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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri May 27, 2016 7:49 pm  

Were there any that received negative totals? Which ones?
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri May 27, 2016 8:14 pm  

Ask in character :)
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri May 27, 2016 8:41 pm  
Note of brief absence.


I may be away all weekend, so i might not be posting again til sunday or monday. Just a heads-up, since we're starting to "roll" a bit.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri May 27, 2016 10:05 pm  
Negative Creeps


Verrrry interesting, those who have found favor with you and those who have not. A few, slightly unexpected!

-- K.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat May 28, 2016 7:05 pm  

I'm just choosing the most tasty looking NPCs for when everything falls apart, and we go all Donner Party on each other.

Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon May 30, 2016 12:53 am  


Just make sure you save some for that cub of yours. A growing girl needs a well-balanced diet.

Of human...and halfling...and dwarf...and kenku.... Evil Grin

-- K.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon May 30, 2016 10:01 pm  
Vote Tallies, Saevil's Votes

Wow, alot of stuff to sift thru. Smile

I'm finding the selections rather interesting as well.


If you get dibs on a bunch of people-snacks, i call dibs on just one: Merrick. I bet he tastes like a succulent cross between lamb and veal! Or maybe all halflings taste just like chicken?

on a more serious note:



26.  ??  Marissa Osson:  Female Human (Oerid) Cavalier?
27.  ??  Sir Montgomery Persides:  Male Human (Flan) Paladin (Hieron.)
28.  ??  Yrist Vrabenn
29.  ??  Ballatia Wishilde:  Female Human (S/F) Monk?
30.  ??  Fantisek Mannenheim
31.  ??  Khandraz
32.  ??  Sammi Vasternaan
33.  ??  Morin Thistlefoot
34.  ??  Mirka Dano

(Who the bloody hell are these people?)

These people (from the candidates list), are those that i inferred had either a 00 or a +1 rating, given that they weren't high or low by Aurdraco's tally. But i didn't know which, so i used a ?? symbol.

Would like to see Saevil's actual votes, if possible. Doesn't have to be pretty, can be like Ohrin's first votes post. Just curious.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue May 31, 2016 12:08 pm  
Re: Vote Tallies, Saevil's Votes

Syzygyst wrote:
Would like to see Saevil's actual votes, if possible. Doesn't have to be pretty, can be like Ohrin's first votes post. Just curious.

I have updated a previous post to include Saevil's voting record.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue May 31, 2016 1:30 pm  

Syzygyst in the IC thread wrote:

Njord wonders if it might even be better to take most of the candidates (like 30+, instead of 20). As, i think it was Sævil, mentioned supplies and such from the Tusking Land -- maybe it would be best to bring alot of extra people in case we need to set up multiple camps, and leave people as relay and/or rally points. We might even just take all those candidates we have any positive (+1) vibe toward whatsoever. We can always (and this may seem harsh, but ya know what desperate times call for) send people back if they aren't working out. Is there reason(s) we couldn't take that many?

Ohrin would definitely be against taking more companions than The Little One suggested. While the idea of more help for camps is not a bad one, Ohrin believes more bodies would equal more trouble, more dead weight, more personality clashes, etc. If people live on the Tusking Land, then Ohrin would instead suggest that they be recruited or hired to help.

Syzygyst in the IC thread wrote:
Individual Size (Short):
Njord doesn't know how to resolve this. He's on the fence. If he had to choose he'd say we'll just deal with it if we have to, and be prepared with some sort of sled/toboggan system just in case. Which might also be needed for wounded people anyway. ? Maybe we could just do a three-count vote (yea/nay) to even worry about it. Njord would go with NAY.

Ohrin considers this a non-issue for now, assuming that halflings and gnomes would ride in the baggage train.

[quote="Syzygyst in the IC thread"]
Njord agrees (with Ohrin) that we should try to minimize the interviews if possible, but it might be a good idea to at least do a few to get a feel for some of the members. We can even ask what each of those thinks of the other candidates so we start to get a feel for potential friendships/friction.

OOC, I do not want to further drag this process out. Each of us has had a chance to have our characters ask about the NPCs from various other NPCs already. We have voted, it's time to move forward with the final whittling.

[quote="Syzygyst in the IC thread"]Altansarnai:
We should meet her, especially to get a feel for how she will get along with Njord (and vice versa).

Sorry, I don't understand why this is important? If Njord didn't want her to come along, he could have voted against her.

Syzygyst in the IC thread wrote:
Crow Jane:
At some point after initial discussions revealed the group's general first-consensus (tally), and seeing that Crow Jane seems to be a fairly definite choice, Njord would offer to:

a) Go get her and bring her back for an interview.
b) Go and simply tell her that she has been accepted.

See above (Same situation as Crow Jane).

He could do the same for Milleen (a or b). He doesn't want to keep Crow Jane waiting. As it's probably 8pm or so by the time the first round of talks end. ???

