Thu May 11, 2017 2:41 am
Chapter 8: Veluna
Greetings from Italy! One of the Oliver Brothers is on vacation in Italy, a land that is almost the realization of one of the countries of Oerth.
The land through which the canoe trip down the Velverdyva River next ventures is Veluna. There are many traveling adventures through the land, but the most significant adventure that takes place in this chapter is connected with the Circle of Hands, the Stonehenge of Oerth. The powers of the Circle of Hands is transportation to a pocket dimension whose entryway is on the Velverdyva itself. Therein lies the artifact the Mantle of Rao, if the player characters can find it and survive this land of dinosaurs.
One of us had a strong love for a Saturday morning t.v. show - Land of the Lost - and always thought it would make a great D&D adventure. Another of us absolutely loved dinosaurs. While the third of us loved D&D. Put the three together and you have the main feature of this Friday's chapter - The Vale of the Dinosaurs!
We hope you enjoy the latest installment in the Great Flanaess River Campaign available here: