Flanaess map.
I'm sorry it took so long to get it done but it was a tedious work to stitch all the parts together and even my computer protests a bit.
I'll will post a Road Map covering what I will concentrate on this year soon.
Thanks again for your support!!
Anna |
-As usual, awesome work.
Since you haven't gotten to the far south, I figure this is the appropriate place (and time) to bring this up:
The Hepmonaland map in Reynold's Scarlet Brotherhood shows a town or village named "Chebikav" on the west coast at the mouth of the Chiuhtle River. I can't find any mention of it in the text. What gives? Did I simply miss it?
Master Greytalker
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Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:10 am
Wow, I mean just wow, anna.
I can not express how impressive the map is, I mean the time and effort involved. Really, I think I can speak for the entire board - thanks so much.
Now get back to work, you slacker; the other regions won't complete themselves
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:58 pm
Wow thank you all for your great replies :smiles:
I've been a bit busy with exploring some ideas for the future and done some gaming as well, but I'm trying to keep my release schedule. So here are a first batch of maps that where included in the big map but in much improved versions.
For a long time I avoided he frozen north due to lack of skills to make it justice. I have systematically tried to learn and innovate to be able to get the results I want. Now I can make the frozen tundra look the way I want it too!
From the Barren Plains in the west to parts of the cold Stonehold here are areas 21-22 they way they should look:
Area 33 and 34 that covers the centre of Iuz empire are done as well, only a few updates compared to the big map version.
High res versions are available at
I hope you don't think I'm slacking too much Crag
The sources for my heraldry are many. First and foremost the WoG boxed set, From the Ashes and the LG Gazetteer. Then I've reused (stolen) some from well informed fan creations, need to mention Brian Blumklotz and his great contribution the Greyhawk heraldry. Some are my creations based on descriptions in the texts, and some are my own ideas of how I think the heraldry should look like. I've tried to seek advice and peer review before putting any of my own designs on the maps.
I will make a Flanaess heraldry poster, it's one of the projects on my list which I will start to work on one I have done all the heraldry for the big map. It might be both a poster and a pdf book. I'll talk to Brian and see if we can make it a joint effort.
Again thank you all for your support it makes my work so much fun!
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Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:22 am
Incredibly cool. Nice to see the frozen shores getting a treatment at last. I did some hex maps of the Thillonria peninsula a long time ago, but the level of detail in those cannot approach yours. I look forward to the day you can post a full map of the NE like your last central flanaess map, Anna!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:34 am
Anna: you can always shoot any heraldry descriptions by me, and I can either confirm your design of them or do a rough version of any that you are not sure how they are supposed to look. _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:32 pm
Cebrion wrote: |
Anna: you can always shoot any heraldry descriptions by me, and I can either confirm your design of them or do a rough version of any that you are not sure how they are supposed to look. |
Ditto to that Anna, but only along the Heraldry aspects, as I defer the vast expanse of GH lore to the Big C.
I did manage herald tasks for the SCA chapter I was once a member of, so from the heraldic perspective, happy to assist.
Also on a slightly differing topic,
I was reviewing the Furyondy portions of the map, and it may just be oversight on my part, (or perhaps there is canon that I am unaware of). but my research / recollection have led me believe that Fairwain (the King's "province") was apart from the other seven? I see the distinct borders for the other families, but not for Fairwain Province.
The background I came up with is as follows: The Royal Capital of Furyondy, Chendl, lies within the Fairwain Province. Although Fairwain is very small, measuring only thirty square miles, it is said to be one of the most beautiful places in the Flanaess. Fairwain has been cultivated with exotic flora from all over the continent of Oerik. As to the origin, I am still digging for it (hey its been 12yrs and the mind fades abit ) so unsure if it is of my own or canon (but likely the later as when I originally did all of this I leaned more strongly to canon than now).
Also, I noticed there seem to be other symbolism than that covered in the "legend" listing. Is the one posted the most current? ie There are some that are Solid squares ( I assume fortresses i most cases) Some Towns and Cities are outlined in red while others are not, etc.
PLEASE don't think this is critical of your work efforts, it is not intended as such... I'm one of your Biggest Fans
Best Regards and Keep up the fantasic work.