Ohrin doesn't want any more NPCs in the HQ tonight. What need is there to interview them, the vote reveals that they have been selected? Ohrin appreciates Njord's offer to go and tell Crow Jane that she has been selected. However, we all need to agree on a timetable plan first. Ohrin suggests the following:

Tonight: Finalize the list.
Tonight: Send out word to those selected to meet at the HQ tomorrow morning after breakfast (we aren't feeding them all, yet!).
Tomorrow morning: Have a quick chat with all of the selected petitioners.
Tomorrow: Selected petitioners have the day to prepare.
Day after tomorrow: Petitioners are to meet back up at HQ 30 minutes before dawn, ready to go.
Day after tomorrow: Expedition departs at dawn.

Syzygyst in the IC thread wrote:
Others To Interview
Here's a list of some others that have been mentioned for interview (by Njord or Sævil). We need to now simply make a list of people we definitely want to interview. Here's a start (N means Njord desires, S for Saevil, N/S both). With some notes.


+5  A'sila T'shanna: (N): She is loner? Work well in group?
+4  Altarnarsai:  (N) -- Make sure they will get along.
+4  Crow Jane: (S)
+3  Slava:  (N/S)
+2  Jonas Cerny: (S) Military Mountaineer.
+2  Merrick Flowerfield: (N/S) Chef, Is he Stout enough for journey?
+2  Faeranna Nightsky: (N/S)
+2  Idriel von Fluss-Amberhill:  (N/S): Cap'n F certified.
+2  Lertan Stonemilker: (N/S) Chef.
+2  Markus Restantin: (N/S)
+2  Gerrit Lashander: (N/S)
??  Marissa Osson: (N) Cap'n F recommended. She may be quite tough?
-1  The Dark One: (N/S) (Same reason, curiosity), Also CapN F okayed.

[* Haven't yet figured how to whittle this down. Will think more soon. Things are moving, gents! *]

Again, I am not sure on why so many need to be interviewed. I believe interviewing so many will merely slow us down, both IC and OOC, which I want to avoid. The only ones Ohrin thinks should be interviewed are:

Idriel von Fluss-Amberhill (what does she bring to the table?)
Lucion Inmarial (only if Njord and Saevil are attempting to remove him from the list)
Jonas Cerny (to see if he will come without his friend)
Gerrit Lashander (only if Njord and Saevil are attempting to remove from the list)

As for the rest (Ohrin's thoughts in parenthesis):
Crap! Lady Armiger Marissa Osson of Almor got +4, I failed to put her in the lists.

+5  A'sila T'shanna: (N): She is loner? Work well in group? (So what? She volunteered; we might as well ask that of all the petitioners)
+4  Altarnarsai:  (N) -- Make sure they will get along. (Ohrin does not know why this matters)
+4  Crow Jane: (S) (Why?)
+3  Slava:  (N/S) (Why?)
+2  Jonas Cerny: (S) Military Mountaineer. (The only thing Ohrin wants to ask him is if he will still come if his friend, the Pholtan, does not)
+2  Merrick Flowerfield: (N/S) Chef, Is he Stout enough for journey? (Either we are taking halflings and gnomes or we aren't, what is the concern?)
+2  Faeranna Nightsky: (N/S) (Why?)
+2  Idriel von Fluss-Amberhill:  (N/S): Cap'n F certified. (Ohrin is okay with interviewing)
+2  Lertan Stonemilker: (N/S) Chef. (Why?)
+2  Markus Restantin: (N/S) (Why?)
+2  Gerrit Lashander: (N/S) (Why?)
+4  Marissa Osson: (N) Cap'n F recommended. She may be quite tough? (see note above, no need to interview imo)
-1  The Dark One: (N/S) (Same reason, curiosity), Also CapN F okayed. (Waste of time if not being selected)
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jan 13, 2016
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Tue May 31, 2016 3:57 pm  
Re: Vote Tallies, Saevil's Votes

aurdraco wrote:
Syzygyst wrote:
Would like to see Saevil's actual votes, if possible. Doesn't have to be pretty, can be like Ohrin's first votes post. Just curious.

I have updated a previous post to include Saevil's voting record.

Thanks so much!
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue May 31, 2016 6:54 pm  


Thanks for showing Saevil's votes.

Kraftwerk, Lamashtu
Will need your input on the following, as Njord/Ohrin are in a bit of a disagreement.

Departure Time:

Unfortunately, Aurdraco's initial timeframe seems a little off. The first group (going for the Egg) is leaving 3 days from today (the day after the day after tomorrow). We, on the other hand, are supposed to leave after them (by a couple days), no later than 3 days after the initial group (6 days hence). Here's a modified timeline (suggestion).



Day  Event
0.   Day 0. Today. The Day of Origin. Been a busy day!
1.   Interviews.
2.   Finish Interviews. Final Selections. Verify w/ big-wigs? Send word?
3.   EGG-Group Leaves. Meet with selectees in late morning. Answer Q's.
4.   Another meetup at dawn. Getting ready. Answer more Q's.
5.   30 minutes before-dawn meetup. Leave at dawn (or shortly after).
6.   The last day we are to leave. Have ALREADY left.

