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Lawful Neutral Tilva lands, the SB, and the Kingdom of Shar
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:07 pm  
Lawful Neutral Tilva lands, the SB, and the Kingdom of Shar

DMPrata wrote:
FWIW, my take on that alignment map is that the Scarlet Brotherhood is publicly Lawful Neutral. The monks don't reveal their full evilness until the Wars.

I'll buy that for a dollar. It jives with some hints of the pre-war situation in published materials. The red-robed gentleman from the distant Kingdom of Shar come in peace.
Sure they do. ;)

One could also say that the Scarlet Brotherhood had not gained full control in the Tilva Plateau until pretty recently, as of 576 CY.

Before that, there really was a Kingdom of Shar
The old Kingdom of Shar was LN in last century or so: bureaucratic, hidebound, isolationist, but not evil or aggressive.

The SB progressively gained control of the realm, using assassinations, terrorism, blackmail, and so on. By 579 CY the Brotherhood had purged the lukewarm and counterrevolutionary elements. They may have dispensed with the last of the monarchs at that point. He or she would have been a prisoner in his palace, anyway.

Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:36 pm  
Re: Lawful Neutral Tilva lands, the SB, and the Kingdom of S

CombatMedic wrote:
DMPrata wrote:
FWIW, my take on that alignment map is that the Scarlet Brotherhood is publicly Lawful Neutral. The monks don't reveal their full evilness until the Wars.

I'll buy that for a dollar. It jives with some hints of the pre-war situation in published materials. The red-robed gentleman from the distant Kingdom of Shar come in peace.
Sure they do. ;)

One could also say that the Scarlet Brotherhood had not gained full control in the Tilva Plateau until pretty recently, as of 576 CY.

Before that, there really was a Kingdom of Shar
The old Kingdom of Shar was LN in last century or so: bureaucratic, hidebound, isolationist, but not evil or aggressive.

The SB progressively gained control of the realm, using assassinations, terrorism, blackmail, and so on. By 579 CY the Brotherhood had purged the lukewarm and counterrevolutionary elements. They may have dispensed with the last of the monarchs at that point. He or she would have been a prisoner in his palace, anyway.


You could go with a recenjt takeover theory, but I like the SKR's take in Scarlet Brotherhood: The Tilvanot is a pretty safe place for anyone who's invited (probably safer than, say, a certain city on the Selintan). Their racial hatred might be their most "interesting" feature, but their day-to-day existence doesn't revolve around it.

Now, about those CG worshippers of Sehanaine who ethnically cleansed an entire island in a few days... Wink
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Mar 24, 2006
Posts: 255

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Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:01 pm  
Re: Lawful Neutral Tilva lands, the SB, and the Kingdom of S

jamesdglick wrote:

Now, about those CG worshippers of Sehanaine who ethnically cleansed an entire island in a few days... Wink

''Chaotic Good."

Frikkin elves.
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