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Thu May 14, 2015 8:10 am
First Post!
Greetings all! New to the forums and I figured this was as good a place to start as any.
Name - Paul
Age - 45
Location - South / Central, Illinois
Started - 1980
Starting Rules - 1E Blue Box
Nick - One of several I've been using on the interwebs since days of old. I honestly forget the origin. Likely the name I really wanted was taken.
I'm new to this site, and can't wait to dig in and see what all goodies are buried herein!
Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu May 14, 2015 6:31 pm
Welcome to Canonfire! Paul/KnightJade!
This website is for everything Greyhawk! Hope you feel welcome and jump right in to the threads with your two coppers.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:52 am
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
[quote="DarkHerald"]I dont know if a thread like this has been started before, but I would like to know a couple of things about the people that I chat with on the forums.
First Name? Ryan
Age? 44
Location? Wisconsin
When you started playing D&D?
It's all Micah's fault...He introduced us to the game in the early 80's. Matt took it from there as DM.
What rules you started with? Basic red box.
where does your Forum Nick come from?
A friend and I were creating characters for Wizardry IV (I think) Bane of the Cosmic Forge and we named our 6 characters after ourselves and friends, but could not think of a name for the thief...he said, "call him GoodyGrabber." We laughed so hard we had tears.
I Found this site completely by accident while researching Greyhawk on the internet. I am completely overwhelmed with the amount of information (both canon and not). Part of me wants to embrace it, part of me wants to run and hide. Currently play using 2e with some house rules, but I guess I'll need to research the editions that came along after I stopped playing. Actually interested in wading through the massive amounts of information here. Thanks to whoever is responsible for....all of this!
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From: LG Dyvers
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:50 am
Welcome to Canonfire!, Goodygrabber!
Read all you can and post all you like. We'd love to hear your 2 cents.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:26 am
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
GoodyGrabber wrote: |
Currently play using 2e with some house rules, but I guess I'll need to research the editions that came along after I stopped playing. |
Still playing 2e rules (like yourself, with some house rules tossed in for good measure), and haven't looked back. Welcome aboard, and especially join in on the 2e Forum where you will find folks of like edition. I like to call it my "Home Plane."
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:15 am
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Lanthorn wrote: |
GoodyGrabber wrote: |
Currently play using 2e with some house rules, but I guess I'll need to research the editions that came along after I stopped playing. |
Still playing 2e rules (like yourself, with some house rules tossed in for good measure), and haven't looked back... |
As soon as I saw the words "2nd Edition," I knew who would appear...
Welcome, Goodygrabber!
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:33 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
jamesdglick wrote: |
As soon as I saw the words "2nd Edition," I knew who would appear...
Yup, it's my pentagram of summoning!
I'll convert you yet, jamesdglick!
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:34 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Lanthorn wrote: |
jamesdglick wrote: |
As soon as I saw the words "2nd Edition," I knew who would appear...
Yup, it's my pentagram of summoning!
I'll convert you yet, jamesdglick!
-Lanthorn |
I'm with you Lanthorn, 2nd edition is the best! In my humble opinion.
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Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:20 pm
I, too, am a 2nd Edition fan, but Lanthorn's latest questions have been in regards to 1st Edition.
Sell out.
Meanwhile; Hail and well met Knightjade and Goodygrabber!
Be sure to make extensive use of the Greyhawk Wiki; the link is located on the left side of the screen. Rob Bastard, Rasgon and many others have provided us with tons of Greyhawk goodness in there.
All questions and opinions are welcome here, so dive into the many and varied conversations taking place. Canonfire! is the depository of all things Greyhawk! _________________ Mystic's web page:
Mystic's blog page:
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Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:49 am
Hi In Robin
From Uk Yorkshire Harrogate
Been Playing D&D since original 3boxset
Moved to AD&D and loved it ever since loked at other versions but they dont cut the mustard have dabbled in many many games (inc realms) but home is where the heart is. Most of my time i DM currently running 2 campaigns
I also dabble a bit in Art and the game inspires me to Paint.
Enyoyed Canonfire for many years and it has helped in so many things.
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Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:32 pm
Hi, new to the Forums
Name - Thom
Age - 34
Location - UK, Brighton
Started - 1991 ish?
Rules - AD&D 1e
Nickname - favourite PC (now in semi-retirement)
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From: LG Dyvers
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Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:47 pm
Welcome, ZardukZarakhil!
We're pleased to have you join our community.
You may already be familiar with the various forums, but be sure you check out the many Articles pages, which you can access in the appropriate link just under the banner at the top of the page.
Please also join in by posting your own thoughts on any thread you find interesting. Or, take a que from Lanthorn and initiate your own posts with questions you have about our favorite fantasy world. Just be sure to post your thread in the appropriate forum.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:51 am
Greetings! I just created an account and thought this was a good place to start.
