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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:12 am  
NPCs from My Campaign

NPC - Ozet - Star Flower - Tiger Nomad

Ozet (or Star Flower) is a Wind Daughter, she is both shaman and warrior among all the tribes of the Tiger Nomads. One thousand woman horse-archers are hers to command and she rides the lands of her people searching out their enemies and hunts them down.

The Wind Daughters settle disputes among the Tiger Nomads, exile or kill criminals, hunt monsters and generally act as judge, jury and executioner. They do not raid but remain always within the boundaries set by the tribes as the lands of the Tiger Nomads. They will stop strangers and bring them before the Tribal Leaders for judgement.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:29 am  

Sarnai - Golden Flower - Tiger Nomad

Sarnai is the leader of the Kral Olo or Curse Finders. She hunts magic that would harm the Tiger Nomads. Many an agent of Iuz and the Horned Society have been revealed by the Kral Olo but also creatures and items that have been brought to Tiger Nomad lands. Some ancient places are marked as forbidden by the Curse Finders and some spots are protected as sacred.

There are 1,000 members of the Kral Olo, a holy number, among the Tiger Nomads.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:23 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:34 pm  

Amaris - Half-Elf -Cleric/Ranger Str 13/ Wis 17/ Dex 17

Amaris was brought up on the outskirts of Greyhawk with no memory of her parents. She was found wandering along the edges of the Gnarley Forest by a hunter and was raised among his own large brood of children. Her Half-elven heritage was readily apparent but whether it was her mother or her father who was the human was unknown. The elves of Celene and their kin would not acknowledge her and no one in the area north and east of the Gnarley knew where she had come from.

Her adopted father Calder at first took no more interest in her than his other numerous children but soon her natural ability at woodscraft and her skill with the bow made her his constant companion. With Calder's son Jerek and his daughter Caren, both older than Amaris, he hunted up and down the east of the Gnarley and sold his pelts, smoked meats and exotic catches to buyers in the City of Greyhawk itself. It was there that Amaris became devotee of the Wandering God Fharlanghn.

For many years Amaris wandered the Gnarly Forest and the Welkwood increasing her skills as a ranger and practicing her faith among those that needed the God's bounty. She became a companion to a Half-Elf druid who had a grove in the northern Welkwood but on his death at the hands of a group of mercenaries in the service of the Elder Elemental God she began to devote herself to hunting all such down.

While Amaris will still help those in need, especially wanderers, she is now found more often on quests involving the death of cultist, brigands and rogues or the despoiling of their places of power or worship. She turns to her bow more often than her prayers to Fharlanghn and is much distrusting and wary than her younger self would ever have imagined.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:34 am  

NPC - Rusty

Outwardly Rusty is a typical Rust Monster but in actuality he was a skilled blacksmith who ran afoul of a powerful Sorceror with an ironic sense of humor. He has the normal abilities of a Rust Monster but the mind of the man he once was. The Wizard Talberth discovered him held in a cage of bone in the caverns of the Drow but was unable to dispel the powerful enchantment. Currently Rusty helps to guard the Wizard's mansion in the town of Hochoch but slowly the mind of the man is disappearing leaving only a fading memory in the body of the monster.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:52 pm  

I really enjoyed these. I love reading about characters, specifically character backgrounds tied to the WoG. I'm a little surprised this isn't a whole lot more of that. I could easily imagine a repository of NPC characters created by the WoG community and listed by race, alignment, level and location etc.

Then you could search it for NPCs to insert into your campaign or browse it for inspiration.

I really liked you first three characters especially.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:50 pm  

Phalastar wrote:
I really enjoyed these. I love reading about characters, specifically character backgrounds tied to the WoG. I'm a little surprised this isn't a whole lot more of that. I could easily imagine a repository of NPC characters created by the WoG community and listed by race, alignment, level and location etc.

Then you could search it for NPCs to insert into your campaign or browse it for inspiration.

I really liked you first three characters especially.

