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Lands around the Sea of Dust
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 14, 2006
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Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:07 pm  
Lands around the Sea of Dust

Hello all!

I was wondering if anyone had any canon references for the following lands said to border the Sea of Dust, outside of the Gord the Rogue books (Sea of Dust, mostly):


Any help would be appreciated. Unfortunately the Gord's Greyhawk site seems to be down for the count.


Joe / GG[/i]

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Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:10 pm  

Fortunately, Chris Siren's "Gord's Greyhawk" site is preserved by the Web Archive:

The only other canon reference to the lands south of the Sea of Dust that I know of is in Greyhawk Adventures, page 90:

Some of the natives show Suelish origins, but the majority are from farther south: a tall, slender, curly-haired folk with blue-black skin and slanted eyes.

I count this as evidence that the people immediately south of the Sea of Dust belong to this race (perhaps with some Suel admixture). I suppose you could interpret the text as meaning they're from much further south, but it makes more sense to assume they're from just across the border, given how common they are in the Sea of Dust. Sea of Death has a reference on page 116 to "the dark Jahindi," but otherwise doesn't give any details as to the appearance of the people of Jahind or the other nations mentioned.

The Living Greyhawk Gazetteer modifies this slightly, saying "a tall, slender folk of ebon hue dwells on the southwest edge of the desert," which might imply the same race dwells to the west of the Sea of Dust as well. The LGG also references the Hek from UK6 All That Glitters as a race dwelling "under the shadow of the Hellfurnaces on the desert's eastern border." The Hek are, given their backstory in the module, of Suel descent.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:56 am  

Anna's online map covers the lands around the Sea of Dust but obviously only so much you can glean about culture etc. from a map (however magnificent):
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 14, 2006
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Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:18 pm  

Unfortunately Anna's map is not canon, and she based parts of it on my own series of "Beyond the Flanaess" maps. But I'm specifically looking for canon references to those nations, but apparently they don't exist.


But thanks both of you!

Joe / GG
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