Name - Marcio
Age - 29
Location - Santa Catarina (or Saint Catherine in english), Brazil
Started playing in - 2000
Rules/Edition - AD&D 2nd Edtion
Forum Nick - Well, my first name is Marcio and I'm a great thrash metal fan, so "marciothrasher" it is.
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Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:53 pm
I feel like I gain a level every time I see that somebody is a 2e fan.
I get 1/2 a level for every 1e fan.
Welcome aboard, you newbies. Hope to see your posts on the 2e and 1e forums soon.
-Lanthorn, Old School Player & DM
Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:07 pm
Lanthorn wrote: |
I feel like I gain a level every time I see that somebody is a 2e fan. |
It's fun to see Lanthorn all giddy.
Welcome Marciothrasher!
Be sure to check out the articles pages as well as the forums. Don't forget to use the Greyhawk Wiki in the link to the left and feel free to join the Greytalk Chats Thursday nights about 10:00pm CST from the link just below the Greyhawk Wiki link.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
Adept Greytalker
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Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:40 pm
Sir Xaris, I laugh every time I see someone is a fellow fan of 2e as it a simple matter of time before the bells, whistles and alarms go off in Lanthorn's classroom to alert him and beckon him to post a reply.
Adept Greytalker
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Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:41 pm
And welcome newcomers. I have found this site very educational and entertaining.
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Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:16 am
Thanks guys! I started playing with the 2e, but after more than a decade GMing only White Wolf's/Onyx Path's games, I came back to D&D because of the new (and great, let me add) 5e. I've DMed some one-shots while I plan my Greyhawk campaign.
I've been using the Greyhawk Wiki as a source of knowledge for some months now, it has helped me quite a lot.
Glad to be here guys, I hope to learn even more about Oerth and it's mysteries and perils!
Apprentice Greytalker
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Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:59 pm
Hello, everyone! I'm a long time gamer, but I'll admit I'm a relatively recent converter to Greyhawk. I was always a Forgotten Realms kind of guy until I ran the Age of Worms back in 2006. I really fell in love with the world then, even though I had played in it before. I've played through Patriots of Ulek and had quite a few characters killed in the Temple of Elemental Evil (actually some of them never even made it in).
I've used CanonFire as a reference for all things Greyhawk and I figured it was time to just join and start posting. Thanks for everyone's contributions. This really is a great resource!!
Name - Dustin
Age - 38
Location - San Diego, CA (for now, active duty military)
Started playing in - I don't entirely remember. Sometime in middle school, so I'd say probably 1989.
Rules/Edition - My first two games were 1st edition, then I switched to 2nd edition for a bit. Took a huge break from D&D and played White Wolf and Star Wars for ten years or more before coming back to 3E when it came out. Now I'm firmly a 3/3.5/Pathfinder fan, and I want to check out 5th but don't really have a group right now.
Forum Nick -Pronounced 'DIZZ-ah.' Any Wu-Tang fans might figure it out, but it's just the nickname my gaming group gave me. It comes from the RZA and the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan.
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Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:01 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Greetings all, I just recently found this forum and realized I had to register, for reasons I'll explain after I get the requisite information out of the way:
First Name: Kevin
Age: 39
Location: Massachusetts
When you started playing D&D: ~age 10? (mid to late 80s)
What rules you started with: Hodgepodge of Basic and Expert 1st ed
Forum Nick: combination of a couple things - I've always enjoyed Norse mythology and collected Thor comics as a child. My favorite horror movie of all time is Exorcist III, which was based on the book "Legion". So, Viking + Legion = VikingLegion.
I played through a bunch of the old "Known World" modules as a kid with my older brothers, but the concept of a campaign setting - shared with other players and evolving with new products - didn't really crystalize in my pre-teen mind until the late 80s and the rise in popularity of the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms products. I threw myself into those worlds, reading and learning all I could of them, and repeated this process with Ravenloft, Darksun, and the insanely imaginative Planescape settings. I've played most editions over the years, but won't list them all numerically, as I've heard tales that mention of a specific edition will summon a dreaded Lanthorn Demon to the thread.
Looking back many years later I feel oddly sad that I missed the boat on Greyhawk, and would like to learn more. I have a very rudimentary understanding of the setting - I know who heavyweights like Mordenkainen and Vecna are, and I recognize a few other characters, places, items and such, but for a world that contributed so many iconic items, monsters, spells, and ideas to the greater D&D universe, I feel I need to improve my knowledge, thus the registration.
I'll admit to being a little overwhelmed with this site on first glance. I guess I expected a small forum, with a tiny and dwindling population of die-hards fondly reminiscing. But the number of members/guests, and the sheer amount of subforums and threads has my head spinning. Can any grognard kindly point me to some kind of logical beginning? Ideally I'd love to see some kind of summary thread that explains the history and major "can't miss" people, places, and world-shaking events of Oerth that are absolutely mandatory. Once I get some kind of foundational knowledge base, I'll feel comfortable ranging out in other directions.
