Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:59 am
About a month ago I posted a hypertext link in the main forum to something I had written for the Greyhawk setting. ("Free Greyhawk setting/supplement" subject heading). It was suggested I introduce myself, so here goes:
My introduction to D&D was the purple box basic set in the late 1970s. I actively played for only about ten years, and have been mostly a collector/consumer since then. I am interested in the storytelling and world-building aspects of RPGs, and not so much in game mechanics/rules. I greatly enjoyed the forays into Spelljammer, Planescape, Ravenloft, and others.
I enjoy both the Greyhawk and FR settings. My view is that Greyhawk had the best adventures, while FR had the best campaing material. In some alternative timeline it would have been interesting to see Gary Gygax keep control of the company and bring in people like Ed Greenwood and others to fully develop Greyhawk to its full potential.
Now in my mid-forties with a family, I have little interest in tv, video games, sports, fantasy football, etc. So I decided I would explore creating media instead of consuming it. I worked on "The Valley of the Stone Horse" for about 18 months. I find the hobby to be very enjoyable, and may from time to time post links to free RPG campaign supplements or adventures I put together in my spare time. I am working on one short and one long adventure set in the same intepretation of Greyhawk as the Valley. I think writing a good adventure is harder than creating campaign supplements, so these projects may take a lot longer and be less interesting.