Tue May 06, 2014 1:18 pm
The D&D "Iconic" Character stories as Flaneass
I never bothered to read any of the novels on the D&D 3X icons (Lidda, Jozan, etc), assuming that they had little to offer in terms of either Flanaess canon or literary merit.
I was looking through Dragon #303, and it had an excerpt, "Prying Eyes," which mentions that "His Bellicose Majesty" Ingemar put the hammer down on the Church of Pelor in his territories. I checked, and "His Bellicose Majesty" is indeed the proper title for Ingemar, King of the Snow Barbarians, as I suspected. It could be a throw-away line to make it "Greyhawky," since the rest of the tale seems generic (Pelor is a "Core Deity" in D&D 3X). Could there be anything of use here?
I'm missing a lot of context (it is an excerpt from a much longer novel). I thought that a relatively large Pelorian presence among the Snow Barbarians would be odd, but it does make sense that they'd have missionaries among the heathens. At worst, it's an interesting idea to store away.