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Paul Kidd's novels
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Joined: Apr 29, 2002
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From: Overton, TX, USA

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Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:05 pm  
Paul Kidd's novels


Nope, this isn't posted in the wrong forum! ;)

I'm of the opinion that Kidd's GH novels are not really DnD in charcater...I think they're really HM novels. Escalla is really a pixie-fairy; the Justciar just feels like a HM character as well...can't we all just see vin Diesel playing him in a movie.

The hack factor of the novels is throught the roof, and they read like the over-the-top Old School craziness style that is HM and makes us all read KoDT ever month.


Anthony N. Emmel
HMGMA# TX-1-00162-01

"It was an age of dark beliefs and of practises that were no less dark; and witchcraft and sorcery were rampant throughout the land, among all classes."
Clark Ashton Smith, "The Necromantic Tale"
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Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:56 am  
Re: Paul Kidd's novels

I took a swipe at Kidd's books at WotC's Novels Forum. There are other comments there from the kids, but it's a thread still worth reading. Below I posted my original remarks, and I stand by them Exclamation

Greyson wrote:
Nope, no more Kidd books for WotC. Some might be over-estimating the popularity of the Kidd books. I am glad, whatever WotC reasoning is to forego anymore Justicar books, they are ending the novels. Escalla probably single-handedly ended Kidd's publishing relationship with WotC. That character was the most noisome, irritating, detraction I've ever read. I was surprised she made it to the second book, and I was speechless she was allowed to live into the third and beyond. And then there is the wagon-driver-turned-rodent and an emotionally sensitive sphinx - not exactly compelling personalities.

Justicar, or Evelyn, was the strength of those books - but he was surrounded by irritating and silly "sidekicks." Except, of course, the sentient Hellhound pelt - now that rocked! But, Justicar might have survived the axe if his personal history and background were developed more - and Escalla less, much, much less.

But don't worry. Evelyn can now be found in any campaign, even your own. Just turn to page 47 in Complete Warrior. He's there, and he even has a nice tatoo on his forehead, lmao. See, you don't need Paul Kidd.

Don (Greyson)
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