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Spell Weavers vs. Boccob
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Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:53 am  
Spell Weavers vs. Boccob

So after reading Dragon #338 where it talks about the Core Beliefs of Boccob and has Ecology of the Spell Weaver, I'm left wondering how these two philosophical forces of arcane power interact. Boccob fights against the rise of entropy as embodied by Tharizdun, which will eventually destroy all magic. Spell weavers seek to rewind time back before the eradication of their kind. Boccob encourages creating magic items, as part of the fight against Tharizdun. Spell weavers seek out and drain magic items to rewind aging and reproduce. And for the final nudge: spell weavers don't worship any deities, and actually deny the supremacy of any such beings.

So how would the game play out between these forces? On the one hand, rewinding time might give Boccob another chance against Tharizdun, but on the other, they are increasing the entropy of magic items to perpetuate their race. Is it possible that these forces are not actually opposed at all? Could Boccob be advocating the creation of magic items in part so the spell weaver race can perpetuate?

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:35 am  

I believe that Boccob and the Spell Weavers are opposed to one another. At the very least, Boccob's church would be/is opposed to the Spell Weavers. Consider:

The publication points out that "all times . . . are open to Boccob," so I don't think that the Spell Weaver's "rewinding of time" would be of any use or interest to Him. The article also points out that Boccob considers that the "creation of new magic . . . each act of magical creativity adds . . . fuel to the lamp that is Oerth's magic," so I don’t see Him supporting the destruction of magical items for any reason. The teachings of His church bare this out.

As the article goes on to state; "Boccob's church is primarily concerned with protecting magic," not destroying it and "teaches that magic is the source of all that is important on Oerth, and that magic must be preserved so that the balance can be preserved." In addition, the article goes on to say that "Boccob's is one of the rare churches that doesn't try to destroy dangerous magic items, even those made by beings who oppose the church's teachings." It points out that even "items that destroy magic are hidden" away, but kept safe.

Finally the article makes this assertion: "The one significant taboo for any cleric is the destruction of magic, whether spell or item." It even goes on to state: "Even the accidental destruction of magic (such as when one of an enemy's items is damaged after a failed saving throw against a spell) is a tragedy requiring penance."

So, given the Spell Weavers' penchant for destroying magical items, I'd say that they are at odds with Boccob's church . . . and probably Boccob.
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