I think I have about a hundred done on my blog and I need to start doing some new ones. You can find more of my recent NPCs in my Spinecastle thread here.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:41 pm  


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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:39 am  

The High Priestess of Istus has no name. She has become the living voice of the Goddess. Her clergy wanders not only the Baklunish lands and the Flanaess but also all lands that can be reached where those who would learn of their fate wish to hear the words of the Goddess.

In Ekbir the cult of Istus is very powerful, though at times they have been outlawed, hunted and driven into the shadows. It is in Ekbir that the house of Istus stands. Greater temples in size and splendor exist, and temples much, much older, but here is the chair of the high priestess, the wheel of fate behind her. The clerics and seers and prophets wander, but the High Priestess does not and the powerful and the rich and the great come to her.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:18 am  

Madame Sartenna

Madame Sartenna runs a very expensive and exclusive brothel in the Nobles Quarter of the City of Greyhawk. unbenowest to the outside world she is aa powerful necromancer and her six ladies of the night are apprentices. Not all who enter the doors of her establishment leave. In the sewers beneath her mansion are a growing number of undead. While she calls herself Rima Sartenna now her real name is Aggleroot Wortstinger.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:44 pm  

Khelaret is of Madame Sartenna's 'Ladies'. She is of half-elven blood and Sartenna's second apprentice. She is more inclined to witchcraft than necromancy and having skills in both has proven helpful to Madame Sartenna.

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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:35 pm  
Z'Lee and Ketch

Z'Lee and Ketch

Z'lee and Ketch come from a small tribe of lizardmen who share a community with the people of Saltmarsh, a prosperous port-town that has benifited enormously from this alliance. The pair had barely grown their first legs when adventurers raided their caves and only the actions of a druidess in the party saved the tribe and the town of Saltmarsh from disaster. The tribe, called 'Yellow-bellies' by humans not of the community, has grown very large and Z'lee and Ketch led an expedition in search of a possible colony site. The pair have been half-raised by humans and adventurers in particular and both possess the skills of low-level rangers rather than just those of lizardmen their age.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 7:28 pm  


Groth is a sub-chieftain from an Orcish tribe in Drachensgrab Hills. Dark things are afoot in the hills and Groth's tribe, The Blooddrinkers, has come under the influence of an unsavory necromancer. Under the tutelage of the necromancers fighter guardsmen Groth is now a 5th level fighter. He wears a suit of +2 Banded Mail, carries a shield that gives his followers +1 to hit if they are within a 30ft radius of Groth while he carries the shield openly on his arm and a -1 to hit to all enemies withina 30ft radiusne.. His mace is an unholy weapon that causes an extra d6 damage to clerics and paladins and is +2 to hit and damage

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:30 am; edited 2 times in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:44 pm  

Krellk & Slather

Krellk is a Goblin chieftain of a large tribe of Wolf-riding goblins that raid along the Wild Coast. Aided by their vicious steed-allies they are a force to be recognized with even among the orcs and smaller Gnoll tribes of the area. Killk and his riders have slain many a human and even the occasional ogre due to their unusual ferocity and tactics. All of Killk's goblins have become proficient with the short bow and will only close after their arrows have heavily cut down the numbers of their foes or wounded them. Krillk uses his mobility and numbers to very good effect, always scouting and patrolling while withdrawing if the odds are not in his favor.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:33 am; edited 2 times in total

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:28 pm  

These are interesting NPCs, which I may steal for my own campaigns. Happy

Please edit this bit about Groth:
"...carries a shield that gives his followers +1 to hit if they are within a 30ft radius of Groth while he carries the shield openly on his arm and a -1 to hit to all enemies withina 30ft radiusne.. "

I think you mean that it gives his enemies a -1 'to hit' when within 30'...