This may or may not change your (Aurdraco's) outlook on the interview process. In other words, we have a few days to kill. I have no problem changing this schedule around a bit, but we should probably leave on day 5 or 6, as the Little One wanted a gap between her departure and our departure.

Group Size (Number On Expedition)
I understand the drawbacks to the group size, but there may be at least as many bonuses. It's not like there won't be friction with 23 people on a journey, vs 24 or more. Note, if we decide on a larger size, that may limit the interviews, as we might just end up taking all selectees with a positive (+1+) score, for example. Also, if we do want a larger group, taking people from Corus seems preferable to hirelings from the Tusking Strand, as our home-towners have something personal invested in the venture. We'd also face similar (frictional) issues with outside hirelings anyway. The more Njord ponders it, the more he likes the idea of staggered camps. Being out in the middle of the Black Ice and simply dying of deprivation doesn't appeal to him.

Individual Size (Short) (SETTLED)
SETTLED. No longer an issue. At least Njord and Ohrin agree it will be dealt with as it comes. Please speak, Lam/Saevil, if you have objections.

I believe i did mention somewhere in the posts specifically why this may be a problem. Unfortunately, it may have just bled into a mess of other text. The Tiger Nomads (her) and Njord's folk do not have good relations. In fact, when Njord left his homeland, they were at war with at least one of the northern TN tribes. They have had problems for years and years. If she somehow knows who Njord is (or what people he belongs to), she may have an issue. In other words, there's a chance she might even want to kill Njord. Thus, the desire for an interview. Captain Fireheart was a little surprised Njord was willing to vote for the woman. Njord will, at the very least, visit her on his own, but would rather everyone meet her, in case he misses some diabolical glint in her eye.

List Of Candidates
Here's an updated list (with Osson at +4) for Njord. We have 14 definites (except for Altarnarsai). I've put an asterisk for candidates Njord would definitely like to interview (and why in notes). An exclamation point means Njord will go visit that person if a group interview is not desired.


01.  +5  Milleen
02.* +5  A'sila T'shanna
03.  +5  Soren Stormcloud
04.  +4  Asranith Lasiniir
05.! +4  Altarnarsai ?
06.  +4  Marissa Osson
07.  +4  Lukasz Ravel
08.  +4  Johanna Swiftstoat
09.  +4  Crow Jane
10.  +4  Kelvan Farstrider
11.  +3  Lars Loja
12.  +3  Hjalmir Frjalsmaur
13.  +3  Nevin Stoutshield
14.* +3  Slava: Make sure half-orc is personable enough.
15.  +2  Karstren Esil
16.  +2  Jonas Cerny
17.* +2  Merrick Flowerfield: Make sure he's stout enough.
18.* +2  Faeranna Nightsky: A mystery. Nobody really knows her?
19.* +2  Idriel von Fluss-Amberhill: Make sure she's tough.
20.  +2  Lucion Inmarial
-- the 20 cutoff --
21.* +2  Lertan Stonemilker: Is truly a good cook. Tough in other ways?
22.  +2  Renada Rabbitwarren
23.  +2  Minek Stonemilker
24.  +2  Kharaz Stonemilker
25.* +2  Markus Restantin: Trustworthy?
26.* +2  Gerrit Lashander: Out of control mage?
27.  ??  Sir Montgomery Persides
28.  ??  Yrist Vrabenn
29.  ??  Ballatia Wishilde
30.  ??  Fantisek Mannenheim
31.  ??  Khandraz
32.  ??  Sammi Vasternaan
33.  ??  Morin Thistlefoot
34.  ??  Mirka Dano
35.! -1  The Dark One: Might have something really cool to offer.
36.  -1  Ruslana Heatherplans
37.  -2  Narend Matracin
38.  -2  Monek Friedrich
39.  -3  Jinmiir Ristolier

Interviews In General:
Interviews do a few things. Weed out people we don't want. We might find out that someone has gifts that we actually would like to have along. (The Dark One comes to mind) Etc. Along these lines, we might find that some of our +2's or even +3's may be less desirable than a +1, eg. Ideally, we'd interview just about every candidate, if there was time. Also, Njord knows only about 5 of these people. He got cursory data from Cap'n F on some of the others. So he's really in the dark about 50% to 70% of these folks.

Njord's General Stance
Take as many people as we can (given that they seem a positive inclusion), and interview as many as we can. (Note, the interview process can be streamlined -- we don't have to have full dialogue with every candidate -- unless KW wants it that way ?). We should decide on one factor, and the other one would follow. Njord suggests 30, rather than 20 selectees. (And he'd even take more).

Possible Compromise
We could just take all volunteers that have a +2 or more. That gives 26 volunteers. If we want more (ie, if Saevil also wishes a larger group), we can then whittle down the interview list. ?

Please weigh in on the group size (number in party), the possibility of hirelings on the Strand, and interviewees, as your input will likely act as the deciding factor. And please add any input on anything else you desire.

