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Interesting Poll
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CF Admin

Joined: Jan 09, 2004
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From: Stansbury Park, Utah

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Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:11 am  
Interesting Poll

That's a very interesting Poll Question on the CF! Home Page this month. I don't know the reason why "Greyhawk is nearly a dead setting". I have seen the many suggestions, conspiracy theories and myriad beliefs at WotC's Greyhawk forum. And those threads always sink to offensive, vitriolic diatribes where Greyhawkers insult each other and get caught up in games of one-up-manship. It goes way beyond criticism.

That is why I voted "Greyhawk Fandom is totally divided on new material". The threads noted above cast aspertions on the visible fan base as expressed in those often acrimonious posts. The concept of divide and conquer certainly has worked well when applied to Greyhawk fans.
Don (Greyson)
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Wed Jan 14, 2004 9:23 am  

Hey Greyson. I agree that most discussions of this subject tend not to be highly productive, but I think that to people not engaged in the debates useful information arises. For example, in the thread started by Psioncyx, we learned to consider both the various corporate decisions that have affected the GH product line and also to recognize some of the limitations of the LGG. While some posts become antagonistic (and some posters may regularly troll), I don't think it precludes learning (though I see that it turns off a number of folks).
CF Admin

Joined: Jan 09, 2004
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From: Stansbury Park, Utah

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Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:41 am  
Thanks, Marc.

Hey, Marc. And thanks for the reply. Good job on OJ15, BTW.

I'll definitely concede that a lot can be learned from the vigorous discussions at WotC's GH Forum. I just get frustrated to see fellow Greyhawkers slander and deride each other when the tone turns caustic and mean. I suppose it's a sign of how passionate some people are about certain perceptions and personally tradition of their Greyhawk. I appreciate that passion, the zeal. But gosh, I weary of the name-calling and the personal attacks. I despair when the vigorous debate degenerates to vindictive rebuke.

And, it's just that I express how exciting it is when Greyhawkers can discuss an issue without a single angry word or defensive shot. It is by no means all bad.
Don (Greyson)
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