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From: Ahlissa
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Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:30 pm
First a preview of what I'm working on:
A higher res version here:
I'm sticking with the frozen theme with Blackmoor and the Frozen North West, I'll head west soon Mike
Good idea Cebrion, we should discuss that and other things sometime One of my heraldic ideas are to make a poster with all my heraldry when I have made the Flanaess map. I will need your and Dark_Lord _Galens help and others for sure.
The "Fairwain province" a great find!
It is in my to do list and I'll get to that and Gnarlvegia from the Gord novel Night Errant as soon as I'm back from winterland.
Thanks again for your all your support!
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Black Hand of Oblivion
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Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:41 am
Are all of those new maps?  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:13 am
Cebrion wrote: |
Are all of those new maps?  |
Good find Mort! thanks for keepin an eye on Anna (although that's not too terrible a job as she is pretty easy on the eyes )
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:03 pm
Yes they are!
I've been working hard on the frozen north west.
Here are thumbnails of the newly added maps:
And the western part of Iuz Empire and the northern Vesve.
High res versions are available at:
Thanks again for all your support!
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From: LG Dyvers
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Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:24 pm
These are so awesome, Anna! Thanks for posting them here for our easy access. And this is the first I've seen of the first two of the Land of Black Ice. I haven't even see those two posted on the Flanaess Geographical Society FB page yet.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:40 pm
Makes me want to visit The Lands of Black Ice. It kind of looks like cold obsidian. Something dreary this way comes.
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Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:08 pm
Anna & all,
I know she has obviously been very busy with the more complex and harder part, and so as we don't have overlapping efforts, I took the liberty of making an index of Anna's work. It defines current revisions and formulates her progress. I submitted this to Gary at last nights Greytalk. And hopefully it meets with Admin approvals and is passed along here shortly.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:47 pm
Interesting looking forward to see that!!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:32 pm
I am really liking that "Black Ice' effect. I think the outlined "Burneal Forest" text needs to be filled in on Map #19 though, mainly so that it stands out a bit more and is easier to read, but also so that format matches the look of other forest names (see map #60, "Celadon Forest" for reference). Looking at map #19 fully enlarged, I like the gradual "misting effect" as the map transitions from the northern snow to the more southward plains. Very nice.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
Master Greytalker
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Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:36 am
Stunning! I note some of my old Verbobonc material in there, stuff I made up a looonnngggg time ago. It is with great pride that even one thing I created has found itself into such an absolutely beautiful work as this!
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From: Ahlissa
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Sat May 05, 2012 7:50 pm
Sorry for the late reply, been busy mapping (and other things)
I have done the north east Suel Barbarian lands - the Thillonrian Peninsula!
You can download several of the areas at in high resolution as jpg's or pdf's.
I have updated the style of Burneal Forest to look better, thank you Cebrion for spotting it!
Now that I have found a style for the frozen lands I think works I have tried to do all of them while I'm at it and soon I'm done with the initial versions. It has also made me have a go at creating some of the really majestic mountains chains of the Flanaess. It took a lot of fiddling with scale and fractals to get it too look both impressive and believable. I think I stuck a balance that works. The next challenge are to try and give each mountain chain its own special character.
You're welcome ragnar, I'm glad you like it!
Now it's off down south to continue with the North Kingdom.
Thanks again for your support.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Mon May 14, 2012 2:35 am
Hi Anna! The north country is looking great, i love the stylistic changes.
As I go through the maps I'm trying my best to find things I can help with, and not simply be overcome by it all! )
I spotted two names that look in error. Breakrock Monastary in the Finty Hills, just south of Shukendale, should be spelled MonastEry. The other is more contextual, it's the named area SE of Knurl called The Kaye. According to my LG Gazetteer, the western headwaters of the Harp river is called the Kaye by the locals around Knurl, do you have information from somewhere else about a more specific locale? Or am I just misreading your map 8)
Keep up the good work Anna! I look forward to eastern Aerdy!
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From: Ahlissa
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Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:11 pm
Thanks Shadrach!
I have hopefully corrected the mistakes and a new version of Area 62 are available at
CF Admin
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:52 pm
Dear Anna,
Thanks so much for your diligent and extraordinary work. I've been thinking about Bellport, Eastfair, the Highlander castles and Innspa alot recently, and your beautiful maps will prove very helpful, as I begin writing up some old storylines and characters.
Much respect!
