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Who are you? PC version
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Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:29 pm  
Who are you? PC version

Friends of Oerth!

I've been inspired by a few other posts, and the success of some of my own, to throw out a really self-introspective thread. Many of us have, in the spirit of fellowship, introduced ourselves beyond our Avatar forms on the highly successful "A Couple of Questions" thread. Here's another chance for you to delve into yourself, self-analyze, and share with your fellow 'hawkers:

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now! Wink Feel free to put them in order of preference, if possible.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

7) Anything else Oerth-related that I have not mentioned, if it comes to mind. Consider this the Miscellaneous category.

-Lanthorn the Curious

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:02 pm  

Since I started this post, I better the first one, right? Here goes:

1) Because of my light complexion and fair hair coloration, I guess I have to be a Suel mixture at the very least. My heritage is German-Swiss and Polish, so not sure if that would also equate to perhaps some Oeridian influences too.

2) High elf for sure. I am tall and lean in addition to semi-pale skin and light hair. Of all the demi-races, the elven lifestyle appeals to me the most. Although I am not particularly musical, I like the visual and written arts and am fond of nature (particularly wildlife). I do not like dark, confined spaces whatsoever, so living underground is out. I can sometimes have an arrogant streak, especially if backed into a corner, but try to overcome this personality flaw by maintaining a humble persona. I am gregarious, but not necessarily in large groups. Friendships and family are very important to me, and I don't break those ties easily. I enjoy my wine and don't mind mead. The realm of magic appeals to me. I'd rather fight my enemies from afar, so give me that bow instead of an axe any day. Spells are even better!

3) Neutral good definitely. I consider myself balanced between the strictness of rules and regs and the freedoms of total chaos. I gravitate to the spirit of the law instead of the firmness and the rigidity of the letter. I prefer smaller governing bodies over large institutions and am more inclined to believe people than corporations and the like. I try to balance between the necessities of laws and the rights of the person.

4) Mage, hands down. I am not built for toe-to-toe combat, and would make only a mediocre archer if I were a fighter (definitely higher Dex than Str). I am more academic and studious and would take to magery and spell-casting over any other class. After that, perhaps a cleric, if I had the faith base in that Power (see below). If I were some type of rogue, perhaps a scout kit or a bard, although I am not particularly musical and I am not sure how good a story-teller I would be (though I have my students and friends laughing most of the time).

5) I think that Trithereon is my first pick. I am very skeptical of large governing bodies (look at our politicians these days) and don't trust them to do what is right by the common person. I prefer a smaller community to a larger city and think people are more apt to assist each other when you know the name and face of the person in their society. I have seen rules and regulations hinder the rights of people as much as protect them. I am surely not a blind follower of rules. "Because it's the law" or "Because I said so" are not answers I accept; back it with logic or morality. I have seen good things happen to bad people, and I wonder why. By the same token, bad things have happened to really good people and that angers me. I question authority without being rude and ask people to explain their actions. Just because something is legal does not make it moral or right.

In no other particular order, I would say that Fharlanghn and Phyton make other fine choices, with Rao creeping in a bit. Fharlanghn appeals to me since I have moved around A LOT and have experienced many different cultures, places, and met many neat people. His is a faith of community and fellowship, of tales and stories. I appreciate that. Although I enjoy nature and the wilderness, I would make a poor druid (b/c I do not espouse the true Neutrality needed), and thus, lean more to either Phyton or perhaps even Ehlonna. I would seek to preserve the wilderness, but understand the need for people to cultivate and shape the world to their needs without harming it.

Rao would receive some attention as I try to be a mediator when necessary, and am a scholar at heart (sometimes I feel like a professional student).

6) Not sure on this one, but probably either Verbobonc or Veluna would appeal to me most, for the elven influences, pacific nature of the lands, and natural beauty. Both are idyllic, with richness in the resources of their respective lands and strong in the ways of scholarship and learning.

7) Nothing comes to mind, and likely you have read enough about me already!



Last edited by Lanthorn on Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:21 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

Lanthorn wrote:
1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

Something otherwordly, like whatever Philidor is.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

I dunno. Gnome? I'm kinda short, whimsical, smart, and I have great hair. Also, I live in a hole underground, have magical illusion powers, and you'll never get me gold. Wait, no, that's leprechauns. Maybe I would be a leprechaun. That would explain the buckles on my shoes.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Chaotic Awesome. Because I say so.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Paladin/Wild Mage/Necromancer/Sha'ir.

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now! Wink Feel free to put them in order of preference, if possible.


Deities of art, music, and knowledge. The only ones that matter.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Every part of Oerth sounds hellish to me. There's no internet there! Medieval backwaters are no place for me. I guess I'd live in Castle Greyhawk, Tovag Baragu, or Heward's house. Some place with portals out! So Greyhawk City, maybe, since it's one of the most cosmopolitan places. Jurnre also sounds nice for completely different reasons. Or Nellix Town.

Last edited by rasgon on Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:19 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

Lanthorn wrote:
1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

Well, I consider myself a "Heinze 57" American. My last name is Welsh, I am 25% Norwegian (paternal grandmother is full-blooded), have lots of Irish from my mother's side, and also have bits of at least two different Indian tribes and many other (mostly European) nationalities within me. I'm very proud to be an amolgamation of many peoples. Smile

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Hmm... Half-elf, if I must choose a demi-human race. I really see myself simply as human because the demi-humans are really representatives of extreme human personalities and traits. As I'll describe in more detail below, I'm more of Jack-of-All-Trades, Master-of-None.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Neutral Good, for the reasons described by Lanthorn. I'll also point out that, as a History Teacher, I believe that the US Constitution embodies the best of this alignment. The Constitution itself focuses on what is best for the majority (the many) by providing for a strong, balanced central government, while the Bill of Rights (First 10 Amendments) focus on protecting the individual rights of the minority. Thus, what is best for the greatest number of people (Lawful) is balanced by the just freedoms of individuals (Chaotic). Since its purpose if for the benefit and weal of all, it is a 'Good' document, rather than 'Evil' or even 'Neutral'.

Of course, this does not mean that its implementation by those holding office is Neutral Good, but simply that the document, as written, represents a very balanced attempt at government.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Being a Jack-of-All-Trades, Master-of-None means that I feel the greatest kinship with the Bard. I love to sing (college scholarships), was a varsity athlete all four years of college (scholarships), was an 'A' student (scholarships), participated in many different clubs and organizations in a leadership capacity, and am a bit of a perfectionist at anything that I do, whether I enjoy doing it or not (psychology classes Confused ).

However, I realize that I also have quite a passion for dealing with evil akin to that of a Paladin (which, in the virtual persona of Sir Xaris, I became in my first incarnation as a PC). Smile

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why.

Heironeous represents my passionate will to combat evil in any form I encounter it. Rao represents my frequent role as a peace-maker. And, Pelor represents my desire to shine the light of goodness into all corners of the world.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

I think my favorite place to live within the Flanaess would be the Vale of the Highfolk. It is a place of small government and individual freedoms protected by a commonly held respect for other peoples. The peoples living within the valley and its nearby geographical regions represent every known peaceable race within the Flanaess. The result is a community that is better than the sum of its parts because of the incredible diversity within. Happy

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:35 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

rasgon wrote:
Lanthorn wrote:
1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

Something otherwordly, like whatever Philidor is.

Why am I not surprised by this? Smile
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:03 pm  

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Suel-Oeridian, with just a touch of Flan. In the real-world I'm Scots, Irish, English, Dutch, German, French, Chickasaw and who knows what else.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why? That's a tough one. I'm assuming you count half-breeds so I'd say either half-elf or half-orc. Can't really decide.

3) What alignment best describes you and why? Neutral Good (Good in 4e). I believe in freedom, but that we also need order, and I think you should watch out for others who are less fortunate than you, and if you can't exactly be nice to everybody at least don't be a ****.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why? Ranger. I revere nature, love animals, am fairly skilled at woodcraft, have been decent with both a sword and a bow at times in my life (although I'm out of practice), climb mountains, pick mushrooms and edible plants, Jeremiah Johnson is one of my all time favorite movies, I'm half horse, half gator, tougher'n a earthquake. I've got the prettiest gal, the fastest horse, and the ugliest dog this side of hell. I can out jump, out run, throw down, drag out and whip my weight in displacer beasts... well, okay maybe that last part is BS.

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Pelor - The section on Peloran dogma in his wiki entry actually fits alot with what I believe in, especially hatred of the undead. Man, do I hate vampires. Beory - Love your mother. Mayaheine - Protect the weak, kick the crap out of evil.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why? Ratik. You got the ocean, the forests and the mountains. Pretty much like the place where I live. Plus, it seems like a good place for a ranger to make a living.
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:38 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

Lanthorn wrote:
Friends of Oerth!
1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

Suel (German). They're serious, good with magic (technology) and seem like the race most likely to enjoy industrial/post-punk.
2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Gnome, because they have a sense of humor.
3) What alignment best describes you and why?

I can't decided between LN and CG so I'll go with True Neutral. On one hand I'm a very organized person and I believe in deliberative, democratic, decision making. On the other, I think we should abolish corporations, the military, and our police force and stop limiting our rights to marry whomever we choose, bear firearms, use birth control, and buy alcohol when someone else's god is taking a break (FYI, I don't own guns and I'm a recovering alcoholic).
4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?
A short-tempered, 1st-level, lawful-evil Invoker with a strength of 18, a pair of gauntlets, and weapon specialization in punching, as per the PHBR1....because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why.