Some of this may be determined by how you actually want to go about the interviews. Also: Njord is very aware that Crow Jane was sent away, he wishes to go visit her (and Milleen) ASAP.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 12, 2003
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Tue May 31, 2016 8:25 pm  

Syzygyst wrote:
Departure Time:

Unfortunately, Aurdraco's initial timeframe seems a little off. The first group (going for the Egg) is leaving 3 days from today (the day after the day after tomorrow). We, on the other hand, are supposed to leave after them (by a couple days), no later than 3 days after the initial group (6 days hence). Here's a modified timeline (suggestion).

Ah yes, I must have swapped the two in my head. I, and hence Ohrin, thought we were in a hurry. Danger of a slow-paced game, sorry about that.

Syzygyst wrote:


Day  Event
0.   Day 0. Today. The Day of Origin. Been a busy day!
1.   Interviews.
2.   Finish Interviews. Final Selections. Verify w/ big-wigs? Send word?
3.   EGG-Group Leaves. Meet with selectees in late morning. Answer Q's.
4.   Another meetup at dawn. Getting ready. Answer more Q's.
5.   30 minutes before-dawn meetup. Leave at dawn (or shortly after).
6.   The last day we are to leave. Have ALREADY left.

This may or may not change your (Aurdraco's) outlook on the interview process. In other words, we have a few days to kill. I have no problem changing this schedule around a bit, but we should probably leave on day 5 or 6, as the Little One wanted a gap between her departure and our departure.

Awesome, looks good. Yeah, this removes a lot of Ohrin's objections to a drawn out interviewing process.

Syzygyst wrote:
Group Size (Number On Expedition)
I understand the drawbacks to the group size, but there may be at least as many bonuses. It's not like there won't be friction with 23 people on a journey, vs 24 or more. Note, if we decide on a larger size, that may limit the interviews, as we might just end up taking all selectees with a positive (+1+) score, for example. Also, if we do want a larger group, taking people from Corus seems preferable to hirelings from the Tusking Strand, as our home-towners have something personal invested in the venture. We'd also face similar (frictional) issues with outside hirelings anyway. The more Njord ponders it, the more he likes the idea of staggered camps. Being out in the middle of the Black Ice and simply dying of deprivation doesn't appeal to him.

I would prefer if we only select someone with a +2 or higher as that means that at least 2 people voted a +1 for them or one voted a confident +2. We can re-vote after the interviews.

Syzygyst wrote:
I believe i did mention somewhere in the posts specifically why this may be a problem. Unfortunately, it may have just bled into a mess of other text. The Tiger Nomads (her) and Njord's folk do not have good relations. In fact, when Njord left his homeland, they were at war with at least one of the northern TN tribes. They have had problems for years and years. If she somehow knows who Njord is (or what people he belongs to), she may have an issue. In other words, there's a chance she might even want to kill Njord. Thus, the desire for an interview. Captain Fireheart was a little surprised Njord was willing to vote for the woman. Njord will, at the very least, visit her on his own, but would rather everyone meet her, in case he misses some diabolical glint in her eye.

I do not read the posts of the other characters when Ohrin is not there and I do not recall this being explained in-character to him. Until that is done, he will not understand what the problem is.

Syzygyst wrote:
List Of Candidates
Here's an updated list (with Osson at +4) for Njord. We have 14 definites (except for Altarnarsai). I've put an asterisk for candidates Njord would definitely like to interview (and why in notes). An exclamation point means Njord will go visit that person if a group interview is not desired.

I think all interviews should occur as a group.

Syzygyst wrote:

01.  +5  Milleen
02.* +5  A'sila T'shanna
03.  +5  Soren Stormcloud
04.  +4  Asranith Lasiniir
05.! +4  Altarnarsai ?
06.  +4  Marissa Osson
07.  +4  Lukasz Ravel
08.  +4  Johanna Swiftstoat
09.  +4  Crow Jane
10.  +4  Kelvan Farstrider
11.  +3  Lars Loja
12.  +3  Hjalmir Frjalsmaur
13.  +3  Nevin Stoutshield
14.* +3  Slava: Make sure half-orc is personable enough.
15.  +2  Karstren Esil
16.  +2  Jonas Cerny
17.* +2  Merrick Flowerfield: Make sure he's stout enough.
18.* +2  Faeranna Nightsky: A mystery. Nobody really knows her?
19.* +2  Idriel von Fluss-Amberhill: Make sure she's tough.
20.  +2  Lucion Inmarial
-- the 20 cutoff --
21.* +2  Lertan Stonemilker: Is truly a good cook. Tough in other ways?
22.  +2  Renada Rabbitwarren
23.  +2  Minek Stonemilker
24.  +2  Kharaz Stonemilker
25.* +2  Markus Restantin: Trustworthy?
26.* +2  Gerrit Lashander: Out of control mage?
27.  ??  Sir Montgomery Persides
28.  ??  Yrist Vrabenn
29.  ??  Ballatia Wishilde
30.  ??  Fantisek Mannenheim
31.  ??  Khandraz
32.  ??  Sammi Vasternaan
33.  ??  Morin Thistlefoot
34.  ??  Mirka Dano
35.! -1  The Dark One: Might have something really cool to offer.
36.  -1  Ruslana Heatherplans
37.  -2  Narend Matracin
38.  -2  Monek Friedrich
39.  -3  Jinmiir Ristolier

Interviews In General:
Interviews do a few things. Weed out people we don't want. We might find out that someone has gifts that we actually would like to have along. (The Dark One comes to mind) Etc. Along these lines, we might find that some of our +2's or even +3's may be less desirable than a +1, eg. Ideally, we'd interview just about every candidate, if there was time. Also, Njord knows only about 5 of these people. He got cursory data from Cap'n F on some of the others. So he's really in the dark about 50% to 70% of these folks.

