Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:16 am
Great Piazza thread. I, like David "Big Mac" Shepheard, was struck by the implications of the ancient Flan kingdom of Rhest that Sergio mentions in the conversion document. The history for my Sterich campaign had a Flan kingdom of Staeryc being founded c. -427 CY by the Rhodri I by uniting the various Flan tribes of the Davish River valley, in order to fight the frost giants who lived above the headwaters of the Davish. I'll have to drag out Red Hand of Doom and see how I can fit Rhest into this.
EDIT: Durrr... Looking at my timeline, looks like I've already got a Red Hand of Doom reference I placed in there.
"356 (CY) A humanoid horde from the Chaos Scar, led by the hobgoblin king Grim Eye, breaks through the King’s Wall and pillages western Sterich in what will be known as the Red Hand War. Absorbed in his wars of conquest, Tavish II, does nothing to aid the Earldom. The Barony of Restwell ceases to exist and the western uplands are chaotic and dangerous for long years to come."