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Faerie Mysteries
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Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:25 am  
Faerie Mysteries

Hi canonfire folk!

I would like some help with a character concept. My new half elf is originally from Celene, and her greatest passion is elven magic. I have her as an operative of a very secret and very small organisation that seeks out elven magic lost to the world.

Shes a druid for now, aiming for a (reflavoured) Fochluchan Lyrist, because this class just looked like such a good model for an agent seeking out lost lore. I'm looking for:
i) (primarily) any sort of idea about what the faerie mysteries are (I already know about the faerie mysteries initiate feat), and how it differs from standard magic.
ii) any lore on lost grey elven lore in general I could work with
iii) advice on generating my secret celenian order


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Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:13 am  

I think the Faerie Mysteries are more like the mystery religions of ancient Greece and Rome than magic as such, only dedicated to the gods of the Seelie Court.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:32 am  

I know I am going to burn in hell for mentioning this Evil Grin

I was looking for similar stuff for my last campaign and was told to look at the FR Elven Court of Cormanthor. Without going into too much detail the elves had akin to 10th level spells, rituals that would make humans turn green with envy

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Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:42 am  

(Since we're talking about Baalphegor elsewhere . . . )

Rockhaven is henceforth banished to the Ninth Layer of Hell!


(Well, you wished for it! Evil Grin )

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:52 am  

You may like some of the information presented in Thiondar's Legacy from Dungeon Magazine #30. It offers an apocryphal origin of the Grey elven subrace.

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Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:55 pm  

I'm afraid I am linkless with these suggestions, but have you considered the Shakespearian Fae court for inspiration?
Also, I've come across some amazing stuff in my pagan researches on the way the Fae have been perceived through a number of cultures. In many, the Fae are not a folk to approach lightly. European lore is full of stories of Faerie treachery, tricks and even outright hatred of the "children of Adam".
Even in Cherokee lore, the Stone People exist to help and teach, but also as Tricksters.
There's a TON of lore out there, if you look for it.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:33 pm  

Here's a link to a free preview of a new product by TPKGames. This preview is a new race fit for PC or NPCs. It is one of the five that will be included in the full product. This one is completely free, though, and may add some uniqueness and mystery to your character's background.


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Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:17 am  

Thanks for all the suggestions and sources guys; I think I'm beggining to get some sort of idea of how it might be; It seems that from how I'm reading it so far, the faerie mysteries and high magic seem to be, on some level, fundamentally different things, though initiates of the mysteries are learned in both.

For the spiritual side, I really like the idea of classical mystery tradition, perhaps informed by druidic (real world) wisdom, and with the Seelie Court (Shakespearesque) and Seldarine as the focii of adoration. I think the manner of such traditions would be by turns high and terrible (ala Galadriel, LOTR, and those kind of old Pre Raphaelite? art works depicting elven ladies with flowing gowns offering jewelled chalices) and light and frolicky (LOTR, the Hobbit, some Greyhawk lore). The nice thing about it being a mystery is that it doesn't really need to be fleshed out any more than this but to say that this is the domain of (Celenian) Divine magic because it deals with fey, nature and the elements.

I'm still a little less sure of the arcane side, except perhaps to say that they tend to focus on enchantment and abjuration. Perhaps there is some equivalent to FR high magic. Some kind of Mythal magic (perhaps renamed) if it is considered the domain of powerful landscape-scale enchantments that anchor enchantment and illusion, perhaps change time passage (only slightly) and affect a permanent twilight where they are active could work.

In my envisionings so far, hierophant druid/enchanterers, aided by priestesses lead the mysteries for initiates. My (reflavoured, but mechanically identical) Fochlucan Lyrists act as agents that wander, often far from Celene. Their principle aims are to uncover lost elven high arcana or relics of the faerie courts and other mysterious, secret agendas as dictated by the Faerie Mysteries, or by Yolande herself.

Such is my interpretation. I'd like to weigh this up against some criticism, if anyone could offer some, in terms of cannon, it would be very interesting and appreciated!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:14 am  

rasgon wrote:
I think the Faerie Mysteries are more like the mystery religions of ancient Greece and Rome than magic as such, only dedicated to the gods of the Seelie Court.

-I don't know which edition Dwimmerleid is using (lloks like AD&D1), but Dragon #315 (or 317?) has a list of feats, one of which explains the Faerie Mysteries. Even if the edition is different, it should still provide inspiration as to its nature.