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:32 pm
Thank you mtg, much appreciated
Apart from being on vacation to a rainy Sweden for three weeks in June, I have been able to make good progress. My workflow is something I have tried to fine tune over the years and it is starting to pay off in results. Here are an overview of the areas available for download
Working on the last bits of Aerdy land in the east. Below are the latest addition:
I’m so glad to hear that my maps inspires to more and better Greyhawk gaming , that is why I’m making them, and its fun too
You find my maps at:
Thank again for your support!
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Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:13 am
Yahoo! Seeing that is like opening my present early )
Thank you again for your hard work Anna, and I hope your vacation went well other than the rain!
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Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:02 pm
Anna, a little correction for your map 47:
And thanks for your beautiful maps.
Sergio :-)
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Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:28 pm
Thank you Anna, your work is awesome!!!
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:53 pm
It looks like all your work efforts are truly paying off. You spoil us with your map making skills. It's always a pleasure seeing what else Anna has to share with the community.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:43 pm
Thank you
Making Greyhawk maps means I have the pleasure of working with and for the best RPG community in the known planes of existence!
I’ve been working with the eastern part of the Flanaess for a while now and have mapped most of the former Great Kingdom and some of the isles in the Solnor Ocean. The latest are the area around Rel Astra.
At moment I’m editing the Lendore Isles to try and get as much as possible in there. I had to go back and update what I had done since I got a treasure trove of information to work with. While I’m working with this you can take a look at a my latest special map:
It is a map of the Thillonrian Penisula adapted for use in a Kingmaker style campaign with 12 mile hexes. I’ve had several requests for hex overlays and decided to have test with hexes. It gave me a chance to work out an efficient workflow for big maps as well. I’m fairly satisfied with the jpg result, layered pdfs are tricky to make pretty so I might be able to improve on them in the future.
High res versions can be found here:
I’m working hard to finish the first stage of mapping the Flanaess in coming six months. The first stage meaning creating doing the research, large scale terrain, placing things and creating symbols and heraldry.
The next stage is to present and specialize the material I’ve done for various forms of presentation (wall maps, books etc).
The third stage is when it gets really exciting and I will try to drill deeper and more detailed. I have a whole set of ideas and project to keep me occupied for years to come.
Many of my future project will be of a commercial nature but still compatible with my Greyhawk work and directly applicable for use in Greyhawk campaigns.
Thanks again for all your support!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:19 pm
The Thillonrian Peninsula is a particular place that I like in Greyhawk, and I've only explored it a little bit. Sadly, look at how few place markers are on that map. Almost makes me think, "Forget 'Beyond the Flanaess'. The Flanaess itself still needs a ton of attention!" I do have a couple of articles that have been in the works for much too long, those being "The Ice Witches of the Corusk Mountains", and "The Suel of the Thillonrian Peninsula".
Looking great as usual!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
Last edited by Cebrion on Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:06 pm
I agree, there are so much more to be explored and added. Those articles sounds very promising, looking forward to adding some more things to the peninsula.
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From: Houston Texas
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Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:15 pm
List of Current Release
I have (for a while now) been maintaining a log of Anna's updates and revisions.
For those interested they are listed below. They are by cell in the manner in which Anna saves her files (ie SQ5v4) Which would equate to SQuare number 5( the land of Black Ice in this case) Version release #4.
With this list you can easily look at your own PDF or JPG files (That Anna so graciously supplies) to confirm you have her latest rendition of what is certainly a labor of love.
SQ2 V1
SQ3 V1
SQ4 V1
SQ5 V2
SQ6 V2
SQ7 V3
SQ8 V1
SQ9 V1
SQ10 V1
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SQ14 V1
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SQ118 0
Based on this Anna is 57% complete! and she has tackled the more challenging pieces first.... Certainly a testimony to her diligence.
Thank You Anna
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From: LG Dyvers
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Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:17 pm
Glad to see you again, virtually speaking!
And, what a way to come back. Thanks for that list.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:10 pm
Thank you for listing all my updates
I haven't posted any updates in a long time, sorry for that. Now I'm working hard on the north west Flanaess - Nomad lands, the Yatils, Ekbir, Tusmit, Perrenland, Ket and Geoff. Here is a screenshot:
Perrenland has a ton of LG material as well as Ekbir. My French isn't as good as it should be so if you know French and have so time to go over the Ekbir LG modules for details I would be very grateful.
Terrain making, rendering and editing takes a long time so its a seemingly dull period at the moment. But I will have a series of maps ready to present once I'm done with these initial steps.
Thank you for your patients and support!