Thanks all for listening to my meandering ramble.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:08 am
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Hola, amgios! Please excuse if my English is awkward, I am first speaker of Spanish.
First Name? Lupe
Age? 22
Location? I am native of Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala, but now study at University of Florida, USA
When you started playing D&D? I think 2003, age 10
What rules you started with? I only ever use AD&D 2nd edition
where does your Forum Nick come from? This is my actual name! :)
I have played D&D for many years after learning from my aunt Maria, who was member here. Now that I study in USA and have unrestricted access to American internet sites, I make a new hobby of taking over Maria's web blog and researching new information for Greyhawk, most important to me are Amedio Jungle and Olman cultures.
Thank you for having web forum dedicated to D&D and Greyhawk world!
Paz y luz,
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From: LG Dyvers
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Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:05 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
Wow! Many new members to Canonfire! all at once. It's a pleasure to have so many new faces, er... avatars, among us.
VikingLegion wrote: |
I'll admit to being a little overwhelmed with this site on first glance. I guess I expected a small forum, with a tiny and dwindling population of die-hards fondly reminiscing. But the number of members/guests, and the sheer amount of subforums and threads has my head spinning. Can any grognard kindly point me to some kind of logical beginning? Ideally I'd love to see some kind of summary thread that explains the history and major "can't miss" people, places, and world-shaking events of Oerth that are absolutely mandatory. Once I get some kind of foundational knowledge base, I'll feel comfortable ranging out in other directions. |
As to advice for navigating the forum:
First, look to your left. The features box has direct links to many of the best pieces of information on this website, expecially the Greyhawk wiki, which appears over the City of Greyhawk coat of arms.
Second, to the top of the page is a link to the Articles section. Articles are written by Greyhawk fans and posted in subsections depending upon the article's subject matter, so you can better find the type of information you are looking for.
Third, check out the Oerth Journal and the Canonfire! Chronicles. I believe we have 26 editions of the Oerth Journal out now, but only issue #1 of the Canonfire! Chronicles. The OJ is akin to Dragon Magazine and the C!C is full of fan-written Greyhawk adventures, like Dungeon Magazine.
Though the link to the left doesn't work well, you can find OJs #1-25 here:
and OJ #026 here:
This is the best link I've found for C!C #001:
Fourth, we have the Forums, of course. Ask any question you like, and offer your 2 cents within any thread. Just do your best to keep any threads you start within the appropriate forum.
Well, those are the most useful sections of the website in my opinion. Others, yourself included, may find some other sections more useful, so explore.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
Last edited by SirXaris on Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:09 am
Nice Welcome there, SirXaris! We have 50 new members this year so far.
Also, issue 1 of Canonfire! Chronicles is available in the Downloads section HERE. For a minute there I thought it had somehow not been put up, or that something happened to it!
Welcome aboard everyone! Be sure to submit your own articles on whatever you wish to write about, whether it strictly follows canon material, is something that modifies canon material, or that follows canon material not at all- just so long as it is about GREYHAWK!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:26 am
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
VikingLegion wrote: |
...I'll admit to being a little overwhelmed with this site on first glance. I guess I expected a small forum, with a tiny and dwindling population of die-hards fondly reminiscing... |
-Well, plenty of that!
VikingLegion wrote: |
...Can any grognard kindly point me to some kind of logical beginning? ... |
To be honest, I started with the oldest thread and worked my way forward. Resulted in some interesting thread necromancy...
Last I checked, the search engine was busted, but you can go to a regualr search engine and look for what you want if you precede it with "Canonfire."
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Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:55 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
LupeDeltorre wrote: |
Hola, amgios! ... I have played D&D for many years after learning from my aunt Maria, who was member here. |
Hi there, Lupe! Nice to meet you! Your Tia was a beloved member here, and she wrote a great deal of stuff that many of us loved.
It's nice to know that you plan on continuing her blog! It would be incredibly cool to see her work continue! I've loved her page for years, and have sent many people to it, even after her passing.
Any friend (or family) of Mar's is a friend of ours! Welcome, and well-met! _________________ Owner and Lead Admin:<div>Editor-in-Chief of the Oerth Journal:</div><div>Visit my professional art gallery:</div>
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:42 pm
Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
VikingLegion wrote: |
... Can any grognard kindly point me to some kind of logical beginning? |
-Besides the basic sources (1983 Boxed set, etc), if I was going to recommend a single module, it would be T1, Village of Hommlet (and nearby moathouse). The village is a base for adventure for 1st level PCs, and the moathouse is the first target on the list. I've always like the flavor of the village, FWIW.
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Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:51 am
True name: Patrick
Age: 51 earth years
Loc: Western Michigan, USA (until the Vogons arrive)
Summer of 1980ish, Scout Camp
Expert iirc
Colossus, of X-Men fame, is my favorite X-Man. His skin turns into an Osmium-Steel alloy. First used the nickname on Olympia, old PBEM game. Osmium, or Osmium Steele, has been a favorite moniker ever since.