And, you spelled Krellk/Killk two different ways. Wink

Thanks for sharing! Smile

SirXaris' Facebook page:
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:49 am  


In the Pomarj hills a gathering of Goblin shamans from many tribes has occurred and a supreme shaman has been chosen. Mi'Kraw once of the small, and now extinct, Blisterfoot tribe. He has power beyond the reckoning of any Goblin wielding his spells as a 9th level cleric. His skull totem allows him to raise zombies and animate skeletons. Ghouls fear him and obey his commands while stronger undead are loathe to challenge him or remain in the presence of his skull totem. He bears a sword called 'Frostblade" which is +3 to hit and damage and on a natural 20 causes 2d6 ice damage extra. He wears several protective charms and amulets and the skull of a demon as a helmet. The demon skull protects him from charms and fire damage.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:35 am; edited 2 times in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:37 am  

SirXaris wrote:
These are interesting NPCs, which I may steal for my own campaigns. Happy

Please edit this bit about Groth:
"...carries a shield that gives his followers +1 to hit if they are within a 30ft radius of Groth while he carries the shield openly on his arm and a -1 to hit to all enemies withina 30ft radiusne.. "

I think you mean that it gives his enemies a -1 'to hit' when within 30'...

And, you spelled Krellk/Killk two different ways. Wink

Thanks for sharing! Smile


Thanks! I need to update and revise most of these.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:44 am  


Snakelegs is one of the brood of Snakebiter Chieftain of the Snakebiter tribe. This large orc tribe numbers close to a thousand and are the largest and most powerful tribe in the high northern hills of the Principality of Ulek.

Snakelegs is amazingly strong and wields an ancient orcish stone mace. It adds 4 points to a orcs strength and is a + 2 to hit +6 to damage. Snakelegs wields a necklace of Ogre teeth that act as an amulet of +2 protection +4 versus Ogres. His Hide armor is normal smelly badly cured wild boar while his shield causes a -1 to hit to any enemy viewing it.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:40 am  

Weems Half-Elven

Weems was born and bred in the City of Greyhawk. His mother was an elven maiden, enslaved, who caught the eye of a master thief who stole her and rescued her from the hiring market (a half truth as a good amount of those hired end up nearly as slaves and the rest are simply slaves no matter what piece of parchment their owners hold which may say differently). From his father he learned the thieving skills and his an excellent burglar, lockpicker and disarmer of traps. He has a fondness for Druid's Weed, a mild hallucinogen which he smokes in dreamy melancholy lethargy

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:38 am; edited 2 times in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:18 am  

Hinchcliffe's Band - Ram-Man

The wizard Hunchcliffe is a proud alumni of the Grey College and an experimentor in mutations. The Ram-Man were his most successful experiments. These 3hd monsters are as intelligent as most peasants but more tractable. They disdain armor (mainly because Hinchcliffe hasn't bought them any and favor shields. Their flesh is tough and resiliant giving them a natural AC6 with shield it is AC5. Thery have a 50% resistance to magic and are immune to charm and mind control, Hinchcliffe has armed them with axes, morningstars and spears (which they throw fairly well). The are voracious eaters. So far they have all proven sterile and are only produced in the flesh-vats beneath the hidden hill Hinchcliffe calls home.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:51 am  

Hinchcliffe the Wizard

Hinchcliffe has always had a thing for hats but very poor taste. He was a promising student of the Grey College in the City of Greyhawk and chose the life of an adventurer rather than as an academic. he and his companions were monstrously successful in their adventures and Hinchcliffe retired to a ruined tower in the foothills of the Griff mountains to pursue experiments in the creation of monsters and creatures of the flesh. He is best known for his Ram-Men that have helped him carve out a small domain among the monstrous north of that region though the location of his tower and the ever growing dungeons beneath is known only to a few.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:48 pm  

Hinchcliffe and his Ram-Men sound interesting, but 50% magic resistance seems over the top.

SirXaris' Facebook page:

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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:57 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
Hinchcliffe and his Ram-Men sound interesting, but 50% magi resistance seems over the top.


It makes them much more useful in mid to high level adventures when magic and area-effect spells flow more freely.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:19 pm  

Ringfinger the Mage

Ringfinger has taken enough lip from this magic mouth.