Zol Darklock, Sryndro, and Om. Because they're goth and no one else worships them. If I meet someone who does, then I'll find new favorite deities.
6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Jallarzi Sallivarian's tower. Wink

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:48 pm  

Wow, Vestcoat, there's a BIG difference between CG and LN as far as alignments go! Quite contradictory in terms of how people of that philosophic bent view the rights of individuals with respect to society at large, and the application of rules, regulations, and laws. People have the misconception that CG means anarchy. Not so (that's more CN). They merely believe that the rights of individuals are more important than a litany of rules to govern. I also don't see a democracy in a LN society, so likely you are not LN. Maybe NG, like yours truly. Wink
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:39 pm  

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

Mostly Oeridian, there's some Suel there a trace from my maternal heritage.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

A tough one. I like Elves or Half-Elves but I'm likely closer to a dwarf. I'm down to earth and practical.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Lawful Good. I believe in just laws. I think all people should be equal before the law. I believe in helping others and doing right by others. I do my best to respect others and understand the needs of those around me. I try to help better society and value compassion, charity, honesty and love. I don't react well to injustice; I can be vocal and active against it.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Paladin. Not so much the "holy" part, since I'm an atheist; but certainly the other virtues represented by paladins. However, since gods exist in Oerth, how could I not stand for good against evil? In a world with absolutes of good and evil, a paladin seems like the right and reasonable choice.

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now! Feel free to put them in order of preference, if possible.

Heironeous- because of the virtues he represents.
Pelor-There's something wholesome about seeing the Sun, it helps drive back the gloom.
Istus- There's something alluring about the goddess of fate.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Furyondy-Truth, justice and the defense against the evil of Iuz!
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 28, 2010
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Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:11 am  

1) Probably Oeridian. I come from hardworking people.

2) Probably halfling. Short, mischievous, odd & self-deprecating… and fuzzy toes?

3) Chaotic Neutral. I'm often doing a lot of different things and dislike those that interrupt that or my happiness and I'm fiercely loyal to those I make solid friendships with.

4) I often wish for mind over matter on things in this reality to happen so possibly a mage, though I do have daydreams of being a robin hood type "Danger: Diabolik" cat burglar.

5) Oeridian goddess Sotillion because I love the summer and the "good life" and would probably make an awesome Luxuriate without trying. :) Oeridian God Celestian because space, planets, and the possibility of life on other planets fascinates me. Lastly, Fharlanghn, because I enjoy travel and all that meeting new people can teach me.

6) The Valley of the Mage because I imagine it to be a place where people got along and people strive to be their best, no matter who they are and where boundaries were strictly upheld equally to ensure safety, happiness and security for all within by the stern but semi-mellowed Mage himself. And there is probably really good food there. And riding elephants. That's totally do-able for this guy.

7) I don't want a pony, but a Spelljamming ship would be awesome.
For the last time... I'm not a vampire! I was bleached a bewitching shade of white by The Gem of Souls!
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:07 am  

Lanthorn wrote:
1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

I'd say I'm a mutt. I have very pale skin, paler than the skin of anyone else I know, so there's some Suel in my mix. I like to think I'd have a bit of Rhenee too, but that may just be wishful thinking.

Lanthorn wrote:
2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Half-Elf, because they can get along with most people and mingle well with crowds. I hate crowds, personally, and prefer to fade to the background. Being relatively skilled with people makes it easier to do just that. Smile

Lanthorn wrote:
3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Neutral Good. I'm a bleeding heart. I drive Iressi mad at Christmas time with all the ringers standing outside of stores and how quickly I start searching my pockets and purse for change. I actually remember being lost and in tears on the phone with Mom trying to figure out where I was when a man approached my truck and knocked on the window. I put Mom on hold and rolled it down a little (maybe an inch or two), crying, and the man told me he had his pregnant wife in his car and not enough money to fill it to get her to the hospital. I said I didn't have any cash (cause I didn't at the time) and he pointed at my little change dispenser and asked what about that. All told I handed over about $2.75 without question.

I always want to stop when I pass someone who's broken down on the side of the road, but I'm usually too scared to do so (I'm a cautious lady). I always put myself out to help friends and family in financial need even when it means I'm living on spaghetti, ramen, mac and cheese, and frozen fish for weeks at a time. I'm a bleeding heart, and I figure in the end it's something I can take some pride in. I really mean it when I say I hope you have a wonderful day because put quite simply, everyone deserves to be happy. Smile

Lanthorn wrote:
4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Realistically? Expert. I'm trained to do my tricks on a daily basis to earn my coin and live a modestly comfortable life. I go through the days plying my trade while expanding upon my interests outside of the craft that makes me money.

What would best suit me if I could be any D&D class? I would love to be a Healer from the Miniatures Handbook. They have bleeding hearts like mine, enjoy helping others with both physical and emotional pains, have a healthy respect of nature without being experts at it, and make a valuable asset to any party they would deign to travel with. I could make a quiet life supporting allies fighting for valiant and admirable causes from the back lines of combat or spend my days improving the lives of any injured or ill I came across. (Plus I'd get a unicorn at 8th level, woo!).

Lanthorn wrote:
5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now! Wink Feel free to put them in order of preference, if possible.

Oh goodness. I think my faith would fall to Pelor, Ehlonna, or Lirr if any of the Gods could take hold of my agnostic mind. But then, in a fantasy realm where magic is quite visible (especially if I were a healer), I don't think that would be as difficult as it has proven to be on Earth. Wink

Pelor because his dogma is in line with who I would like to be, someone striving constantly to better their environs and fight the good fight against evil. I'm not quite so noble a person even with my bleeding heart, but it is the kind of person I respect. Particularly with their 'backbones of steel'. I myself do not think I fit that particular aspect of Pelor's clergy, but that doesn't mean my prayers would fall on deaf ears.

Ehlonna would be well-suited to me because of my love of forests. There are few settings where I feel more at peace than under the bows of a deeply shaded forest. I spent hours combing through the trails of the woods near my home when I was young, and more exploring the camps I went to as a child. I've not much talent when it comes to raising plants, but I get along well with most animals I've had the privilege of working with (including one domesticated coyote). I could see myself being a content worshiper of Ehlonna trying to do good in one of her forests somewhere.

Lirr would be my third choice, for while I love writing (as you likely knew) and have some talent with poetry... I'm not the voracious reader that I imagine many of her servants would be. Still, I would think it a pleasure to spend days at a time surrounded by prose and poetry, and I do feel strongly that works of either are things to be protected and admired.

Lanthorn wrote:
6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

This one is difficult for me as I've had very little 'exposure' to the different areas of Greyhawk over the years. Right now I would be inclined to say that I would most enjoy life in Furyondy or in Celene. Really I would prefer to be on the fringes of society, near enough to a town or city to get food and other supplies, but far enough removed that travelers would rarely happen by on most days. And of course, I would prefer to be in a forested area.

Unsurprisingly, this is similar to where I'd like to someday live on Earth.


As an aside, a quiz I found and took said I'm a Neutral Good Halfling Druid (3rd Level) with the following ability scores:
Strength- 8
Dexterity- 15
Constitution- 8
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 15

The most amusing thing about that result to me is the fact that I'm 6' tall as a human. It's hard to imagine being so short. Smile
Shadows and Dust; Just Another Soul.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:37 am  
Re: Who are you? PC version


1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

Suel, because I am tall (6'2") and heavy set. :P


2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Mountain Dwarf, because I can be just as stubborn.


3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Neutral Good, a balance should always be maintained to server the greater good.


4) What class would best describe you and why?

Fighter or Cleric, I am not one to do things from the side line. I need to take charge.


5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why.

Kord, Weejas & Beory. Kord will give me strength were Weejes will give me cunnning to master death. Beory will ensure that I am reborn to fight again.


6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Dutchy of Urnst, Leukish because, it reminds me of home.

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:39 pm  

I'm glad to see more people adding on!

Illustr8or, when I read your passage, I'd say your alignment is Chaotic GOOD, not Neutral. I don't see CG people holding fast to much of anything. And after reading more, you mention "safety, happiness, and security." A CN person doesn't really care about those things (my understanding) for a group of people, only self self self, without rhyme or reason. Face it. You're a *gasp!* GOOD guy! Happy

Crystaltears, our dear "Horse Whisperer," I had long wondered when you'd add your two cents! After reading yours, I definitely see a cleric of Pelor, or Ehlonna.

DarkHerald, you were my muse for this. Take the credit, or the blame. Wink

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:29 pm  

Ok I'll try!

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Frost Barbarian (Suel, with all other human subraces) I'm a mutt but I am also 6'2" weighing 252 lbs check the contienant of Europe and your likely to meet one of my relatives. I tend to enjoy the cold, less now then when I was younger love boating and fishing.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why? I like Trolls but am nothing like them. A mixture of gnome and dwarf I love to laugh and joke around I also believe in hard work and am very loyal to my family and friends. I don't anger easily but wrong me or my family and the heavens can't yield my wrath. Though I only direct it at those you have wronged me or my friends.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?
Neutral Good with strong Lawful tendencies, I often like to do whats best for people but we all need to face the consequences of our actions. Accountability is key for me and as long as your willing to fess up and take ownership of your actions , I can get along with you.

I like to help people but not when they take no initiative of their own. Where I live there are people who make a living as professional beggars and fain sickness and hardships. So I am weary of such things. With that being said I hate to see someone down on their luck been there done that. However I am no charitable organization I'll give you a hand not a hand out. Hand outs help no one!

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?
I don't like to play one however Priest and Bard a mixture of both. I am a staunch defender of those who can't defend themselves. However if you made your bed and expect me to bail you out every time your wrong sometimes you need to take your medicine.