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:32 am
Welcome Patrick!
We're thrilled to meet another Greyhawk fan! Please feel free to join the fun by participating in any thread you like, starting new threads, and writing articles to submit for our enjoyment.
And, don't forget to join Greytalk Chat Thursday nights (tonight!) at about 10:00pm CST.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:13 pm
Howdy Patrick...Lived in K'zoo for 7 years, grad from WMU back in the day, when Rider's Hobby Shop was the only place to find D&D material.
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Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:42 am
Well met, Patrick. Rare is it among mutant fans to find somebody who isn't on the Wolverine bandwagon. I personally prefer Beast or Magneto (mainly b/c he tosses Wolvie around like a ferrous rag doll...and likely would do so with poor Piotr Rasputin, too!).
At any rate, welcome aboard. What current system do you prefer?
p.s. you gotta find a Colossus Avatar.
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Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:43 pm
Greetings fellow Greyhawkers.
My name is Raymond. I am older than dirt, I started playing AD&D back in 1981 and still prefer it to this day. Although I was raised in and abided in Georgia for most of my many years, I currently reside on the backside of South Florida. I call myself the Southern Gent because that is what I am and have always aspired to be. I just introduced my son and his buddy to the perils and hazards of Narwell after dark. It's fun seeing characters that fear kobalds and goblins.
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Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:55 am
jtylerk wrote: |
when Rider's Hobby Shop was the only place to find D&D material. |
The D&D section has shrunk a bit. Warhammer 40k is the largest gaming section now, but still my first stop for dice, miniatures, etc.
I'm a modeller too, so yeah, Rider's is the place.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:00 am
Lanthorn wrote: |
At any rate, welcome aboard. What current system do you prefer?
p.s. you gotta find a Colossus Avatar. |
AD&D, with some 2E thrown in for good measure. Taking a hard look at 5E. 3.x and 4E I could not stomach. Started getting too complicated. Became a game for min/maxxers and rules wonks.
Think Squad Leader vs. Advanced Squad Leader. (shiver)
Oooh, a colossus avatar it is!
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Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:14 pm
53 year old male 2E player from London, Ontario.
Love all the CF articles. I used a huge amount of them to come up with a history of Pholtus in the Flanaess. Do folk still post articles? As the vast majority of the work is purely the work of others, I have doubts on posting it. Would be as much work to get permission from original authors. It was only intended as a character role play thing.
Historica Pholtus in Flanaess is posted on docdroid but only so I could let my DM have a look at it.
Made it up to look like an illuminated manuscript, sort of.
I am thinking of posting it but would be a lot of work further, like I said, to contact original authors.
Do I need to? Can I just reference them?
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:31 pm
Welcome, Rom! We're glad you've enjoyed the fan material you found here on Canonfire!
As far as I know, it is fine to repost fan work as long as you abide by the following two rules:
1) You do not materially profit by it, and
2) You credit the original authors.
In other words, you don't need their specific permission to repost work other authors posted for free as long as you don't charge anything for it and you list them as the original authors (so no one thinks it's your original work).
I'm sure others will correct me if I'm wrong.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:31 am
Rom wrote: |
53 year old male 2E player from London, Ontario... |
So when does Lanthorn appear?
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Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:58 am
jamesdglick wrote: |
So when does Lanthorn appear?  |
Welcome to our 'club' Rom. You will find that a few of us still cling to the halcyon days of 2e, including yours truly. I commonly prowl the 2e Forum but make infrequent appearances at other ones, too.
Looking forward to hearing from you on the posts,
Lanthorn, 2e "Greeter"
Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:02 pm
Greetings Rom and welcome to Canonfire!
I replied to your query in the Reader's Workshop, but the notification seems to be malfunctioning for me. I'm assuming that you've already found the wiki, as you have obviously found the "Articles" link.
I hope you enjoy your association with the site. Canonfire! is the home of everything Greyhawk.
Enjoy and welcome again. _________________ Mystic's web page:
Mystic's blog page:
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Feb 06, 2011
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Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:41 am
I am glad to see that my thread I started all those years ago is still running strong ...
It is good to be back!
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From: LG Dyvers
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Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:57 pm
Welcome back, DH. We're glad you're here.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:47 pm
Shame on me for not joining Canonfire! ages ago; well, better late than never, I suppose.
I got into WORLD OF GREYHAWK® due to 3e using it as the default—kind of a cheap excuse, but being that it was Gygax's creation also made it feel more "wholesome" to me; I enjoy the other settings for their individual players, but my longest running and favorite character, Quintessa, will always be tied to the Flanaess—while initially created in SoulCalibur her being a fair-skinned, white-haired, vain, conceited, selfish, self-centered, egotistical sorceress just screamed "Suel" to me.
(I really need to clean up her backstory, though).
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:13 pm
Welcome aboard, and happy posting!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Tue May 29, 2018 10:11 am
Greetings All,
I've been campaigning in Greyhawk since the Folio was released. It is still my favorite sourcebook and Ive recently been posting on my blog with collection of data culled from its pages and some expansion work inspired bby the entries.
