Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:36 am
Greytalk: When did it start ?
I am now finalizing the "Best of Greyhawk" (AOL) #15, and as a side information i would like to mention when Greytalk has been launched.
In this folder #15 (July August 1996) some threads describe how anyone can join the Greytalk list, however it existed previously because I have seen it already mentioned in folder #13 (April 1996) and Sean Reynold says "I've been on that list for a few months now...".
Quote: |
Subj: Re:Greytalk
Date: 7/10/96 7:08:13 PM
From: Iquander
Posted on: America Online
Greytalk is not now, and has never really been a secret.
I would _not_ suggest sending requests to "," because that will send you're request to everyone, and that's not a good thing.
Hold on to your horses, and I'll see what I can do about getting the exact subscription address posted here.
Iq |
_________________ Armenfrast, Sage d'Ekbir<br />aka Belvor_x (Greytalk / AOL 1995-1999)<br />aka 100523.157 (Compuserve 1994 - 1995)<br />