Greetings... Im New to the forums...And man does it look like ive got my work cut out for me to catch up....
So any way im trying to piece together some info on dwarf clans of the Flan....and general dwur history..... can i get a hand getting pointed in the right direction ..... Im most interested in the Glorioles regions, but the more the better.....Also it seems alot of the dwarven religon has been developed on the Forgoten Relms side, but not much has been done as far as GH Cannon....Anyone know were i can find info on that as well?....
btw thanks for all the good stuff ive seen while lurking the site....
OK, it's non-Canon (whatever that is...), and it will raise the hackles of some of the members, but I've found great stuff on all the independant Living Greyhawk sites.
Example: My campaign's in the Yeomanry, so I went to the Living Greyhawk Yeomanry site (it's a Yahoo group), and pulled a TON of stuff from it. Some I use, some I laugh at, some I modify heavily.
Other sources are AD&D v1 and v2 books. Used bookstores have 'em, usually. Since some of the races have changed over the years (see: my Halfling thread), you might get some different ideas.
Finally, Google around for other sites. There is a lot of private Greyhawking going on, and some of it's quality work.
If I can suggest more stuff on the Dwur, its Dragon 278 Wolfgang Baur does a good peice as well as several other articles covering dwarven lexicon and a history of dwarves. You can also look at Races of Stone from Wizards of the Coast for some ideas as well. _________________ Canonfire Community Supporter and Forum Justicar
hehe thanks for the quick replies..and great ideas...btw this is Rnowicki ..i had an issue with my email adress so this is my new screenname and what not.......
those are great sources for basic dwarf lore and generic'll take me some time to drudge through the material..but what about more specific info on major clans, and the like....
I have some things I am working on in a project for the Dwur of the Flanaess, but for clans I have the seven great clans that survived the Sunderings. They are the Malrudur (Truesheild), Dorgrimm (Ironbeard), Telmarkul (Forgeheart), Grummild (Steelhand), Teluvir (Firehammer), Aurmurrar (Goldcloak) and Gundnyr (Thunderaxe). They in turn have several families in each, with the clerics being outside of clan lines and the Nolar (nobles) being elevated above the clans. Each of the clans is predominant in the holding of the Dwur that remain, with further roles of the caste and oathings of the individual Dwur making it very complex to outsiders, who rarely get a veiw of the inner society. Although in rough draft I wanted to share this part at least for now.
More later perhaps. _________________ Canonfire Community Supporter and Forum Justicar
Mainly the Grummild and Teluvir, but other clans exist. Those are mainly the rememnants of the 12 Clans that advised the First King. The Olinstaat is a noble name given to the inheritor of the lineages of the the Old Kings. _________________ Canonfire Community Supporter and Forum Justicar
It was, I guess, just one guy's take on it, but I liked something I found on the web a few years ago; The Ruins of the Dwurs at Azak-Morad. Here's a sampling...
CY -6500: Under the direction of Durin, the first dwurs appear on the surface of Oerth after a long and perilous underground journey. In the heart of the highest mountain of the Crystalmists, they found Durindan, House of Durin. The One Clan is born.
CY -5776: After a long reign, Durin dies from his wounds after a titanic battle against the Great Red Wyrm Fer'hiss, his two draconic sons, and two clans of giants.
CY -5575: Markad, elder of Durin's children, is given the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, symbol of power and rulership. In the deepest depths of Durindan, a pit is dug that is said to reach the very center of the Oerth. This place, Azak-Morad, Heart of Moradin, is sanctified, and Durin, King of Kings, is returned to the bowels of the Oerth. Azak-Morad becomes afterwards the center of dwurrish culture and memory.
CY - 5699: The first Council of the Great Clans is held at Azak-Morad. The Dwurrish empire of Mor-Borad, Land of Moradin's Children, is established. Creation of the seven Farduins, each one a symbol of the great clans. Seven kingdoms are founded.
Markad, son of Durin, retains the birthlands once governed by Durin at the junction of the Sulhauts, Hellfurnaces, and Crystalmists. He names his kingdom MARKADDIN, KINGDOM OF MARKAD, and Durindan becomes his capital city.
Duegan, son of Durin, leads his people north in the Yatils where he founds the kingdom of DAMGARATH, THE LAND OF STONES. His capital is Gartelem, the Iron City, lost in the heart of the highest mountains.
Toram, son of Durin, and his followers travel to the southern Hellfurnaces. There he founds TRIMDAIR, THE EMERALD CITY, capital of the kingdom of the same name.
Maddain, son of Durin, colonizes the center and north of the Crystalmists beyond the Jotens. The kingdom of DUMDERIM, THE LAND OF ICES has for its capital Stardelem, City of the Thousand Forges.
Lorduin, son of Durin, and his people settle in the Hellfurnaces, just south of Markaddin. There he founds Tergorom, the fire city, and names his kingdom HOLGERETH, THE LAVA REALM.
Yamad, son of Durin, leads his people to the Barrier Peaks and founds the city of Goran. Mythical for its mithril and adamantite mines, Goran is the heart of the kingdom of YRDEN, THE PEAKCREST.
Hamaida, daughter of Durin, guides her followers west into the Sulhauts where she founds the kingdom of BERREN, THE PEACEFUL, whose capital city, Ginkehir, The Flowered Mountain, became famous for her gardens and fountains.
It goes on like this for several pages, detailing the spread of dwarves to the east, their various battles with drow, Vecna, Tharizdun, etc...pretty cool take on dwarven history. I'm not going to keep typing, but you get the idea.
Dethand, your Dwur project sounds really interesting...I'd love to read more about it when you have it ready. I think the names of the clans sound good and not ripped off from tolkien which is an added bonus...If you don't mind I'd like to introduce these names and ideas into my campaign as I've always felt the dwur in my games needed more fleshing out...all I managed to do so far was to get rid of the dwarven pantheon and replace Moraddin with Ulaa as the patron deity of the dwurfolk which im sure is heathen talk to many :o)
Well here's my two cents, follow the link to my article I actually pulled most of the family names from old greyhawk accessories I have.
However the previous post is great with the break down of dwarven history and you can also find articles which were posted by Danger Dwarf he had quite a few articles on the Dwur Folk that might just tickle your fancy. You can find Danger Dwaf's articles post here on canonfire. Good Luck!
Dethand, your Dwur project sounds really interesting...I'd love to read more about it when you have it ready. I think the names of the clans sound good and not ripped off from tolkien which is an added bonus...If you don't mind I'd like to introduce these names and ideas into my campaign as I've always felt the dwur in my games needed more fleshing out...all I managed to do so far was to get rid of the dwarven pantheon and replace Moraddin with Ulaa as the patron deity of the dwurfolk which im sure is heathen talk to many :o)
Please feel free to loot, I liked the placements of btgrovers's dwur as well and may loot and modify that for my personal campaign.
Oh and Wolfling..I think you may like the take we have on the dwarven dieties. _________________ Canonfire Community Supporter and Forum Justicar
I reported the missing search link to Gary, hopefully it will magically reappear on the forum pages soon. _________________ What would Raxivort do?<br />
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