If there is a job or skill I have either done it, or attempted to perform it. Save musical instruments but I have been told my Oratory skills are excellent. Yes I posed as a priest once as a joke, but never took any body's money no collection plate from me.

I am not a religious man but do believe in the adage "do onto others, as you would have them, do onto you".

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why?

Kord:Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, Courage. Yes Valor is good but sometimes just some good old fashioned competition fuels the soul.

Fharlanghn: Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads. how can he not be on everybody's list. Besides I love walking especially my dog comet, and coming across all different types of people and places together.

St. Cuthbert: Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, Discipline. Yes there is a part of me that identifies with St. Cuthbert clergy besides a cudgel is just another Shillelagh.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?
The Sheldomar a great place with a multitude of races people and cultures besides one of the Nations here halted the Great Kingdoms advance on nation building. Yes and giants walk the land who better to defend other fellow Sheldomar citizens from.

7) Since this is Miscellaneous, What would you like to be and why? A trollborn Barbarian free, wild, and unyielding. But my sense of fairness and reason prevents me from becoming this character in real life.

I guess that's a good thing as we can play characters much unlike ourselves.


Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:44 am  

Okay; I think most people seem to think that because they're white (i.e. have "pale" skin) they must relate themselves to Suel....Oeridians are also pretty European-esque (Frankish/Mediterranian) in appereance and culture; so I'm a little suprised hardly anybody's going with them....personally; I'd MUCH rather relate to the Oeridians than the Suel; since I tend to see them as a cross between Nazis and mad-emperor Romans :).....though of course they're are the GOOD SUEL in Urnst, Keoland, Barbarians, etc.

Also...has anybody every really read Fharlanghan's description? He seems like a really BORING God of roadmaps and such...nothing fun about him at all. I've always been rather shocked at this God's popularity; he's not the LEAST bit adventurous.....and while I was a military brat who grew up all over the world; I certainly don't relate to him. But to each thier own....

As for me:

Human ethnic group: Oeridian I guess (I'm a joe-blow American white-guy mutt WASP; but I'm not relating to the Nazi Suels! :) )

Demi-human: Gnomes I guess due to thier down-to-earthness and sense of humor...though I'm really not a "pun" or "prank" kinda person; and at 6'1"; Im' certainly not a "little" person.....On another note: personally I've always been annoyed with the AD&D version of Elves and the numerous bonuses they get above and beyond the other races....I ESPECIALLY get annoyed at CHA/COM real life I've never particularly found "elfin" features attractive and conceptually; I have no idea why other races would find a much of arrogant, stick-figures who look down thier noses at other races and think..."man....I want to be like THAT!". But again; to each thier own!

Alignment: I'll go with the popular choice and go with NG; I believe in laws as a great idea; but also realize that they can be used to circumvent justice and justice is the most important thing; in my opinion. However; I think chaos is no philosophy at all and for any civilization worthy of the name; laws are mandatory.

Class: Hmmm.......I guess Bard as I'm a bit of a scholar; quite interested in stories and telling them; and if I could cast spells; that would ROCK! I also like to think that I'm independent and Bards strike me as fairly independent...though; I'm not the least bit interested in poetry; and I have a terrible singing voice....though I wish I didn't! :)

Gods: Pelor....for many of the reasons mentioned above; he just strikes me as the best all-around philosophy; Rao: as above; great philosophy; though I don't have NEARLY the patience to be a good Cleric of this Deity; Rudd: Little-known; but fun Deity and great for Adventurers (WAY BETTER than Fharlangan!)

Nation or Region: Hmmm......I guess the Yeomanry since it's kinda the closest thing to a Democratic Republic there is.

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:03 pm  

Okay; I think most people seem to think that because they're white (i.e. have "pale" skin) they must relate themselves to Suel....

I picked Oeridian because I'm a light skinned Italian-American with auburn hair and dark eyes that my wife claims have specks of green. My mother's side has some Austrian blood; my great-great grandmother was tall, blonde and blue-eyed-- much taller than my smaller, darker great-great-grandfather--thus the strain of Suel. I suppose I could have added a bit of Flan too. My father's side has some very dark Italians from Bari.

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:04 pm  

Let us keep it civil Exclamation

I post this before anything starts. We will not accuse people of racism or any other kind of bigotry. Any such post will be removed and the person posting such banned for a period of time.

Everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it. In addition, everyone has a preferred class or race that they like to play. On these forums this will be respected -- by all.

Keep all such personal thoughts to yourself.

No one is being accused here -- at this time -- but a word of warning is being issued before anything more is said on this subject.
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Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:23 pm  

Ladies and Gents,

I hope I didn't accidentally start something with my thread! That was surely not the intention whatsoever. Sorry if I inadvertantly started something, but I think M-S's heed is a wise one. I'd hate to see this thread removed.

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:19 pm  


I think MS just wanted to make sure the thread did not lead to other people feeding on or misreading text. Sometimes text does not convey true meaning. I much like maxvale76 have a strong dislike for the Elvin race. Probably due to the overabundance of material on them.

The Drizz't books sure did not help. Now when he was first introduced I thought cool but then it got forced down our throats and left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I still let PC's play them but we can't color every race black and white, and have only one set stereotypes for them. However they should not be pointy eared human either.

When all is said and done we all have our preferences, I have my own as does everyone else. We can agree to disagree but I think overall this has been a good thread and would like to encourage more people to post in here.


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Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:25 am  

Wow; I certainly didn't mean any of my silly, irrevrent opinions to be taken seriously by anybody and if anything causes offense to anyone; my sincere apologies; Please note that probably 99% of what I may post on these boards is either game-related or not meant to be taken seriously (or both at the same time! Smile )...

In "real life"; I am a HUGE believer in everyone being treated the same and I believe VERY strongly that we should only judge each other on what people DO; not things that they have no control what-so-ever over like the color of thier skin; what nationality/culture they are born into; thier gender; etc., etc. If it matters to anyone; my wonderful wife is a black woman from Africa; one of my best friends (best man at my wedding) is gay; and I have numerous close friends (not guys/girls I occasionally see a movie with or work with; but whose homes I've been too and whose families I've been introduced too and who I have done the same for them with my family) who are from different nations/cultures/ ethnicities than me.....

As for my dislike of Elves in the game-sense; I guess it's the trickle-down Tolkein view of them that annoys much as I like Tolkein; even as a young child I was always annoyed by "super" groups/races/ characters/etc. I never liked how Elves were always better than all of the other races in everything...they lived longer; they were beautifull; they have magical powers; etc., etc. The "pure" Numenorians are much the same. I mean Hobbits and Dwarves live longer than humans too; but you certainly never get the impression that they are widely considered "wondrous" in the same way as just irks me....and to carry that on into AD&D always bugged me.....sure; make them have a longer life-span and gain a bonus with a bow and have certain resitances that humans don't have...that's fine......just don't cram down that "other races admire them and find them beautifull" crap....ugh....:)

Anyway; sorry about any ofense that may have been caused to anyone; now back to your regularly scheduled thread....
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:41 am  

You didn't offend me Max, not that I have said anything in the thread yet. ;) I am sure that MS was just trying to stop a fire before it started.

1: Touv! Hehe no seriously I would say I have two answers for this. The first is purely based on looks, which is I would say I am most like the Suel with maybe a bit of Oeridian mixed in as well. The second answer is more based around personality. This is sort of a tough one to answer I suppose either Baklunish or Rheenne. Baklunish because I am not a warrior, and I have a love of civilization. Rheenne because I am sort of a social outcast being a geek, and I have a love of the water.

2: Good question! Gnomes I am pretty sure, I like the way they live life.

3: True Neutral with tendencies toward good. I tend to be a nice person, but sometimes Crystaltears has to temper my logic. I don't think I favor law or chaos more than one another. If I had do choose between the two I would choose Chaos.

4: In reality a Expert maybe level 2 if I am lucky, more than likely just level 1. As far as my views go...I think Bard. I love travel, art, and music in its various forms.

5: Human gods eh? Let's see here...

Lirr: Goddess of music, and art she is the patron of the things I could not do without.

Delleb: Knowledge is also very important to me.

Olidammara: Sometimes you just got to have fun ;)

6: Someplace in southern Furyondy. Maybe somewhere in the Sheldomar Valley. Generally someplace that is safe, and has a place for scholars. Generally anyplace that Crystaltears wants to live ;)
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:50 am  

Iressi wrote:
Generally anyplace that Crystaltears wants to live ;)

He spoils me. Wink

Also, for the record, no one's view has offended me thus far, but then, I'm pretty hard to offend most of the time. Smile
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:34 am  

I wanna be a chaotic good vampire-drow outcast... with a panther... and twin magical vorpal scimitars... and a fire elemental unicorn pony.... and a werewolf girlfriend... who was cursed by being bitten by a rabid leprechaun.

Seriously though, ladies and germs, I'm kind of amused at the number of people who picked gnomes, considering that gnomes are considered so much "the humanoid race that no one knows what to do with" by the wider D&D community.
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:44 am  

Off-topic: True story a tradition I started a few years back is there will generally be a area with a large monster (dragon, hydra, et cetera) with a dead drow armed with two magical scimitars (or masterwork depending on the level) along with a Wondrous Figurine of some sort.

Less off-topic: Well as far gnomes go their personality is what I like about them. That's all the thinking I really did in picking them. I am nothing like a elf or a dwarf. Not much of a half-orc either. Halfling was my second pick oddly enough. Its odd because I am 6 feet tall, and here I am picking short races.
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:58 am  

maxvale76 wrote:
Also...has anybody every really read Fharlanghan's description? He seems like a really BORING God of roadmaps and such...nothing fun about him at all. I've always been rather shocked at this God's popularity; he's not the LEAST bit adventurous.....and while I was a military brat who grew up all over the world; I certainly don't relate to him. But to each thier own....