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From: Houston Texas
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Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:10 am
SirXaris wrote: |
Glad to see you again, virtually speaking!
And, what a way to come back. Thanks for that list.
SirXaris |
Thanks for the Welcome Back... its good to be back...... In reference to the list I would note that some of the "Rev1" are place holders where Anna has Colored the area (ie Water) but not "released"a PDF. This was to be consistent with her area map.
anna wrote: |
Thank you for listing all my updates
Dear Lady as always happy to assist where I can. IT is a small thing by comparison to your contributions.
As before I can send you the Excel sheet if it is of help.
Lastly You will have my groups Ranger very happy as he hails from perrenland
Apprentice Greytalker
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Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:56 am
Quote: |
if you know French and have so time to go over the Ekbir LG modules for details I would be very grateful. |
Anna, since I qualify for both, just let me know what you want to do and how I can be of any help.
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From: LG Dyvers
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Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:42 pm
Log into Facebook and request admission to The Flanaess Geographical Society page. That's Anna's page for her own mapping and for sharing other's ideas. It's likely a better place to reach her as she checks in there more often than here.
Thanks for being willing to help. That will make her project better for all of us.
Journeyman Greytalker
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From: Ahlissa
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Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:55 pm
After a lot of intense work I'm proud to present area 44!
It covers the southern Yatils and a bit of the lands around. I've tried to include the LG and triad material to the best of my ability, it was hard to try and make it fit with older published sources so I had to make some adjustments. But I tried my best to follow what is stated in the texts over maps.
Great of of you to want to help with translation of Ekbir material. I've recieved help and I will collect that and post it here. That way you and anyone else can go through the Ekbir material and see if they find anything to add.
Thanks again for all your support!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:04 pm
Back in my day, we only had hand drawn/colored maps, and we liked it!
Oh, how you spoil the Greyhawk n00bs, Anna. Well, and us too.
I ran quite a few adventures in this area of the Flanaess, so this brings back a lot of memories. Makes me want to DM those adventures all over again.
Thanks, and keep up the great work!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:08 pm
Great work playing with CC3 (dont know what you use), I can only imagine how time consuming this is. I'm happy now, my favorite dungeon the Lost Caverns is portrayed.
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Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:50 am
Beautiful, to see the adventure locations a mountain-style map it reminds me of the fact how remotely located they are. It must be quite a hike to reach some of them.
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Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:04 pm
Sighs and shakes his head at "Stron-Uberfart."
Beautiful maps, though.
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Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:10 pm
I agree Rasgon, its not Greyhawky at all IMHO. Luckily its not mentioned in any of the LG modules so I can either remove it or change shorten it to Stron perhaps?
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Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:46 pm
The Great Oz (ette) opens the curtain abit......
Was perusing the postings of one of our favorite Cartographers..
In this posting she reveals how a bit of the magic is created....
Sorry in advance Anna... Couldn't resist.. I thought many would wonder at the amount of detailed effort you go thru for a single mountain...
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Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:07 pm
Thank you for holding the fort for me Lord_Dark_Galen!
I'm sorry I haven't been posting here in a while. So here is a project update.
I have covered roughly 80% of the Flanaess and have been hard at work on the northern part of the Sheldomar Valley with Bissel, Gran March and the Valley of the Mage the last couple of weeks.
From now on I have decided to switch my workflow from CorelDraw to Illustrator. Its something I had planned to do for the final map a long time back , but I have decided to switch now rather than waiting. I realized that instead of making the small area maps until I get them all done will save me a bit of time now, but it will be a huge operation to convert everything later. I decided to convert what I've done so far and then do the rest in the "new" way. That will mean a week or so of conversion work before I can move on to new things.
So now you probably wonder why go to all the trouble of changing to a new set of tools. Several reasons, first and foremost I want to be able to have everything in one master map, one place to keep updated and corrected. That way I can much easier just define an area I'm interested in and export it to make a special map with very little work. Everything from local maps with extra details to large area overview maps can be made in a couple of minutes. I can also make them look much more polished with text and symbols having the final look.
It will also be much easier to add overlays with hexes, range circles or other grids and such. Plus I can export them with a much improved style over all. You will be fed updated symbols and map styles that I want your input on. My goal is for the Greyhawk community to have a set of campaign maps that are as good as the best both in style and in content, with your critique I hope I can start delivering that withing a couple of weeks.