Tomorrow, I will turn my spreadsheet into a shared document spreadsheet so that we can all change our votes, add notes, etc.

Syzygyst wrote:
Njord's General Stance
Take as many people as we can (given that they seem a positive inclusion), and interview as many as we can. (Note, the interview process can be streamlined -- we don't have to have full dialogue with every candidate -- unless KW wants it that way ?). We should decide on one factor, and the other one would follow. Njord suggests 30, rather than 20 selectees. (And he'd even take more).

Possible Compromise
We could just take all volunteers that have a +2 or more. That gives 26 volunteers. If we want more (ie, if Saevil also wishes a larger group), we can then whittle down the interview list. ?

Ohrin sticks to wanting only those who earn at least a +2 in the voting system with the caveat that no one just start throwing +2 votes around just to get our numbers up. If that happens, he will insist that a petitioner must be positively voted for by at least two of the expedition co-chairs. I am not sold on a larger group being beneficial; what if the the town needs defenders? Etc. If the Little One suggested 20, he assumes she had a reason.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 02, 2016
Posts: 118

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Tue May 31, 2016 11:05 pm  



I would prefer if we only select someone with a +2 or higher as that means that at least 2 people voted a +1 for them or one voted a confident +2. We can re-vote after the interviews.

That's fine.


I do not read the posts of the other characters when Ohrin is not there and I do not recall this being explained in-character to him. Until that is done, he will not understand what the problem is.

I'll come back to this in a minute.


I think all interviews should occur as a group.

I agree. Ideally, at least. However, we may find a situation in which the interviewees chosen by the group, don't cover those that each of us feels a definite desire/need to see. Such is the case with the Tiger Nomad. That is someone that Njord feels he must meet. If Ohrin and Saevil opt to exclude her from the group interview list, then Njord will have to visit her on her own. Just as Ohrin may do for other volunteers if he wishes.


Tomorrow, I will turn my spreadsheet into a shared document spreadsheet so that we can all change our votes, add notes, etc.

Cool. Look forward to it.


Ohrin sticks to wanting only those who earn at least a +2 in the voting system with the caveat that no one just start throwing +2 votes around just to get our numbers up. If that happens, he will insist that a petitioner must be positively voted for by at least two of the expedition co-chairs.

My initial suggestion of the +2-ers was for the current vote. I wasn't even thinking of another final (changed) vote. I assure you that Njord will be voting what he actually thinks of each candidate, not 'massaging' the vote for his own ends.


I am not sold on a larger group being beneficial; what if the the town needs defenders? Etc. If the Little One suggested 20, he assumes she had a reason.

Njord is not altogether sold on a larger group, as well. All he has heard is that the Black Ice is deadly. The idea of multiple camps and supply lines also seems appealing for various reasons. A bigger group seems better to him than a smaller group, at this point. Safety in numbers, and so on. We aren't (at this point) sneaking into a castle, we're on a wilderness trek. Saevil's input (or more from KW) may decide this. As for the Little One saying the 20 number, i'm now going back to the point i skipped, about Altansarnai:


I do not read the posts of the other characters when Ohrin is not there and I do not recall this being explained in-character to him. Until that is done, he will not understand what the problem is.

Kraftwerk, and Everyone:

I'm new here. I need a method-check for our current communication system. I'm assuming the OOC thread is for EVERYONE to read, like everyone hearing things that are being openly said at the game-table. So even dialogue between myself and Kraftwerk (the GM) is heard by everbody. I ask this because i've been fishing for and giving info assuming everyone is reading these OOC posts. If i need to speak to KW privately, i send him email. If i'm under the wrong impression, please let me know.

This leads me to...

Altansarnai and Njord, Et Al:
The bit about her and Njord was included in this OOC thread, not in the IC thread. I included it as a bit of general info being passed around (amongst our characters). It may have been easy to miss amidst the other bits, but it's there. Just as many other bits of general, clustered info, like our votes, has been passed here.

It was posted previously, then posted again in very recent conversation here in OOC, consolidating the general discussion happening in the room (that is too lengthy to actually go into in the IC thread). So, i'm now under the assumption that Ohrin has been passed (told) that information about the Tiger Nomad. I'm also assuming that all the stuff in the previous few OOC posts reflects things that are actually being discussed by the characters, in addition to the players. Again, if this is wrong, then let me know, and we'll need a more concrete way of going about this.