Bryan B's CF facebook page inspired me to signup here and particpate in the community.
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Thu May 31, 2018 4:13 pm
Welcome to CF! JasonZavoda.
We share one awesome first name, and if you play 2e, then you are doubly blessed!
see you around,
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From: LG Dyvers
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Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:54 am
Welcome to Canonfire!, Jason! We are pleased to have you join us.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:49 pm
Noticed my CF level title. Apprentice Greytalker - That's just wrong.
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:52 am
n00b! You gotta post some more, and then it will change...or maybe we can see about some other remedy.  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:19 am
Cebrion wrote: |
n00b! You gotta post some more, and then it will change...or maybe we can see about some other remedy.  |
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Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:36 pm
Nice to see you Jason. Welcome!
Apprentice Greytalker
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Tue May 21, 2019 6:38 am
Howdy all, definitely a newbie here. Though not around the D&D fora in general. I'm assuming I'm here because of grodog. :)
Nice to meet you and wonderful to recognize some names!
Be well,
--Ron-- _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Tue May 21, 2019 6:42 am
I'm guessing new folks can't upload avatars. :D
Feeling kinda naked without Stormwatch over to the left.  _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Tue May 21, 2019 5:53 pm
Welcome aboard rredmond. You are obviously a Jethro Tull fan (me too).
happy posting and prowling the boards,
Lanthorn of 2e
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Wed May 22, 2019 5:49 am
Thanks! And I figured it out. ;)
But yup, a big Tull fan.
Thanks again for the welcome!
--Ron-- _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Thu May 23, 2019 5:50 am
Greeting Ron REdmond
rredmond wrote: |
I'm assuming I'm here because of grodog. :)
Nice to meet you and wonderful to recognize some names! |
Glad to have you around, Ron!
Nice to see you here!
Speaking of avatars, I need to get around to updating mine! This one's … a "few" years old.  _________________ Owner and Lead Admin:<div>Editor-in-Chief of the Oerth Journal:</div><div>Visit my professional art gallery:</div>
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Thu May 23, 2019 7:56 am
Re: Greeting Ron REdmond
Icarus wrote: |
Glad to have you around, Ron!
Nice to see you here!
Speaking of avatars, I need to get around to updating mine! This one's … a "few" years old.  |
Holy crap, it's good to see you!
It's been a while since we rolled dice together at grodog's ancestral home. A long while. Hope everything is good!
--Ron-- _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Thu May 23, 2019 11:00 am
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Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:47 am
Hey, everyone!!! Micah from Kentucky here. I'm another old school player (my high school years were during the From the Ashes-era). I just recently started running a campaign for my eight year old, my six year old, and four of their friends. I'm currently running the Tyranny of Dragons series, but I've set it in Greyhawk. We're nearing the end of Hoard, and so I'm beginning to realize that their are several Orders from the Realms that I'm going to have to translate into Greyhawk Orders. So it's a lot of work, but I wouldn't abandon the Greyhawk setting for anything! Anyway, it's nice to find a community that continues to explore the Flanaess.
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Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:36 am
Welcome Micah!
Enjoy the forums. :)
--Ron-- _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:41 am
Well met, traveller!
Greetings to all!
Since I don't feel the need to open a new thread, I join this illustrious parade.
My name is Rasmus and I've been enjoying D&D for at least fifteen of my thirty-one years. I come from and live in Germany, and my first edition might have been AD&D 2nd - but as indicated above, consciously and knowingly I started with D&D 3rd.
My nickname is (easily recognizable) based on my real name, for that little extra kick mixed with the band "The Rasmus" who were a one-hit wonder in Germany in 2003.
In order to give my current Age of Worms campaign the right Greyhawk polish, I've been following Canonfire for quite some time and finally the registration has worked. I'm looking forward to seeing you!
-r _________________ There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want...
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Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:30 am
Re: Well met, traveller!
TheRasmus wrote: |
Greetings to all!
… {/quote]Hi there, and welcome! Glad to have you around and posting on the boards!
TheRasmus wrote: |
My nickname is (easily recognizable) based on my real name, for that little extra kick mixed with the band "The Rasmus" who were a one-hit wonder in Germany in 2003. |
I have to admit, I didn't get the reference to it being your real name, parsed with the band. |
TheRasmus wrote: |
In order to give my current Age of Worms campaign the right Greyhawk polish,... |
That's *awesome*. AoW is probably one of my favorite adventures ever. I've run it four times. … although, parties never seem to finish it, because they breakup too soon, someone moves, characters die, etc.
Glad to have you here! Again, welcome! _________________ Owner and Lead Admin:<div>Editor-in-Chief of the Oerth Journal:</div><div>Visit my professional art gallery:</div>
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Mon Aug 26, 2019 9:44 am
Re: Well met, traveller!