Thanks again for all your support!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:02 am
Nice! Very nice! An added hex grid layer with the vertical/horizontal number-letter keys along the edges would be a very, very nice thing to add. The Church of Greyhawk may very well have to canonize you once you are done.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:38 pm
as always, thank you very much. _________________ Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?
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Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:28 pm
Anna wrote: |
I agree Rasgon, its not Greyhawky at all IMHO. Luckily its not mentioned in any of the LG modules so I can either remove it or change shorten it to Stron perhaps? |
I actually went with Strönburg to follow the Austrian / German influences. With the rough translation meaning Keep or Castle of Strön. Which I made one of the matrilineal families in Perrenland.
Though maybe its a local "slang" for the foul winds that prevail from Lake Quag at certain times of the year?
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Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:44 pm
Anna wrote: |
My goal is for the Greyhawk community to have a set of campaign maps that are as good as the best both in style and in content, |
That is the biggest understatement I've ever read! Your maps are the best, most complete, detailed, beautiful maps I have ever seen. I noted a few tiny things in them that I created years ago, around the Verbobonc area. It is like having some small part to play in a true epic, like being the guy that washed Michaelangelo's brushes. I am honored that even one dot on your maps represents something of mine. Your work is beyond words. Thank you for it.
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Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:12 pm
Thanks all of you for all your encouragement!!
Took me a couple of days to answer, I'm on a short vacation driving up the Californian coast to spend a day or two around San Fransisco. then it's back home to my desk to work on bite Sheldomar Vallley.
On my website you can find a preview of the updated style and a how far I've come.
There will be new detailed maps of Veluna, Bissel and Greand March in about two weeks.
Thanks again for all your support!
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Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:43 pm
Holy Cats Anna!
I finally made it to this thread, then to your website...I am just amazed! You are so very talented! Speaking as someone who can only draw flies, I am just plain impressed!
And speaking as Greyhawk old-timer, thank you for the work you're doing!
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Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:56 pm
Thanks bugsy!
So time for some updates. First you can have a look at the latest version of my campaign map. It has some non canon stuff added, but it might be of interest anyway.
You can download the full size map here:
The next is an updated map of Veluna, this time complete!
Full size version here:
and a initial map of Bissel!
Full size version here:
These maps all have the a new updated map style as well as presentation. I'm still tweaking with with the looks. I have migrated all my work to Adobes Illustrator and Photoshop to be able to produce better looking maps easier and faster. These are the first results of that migration. I will add more complete and better looking headers and footers soon, and also release a new legend explaining my new styled maps.
After years of struggle and hard work my Flanaess mapping project are on the home stretch, and I hope to finish the mapping part in a couple of months. Then comes the next phase creating the various ways the maps will be printed or digitally used. Thanks to Illustrator and Photoshop and the format I'm working in now I can use the map in lots of different ways without too much hassle.
So I will soon look into wall maps and other printed versions like a notebook and some other cool ideas, and digital versions and for use in Realm Works.
Thanks again for all your support!
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Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:02 pm
I LOVE the new map style! *frog-thumbs up*
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Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:28 pm
Two non-webbed thumbs up!
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Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:14 pm
Thank you Rasgon and bullywug
Here are some more:
Gran March:
Full size JPG:
Full Size JGP:
Valley of the Mage
Full size JPG:
These are all first version previews. I haven't spent time and effort on making PDF versions of these maps yet. I want to give you the experts as much time as possible to weed out all the errors, while I continue to map the remaining parts.
Right know i'm working with Keoland, Sterich, Yeomanry and all the damn mountains in the area
There will be layered versions and many other cool maps once all this is done.
Thanks again for all your support!
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From: LG Dyvers
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:40 pm
Thank you for all your hard work, Anna.
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:21 pm
Great work! I'm anxiously waiting for the great day that I can see Sterich and Keoland in such high-quality maps. This is simply amazing.
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:03 pm
Anna, where did you get the names you used in Gran March?
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:22 pm
First here is a "exlusive" first look at Keoland and Sterich:
A bigger jpg here:
It is an early screenshot with many things missing and a rough terrain. This is my "first run" with a terrain that is rough and are missing parts. In this stage I'm mostly trying to make sure that all the major features are in the right place.