The 20 Max, and the Little One:
I asked KW about this (openly) on this OOC thread. He said that it was a general suggestion by the Little One, not a directive set in stone. He then said that it's basically up to us to decide on the actual number. As of yet, Njord doesn't have any direct info that states that we'll have supply issues, or other problems, based on a larger group. It could be that we can't even get 30 people over to the mainland, and so that would solve that, but there's no data to support that, as of yet.

So Here's my Suggestion for Proceeding:

A) Number Of Volunteers: We lock down how many we'd like to take. This may mean going and visiting the Little One in the morning (or other sources, like the shipmaster). It may also be solved by Lam/Saevil, if he says, "No we take 20 Volunteers" That would be fine, as he would be in agreement with Ohrin and that would settle that. Alternatively, of course, KW could just say: "Shut up! You're taking 20 volunteers!"

B) Choose Interviewees: After the number, then we decide on interviewees. Note, our current schedule (my suggested one, at least), gives us a day to play with, so if we run long on info gathering/interviews, we can always leave on the 6th day out instead of the 5th.

If that doesn't work, then i'm not sure what to do, other than:

Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 12, 2003
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Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:37 am  

Syzygyst wrote:
Njord is not altogether sold on a larger group, as well. All he has heard is that the Black Ice is deadly. The idea of multiple camps and supply lines also seems appealing for various reasons. A bigger group seems better to him than a smaller group, at this point. Safety in numbers, and so on. We aren't (at this point) sneaking into a castle, we're on a wilderness trek. Saevil's input (or more from KW) may decide this. As for the Little One saying the 20 number, i'm now going back to the point i skipped, about Altansarnai:


I do not read the posts of the other characters when Ohrin is not there and I do not recall this being explained in-character to him. Until that is done, he will not understand what the problem is.

Kraftwerk, and Everyone:

I'm new here. I need a method-check for our current communication system. I'm assuming the OOC thread is for EVERYONE to read, like everyone hearing things that are being openly said at the game-table. So even dialogue between myself and Kraftwerk (the GM) is heard by everbody. I ask this because i've been fishing for and giving info assuming everyone is reading these OOC posts. If i need to speak to KW privately, i send him email. If i'm under the wrong impression, please let me know.

If the OOC post contains information that Ohrin would not know, or that would not concern him, then, even if I read it, I will not file it away. I am completely against meta gaming.

Syzygyst wrote:
This leads me to...

Altansarnai and Njord, Et Al:
The bit about her and Njord was included in this OOC thread, not in the IC thread. I included it as a bit of general info being passed around (amongst our characters). It may have been easy to miss amidst the other bits, but it's there. Just as many other bits of general, clustered info, like our votes, has been passed here.

Again, dangers of the slow pace of the PbP. I am not going to recall every bit of minutia typed, especially for weeks and weeks, and especially if I feel that Ohrin would not know that information.

Syzygyst wrote:
It was posted previously, then posted again in very recent conversation here in OOC, consolidating the general discussion happening in the room (that is too lengthy to actually go into in the IC thread). So, i'm now under the assumption that Ohrin has been passed (told) that information about the Tiger Nomad. I'm also assuming that all the stuff in the previous few OOC posts reflects things that are actually being discussed by the characters, in addition to the players. Again, if this is wrong, then let me know, and we'll need a more concrete way of going about this.

It was not posted in conversation; there was some vague reference made during various listings of petitioners and votes. Yes, I understand that some of these OOC posts are a way of hand-waving IC discussions. But since the earlier Altansarnai stuff was old and buried, I and Ohrin had no idea what you were trying to get at. To move on, it's safe to assume that Njord has explained the Altansarnai concern to Saevil and Ohrin.

Syzygyst wrote:
The 20 Max, and the Little One:
I asked KW about this (openly) on this OOC thread. He said that it was a general suggestion by the Little One, not a directive set in stone.

_I_ understand that. I am roleplaying Ohrin believing that if the Little One thinks 20 is a good number, then 20 is a good number.

Syzygyst wrote:
He then said that it's basically up to us to decide on the actual number. As of yet, Njord doesn't have any direct info that states that we'll have supply issues, or other problems, based on a larger group. It could be that we can't even get 30 people over to the mainland, and so that would solve that, but there's no data to support that, as of yet.

I also don't want to spend six more weeks interviewing 30 NPCs to make sure that everyone is going to be able to get along. IC, Ohrin thinks a smaller group is less likely to attract attention and trouble. While the size of the group will itself be a deterrent against most encounters a normal-sized adventuring party would experience, it could instead invite larger scale attacks and, perhaps, monsters. But, before we decide, let's just get through the interviewing process since your two PCs need to learn more about many of the petitioners.

Syzygyst wrote:
So Here's my Suggestion for Proceeding:

A) Number Of Volunteers: We lock down how many we'd like to take. This may mean going and visiting the Little One in the morning (or other sources, like the shipmaster). It may also be solved by Lam/Saevil, if he says, "No we take 20 Volunteers" That would be fine, as he would be in agreement with Ohrin and that would settle that. Alternatively, of course, KW could just say: "Shut up! You're taking 20 volunteers!"