His family were mild nobility from Rel Astra but fled to the Grandwood Forest and he was raised among the Freefolk. From childhood his life was one of adventure, He became apprentice to a mage known for the crafting of minor items of magical power and spent years assisting in the enchantment of rings. He wears three enchanted rings upon each finger, each balanced in their magick to not interfere with the power of each other. As Ringfingers own power grew so did the enchantments he cast upon the rings he crafted. One allows him to fall as a feather, another to disintegrate matter, another to send a bolt of lightning, another to render himself invisible should the need arise. It is said he has crafted rings for all the spells he has learned but only he knows if that is true.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:47 pm  

The God-Queen Neferu of Zeif

Before the Rain of Colorless Fire and the Invoked Devestation laid waste to the Suel and the Baklunish, there was a mighty dynasty in the west The ruling families were of great power and were worshipped as Gods but they were a divided lot and warred upon each other as the warred upon their chief rival the Suel Imperium. One of the lesser members of this dynastic family was Neferu. Her father ruled over the province of Zeif while she reined as the queen of air and fire in the great temple. The Invoked Devastation buried temple and turned the green land around it to Djinn cursed sand. Only recently have the doors to the inner chamber been found and opened and it is said Neferu walks again, much to the concern of Zeif's Sultan.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:29 pm  

Agis-Snel the Sage

Soothsayers are easy to find but an honest and trustworthy Sage of experience and ability is a rare treasure. As Agis-Snel says, "A good Sage is not cheap and a cheap Sage is not good. Agis is very good indeed and very expensive. He also keeps secrets at no extra charge.

Snel was born in Verbobonc but apprenticed to a Scholar in the City of Greyhawk. It was there amid the ancient tomes and current bustle of the city that he learned his craft and gained his reputation. An older man now, he has returned to Verbobonc and practices a limited consultation for high fees, but is said to be worth every copper he charges by his surviving customers.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:55 am; edited 2 times in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:53 pm  

Bhionn the Half-Drow

During the giant's invasion of Geoff it was found that the Drow were actually the masterminds behind the attacks. Many slaves were taken to the underoerth to serve the Drow and Bhionn's mother was one such captive. A Drow matron raised several of the resulting half-breeds and Bhionn became a sorceress in the service of Elemntal Evil in opposition to Lolth. She has no difficulty with sunlight though her unnaturally pale flesh shows the heritage of her Drow father.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:13 am  

Albrecht the Bearded and his Imp Familiar Xertur

Albrecht,seen here casting a minor spell to protect himself from incoming missiles, was an adventurer of some repute from the County of Sunndi, but suffered a complete personality change as the sole survivor to an expedition to the Vast Swamp.

After disappearing for a number of years he was reported as having established a small stronghold amid the Orc tribes of the Pomarj accompanied now by an Imp familiar named Xertur of unsavory repute.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:14 pm  

Baron Ambrus of Blackmoor and his Half-Shedu Mount Gyozo

The mysterious land of Blackmoor is in no way made less so by the appearance of Baron Ambrus flying near the southern borders upon his mount Gyozo, a half-Shedu (some say half Manticore). The pair are accompanied by a half-dozen guardsmen on Gryphons and often stop to converse with merchant men and travellers who make the long trip to the forbidding northern land.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Dec 03, 2020 7:44 pm  

Azagba - Warrior Chief of the Hepmonland Forest Hunter Tribe

Azagba leads several allied tribes of Hepmonland natives. His weapons and armor are enchanted by tribal shamans or relics passed down from his forefathers. His people are along the northern coast and have the greatest contact with people from thre Flanaess.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:25 am  

Hugo Claydog of Hommlet

Hugo is a newcommer to Hommlet. He, like many others, came to work on the rising tower and castle and stayed as after roving his worth. He works as a hunter and forester and spends little time in Hommlet itself. He is actually a ranger of some skill and serves the druid and the Old Faith. He is likely to be recommended as a guide to any adventurers new to the area.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:52 pm  