If you know my previous work you notice that I have redone large parts of the Uleks and practically the whole of southern Keoland than I had done earlier. The western slopes of the Lortmill's and the Duchy and County of Ulek where one of the earliest areas I did back in 99' and they where too big and way off west. I've known this for a long time but waited with it until it was time to do the rest of the Sheldomar Valley, which is now.
I think I got the scale and placement right now, so I'm just about to move in and start work on getting the smaller details right and work on the terrain to get it to look really good.
The Gran March names and details are from the LG campaign. I have read every page of all modules and looked at their official campaign map. there where a few inconsistencies that I have tried to solve the best I could. There are also a few places that are referenced in the text but doesn't appear on any of the maps, and I've tried to use the text as a guide to my placement.
The excellent Gran March project that I think you're a part of Anced_Math I decided to leave out of this version of my map. Not because I think it is bad in any way, but it competes with the LG content. My priority are:
1. Published source books and modules
2. Living Greyhawk modules and source material
3. Well made fanon.
If the fan made material adds to the other content, like adding towns and names to areas without features in 1 or 2 I add it to my map. But there are some great fan made stuff that are a replacement in which case I'm not using it. But don't despair!
When I'm done with the whole map and when my Flanaess mapping project move in to Stage 3 I will start releasing all my source material, so anyone who wants to can make their own versions. My project goals and status are available here:
Thanks again for all your support!!
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:29 pm
I liked the preview a lot! There is a hq map of Keoland in Wizards' website which I have used, but your version looks better in usability and appearance.
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:37 am
Oh boy. The Sea Princes and the Sheldomar are the areas that I'll be using in a few weeks. Starting in the Sea Princes, progressing north to Thornward, through Ket, and then it is into the exotic (and deadly) west for them...over the course of 10 adventures or so. I am going to be using whatever you have ready, Anna. Having all the little map details gathered into one place will no doubt save me vast amounts of time for reasons I have yet to even contemplate. I must say that the full-sized new style maps look beautiful. Wow, but does Bissel have some details!
Also, I fixed the links to the full-sized Bissel and Veluna maps 9 posts above this one (they linked to thumbnails). I now know your secret "th" system.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:56 pm
Thank you Cebrion for fixing the links!
Here comes Keoland and a updated look at Duchy of Ulek. So now I hope you have all your maps Cebrion, from the Hool to Thornward
Now its off to Sterich
Thanks again for all your support!
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:26 pm
Well, at least you're close to The Yeomanry!
Perhaps someday it will happen.
Your work is as impressive as ever, Anna. I hope you never stop! _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:48 pm
Thank you thank you Anna!
Brilliant, as always. I really can't emphasize enough how important this map is for me, since we are playing a very long campaign in Keoland at the moment.
One detail that really pleased me was the demographics!
There are 13 large towns in Keoland:
One small city whose population is not identified in canon:
Summarised, the minimum population in these is 31,000.
If you count in Cryllor, Flen, Gradsul and Niole Dra, the total is 125,700. The population of Keoland is 1,800,000. This means that less than 7% of the population is living in large towns and cities (assuming that all large towns and Segor have minimum population). This is consistent with the 3.5 DMG rule that 1/15 or 1/10 of the population is living in small hamlets and such.
Good work! I give you A- because Istivin is misspelled ;)
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:31 pm
Doh! Javan's Ferry is missing!
It's supposed to be about 12 to 15 miles from Flen. It's the crossing they used to retake Sterich.
Hmm, you're also missing Johann's End, the first town the Keolandish forces captured when they retook Sterich.
Well, at least I don't see them on there.
You can thank the Paizo maps for those two mentions, though I'm sure you're not copying the Paizo maps! Although Gary Holian wrote about those two cities.  _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:01 pm
I think Johann's End will be more important when Sterich has its turn. Right now, I'm perfectly content that other nations featured in the Keoland map are lacking detail. It's the Keoland map after all.
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:20 pm
So true. I only mentioned it because it lies between Javan's Ferry and Istivin -- which is on the map.  _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:30 pm
Mystic-Scholar wrote: |
So true. I only mentioned it because it lies between Javan's Ferry and Istivin -- which is on the map.  |
Look again: Istivin is not on the map.
(Please note that I'm trying to be funny here AND trying to underline the fact that obviously Anna is still working on Sterich: It's still work in progress and I suggest we pay no mind to Sterich right now.)
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Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:42 pm
Istivin is on the edge of the map. The first letters of the name Istivin are cut off.