Dear Icarus,
thank you so much for your welcome!
Icarus wrote: |
AoW is probably one of my favorite adventures ever. I've run it four times. … although, parties never seem to finish it, because they breakup too soon, someone moves, characters die, etc. |
Well... My campaign began in early 2016 (gosh, three years already!) and my group will reach Greyhawk in the next session, making an entrance for Chapter IV (that's... one year per chapter. Oh golly).
Alas, we had a TPK in Chapter II on the encounter against Theldrick and his minios. But we all decided to move on and my players rolled up new characters.
How far did your most durable group come? _________________ There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want...
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Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:03 am
Re: Well met, traveller!
TheRasmus wrote: |
... we had a TPK in Chapter II on the encounter against Theldrick and his minios. But we all decided to move on and my players rolled up new characters. |
You know, that seems to happen a lot … I've had almost everyone blunder/stumble straight into the Citadel of Hextor, trigger the alarm, stomp in rushing forward, and trigger most all the encounters in the place, and try to make a stand in the Battle Temple.
Almost never works out well.
TheRasmus wrote: |
How far did your most durable group come? |
Just past Part 5: The Champion's Belt, but, only barely to the intro to Part 06: A Gathering of Winds. … returning to Diamond Lake and just after the fight with the black dragon, Ilthane. … but, not into the rest of going back to the Whispering Cairn, or Icosiol's Tomb. _________________ Owner and Lead Admin:<div>Editor-in-Chief of the Oerth Journal:</div><div>Visit my professional art gallery:</div>
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Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:21 am
Name? David Leonard
Age? 54
Location? Timmins, Ontario
When you started playing D&D? 1982
What rules you started with? A mix of AD&D PHB and Maldvay Red Box (it's What we had at the time)
Where does your Forum Nick come from? It's a cryptic thing that I'll keep to myself, thanks.
What can I say? I bought the Greyhawk Campaign Setting Box Set when it came out, but I was homebrewing at the time; I stole a lot from the Box, but didn't set my campaign in Greyhawk, intimidated by how large the world actually was, not realizing that my homebrewing was exactly how Gary expected me to flesh out his world, one small area at a time. My little world actually looked and felt a lot like Ratik then, even though I hardly even glanced at that part of Darlene's map at the time. I certainly didn't give any region much thought as my eyes grazed that map.
Then I began to read the Gord novels, after I'd inhaled the first Dragonlace trilogy. The Forgotten Realms novels were coming out about same time, if I recall properly, and they all but drowned out all the other settings. Everything became about Forgotten Realms. Everything became about Drizz't. I loved Drizz't, until I didn't anymore. He became super "human." Unlike Gord, who always seemed to remain human, even as he eventually became a hero, even though he never wanted to be one, and certainly never saw himself as one. That's what made me love Gord.
Only years later did I discover that when I thought about D&D I thought about Greyhawk. Maybe because that's where all the original AD&D modules were set.
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Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:32 am
Welcome to Greyhawk!
Well, welcome Snafu!!
I don't think I'd ever expected myself to be welcoming a "SNAFU". LOL
There's a lot of us around here who have a similar story to yours.
Played in the early days, and later realized that Greyhawk and D&D were synonymous in our mindset. :P
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Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:30 am
Welcome SNAFU... to the enduring wellspring of all that is Greyhawk.... Don't be a shy lurker (thats my job hehe) divein and dig .........and ask .......and you will find ..........a wealth of info that is often between the lines of errata published and seasoned with time.
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From: LG Dyvers
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Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:42 pm
Welcome SNAFU. It is always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow Greyhawk enthusiast. We are glad to have you join the conversations. :)
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:19 am
Welcome David!!
--Ron-- _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:40 am
Well let's get this initial intro over and done....
First Name? Shane
Age? 50
Location? Minnesota
When you started playing D&D? 81-82
What rules you started with? Basic Red set img <img> </img>
where does your Forum Nick come from? Crimson--as in blood--deth--as in death I play Vamire and World of Darkness a lot.. 23--as in Discordia
Well, I started gaming at age 12 in 1981. My parents bought me the Basic Set as an Xmas gift. Got the Expert soon after that. Moved over to AD&D when I joined another party for the first time, playing the A series. Bought the '83 ed. of Greyhawk and really never wanted to run anywhere else. Sure, I adventured in the FR, Ravenloft, DL, but have always DMed Greyhawk and modiefied KnownWorld/Mystara adventures. I joined the RPGA when I was 13. I start gaming pbm much later. Getting in with the pbm group opened up another avenue where we created a RPGA sanctioned club: Dragonslayers Unlimited! I was Vice Preseident of the group for 2 terms (4 years). I stopped gaming for awhile after I moved to MN back in the '90s. I played a few times after that. When I gamed alot, I had most of the AD&D 1st ed and 2nd ed. books. After I got married, I really did not have , or find the time. I went back to school: IT. I started working in IT before graduating.