I view gods like this as a challenge. On the surface they seem kind of boring but I think that's the way many people see GH itself, which is why it doesn't have the appeal of Faerun and Krynn. It's left to us to take that skeleton and make something else out of it. Like we do with the world, so we do with the gods. Given that, I see Fharlanghn as having some of the attributes of Mercury/Hermes. Messenger of the gods, maybe a psychopomp; since there's no real god of the dead among the Oeridians. Going from the LGG he could be seen as the third most widely worshiped god after Norebo and Zilchus, but I don't think that translates as having the large numbers of devoted followers. I see most people sacrificing to him before travel, and pouring out a little wine on the altar stone every time that hit one of his numerous roadside shrines, but that's as far as it goes, except for his priests and devoted followers who are frankly "... a handful of nutters who sell all their goods and travel about aimlessly" as I think most would describe them; although not too loudly since you don't want to get on Fharlanghn's bad side.
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:31 am  

Sorry; this is a bit off topic; but relates to Smilian and others' recent comments: In my experience; it seems like many players I know who don't really know much about Greyhawk; but who find themselves playing in it; if they play a Cleric or someone who "needs" a God; they tend to look at the list and pick a God that "sounds cool".....never really reading much about that particular Deity.

This tends to lead to many (in my opinion/interpretation) misconceptions; for example; in a recent series of GH games I was in; we have a PC who was a Cleric of Wee Jas. Seeing that the Goddess was a "Goddess of Death"; he proceeded to play a Cleric that never memorized Healing Spells. Now, personally; I find this ridiculous.....she's a Goddess of protecting dead souls; NOT a grim-reaper type (which would be Nerull).

Likewise; any number of players I've known see "God of Roads, Travel" next to Fharlangan and seem to think he's an Adventurer's Deity. Now maybe that's what he's supposed to be; but from my interpretation of the material; he's much as Smillian described him....more a force to say a quick word to when setting out on the road....NOT a Deity that particularly cares about exciting new Adventures......

To me; the thing that gets me is that there ARE plenty of Deities who DO fit the adventurer's profile quite well....Rudd anyone?

On a differnt note: I've always liked Gnomes because they seemed to fit a nice "niche" for me; they didn't have the Tolkein/other fantasy 'preconceptions' of the other races; i.e. Haughty and "gracefull" Elves; Dour, distrustful Dwarves; cautious, lazy Halflings...etc. On top of that; I liked thier Class options! :) As for "what to do with them"; I pretty much always used them as humorous half-Illusionists (Fighters or Thieves); that either friendly and usefull NPCs or some of my more favorite PCs. Probably my favorite non-human PC though was/is a Half-Orc Cleric/Thief....but poor Half-Orcs have so much going against them that it's hard to want to make them a frequent PC choice from a "gamer" perspective.......from the same perspective; Half-Elves are a supremely easy race to choose due to the wealth of options and few drawbacks....

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Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:45 am  

Argon wrote:
I think MS just wanted to make sure the thread did not lead to other people feeding on or misreading text.

And again:

I am sure that MS was just trying to stop a fire before it started.

This is absolutely correct. No one was being singled out. My concern was this statement:

I think most people seem to think that because they're white

That is the tiny spark that breathes in the dark, waiting for someone to blow upon it, whereupon it will soon become a raging forest fire.

Whenever I see any such spark, I shall immediately dump "30,000 gallons" of water upon it. That is not to say that Maxvale76 meant anything by it.

That's to say that I will not allow Anyone else to "mean something by it," to turn it into something.

It was a word of caution, as much as a word of warning. Be careful of the statements that you make. You never know how someone else will "read" those words. Wink
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:51 am  

MS: Good point! I should've phrased that better...mostly, I was just trying to say that I think many people find a correlation between being pale-skinned and thinking that equates only to the Suel when in fact several Greyhawk ethnic groups can be pale-skinned as well; notably the Oeridians.....

Case-in-point....Bigby has been described in several places as being "pale and studious"....and, as far as I know; is almost certainly Oeridian....

That was all I meant!

Max....the hopefully more careful in the future....:)

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Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:01 pm  


I see Fharlanghn in starkly different terms than others have viewed. True, I don't see him waging holy war against infidels, driving evil from the face of Oerth, or adventuring for the sake of riches and fame. However, I surely do not see him as an aloof, boring Power.

To me, the Wanderer wants his clergy to travel far and wide, whether by road, water, or the path less taken through the pristene, rugged wilderness. He promotes his clergy and followers to go far and wide for the sake of knowledge of the journey, cultures distant and foreign, to promote the exchange of ideas, and perhaps even goods (but not so much for money, as Zilchus would, but to establish goodwill among folk). His clergy safeguards travelers, be they pilgrams, merchants, peasants, what have you (so long as they are not evil), not only from brigands and bandits, but from anything (creature or otherwise) that would hinder travel. Period (he DOES have Minor access to Combat and Protection, after all). I do not see most of his clergy merely sitting around, pouring over maps and gossiping, but rather taking an interest in seeking lands afar, or keeping those who travel safe and sound. In no way is the clergy of Fharlanghn in my campaigns distant and aloof (like Boccob) from the day to day life of people, primarily those whose lives are affected by travel...and in many economies, that is practically everyone, be they merchants, mounted patrols, or peasants.

Just my take and a different perspective than has been portrayed by one Power I find under-rated and overlooked.

And this Power wasn't even my first pick, either! Imagine what I'd say about the Summoner! Cool

-Lanthorn, Defender of Fharlanghn
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Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:27 am  

Lanthorn wrote:
His clergy safeguards travelers, be they pilgrams, merchants, peasants, what have you (so long as they are not evil), not only from brigands and bandits, but from anything (creature or otherwise) that would hinder travel.

That is an awesome little tidbit to think about. Clerics of Fharlanghn probably make for a great source of companionship on just about any road, and likely are flexible in where they're headed to as they explore the distant reaches of the lands. Now I'll think of them in a wholly different light than I had before.. As sources for good campfire stories and gossip from the regions they're traveling away from.

Thank you for your view on him Lanthorn. It's given me some new ideas for characters at the very least. Smile
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Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:04 am  

Actually Lanthorn; your take is by far the most popular one in my experience.

However; seeing as how Fharlangn is a Neutral (NG) power; I'm not sure I would interpret that as being a protector of travellers. I think the minor access to Combat and Protection spheres are more for the self-defense of the Cleric as opposed to protecting any particular groups. I don't see his priesthood as hanging around looking at maps; except for the few times they get together.....I see them more as the folks who go out and travel the roads; keeping notes; and occaisonally getting together to exchange what they have seen/learned.

Anyway; that's just my take.....most people I know tend to see him more as you do; and as a Deity of those who seek out excitement (a.k.a. Adventurers); I just don't get that feeling from the write-ups on him; but to each their own.....after all; it is everyone's unique "take" on GH that makes it such a compelling me, anyway! Smile

Sorry for the thread de-rail!

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:00 am  

maxvale76 wrote:
Seeing as how Fharlangn is a Neutral (NG) power; I'm not sure I would interpret that as being a protector of travellers. I think the minor access to Combat and Protection spheres are more for the self-defense of the Cleric as opposed to protecting any particular groups.

This is how I see Fharlangn as well. I see him "guiding" adventures, sort of a "go here" thing, but not actually providing any protection.

Fharlangn would "point the way" (go here!) and offer them encouragement to travel, though not necessarily to seek "adventure" and danger -- given His minor access to Combat and Protection.
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Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:46 pm  

For those of you who have access to LGG, check out pgs 170-171.

True, some priests, particularly those of N alignment (and perhaps with a low Charisma), may be distant and loners. However, I see many of them taking a more active role in the well-being of people on the road or wilderness.


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Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:39 pm  

smillan_31 wrote:
. Given that, I see Fharlanghn as having some of the attributes of Mercury/Hermes. Messenger of the gods, maybe a psychopomp; since there's no real god of the dead among the Oeridians.

Celestian's the psychopomp of the family. He guides souls across the Astral Plane.

Fharlanghn's more about guiding people across the mortal world. I can see him as a divine messenger, though, if he's delivering messages to gods who dwell on Oerth or to mortals. Celestian would deliver messages between gods and spirits of the Outer Planes.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:10 am  

rasgon wrote:
I can see him (Fharlanghn) as a divine messenger, though, if he's delivering messages to gods who dwell on Oerth or to mortals. Celestian would deliver messages between gods and spirits of the Outer Planes.

I like this take. Seems like the perfect fit. Cool

Nice "thinking" there, Rasgon. Happy
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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:31 am  

M-S, I just realized you got an Avatar 'facelift!' Compliments to your surgeon. Wink Looks more ominous than your previous incarnation. Are you shifting alignments on us?!

OK, here's more information to digest about the Dweller on the Horizon and why I see his clergy more involved and benevolent:

In addition to the passages written in LGG, check out FTA, page 87:

"...The priests are practical folk, yet trusting and almost naive in their faith...They are kindly people who always offer their generosity to other travelers."

Doesn't sound like a distant, aloof group to me, but one who helps out! LGG also outlines some of the 'duties' of the clergy, including scouts for armies, diplomats, and more...

However, I'll brook no argument that Celestian's priests are more distant from the common person and keep their heads in the books and the heavens.