Rockhaven wrote:
...I was looking for similar stuff for my last campaign and was told to look at the FR Elven Court of Cormanthor. Without going into too much detail the elves had akin to 10th level spells, rituals that would make humans turn green with envy

-Unearthed Arcana 3.5 has group spells, IIRC.

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
(Since we're talking about Baalphegor elsewhere . . . )

Rockhaven is henceforth banished to the Ninth Layer of Hell!


-How do you know he's not already there?

He said he was afraid of burning there, not going there... Wink Razz
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:33 pm  

Given the fact that Queen Yolande of Celene "taken a number of consorts to with whom to engage in the Faerie Mysteries," my guess is that some sort of sex ritual may be involved.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:06 pm  

Robbastard wrote:
Given the fact that Queen Yolande of Celene "taken a number of consorts to with whom to engage in the Faerie Mysteries," my guess is that some sort of sex ritual may be involved.

-That occured to me too, but the feats in the Dragon article mention singing and dancing (verticle). Wink

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:05 pm  

jamesdglick wrote:
-That occured to me too, but the feats in the Dragon article mention singing and dancing (vertical).

Dragon #319 also mentions "an exuberant sensual act," which I'm pretty sure means sex. I mean, if just it meant kissing, wouldn't they just say kissing?
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:07 pm  

rasgon wrote:
jamesdglick wrote:
-That occured to me too, but the feats in the Dragon article mention singing and dancing (vertical).

Dragon #319 also mentions "an exuberant sensual act," which I'm pretty sure means sex. I mean, if just it meant kissing, wouldn't they just say kissing?

-I have to check that when I get home... Laughing

IIRC, the feat has a fairly long explanation and is divided into several sub-categories.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:35 pm  

It sounds like a bit of modern Paganism's "Great Rite" attributed to the Fae.

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:20 pm  

I'd like to know what people think about representing (mechanically) a priestess of the Faerie Mysteries to be as close to practical to canon?

I play 3.5, suggestions are welcome from other editions too, because I can convert!

My thoughts so far on the issue;
I note that Yolande is listed in the Gazeteer as both leader of the Faerie Mysteries, and as IIRC Wiz 16...

A lot of the spells from the druid list seem they might fit the theme, but there are no commune-type spells or anything, and I wonder how an initiate might entreat the honour of the presence of the Seelie Court or the Seldarine.

A cleric might fill the role of priestesses, and perhaps the best option, though I know that many fey are opposed to clerical divine magic.

I'td be great to hear what other people think about this, how they would adress it, or what they were doing if they were using this in their campaign.
Master Greytalker

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Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:42 am  

I use a lot of MERP stuff for the elves. It's just too well-done to pass up. In particular, there are about 4 source books on the elves. One on Lorien, one on Rivendell, one on the Woodland Realm, and one on Elves in general. There is so much excellent info there, that you can really flesh out the elves without too much work.

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Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:51 am  

Sounds like an intriguing idea, thanks for the tip. Are these books easily accessible?
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:12 pm  

Robbastard wrote:
Given the fact that Queen Yolande of Celene "taken a number of consorts to with whom to engage in the Faerie Mysteries," my guess is that some sort of sex ritual may be involved.

Where is this quote from? Are you sure it refers to the Faerie Mysteries feat?

If it does, are we to understand that with multiple consorts, she can have multiple bonuses? Not stacking ones, but since the feat grants four possible bonuses, one reading of it would be that four consorts would each be able to provide a different bonus.

Of course, this gives one answer to the question of why Celene is so withdrawn...the queen is too busy with all of these consorts! Extreme, I know, but I'd consider something like this IMC what with the emphasis on spiritual corruption. I wonder how hard it would be for an incubus to infiltrate her court.

Of the 7 Deadly Sins, Iuz may embody Wrath, but when all's said and done, Celene may fall to Sloth without anyone being the wiser....
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:47 pm  

It's in the LGG, in the section on Celene's history. She did this after the Prince Consort was killed and the Hateful Wars were over. It says a series of consorts, so I wouldn't assume she was juggling a bunch at once. The feats were written after the LGG, and by Erik, so no telling if he was playing on something someone else wrote or what. Either Erik or Gary might be able to elaborate.
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