Now, my daughter's fiance has started gaming. His group is doing the Saltmarsh thing. He asked if I would be able to run another campaign-so that's where I am. Never did 3rd or 4th ed and am still learning all about
5th. But editions aside--Greyhawk is Greyhawk!
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Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:18 pm
Re: Crimsondeth23
crimsondeth23 wrote: |
But editions aside--Greyhawk is Greyhawk! |
Welcome Crimson Death!
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Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:35 am
Welcome Shane!
Great intro. _________________ <div>Unseen Servant for PbP</div><div></div>
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Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:02 pm
Lol! Welcome Crimsondeth23!
I laugh because reading your bio sounded like my alter-ego had set up an account here without me knowing it. 😋
I am 50 now, too. My bio is on page one (have I been a member that long?). It doesn't have as much info as yours, but other than location, the rest of your bio could be inserted into mine accurately.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:21 am
I think waaay too many people probably thought the same thing. Much to similar to myself as well!
Welcome aboard crimsondeth23!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:04 pm
Welcome Crimsondeth23 from a fellow cold enduring Minnesota RPGer.
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Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:42 pm
Hello everyone!
First Name: Peter
Age: 34
Location: Nijmegen, the Netherlands
When you started playing D&D: 1996, age 11
What rules you started with: AD&D 2nd Edition
where does your Forum Nick come from: Silvermane was my first PC, a drow (c'mon! I was 11 at the time...) Fighter/Mage/Thief. He never actually got past level 3 as I DM'ed most of the time. I've used him in various campaigns as a quest-giving NPC. Now, I have converted him to 5th edition rules playing Ghosts of Saltmarsh, where he is a Wizard (Bladesinger)/Rogue (Assassin).
Honestly, I love Greyhawk. I was introduce to (A)D&D by my brother at age 11. He lended me the blue City of Greyhawk box, the grey Wars box and the crimson From the Ashes box and I devoured them whole cloth. What a fantastical world!
Over time, I drifted away from Greyhawk as I developed and homebrewed my own settings. Now, I'm coming home to the Flanaess as a player, and I plan to set my next campaign as DM on Oerth as well.
Nice to meet you all!
Black Hand of Oblivion
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Wed Nov 13, 2019 1:37 am
What DM doesn't play vicariously through the persons of their NPC's? Ergo, Silvermane is awesome!!! Welcome aboard, and happy posting!  _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -
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From: LG Dyvers
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Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:32 pm
Welcome, Silvermane!
And, in support of Cebrion's point above, Sir Xaris the Paladin was my first character (which I began while DMing 😉).
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Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:44 pm
Silvermane wrote: |
Hello everyone!
First Name: Peter
Age: 34
Location: Nijmegen, the Netherlands
When you started playing D&D: 1996, age 11
What rules you started with: AD&D 2nd Edition
Nice to meet you all! |
Well met, Silvermane. It will be my posting mission to get you to return to 2nd Edition.
All the same, welcome aboard, and I look forward to your future posts (find me prowling 2e forum a lot...).
-Lanthorn (my elf, nicknamed "Lanthorn," started out as a fighter/mage, but when the Complete Book of Elves came out, I retrofitted him into a bladesinger kit where he remains to this very day)
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Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:35 pm
I actually reacquired the 2E core rulebooks last year. When I first played D&D, I used the "Black Book" 2E rulebooks, which I sold off in the transition to 3E in 2000. I found the original covers secondhand on the interwebs in 2018, including the Monstrous Compendium box!
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Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:57 am
hi I am Mark from South Africa
Nice to see you
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From: LG Dyvers
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Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:56 pm
Welcome, Mark!
We are happy that you have chosen to join us here on Canonfire! Don't be afraid to join in any of the forums/threads. Ask questions, post your opinions, and tell your stories. If it involves the World of Greyhawk, we love it!
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Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:37 pm
Hello guys!
First Name: Raphael
Age: 19
Location: Mogi Mirim, Brazil
When you started playing D&D: July 2019
What rules you started with: D&D 5e
My nickname is my real life nickname hehe, my players call me by it
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Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:55 pm
Hi Ralf!
Welcome aboard. Your post made me realise that I have never introduced myself here!
Prefer not to give too many personal details but I am in the UK & started playing in the early 1980's with the Basic rules Red Box (so, Mentzer, I think).
I was lurking here for quite a few years before I started actually posting about this time last year!
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Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:19 pm
Welcome Ralf and Drivebyposter!
We are glad you have joined our club.
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Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:29 am
Age: 30
Location: Texas, USA
I did a bit of D&D growing up, but didn't get seriously involved (with a long-running, regular group) until 5th edition, about 5 years ago. I only really got into Greyhawk a couple of years ago, starting by chasing down references to Tharizdun, and quickly found myself buying up a bunch of books...