And I've been praising Anna for years, as she, herself, can tell you. It was I who dubbed her the "Goddess of Geography" long, long ago. Anna knows that I "speak" to her in good fun.
You're on some kind of tangent. Let it go.  _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Black Hand of Oblivion
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Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:30 am
Anna wrote: |
Thank you Cebrion for fixing the links! |
You are most welcome.
Anna wrote: |
Here comes Keoland and a updated look at Duchy of Ulek. So now I hope you have all your maps Cebrion, from the Hool to Thornward  |
Indeed it does. My deepest thanks.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:12 pm
Braggi made a great Geoof map where he integrated the work done by Joe Katzman in his Geoff project. Braggi writes that the LG work and later didn't include Joe's work so Braggi decided to go with Joe's work more than the official LG and recent WoTC version of Geoff. I did the opposit in my first version of Geoff, I ignored Joe's and Braggi's work and tried to stay with the official version.
Braggi have done a very good job with his Adventure Atlas project so I wanted to include it, and it adds a lot of stuff to areas of Geoff that are in great need of detail, so I decided to try and have a go at trying to merge the two Geoff versions.
I have't replaced any official content merly tried to fill in the gaps by adding Joe's and Braggi's work. It is added to my private layer so I can easily remove it from the "official" version of my map. So what do you think of it?
high res jpg:
So off to Sterich!
I had marked out Istivin long ago as a reference to measure things from, you see even I do that from time to time
But here comes a first version of Sterich:
high res:
This is a first version, so it will need some more work so feedback are much approved!
Thanks again for all your interest and support!
Last edited by Anna on Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:18 pm
Can't say what I "think" of Geoff. I can enlarge the Sterich map, but not this particular Geoff map, so I can't really "see" of "read" anything on it.  _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:23 pm
my mistake with the links, should work now!
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Sat May 11, 2013 11:45 am
Hi Anna,
Your proficiency, dedication and talent are most appreciated! Your maps continue to amaze!
I wanted to comment on two things:
1 - I really, really, really like the "Realm Maps."
The "Atlas Style Maps" are great but the style sometimes means that a country like Ratik, gets split up among three different Atlas Maps.
The Realm Maps, like Keoland, Geoff, Veluna, etc., are a wonderful addition. Each of these areas would likely be split between a number Atlas Maps otherwise.
Applause! Applause!
2 - Eventually, you will be mapping the Hellfurnaces and the Sea of Dust. The latter could very easily be monochromatic and dull because there is not a lot of canon detail about the Sea of Dust.
However, the terrain itself in the Sea of Dust could be quite varied if you take into account the varieties of sand/dirt/dust/ash/rock, and the formations of dunes each might take - star, crescent, linear etc. As well, there are ergs, wadis, jebels etc. ie - desertish terrain types.
By way of example, the Al Qadim setting for D&D from TSR had some great maps with lots of interesting detail rather that just "here there be grit."
My suggestion would be to let your artistry go, much in the same way you have creatively rendered swamps, particularly the swamps along the course of the Nesser River - GH Atlas Pages 60 and 61 (Fennelmore Marsh and Gnat Marsh - these are exquisitely beautiful). Maybe you can make the Sea of Dust as beautiful and compelling, just by using terrain features creatively?
Best regards,
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From: Ahlissa
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Sat May 11, 2013 2:48 pm
There are times when being a fantasy map maker really rocks, when you get feedback like this!!
Thank you so much!!!!
I totally agree with you on the Realm maps, this is the way to display the realms of the Flanaess. It might be a bit difficult to print some of them this way since they are a bit odd in size, but for digital use its great. I will present all of the realms this way starting with the newly mapped ones. The reason I made small squared ones earlier, was purely technical, my computer and software couldn't handle everything in one file. But now I have upgraded my computer and switched to Adobe Illustrator CS6, so now it can handle everything in one file.
For publishing I'm looking into (beside wall map and online) a ring-bound Atlas 11x17 inches, using a system where you can change individual pages, great way to accommodate for errata and custom map versions. I can also overlap as needed and make overview and closeup maps, as well as some other cool maps that are in the pipeline for the future. With the ring-binding more maps can be added as I make them. I have begun to invest in printer and laminator and other gear needed to produce them myself to keep the cost down. Another reason is that most of my maps are going to be customized to individual needs. It is too early to say anything about prices yet, I have to make the maps and then a few prototypes first
I'm so glad you like the artistry I'm trying to get into with the terrain That is some of the most fun parts of making fantasy maps, tro try and create fantastic terrain. I'm trying to express something special with every realm but some are more special then others, and Sea of dust are among the most interesting (read: demanding ) That is why I have saved it along with the Crystalmists and the Hellfurnaces until now over a decade into the project, that way I hoped my skills and tools would be up to the job.