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Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:56 am  

Lanthorn wrote:
M-S, I just realized you got an Avatar 'facelift!' Looks more ominous than your previous incarnation. Are you shifting alignments

And how do you know that the first avatar wasn't an . . . Illusion?

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:39 pm  


Your Avatar is much more imposing, its an admin upgrade! Laughing

Now his Mysticwhip is even more deadly.

I fear no whip, especially not cool whip! Smile



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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:05 pm  

Veiled insults, eh? Evil

We'll see if you still think I'm "cool whip" after I Summon Monster IX! Razz



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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:17 pm  

Thanks to you both, and the hyperlink at the bottom of Darth Mystic's post, I have that darned "Where there's a whip, there's a way!" song repeating in my mind! aarrrrggghh....almost worse than a Feeblemind spell! Confused

-Lanthorn, the Song Plagued
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Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:37 pm  

Laughing Lanthorn and MS,

MS there are other people your whip could be used on. Wink

No insults by me, never not I! Evil Grin



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Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:05 am  

Argon wrote:
MS there are other people your whip could be used on. Wink

Argon, don't I know it! Six articles in the Hopper! Woo-hoo! You go boy! Laughing

FYI: I was using my Whip on PSmedger the Elder just this morning! Evil Grin

Argon wrote:
No insults by me, never not I!

Thou art Forgiven!
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Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:12 pm  

Am I gather that our 'new and improved' M-S has ascended from the ranks of mortals and is now a Demi-Power???

Do you also have a Soul Gem located somewhere, O Great One? Wink


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Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:58 pm  

Young as thou art, still thou knowest better than to seek information concerning my phylactery!

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:41 pm  


His phylactery is a Chevy van with his avatar air brushed on the sliding door. When he honks his horn it makes a whipping sound. It is fast and strong though eats a lot of fuel. Some say it is an original first one to leave the factory.

It is the Mystic-Mobile!




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Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:53 am  

Coming to your neighborhood soon! Evil Grin

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:01 am  

Argon wrote:
It is the Mystic-Mobile!


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Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:56 am  

Hey! I remember that one! Happy

Nice, Aeolius. Thanks! Cool
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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:37 pm  

The one with the curly black hair is Mystic's apprentice.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:59 am  

Actually, it was the guy in the pink shirt, to my right. The one I accidentally banished. Embarassed

So there is an open position available! Evil Grin

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:27 pm light of the topic of this thread (greatly derailed Wink ), it would seem that our illustrious Mystic-Scholar has been reincarnated as some (malevolent?) Demi-Power named "Mwahahahaha." I shall go get my powdered iron now to circumscribe a circle of protection.


p.s. If this is my last post b/c I "suddenly" disappear, I hope to manifest as another, more improved Avatar with fewer questions (to spare Argon); I hope someone will avenge me Wink

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:21 pm  

Darn! And here I was, hoping that you would fill the apprenticeship vacancy! Shocked

It pays pretty good. Wink
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Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:08 pm  

Does this 'apprenticeship' come with a black cloak, armor, Chain Lightning from my hands, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Charm Person, a Vorpal/Sharpness/Flametongue hybrid Sword, and the like??? I just don't need the asthma that comes with the job...
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Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:49 am  

As fate would have it, I once had a geek D&D talk about some of this (like this thread), and I once created an unobtrusive NPC who was essentially me at a certain point in my life (see below).

illustr8or wrote:
...Probably Oeridian. I come from hardworking people....

...Oeridian goddess Sotillion because I love the summer and the "good life" and would probably make an awesome Luxuriate without trying...

-Prodigal son? Razz

Lanthorn wrote:

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

-Based on looks, Suel: red hair, usually the lightest skinned guy in any group. But the point everyone misses, is that the pure-bred Suel tend to have curly or kinky hair- mine is straight. I'm also thin, so I could say a distant elvish ancestry, but they usually have curly hair, too. So that doesn't help. So there must be a little Oerid in there (Oerid often have reddish hair, too), somewhere. Either that, or I'm a mutant. Razz

maxvale76 wrote:
Okay; I think most people seem to think that because they're white (i.e. have "pale" skin) they must relate themselves to Suel....Oeridians are also pretty European-esque (Frankish/Mediterranian) in appereance and culture; so I'm a little suprised hardly anybody's going with them....personally; I'd MUCH rather relate to the Oeridians than the Suel; since I tend to see them as a cross between Nazis and mad-emperor Romans :).....though of course they're are the GOOD SUEL in Urnst, Keoland, Barbarians, etc...

-Hmmm... The Suel are definitely having a Bad Hair Millenium. Razz

But if you consider how many Oerids live in the Great Kingdom, they've been heading that way for a while, too. The Suel are probbaly getting "Gooder", on the whole.

Anyway, the Oerid are described as more tan.

Lanthorn wrote:
2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

-Dwarf. Financially, I can make a copper piece scream, and if I'm on a project, I get obsessed.

Or at least that's what the propoganda leaflets say...

Illustr8tor mentioned Sotillion as a patron diety. I think Sotillion worshippers would be a typical Dwarf's nightmare.

Definitely Dwarf... Razz

Lanthorn wrote:
3) What alignment best describes you and why?

-I espouse NG, because:

Lanthorn wrote:

Neutral good definitely. I consider myself balanced between the strictness of rules and regs and the freedoms of total chaos. I gravitate to the spirit of the law instead of the firmness and the rigidity of the letter. I prefer smaller governing bodies over large institutions and am more inclined to believe people than corporations and the like. I try to balance between the necessities of laws and the rights of the person.

SirXaris wrote:
Neutral Good, for the reasons described by Lanthorn. I'll also point out that, as a History Teacher, I believe that the US Constitution embodies the best of this alignment. The Constitution itself focuses on what is best for the majority (the many) by providing for a strong, balanced central government, while the Bill of Rights (First 10 Amendments) focus on protecting the individual rights of the minority. Thus, what is best for the greatest number of people (Lawful) is balanced by the just freedoms of individuals (Chaotic). Since its purpose if for the benefit and weal of all, it is a 'Good' document, rather than 'Evil' or even 'Neutral'.

...but whether I actually function as such is a different question. I might be ruthless enough to shift me from being thoroughly Good, but Good is my intent. And everyone at least sees me as more Lawful; again, I think real life Sotillion worshipper would really iritate me, although I've known a few who would fit and got along with them, as far as it went. But still...

crystaltears wrote:

Neutral Good. I'm a bleeding heart. I drive Iressi mad at Christmas time with all the ringers standing outside of stores and how quickly I start searching my pockets and purse for change...

-Bell ringers on a street corner, I do. Dubious-looking individuals who probably won't be spending it survival, I don't. So I don't think that makes you a bleeding heart.

Pehaps I'd be NG (LN) or LN (NG)...

Lanthorn wrote:
4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Using D&D 3.5, I'm either a natural Fighter (or Warrior) who became an Expert, or an Expert who became a Fighter (or Warrior). Probably the former. By my calculations, my Basic Attack Bonus would have to be at least a +1...

Based on my "XP", I'd either be 2nd or 3rd level using the easy D&D 3.5 standard. If I was using AD&D or AD&D2, I'd be close to 2nd level; hardly anyone actually makes it that high, I think under the older rules.

Lanthorn wrote:
5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now!

Why limit it to human-based Powers? Not an issue for me, but for some...

maxvale76 wrote:
...This tends to lead to many (in my opinion/interpretation) misconceptions; for example; in a recent series of GH games I was in; we have a PC who was a Cleric of Wee Jas. Seeing that the Goddess was a "Goddess of Death"; he proceeded to play a Cleric that never memorized Healing Spells. Now, personally; I find this ridiculous.....she's a Goddess of protecting dead souls; NOT a grim-reaper type (which would be Nerull)...


maxvale76 wrote:
...Likewise; any number of players I've known see "God of Roads, Travel" next to Fharlangan and seem to think he's an Adventurer's Deity. Now maybe that's what he's supposed to be; but from my interpretation of the material; he's much as Smillian described him....more a force to say a quick word to when setting out on the road....NOT a Deity that particularly cares about exciting new Adventures...

-Well, he was Gord's deity. I think that's the way EGG was using him for Gord. But he's just as likley to be for people who travel a lot, but would like to avoid "adventures," like traders.

maxvale76 wrote:
...To me; the thing that gets me is that there ARE plenty of Deities who DO fit the adventurer's profile quite well....Rudd anyone?

-Yes! She seems to be an underused deity (see below).

On the question of Evil deities...

Anyone who would really worship Nerull or Incabulous, I'd have to say that they're not just Evil, they're nuts. But the descriptions often point out that many people (apparently Neutral or even Good) propitiate them. I'm not sure that would be wise, but who knows.

There are some Evil-tilting deities who have non-Evil worshippers: Wee Jas (already mentioned), Bralm and Ralishaz.

Zilchus (prudence, including his frequently overlloked military aspect);
Phyton (I like the builder aspect);
Delleb (knowledge-learning).

I'd also tip an occasional common into the plate for Rudd (skill over luck aspect), Lydia (knowledge-learning), and I'd be curious about that Murlynd fellow...

Lanthorn wrote:
6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

-I'm not sure that Rasgon is quite right here:

rasgon wrote:
Every part of Oerth sounds hellish to me. There's no internet there!

...there are magical equivalents. Razz

I really don't know. I think I can rule out the Empire of Iuz...

I like the way the Yeomanry is set up, and I don't have a problem with military service (I'm not so crazy about it being mandatory, but oh well). Not getting overrun during the Greyhawk Wars is a plus. Laughing But I'm not crazy about sub-tropical weather.