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:17 pm
WingofCoot wrote: |
Age: 30
Location: Texas, USA
I did a bit of D&D growing up, but didn't get seriously involved (with a long-running, regular group) until 5th edition, about 5 years ago. I only really got into Greyhawk a couple of years ago, starting by chasing down references to Tharizdun, and quickly found myself buying up a bunch of books... |
Welcome! There is a ton of material here and people to answer questions.
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Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:21 am
WingofCoot wrote: |
I only really got into Greyhawk a couple of years ago, starting by chasing down references to Tharizdun, and quickly found myself buying up a bunch of books... |
Searching for Tharizdun lead you to Greyhawk. Very Cthulu-esque.
Welcome to the dark side, WingofCoot.
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:25 am
Hello (from France)
First name : Waldo
born 69
RPGs since 84
Comming back to GreyHawk after long years of oblivion with my D&D5e campain of Saltmarsh (576CY). Actually working on the Keoland Navy for my GreyHawk fork. Lot of questions looking for answers made me come here...
Thanks all for all this and that
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:40 pm
Welcome TristeLune!
Searching "Saltmarsh" in the Forums will raise numerous threads that should interest you. Feel free to post in any of them.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:53 pm
TristeLune wrote: |
Hello (from France)
First name : Waldo
born 69
RPGs since 84
Comming back to GreyHawk after long years of oblivion with my D&D5e campain of Saltmarsh (576CY). Actually working on the Keoland Navy for my GreyHawk fork. Lot of questions looking for answers made me come here...
Thanks all for all this and that |
Welcome! Question asking is encouraged.
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Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:43 am
Thank you again for your welcome,
I've already started to dig and indeed many interesting sources intersect here.
They give me a lot of material for my elucubrations.
By the way, I plan to create a GreyHawk thread on my site, and, I was wondering if there is somewhere to explain what is my margin of maneuver in this regard (copyrights, creations, etc. ...).
Especially since I don't necessarily intend to follow the official line : I play in 576CY, and there are already some nuances in my campaign with From The Asches due to the elements I want to make players play. I don't know anything about copyright on the subject, and, as a result, I know nothing about my freedom of maneuver.
A good day to all
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Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:46 pm
Greg is the name in the realm of Mortals.
This husk in which I reside has seen 53 years.
I began this love/hate relationship with D&D with First edition, in USMC boot camp of all places in 1985.
Over the years I’ve played, and lost a few good friends. You might call them “characters”.
Sporadically a DM, but not a great one.
When my last, great character died, (unfairly of course), I wanted nothing further to do with this annoying game.
After much Jack Daniels, and no small amount of begging, my crew convinced me to rejoin the party. I rolled up the most annoying character I could possibly contrive. Darromere Draveneh, a female drow F/M/T. Figuring she would die quickly and they’d leave me alone. After a change sex curse and no small amount of crazy luck, she has become Reximus Starstrider. Leader of the Valley of the Mage. Lord of the Daoin Enial. (House of Stars), Master of the Abbey of the Night Tiger.
After all this time, it is good to come to this place and continue the story.
Reximus has returned.
My son, 24 and daughter 20, now play in this realm. One must keep a close eye on ones kin.
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From: LG Dyvers
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Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:17 am
Welcome to Canonfire! Ranxaeroth, and well met!
It sounds like there is a fine tradition of Greyhawk in your family. My own children and I are about the same age as you and yours. I raised my kids on D&D and they turned out well-tempered to face the challenges of the real world after the difficult challenges they have overcame in the World of Greyhawk.
SirXaris _________________ SirXaris' Facebook page:
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Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:39 pm
Rolling dice, designing dungeons, running games and hopelessly addicted since discovering Red Box Basic in 1988 at the age of 10.
My forum nickname comes from, well... I guess sometimes players shouldn't be afraid to retreat and come back to adventure again another day
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Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:14 am
Awesome, Jimmy! You sound like you run my kind of game.
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Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:38 pm
Hello seniors! I'm new here!:з
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Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:55 am
Welcome to Canonfire! and the World of Greyhawk, SammanthaRoss! We are always happy to meet new youngbloods.
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Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:04 pm
Hello all. You may have seen me on the discord. I'm Matthew. New to Greyhawk and to DMing in general. Glad to be here.
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Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:19 am
A Howdie from a fellow Matthew. Enjoy Greyhawk and DMing. This is a great site to ask questions regardless of what edition you play.
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Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:56 am
Hey everyone
I've been involved in a campaign which my brother ran of the 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh - since we finished that I took over DMing and moved the campaign to Gradsul. This site has been SO helpful in me learning about Greyhawk - such a rich history and interesting setting. Figured I'd finally sign up here and say hi!
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac
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Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:49 pm
Re: Hey everyone
Peregrine23 wrote: |
I've been involved in a campaign which my brother ran of the 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh - since we finished that I took over DMing and moved the campaign to Gradsul. This site has been SO helpful in me learning about Greyhawk - such a rich history and interesting setting. Figured I'd finally sign up here and say hi!
Kendall |
Canonfire is a great resource and the discord is as well but also a lot of fun.