Great advice with Al-Qadim and variations and destert terrain types. I will study the Al-Qadim maps along with lots of landscape and satellite pictures from deserts and badlands for inspiration and textures to use!
The marshes are among the most fun to do and I like the way they turned out. Working on the Hool Marshes now and have a lot more of them to cover down in the Sea Princes.
Here are the realm map of Keoland
full size:
So here comes a first look at Yeomanry. This is a first draft, I have just started my final research going over all the LG material for fine details. There are a lot of small towns, that I hope I will find some more details about to make some of them smaller and other larger. Rivers and forest aren't named yet, that is also in the works. But the overall look of the land is roughly done, with one more touch-up I think it will starting to look like something.
Full size:
Thanks again for all your support!!
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Sat May 11, 2013 8:51 pm
Anna, it's great that you're finally getting around to the Yeomanry area!
And it only took you 14.5 years to keep your promise!
Okay, so that's a little bit of an exaggeration.
Just don't leave my "home" off the map . . . Darkgate.
And you really do . . . do Awesome work and I know that everyone here appreciates it.
Thanks! For all you do.  _________________ Mystic's web page:
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Tue May 14, 2013 11:11 am
So after almost 15 years here is it, Yeomanry!
High res JPG:
and Dark Gate is there
Now it off to the south!
Thanks again for all your support!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Wed May 15, 2013 1:53 am
There is a problem with the zig-zag dividing line on the counter-posed Sterich heraldry. This is most easily seen on the Sterich map: _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Wed May 15, 2013 12:39 pm
I know, it was a heck of a lot of trouble getting it that way!
Used the design from the LG Gazetteer, and it looks like that. I prefer a straight line and wouldn't mind changing it back to one.
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Thu May 16, 2013 12:58 am
Great work Anna! I love the addition of Thurmaster, Parlfray's Keep and the other Night Below communities, that certainly brings back memories )
I don't mind the Sterich Heraldry at all, I assume the line is meant to represent the surrounding mountains. Speaking of mountains, saving this region for last seems to have really paid off with the highland valley nations, they look quite rugged )
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Thu May 16, 2013 3:55 am
Anna wrote: |
I know, it was a heck of a lot of trouble getting it that way!
Used the design from the LG Gazetteer, and it looks like that. |
No, it doesn't. The line of demarcation for the counter-posing is a three point zig-zag line, two points up and one point down, like so:
Yours has many, and more shallow, points. There is also a tiny bit of red showing at the bottom of the shield, and yes, I am nitpicking! Please use your lion though, as it is better than all of them.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Thu May 16, 2013 10:19 am
Thanks for the help!
Here is a new version of the shield of Sterich:
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu May 16, 2013 6:15 pm
That looks excellent, Anna!
Are you going to use Paizo-Hawk as canon for your maps? Specifically, are you going to include Sasserine, Cauldron, Fort Blackwell, and Scuttlecove (if it's within the area your maps of the Flanaess cover)?
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Thu May 16, 2013 8:18 pm
Bingo!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Thu May 16, 2013 9:38 pm
Paizo-hawk will definitely be included, I've had the big hardback sitting on my shelf for years waiting for this moment
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Sun May 26, 2013 8:41 pm
Time to add a new realm to my project!
High res version here:
Now I'm going to travel along the Hellfurnaces south to the Amedio
Thanks again for all your Support!
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Sun May 26, 2013 9:00 pm
Gorgeous, Anna! :)
I don't see Fort Blackwell on the northern tip of the Amedian peninsula, though.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Sun May 26, 2013 9:16 pm
Thanks :)
Thanks for the reminder!
Fort Blackwell will be there, the Amedio is in research. That means I'm collecting map details and then make a first terrain version. This is as far as I've got with Amedio so far.
Its only when I have a terrain good I think is enough to work with that I start placing items, this is so I minimize the risk of having to correct a whole bunch of them.
Things might seem to be out of order but I've been at this for years and i'm starting to get a hang of how to work fairly efficiently.