Cobb Darg is the **** as a ruler, and the same points as Yeomanry apply, but there are more Dwarves, who I apparently have an affinity for. On the other hand, what happens to irongate if something happens to Darg? Anyway, I'd live outside of the city of Irongate or Northanchor.

Maybe Verbobonc?

Lanthorn wrote:
7) Anything else Oerth-related that I have not mentioned, if it comes to mind. Consider this the Miscellaneous category.

My actual scores at prime (say 25 years) and // now (44 years), using different editions of D&D and AD&D, and different rationales:

STR 9-12 // 8-12 (based on combination of bench press, how much I can carry and still move at full speed, and how much I can carry without collapsing, and push up scores on PT tests)

DEX 8-14 // 8-14 (this is really hard to calculate. Good shot, lousy driver, although driving could be a funtion of WIS. And I'm pretty agile. Sort of.)

CON 11-14 // 10-12 (based on combination of run times where I'm not pushing very hard, and easy push up and ab' scores on PT tests, plus health and longevity issues)

INT 14-15 // 15-17 (based on the percentile for various tests and the number of languages I'm competent in)

WIS 6-10 // 8-11 (like dexterity, really hard to calculate. I'm really self-disciplined, but sometimes, people wonder...)

CHA 6-11 // 8-11 (people who like and respect me do so based on knowing me, not initial impression. I come off kind of blah (or so I've been told). And I talk funny... Razz)

COM 8-9 // 8-9 (buck teeth have got to be considered a flaw, I suppose. But I've aged well! Razz )

I think the average real 21st century person (most of us here, I hope) would probably have a much higher INT score than the average person from the Flaneass, while they would definitely have higher CON scores (disease and parasitic infection...), and maybe STR, although the need for that in a pre-couch potato world is often exaggerated.

Perhaps they'd have higher WIS score, too, while we're better looking (for a variety of reasons!)

So, for a starting 21st century human:
STR -1
CON -2
INT +4
WIS -1
COM +1

Over time, though, their health would be worse to to wear and tear from diease and parasitic infection- even the comfortable can only afford so many Cure Disease spells!

Adjust accordingly. Wink

crystaltears wrote:

As an aside, a quiz I found and took said I'm a Neutral Good Halfling Druid (3rd Level) with the following ability scores...

-I want this test. Where did you find it?

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Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:58 am  

As we have new Canonfire! members who have joined us since I fashioned this thread some time back, I'm 'bumping' it up so they can join in the discussion...

looking forward to reading more,


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Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:53 pm  

Okay, so I'm really an Avatar of Boccob. Sue me! Razz
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Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:56 pm  

jamesdglick wrote:

crystaltears wrote:

As an aside, a quiz I found and took said I'm a Neutral Good Halfling Druid (3rd Level) with the following ability scores...

-I want this test. Where did you find it?

One is located Here
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Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:20 pm  

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why? Ex: Suel, Oeridian, etc. Mixing them is fine, of course (unless you are 100% "full blood" something).

Definitely Suels of the north. I'm 186 cm, blonde and blue eyes. My body type maybe goes better with the Scarlet Brotherhood than their northern brothers.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Half-elf. I have always been kind of an odd man out, but I tend to have some diplomacy skills even though I have low charisma.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

True Neutral. In most cases I'm lawful but not consistently enough.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

I'd like to put NPC classes here, but let's get ambitious! I'd say monk, because I have very little material wealth, almost no gear and I dress poorly. I also have minimal martial arts skills (I was the local Wrestler of the Year once).

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Sterich. Mostly because we had our best adventures there.
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Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:51 pm  

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Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:08 am  

BlueWitch wrote:
While I'll agree we in the 21st century do have greater access to information, I don't believe we are inherently smarter.

Quite true. While we of the 21st Century have greater accumulated knowledge, we do not, necessarily, possess greater IQs. Remember that IQ merely reflects our ability to learn and not what we know.

crystaltears wrote:
As an aside, a quiz I found and took said I'm a Neutral Good Halfling Druid (3rd Level) with the following ability scores . . .

I don't know if it is the same Quiz, but I took one of them. There were several questions on the Quiz I took that I could answer one of two ways; both answers being honest and correct. Answered one way, I am a 7th level Neutral Good Cleric, answered the other I am a 7th level Neutral Good Magic User . . .

Go figure. Evil Grin Laughing
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Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:38 am  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:

One is located Here

Cool! I will have to take this lengthy test (hardly a quiz given its breadth and depth) when I have an hour available. Wink Interesting find and it looks fun.

Also, regarding the earlier statements about our modern Intelligence in contrast to our earlier predecessors, I have to agree that we are not more intelligent (reasoning ability)...and perhaps lower, given our dependence upon modern conveniences (technology). How many people can do long hand division or multiplication without using a calculator? What about telling time without an electronic watch? It scares me as a teacher. I agree with Mystic's statement that what we have is greater accumulated knowledge, but our basic reasoning and problem-solving skills are not necessarily better. I am still astounded by the insights that folks such as Newton, Pythagoras, Kepler, etc. have made in their time without all of our current technology. And let's not forgot the "ancients" in constructing pyramids, erecting those huge stones in Easter Island (obvious reference to today intended), and the like. I am constantly amazed by the wondrous ingenuity of our ancestors.

thanks for sharing,


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Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:36 am  

Lanthorn wrote:
I am still astounded by the insights that folks such as Newton, Pythagoras, Kepler, etc. have made in their time without all of our current technology.

And just what was the IQ score of the person that invented the Abacus? Confused

Lanthorn wrote:
And let's not forgot the "ancients" in constructing pyramids . . .

And just what was the IQ score of the person that figured out how and where to place the aperture in the pyramid which allows the sun to shine in on that one day of the year? Shocked

Lanthorn wrote:
How many people can do long hand division or multiplication without using a calculator?

And let's not forget: Just how many thousands of years ago was Algebra and Geometry invented? Oh yeah! The first millennium b.C.E.! The Babylonians for Algebra and the Greeks and Egyptians for Geometry. Wink Surprised

We still teach Algebra and Geometry in our schools, right? Evil Grin

No, we are not, necessarily, smarter than those who came before. Wink
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Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:30 pm  

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Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:02 pm  

You're all wrong about human intelligence - it was aliens that invented algebra, geometry, the abacus, and built the pyramids, the Easter Islands heads, and the space ships hidden in Area 51 that all our modern technology is based on.

So, we're really only chimps copying what we see intellegent aliens doing. The government is trying to keep this all a secret, but the average human intelligence is really 3-4. Razz

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Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:30 am  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
jamesdglick wrote:

crystaltears wrote:

As an aside, a quiz I found and took said I'm a Neutral Good Halfling Druid (3rd Level) with the following ability scores...

-I want this test. Where did you find it?

One is located Here

So, I am a:

Lawful Good Human Cleric (5th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 11
Dexterity- 15
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 14
Charisma- 14

Hey, at least I am at an Epic Fantasy points buy level stat-wise. Laughing
I'll have to take the test again in a week, just to see what my other personality turns out to be. The stats shouldn't change, but the class and alignment probably will. Shocked Laughing
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:24 am  

SirXaris wrote:
You're all wrong about human intelligence . . . we're really only chimps copying what we see intelligent aliens doing.

I always knew you were a pessimist! Razz

But I still have hope for you. Wink

Cebrion wrote:
I'll have to take the test again in a week, just to see what my other personality turns out to be.

Yep! Like I said, to some of the questions there are actually two "correct" answers for me. It should be the same for just about everyone.

I don't remember the exact questions, so I'll use an inexact example here:

"When you have free time, do you:
a. Pray
b. Read a book
c. Go hiking . . . " Etc.

If I say "pray," then I'm a Cleric. If I say "read a book," then I'm a Magic User. If I said "hiking" -- which would be false -- I'd probably be a Druid, or Ranger. But again, "hiking" would be a false answer for me. Laughing

So, if you honestly change the answer to a "second" thing you enjoy doing, you should get a separate answer.

Give it a try. Wink
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:28 am  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
...And let's not forget: Just how many thousands of years ago was Algebra and Geometry invented? Oh yeah! The first millennium b.C.E.! The Babylonians for Algebra and the Greeks and Egyptians for Geometry. Wink Surprised

We still teach Algebra and Geometry in our schools, right? Evil Grin

No, we are not, necessarily, smarter than those who came before. Wink

-Well, we are, at least a little (see below).

BlueWitch wrote:

+4 to Int???? While I'll agree we in the 21st century do have greater access to information, I don't believe we are inherently smarter...

- IQ scores have risen from 100 to 105 or 106 points during the past 100 years. That alone is worth +1 on stats, maybe 2 (I'd have to check). That corresponds to a rise of from 10.5 INT (theoretical 50 percentile) to roughly 11.1 (theoretical 63-65 percentile). So call it a 0.6 rise in 100 years. What would the increase be over 1,000 years? I doubt it would be 5-6 IQ x 10, but I figure it would be more, unless you assume that the people of the early 20th century were the dumbest people who ever lived.

Regardless of what is written elsewhere, INT is not just the ability to learn, but includes a lot of "general knowledge" (see the various "Knowledge" skills). Most of the increase is that.

All this assumes that the folks in the Flaneass are a lot like folks in the Middle Ages. I figure they were (are), sort of.

BlueWitch wrote:
...Most people can't even form their own opinions on things; they just think what someone on TV tells them to think...

-People in that past weren't much different. Only the medium had changed.

As for the educational standards, thats because far more people earn graduate degrees now. It does not prove a drop in the INT of the top 2% of the population, but that the percentage of people who earn graduate degrees has now includes people who wouldn't have earned one a hundred years ago.