B) Choose Interviewees: After the number, then we decide on interviewees. Note, our current schedule (my suggested one, at least), gives us a day to play with, so if we run long on info gathering/interviews, we can always leave on the 6th day out instead of the 5th.

If that doesn't work, then i'm not sure what to do, other than:


It makes no sense to assume that our first vote was binding if you also feel the need to interview various NPCs in order to consider them for inclusion or exclusion. It's clear that the first vote was rushed because I/Ohrin thought we needed to rush. It's also clear that your two PCs do not know as much about the NPCs and that it would be beneficial for all of us if we start this process anew. Therefore, I propose the following system:

We will re-vote for all 39 NPCs on a shared spreadsheet so that we can all see the votes and notes.
However, in addition to the range from -3 to +3, you can now also vote "TK".
A TK vote means that your vote is pending an interview with said NPC.
We then compile a list of all NPCs which have received a TK vote from any of our PCs.
We invite those NPCs to be interviewed.
Ohrin would prefer that the NPCs all arrive at the same time, even if it means that they have to sit around waiting while interviews are conducted, as he wants to cast know alignment (duration: 1 turn, target is 1 creature per round; thus, they all need to be present, or arrive 1 per round) on the interviewees.
Not only is he looking to weed out any hidden evil NPCs, but he also wants to be sure that we avoid sticking a LG NPC on a mission with a CN NPC, etc.
We interview those NPCs.
We then vote for or against those NPCs as our PCs see fit.
As soon as all 39 NPCs have 3 non-TK votes, we tally the results.
We then discuss the results in light of party-size, etc.
We then choose who is going.
We then relay the acceptances to the NPCs.
SHOULD ANY OF THEM DECLINE, for whatever reason, we revisit accepting someone else in their place (hopefully sans interview).
We finalize the party.

To be clear, Ohrin shares these thoughts with Njord and Saevil IC.

THEREFORE, please do not go rushing off for Crow Jane and Milleen. I/Ohrin do not understand what the rush is.

Finally, part of my frustration is the fact that Crow Jane was invited to HQ before we had even hashed out our processes and timelines.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:31 am  

Hi Aurdraco/Casey (and everyone),

Your concerns are heard, understood, and noted. We've just been having some communication problems. Basically, you and i have both been under certain assumptions about how information has been being passed, or should be passed. We can clear this up without much of a problem. Probably will entail a tagging system for OOC posts that represent actual comm between characters (ie -- that might otherwise be put in the IC channel). I'll ponder it. If you have suggestions, please let me/us know.

Crow Jane, and Protocol
But there is one thing i have to note, as it seems to have been an initiator for your frustration. We are playing characters, and so certain things that Njord (or Saevil) does, may not jive with how Ohrin wants them to be done. Specifically, i'm referring to the Crow Jane incident. To give you perspective, Njord was kinda 'high' after coming out of the Captain's. Crow Jane was there, walking right toward our HQ, and seeming cold. Njord, being somewhat considerate, and very curious, just thought it a nice gesture to invite her in, as well as possibly 'killing one bird with a stone,' by getting a possible interview out of the way. In other words, at that time, he wasn't thinking of possible HQ protocol, which had not even been discussed between the 'chairs' yet. Had we established some sort of guest/interview system, Njord might not have invited her in.

This is going to happen throughout the game, where we (as players) will disagree, or our characters will disagree or otherwise act in a way that another might find illogical or unsatisfactory. This is, perhaps unfortunately, a reflection of real life. Another instance that Ohrin may have to deal with is Astafrejlva, as he seemed none too happy about having animals in the HQ. This, too, can be discussed. But note, things are going to be worse (even more 'untidy') during the journey, with the host of people we'll be leading and the encounters along the way.

Game Pace
It was seeming that you wanted to hurry things along, in sort of a condensed discussion of matters, even to the point of almost eliminating interviews. This may have been due to the hectic schedule (3 days) that you thought we were under, but it seemed more likely that you might not be fond of the pace of the game in general. If this is the case, please bring it up, especially with Kraftwerk, our illustrious GM. Things might be tailored to find a happy medium of pace for all involved.

Where The Party Stands
Basically, (and unless KW overrules this), it seems that we've spent at least an hour, maybe even closer to 2, in discussion. We have accomplished some things: we have a first vote, and we know that we might have a disagreement about the number of people to take, that may have to be resolved. This is not bad for an hour-and-a-half of discussion. As far as your new vote-system, that may or may not have to wait for Njord to return (I await KW's verdict on time-passed). Because...

Crow Jane, and Njord's Urgency
Unfortunately, Njord invited Jane in for an interview. Ohrin then dismissed her for a time in order to discuss matters. Njord is feeling bad about having invited her in, and then having her go elsewhere to 'wait' for an unspecified amount of time. This is, according to Njord, somewhat rude, and isn't really a good reflection on our trio as leaders. So, he wants to go give her the 'good' news as a way of making amends for the slight. As, Njord realizes, morale is likely to be incredibly important on this venture.