When everyone has to pass, the standards go down.

BlueWitch wrote:
...But, I'd also drop the Wis modifier to -2, for the things I cited in my rant in the above paragraph.

-I think that accident rates due to stupidity and recklessness have gone down slightly since the good old days (based on medieval accident rates). This is a counter-balancer.

Again, this assumes that people in the Flaneass are a lot like people in the Middle Ages, which is not neccessarily a given.

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
Cebrion wrote:
I'll have to take the test again in a week, just to see what my other personality turns out to be.

Yep! Like I said, to some of the questions there are actually two "correct" answers for me. It should be the same for just about everyone...

-Yeah, that happened all over the place, and the questions where nothing fits.

Apparently, I should have been a wizard. Confused Laughing

For STR, they could just punch in bench press and carry results, and the endurance part of CON could be calculated based on your run times (keeping encumbrance burden in mind).

One other point: Some of the questions could be indicators of skills, feats, or class features, rather than stats.
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:19 am  


Laughing Wink
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:14 pm  

Neutral Good Human Druid, Lvl 6

How boring...but kind of close...I wonder what answers I'd need to be a mage? And here I thought I was all chaotic.

Thanks for bringing this thread back to life.

Also, it's a pet peeve of mine when folks project modern values onto ancient cultures. Or worse, when 'primitive' is equated with 'stupid'.

"Oh humans could never have raised the pyramids without alien help!" That kind of thinking infuriates me.

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Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:45 pm  

I like the link, though I disagree with the premise that we are getting "smarter," averaging higher IQs. But that's another discussion.

Your (jamesdglick) link put me in mind of the book "Weapons; A Pictorial History," by Edwin Tunis, copyright 1954. On page 41, he makes several observations about Norman castles built at the time of William (1066). The statement pertinent to this conversation is this:

"The Millennium, the year 1000 AD, was not long past, and since all of Christendom had fully expected the world to end then, they hadn't bothered to build permanent structures and soon they had forgotten how to do it." (Emphasis mine)

So, the Normans once knew how to build such structures, but had forgotten, being influenced by miscalculated religious expectations. He emphasizes the results of this lapse in these statements:

"Most of their defenses were earthworks, and such buildings as were put on them were entirely of wood . . . wooden castles were quite usual in Normandy at the time . . . but the conquerors were terrible masons. Winchester Cathedral tower actually collapsed fifteen years after they built it! In trying to make up with sheer bulk for their lack of skill, they built the walls of the keep of the Tower of London fifteen feet thick." (Emphasis mine)

I can do considerable damage to your automobile with an eight inch thick masonry wall. A fifteen foot thick wall is utterly unnecessary -- even for a castle. At least it is to those who know how to actually build the thing. And do not confuse "brick veneer" with a masonry wall. Your home has four inches of wood, covered by four inches of masonry (brick).

Thus, as your link points out -- at one point -- accumulated knowledge, rather than IQ, is the difference between now and then. The Norman invaders had forgotten how to build stone buildings -- including castles -- even though they had once known how to do so.

Of course, this will also explain why our "village" (being discussed in another thread) could use the services of a trained mason. Everyone in the village is not going to know how to build a chimney. And having that big, thick, heavy masonry chimney falling onto your house/cabin is going to get "old" rather quickly. Don't you think? Wink

Of course, that might also explain why the "guy" is a widower, raising two children by himself -- the chimney fell over, onto the house, while his wife was standing next to the "dutch oven." Shocked Laughing

bugsy wrote:
. . . it's a pet peeve of mine when folks project modern values onto ancient cultures.

I'd like to add "sensibilities" to that, too. Wink
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Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:49 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
I like the link, though I disagree with the premise that we are getting "smarter," averaging higher IQs. But that's another discussion...

-The link made the same point about rising IQs over the decades, but I know I've seen it elsewhere.

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
...Your (jamesdglick) link put me in mind of the book "Weapons; A Pictorial History," by Edwin Tunis, copyright 1954. On page 41, he makes several observations about Norman castles built at the time of William (1066). The statement pertinent to this conversation is this:

"The Millennium, the year 1000 AD, was not long past, and since all of Christendom had fully expected the world to end then, they hadn't bothered to build permanent structures and soon they had forgotten how to do it." (Emphasis mine)...

-There's a lot of skepticism about the end-of-the millennium pandemonium, since to medieval people, the year AD 1000 would have been the ominous "M". Laughing

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
...So, the Normans once knew how to build such structures, but had forgotten...

-According to Bachrach, etc. the main reason motte & bailey's were wood and dirt was that stone masonry cost a lot of money. Wood and dirt was quick and cheap. Of ocurse, one of the reasons it was cheap was that you didn't need a mason, who was a special craftsman, so it ties in.

Faulty construction is not unique to the 11th century...

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Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:33 pm  

bugsy wrote:
"Oh humans could never have raised the pyramids without alien help!" That kind of thinking infuriates me.

You do realize that was an April Fools comment, right? It was just a couple of hours early. Razz


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Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:03 pm  

As an aside . . . everybody's Avatars seem to be disappearing! Shocked Shocked

What the heck is going on here!? Evil
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:00 am  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
As an aside . . . everybody's Avatars seem to be disappearing! Shocked Shocked

What the heck is going on here!? Evil

-Your's is fine... Shocked

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:59 am  

jamesdglick wrote:
Your's is fine... Shocked

I just "reloaded" mine, James. You "missed it." That is to say, you "missed" seeing that it had disappeared. Wink
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:16 am  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
jamesdglick wrote:
Your's is fine... Shocked

I just "reloaded" mine, James. You "missed it." That is to say, you "missed" seeing that it had disappeared. Wink

-Yeah, I just looked at the "Avatar Missing" thread.

Being avatarless gives me a sudden feeling of security, somehow... Laughing
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Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:04 am  

Instead of working on my WWI or US Army on the Frontier papers, I've wasted, uh, productively used my time to conjure up the following:

BlueWitch wrote:

...+4 to Int???? While I'll agree we in the 21st century do have greater access to information, I don't believe we are inherently smarter.

In D&D stats, Intelligence seems to be as much a measure of acquired knowledge as anything. While I've heard intelligence defined as reasoning ability, the ability to solve a problem. At best, I'd say we may be on par with the folk of the Flanaess...

-I was too lazy to find the academic sources on which this wiki article is based (lazy = low WIS score Razz ), but it looks like my +5-6 IQ points was an underestimate:

"...The average rate of increase seems to be about three IQ points per decade in the U.S. on tests such as the WISC... The increase has been continuous and roughly linear from the earliest days of testing to the present. Though the effect is most associated with IQ increases, a similar effect has been found with increases of semantic and episodic memory.
Ulric Neisser estimates that using the IQ values of today the average IQ of the U.S. in 1932, according to the first Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales standardization sample, was 80
[JDG: i.e., +20 IQ points, or maybe +25% if it's a matter of proportion]. Neisser states that "Hardly any of them would have scored 'very superior,' but nearly one-quarter would have appeared to be 'deficient.'" He also writes that "Test scores are certainly going up all over the world, but whether intelligence itself has risen remains controversial...

[JDG: Good news!] Raven (2000) found that, as Flynn suggested, data interpreted as showing a decrease in many abilities with increasing age must be re-interpreted as showing that there has been a dramatic increase of these abilities with date of birth. On many tests this occurs at all levels of ability.
Some studies have found the gains of the Flynn effect to be particularly concentrated at the lower end of the distribution. Teasdale and Owen (1989), for example, found the effect primarily reduced the number of low-end scores... Some studies have found a reverse Flynn effect with declining scores for those with high IQ.

Flynn originally took the extreme position that the very large increase indicates that IQ tests do not measure intelligence but only a minor sort of "abstract problem-solving ability" with little practical significance... Flynn has later changed his arguments

Now, compare the Wechsler IQ test score spreads:

...with their comparative INT score spreads found in Hedge's "What are the Odds?", Dragon #117 (look it up, or take my word for it Razz Wink ).

If a Flaneass average (50 percentile) 100 IQ on the old 1930-era Wechsler standard would equate to a 10.5 INT score (i.e. a 50 percentile), then a 20 point increase would give us the equivalent average of 120 IQ (or maybe 125 IQ, if it's proportional). A 120 IQ equates to an approximate 90.88 percentile, or about a Flaneass INT score of 14.8.

That's an increase of 4.3 INT points, not 4.0 as I'd guessed, and that just goes back to the 1930s, and doesn't include the accumulated knowledge from which we would benefit in any knowledge check, or the memorry improvements which the article mentions. Of course, I'd be willing to argue that the people of the Flaneass are smarter than our medieval counterparts. They may have even been smarter than our 1930 counterparts, but I'd like to see the rationale for that one.

One other caveat: The big change in IQ is on the low side of IQ. That means that a genius in AD 1444 was about as smart as a genius today (maybe smarter). And that orcs would have to be really, really, really stupid. Razz Laughing
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:04 am  

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

I'd say I was an Oeridian / Suel mix. I'm fair skinned with freckles but I have dark wavy hair with a hint of auburn and hazel eyes. I have a more Suel body shape - tall and thinner plus ancestor wise I'd say I was that British mix of Roman (pretty Oeridian appearance wise) and Viking/Norman.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Halfling. I like peace and quiet, the countryside and manners.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

N(G). On the Law / Chaos axis I wholeheartedly believe in a balance. Humans can't be trusted to co-exist without laws and laws serve an important role but at the same time they can be misused. I am also ethically ooposed to the idea that any one person is 'above' another that a Lawful society often propogates. Laws can also be used to oppress so have as much scope to cause woe as weal.

On the Good / Evil axis - I'm generally pretty compassionate and if I was more pro-active I'd be full-blown good but sometimes I can be selfish or too afraid of the consequences if I actually do the right thing and I feel that keeps the Good in a bracket. To be truly good I think you need more than just intentions. Having said that I have never been in a position where I would have to make a decision that could define me as Good. An average uneventful existence doesn't have as much scope for one to shine as Good as when someone is faced with strife or woe.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

This is tough - I'm an illustrator so the obvious choice would be a bard for the creative aspects but by nature I'm very quiet and don't like to make a scene so going by second edition I think I'd have to be a thief. However all my rogue points would be in Read Languages, Move Silently and Hide In Shadows and the Artistic Ability non-weapon proficiency.

Failing that I'd maybe be a cleric.

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why. Please avoid Evil Powers on this one, even if you are having a really bad day right now! Wink Feel free to put them in order of preference, if possible.

- Beory: I believe that Nature is truly worthy of reverance for many reasons
- Lirr / Lydia: I'm an artist and Lirr is the only deity of actual art as well as music but I take Lydia's message more to heart of individual liberty through learning but without the crusader-like ethics of Trithereon. If I had to pick one of the two I think it would have to be Lydia purely for her ethics.
- Sotillion: I like my creature comforts, I'm a Leo and Sotillion may as well be the patroness of Leos! I'm also prone to laziness and apathy at times. I'm not sure I'd want to champion her cause but I think I'd share a bond with her.

I'd also say I like Rao - in fact any deity that counsels tolerance and peace through learning.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Hmm well I love the sea and pleasant coastal regions seem to be few and far between so I guess it would have to be the Sheldomar coast - Keoland maybe.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:28 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:

Of course, this will also explain why our "village" (being discussed in another thread) could use the services of a trained mason. Everyone in the village is not going to know how to build a chimney. And having that big, thick, heavy masonry chimney falling onto your house/cabin is going to get "old" rather quickly. Don't you think? Wink

Of course, that might also explain why the "guy" is a widower, raising two children by himself -- the chimney fell over, onto the house, while his wife was standing next to the "dutch oven." Shocked Laughing

I recently read an account on how to build chimneys in an old Foxfire book - trying in vain to learn all the 'old' skills...let me tell ya, it's not an intuitive process. Well, at least not for someone like me. The trick of making it draw is quite clever.
Of course, I was a history major; maybe you physical science folks could figure this kind of thing out in a trice! Wink

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Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:48 am  

bugsy wrote:
The trick of making it draw is quite clever.

Well, I don't know if it's a "trick," but the portion -- or section -- of the chimney which causes the "draw" is called the "throat." Wink

And if the throat is not formed/shaped properly, well . . . I hope you enjoy a "smokey" interior! Evil Grin
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:23 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

Lanthorn, nice topic, well done.

1) What human subrace(s) best describe you and why?

I"m Oeridian with a slight touch of Baklunish ancestry. Needed a creative story for my character to explain that. In real terms I am Australian, based on English heritage on one side, with the other side (maternal), my mother was born in Egypt (her father was in British army) and her parents are Welsh (father) and Greek (mother). Real mixed bag and I love it.

2) What demi-human race best describes you and why?

Have to go with Dwarf. Lawful, hard-working, bound to clan and family. I'd like to think there was a touch of humourous gnome in there too.

3) What alignment best describes you and why?

Dead easy. Lawful Good. Okay stop yawning. It's who I am. I believe that laws when thoughtfully created can enhance everybody's lot in life. The fact that they sometimes fail is no reason to give up. Anarchy is not an answer, because that is basically the strongest leads.

4) What class (multi/dual is OK) would best describe you and why?

Hmm. I often played Wizards (I'm studious and work in a technical domain), like Paladin and Rangers too (protectors), and more recently (3rd Edition) been favouring Clerics. I think it I had to pick I would say I would be best represented by intelligent Clerics.

5) List any 3 human-based Powers of Oerth that would garner your worship, and the reasons why.

Heironeous, law and justice. Mayaheine for protection of the weak. I like Azor'Alq for similar reasons, and the fact that he is less lawful than those two but has no mercy to offer evil beings. A bit fond of Delleb as a lawful scholar.

6) In what nation or region would you prefer to live and why?

Irongate. My favourite local. Like the hills, coast and the lawful flavour. Has lots of interesting areas surrounding it.

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Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:47 pm  
Re: Who are you? PC version

Phalastar wrote:
Lanthorn, nice topic, well done.

Most welcome, good sir, most welcome. Thanks for the accolades.

You have a varied background, filled with genetic and ethnic diversity. Intriguing.

Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful stupid or boring (says the guy who holds Trithereon in high regard, too!). To each his own, so long as evil is not done to others, I think, and laws are not used for oppressive means. But, like you, I don't subscribe to anarchy, either. NG for me.

Given what you've said about yourself and your career path/interest, surprised you didn't add Rao to your list. He's Lawful Good and a devoted opposer of Evil. Maybe you are your opposition. Wink But even Rao followers and clerics aren't pacifists!


P.S. just took the quiz, and left a few blank b/c of tied answers, and it claims that I am a Lawful Good (ugh!) Wizard. I doubt the former, but embrace the latter.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:00 am  

As for Rao - I should have had a list in front of me. Militant isn't the word I would use but you are none the less on the right track. Rao peace and reason aspects fit well with me. A lot of negotiation and trying to see things from someone else's point of view is really an important step to successful negotiation.

There is a guy I used to work with, who I made into a character - ml hmn CG Brd. CG because his heart is in the right place but he is a bit anti-rules - for the right reasons, not for self gain. We had many engaging debates and while we rarely agreed we had a lot of respect for each other's opinions and in the end we were both better people for knowing the other.

And that is how to head off on a tangent. It was good reading other peoples posts. Thanks again.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:41 am  

This week I am a...

Neutral Good Human Wizard/Sorcerer (3rd/2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 17
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 14

Yep, I figured I would turn out to be a cleric or a mage. Last week was the cleric, this week is the mage. At least I have confirmed that I am of unthinkably high level though (at least 5th!). Laughing
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Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:39 am  

Cebrion wrote:
This week I am a...
Yep, I figured I would turn out to be a cleric or a mage. Last week was the cleric, this week is the mage. At least I have confirmed that I am of unthinkably high level though (at least 5th!). Laughing

Like Big C I seem to bounce between two, at least my alignment doesnt waver..... Praise be to Heironeous for that Cool

Lawful Good Human Paladin/Sorcerer (4th/3rd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 14
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 15

Though not sure how a LG Sorcerer would work... ??? Shocked
That Sorcerer part must be my Dark Side emerging Evil Grin

Personnally I think the 13 in Strength is a reach Laughing More like a 10-11..Unless strength of character weighs in?? haha

And Big C a 17 in Dex??? wow former hometown QB or Athlete Hero? Wink
And to frame in Lanthorn's part of the thread...
1/2 Irish & 1/4 Dutch 1/4 Choctaw So I guess that translates to Flan / Suel/ Flan (Rovers?) As far as appearance.. Flan .. dark hair and inspite of 1/2 irish heritage don't sunburn either.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:16 am  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
And Big C a 17 in Dex??? wow former hometown QB or Athlete Hero? Wink

Well, kind of. I have good hand-eye coordination, and excellent reflexes based on past events, athletic greatness ( I once scored a goal in 5 seconds at the start of a soccer game, the assist being the actual kick-off Laughing, but I did other things too- not bad for the smallest kid on every team he played for). Also, good reflexes have saved my life, and that of one other person, literally. I didn't respond that way to that particular question last time, which probably bumped the Dex up. I am also somewhat ambidextrous, though in oddly inconsistent ways. I don't think my Dex is 17 any more though, due to injuries and a lack of athletic practice. You just lose your edge if you don't do stuff, and permanent injuries don't help. I am not the soccer player that I once was, but then again, I would be a much smarter player now. The technical side of things always came naturally, in soccer and in every other sport I played. Dex might be 14 now.
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Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:09 pm  

Forgive the threadomancy, but got this from a FaceBook post, and instead of constructing a new thread, wanted to use a pre-existing one:


Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:36 am  

This is pretty good, and helps cut down on level inflation:
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:37 pm  

Nice article. Cool
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Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:42 pm  

Yep. I enjoyed the read, jamesdglick. Thanks for posting it. Smile

SirXaris' Facebook page:
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:56 am  

We took a shoot at the topic here a while ago. My input on levels:

jamesdglick wrote:
... I once tallied up the experience points which the Red Baron (Von Richtofen) would have had when he was killed... at most, he would have been a 5th level fighter, and possibly as low as 3rd. So the most famous fighter pilot in history would find the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief a little too tough to participate in as anything other than a spear caddy...

But lets take guys like Audie Murphy or [NZ officer] Charlie Upham, who (in D&D terms) were certainly 4th level or higher later in their careers. What you find is that these guys acted as if they somehow did know how many [hit] points they had left. Charlie Upham actually claimed that he never took an outrageous risk, it just looked that way to others. In game terms, he knew exactly what he could get away with (i.e., he somehow knew how many hit points based on skill and experience he had left). I figure that having that sort of attitude (never checking morale) and AWARENESS is more important than cool stats in separating even a 1st level PC from almost any NPC...

...on movement, Lanthorn will be thrilled to know that I thought that the AD&D2 runing and sprinting rules were almost perfect models of what people of certain STR and CON scores, and abilities (Endurnace, Run) can actually accomplish. I've modified my D&D 3.5 home rules accordingly.
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