Oh, i'll start the clarification process, maybe something like this:

I'm assuming that Ohrin has expressed his frustration about the lack of protocol, and the issues now arising vis-a-vis the selection process. Njord notes them and wants to clarify our methods, but it may have to wait until he returns, as he has explained his predicament regarding Jane. Njord is currently about to get ready and head out the door, assuming that much time has passed. If he leaves, perhaps Ohrin and Saevil could further discuss the number of volunteers to take?

Anyway, i hope that clears some stuff up (or heads us in that direction). Hope this can all be resolved shortly and we can be on our way into interviews and, thence, onto the Black Ice!

I will now refrain from posting until we hear from KW. KW?
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jun 12, 2003
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From: Boston

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Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:34 am  

Google Drive spreadsheet here. Anyone using this link can edit the document.

Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:06 am  
Re: gobbledygook

Syzygyst wrote:
Crow Jane, and Protocol
But there is one thing i have to note, as it seems to have been an initiator for your frustration. We are playing characters, and so certain things that Njord (or Saevil) does, may not jive with how Ohrin wants them to be done. Specifically, i'm referring to the Crow Jane incident. To give you perspective, Njord was kinda 'high' after coming out of the Captain's. Crow Jane was there, walking right toward our HQ, and seeming cold. Njord, being somewhat considerate, and very curious, just thought it a nice gesture to invite her in, as well as possibly 'killing one bird with a stone,' by getting a possible interview out of the way. In other words, at that time, he wasn't thinking of possible HQ protocol, which had not even been discussed between the 'chairs' yet. Had we established some sort of guest/interview system, Njord might not have invited her in.

I undertand that, it is a natural part of the game. However, MY frustration stems from the fact that we, as a group, failed to discuss protocols before we went rushing about. I was guilty of that too. I just never suspected anyone would invite an NPC to the HQ. Ohrin is frustrated for the same reason, albeit in-character.

Syzygyst wrote:
Game Pace
It was seeming that you wanted to hurry things along, in sort of a condensed discussion of matters, even to the point of almost eliminating interviews. This may have been due to the hectic schedule (3 days) that you thought we were under, but it seemed more likely that you might not be fond of the pace of the game in general. If this is the case, please bring it up, especially with Kraftwerk, our illustrious GM. Things might be tailored to find a happy medium of pace for all involved.

I am not interested in a narrative PbP campaign that will take months to resolve planning, encounters, etc. Yes, part of it was the fact that I thought we had a condensed timeline to work with. Let's get this show on the road.

Syzygyst wrote:
Where The Party Stands
Basically, (and unless KW overrules this), it seems that we've spent at least an hour, maybe even closer to 2, in discussion. We have accomplished some things: we have a first vote, and we know that we might have a disagreement about the number of people to take, that may have to be resolved. This is not bad for an hour-and-a-half of discussion. As far as your new vote-system, that may or may not have to wait for Njord to return (I await KW's verdict on time-passed). Because...

Crow Jane, and Njord's Urgency
Unfortunately, Njord invited Jane in for an interview. Ohrin then dismissed her for a time in order to discuss matters. Njord is feeling bad about having invited her in, and then having her go elsewhere to 'wait' for an unspecified amount of time. This is, according to Njord, somewhat rude, and isn't really a good reflection on our trio as leaders. So, he wants to go give her the 'good' news as a way of making amends for the slight. As, Njord realizes, morale is likely to be incredibly important on this venture.

This is completely unacceptable to both myself and Ohrin until we have resolved our procedural issues. It is Njord's fault that he invited her without consulting with the other two PCs; he can go explain to her that we aren't yet ready for interviews after all. There is no good news to give her; as has been established logically, if the first vote didn't really count, because of the need to interview, then there are no final results and no one has been accepted to the venture officially. Telling her that she has now would be rude both in-and and out-of-character to us, imo.

Syzygyst wrote:
Oh, i'll start the clarification process, maybe something like this:

I'm assuming that Ohrin has expressed his frustration about the lack of protocol, and the issues now arising vis-a-vis the selection process. Njord notes them and wants to clarify our methods, but it may have to wait until he returns, as he has explained his predicament regarding Jane. Njord is currently about to get ready and head out the door, assuming that much time has passed. If he leaves, perhaps Ohrin and Saevil could further discuss the number of volunteers to take?

Sure, we can assume that Ohrin has explained himself (I was hoping he wouldn't have to). Again, waiting to cement our methodology for Njord is unacceptable to both myself and Ohrin. IMO, Njord needs to stay put as Crow Jane is not receiving an official invite at this time due to the first vote being no-longer binding. The sooner we get this resolved, the sooner Njord can go deal with that. We really need w80/Lamashtu/Saevil to pipe up at this point.

Syzygyst wrote:
Hope this can all be resolved shortly and we can be on our way into interviews and, thence, onto the Black Ice!

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