Master, Journeyman Apprentice

The magician Muddock his journeyman Grigg and the apprentice Froggly. Muddock in his youth served as a naval wizard upon the Nyr Dyv but never had a liking for it. When he set off on his own he avoided the water and eventually settled near Verbobonc and the northern spur of the Gnarley Forest.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:59 pm  

Aspect of Iuz

Upon his release from the imprisonment of Zagig a vast vision of Iuz as the great king appeared above his northern lands. It is in this form that he is often seen upon his throne.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:02 am  

Red Lion of Furyondy

The Red Lion is a knight of Furyondy, a powerful warrior with a following of a hundred-men-at-arms, several squires, a band of archer/rangers and a train of wagoners with supplies. He is a small army unto himself and said to be only answerable to the king.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:44 am  

Zsolt and Kata

One of the many calamities of the giant invasion of Geoff was a plague of undead that swept across the unoccupied lands. It is believed that so may unburied and unconsecrated dead were the cause but some adventurers blame an ancient Suel tomb that had been discovered during the occupation and awakened by rebels attempting to use it as a base.

The ranger-maid Kata and the wild barbarian Zsolt, both natives of Bissel, are said to have found the Suel tomb and ended the incursion of undead.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:55 am  

Lyosha the Blade

Lyosha is a mercenary warrior and oftentimes bandit who has made his way down to the City of Greyhawk from his native Stonefist. He always said he is a descendant of the terrible tyrant Vlek, but since Vlek is said to have had over 600 children most Stonefisters can honestly say that Vlek is an ancestor.

He is skilled at two weapon fighting and has come across several enchanted blades. He is best known for his singular magical item, the cod-piece of gonad protection.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:11 am  

Cadwyr, Garem and Mahel

Three adventurers returning to Geoff after the Invasion of Giants.

Many adventurers came to Geoff during the years after the Invasion, but a number of native born returned home to aid their country during its plight. Here are Cadwyr the Sorcerer, Mahel devotee of Saint Cuthbert and the Ranger Garem crossing the frontier into the disputed lands. Garem sees signs of recent monstrous passage through the hill country.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:43 pm  

Orcs of the Fanged Sun

One of the leading Orcish tribes from the Land of Iuz. They are bit more organized and disciplined than some of their wilder brethren. They still fight in a mob but follow their tribal banners and their chieftains are commanded by evil Humans or intelligent Demonic creatures summoned by Iuz.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:40 pm  

The Blue Wolves Company

Many of Stonefists Blue Wolves are descended from tribesmen of Rovers of the Barrens. The Stonefisters winged horsemen are the elite cavalry of the Hold. Several companies exist, the Blue Wolves just being one of many. Rover mercenary horsemen are often employed as scouts and scavengers by these elite forces.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:15 am  

Cardboard Hero - 1-8 The Archer

These are my favorite of the card stand-ups. (I recommend taping a penny or washer to the bottom for weight and stability). I love plastic miniatures but these are easier to store and much lighter than plastic (and loads lighter than metal).If you are a poor painter such as myself they are in color and the detail is nice (at least with the Steve Jackson versions. You can geta bunch of print on your own onlie, but I don't have the links.

The Archer was a particular favorite of mine. Sometimes an NPC, Henchman or player character. More of a guardsman than a hunter or ranger (though I've used this for a ranger mini several times.

As an NPC he is Jorn of the Yeomanry. He is a farmer and militia leader. Young but one of the picked twelve-twelve men of his province.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:31 am  

Gar Hill-Giant Mutation Giant-Killer

After the fall of the giants, when they were at last driven from Geoff, a great scouring of the hills occurred and many a Hill Giant Clan and steading fell. The monsters were forced further ito the mountains to escape and their ancestral homes were abandoned. The bones of human, demi-human and giant litter the heights and valleys and little mercy was shown to any.

The mage Talberth had seen many a friend and companion lost during the years of the invasion and after and he had hatred for giants that stripped his humanity from his soul. When he discovered a hidden creche of Hill Giant young he would have had no second thought to exterminating the mewling babes but a darker idea came upon him. He would raise these young, experiment upon them till he created a creature who would be the bane of giants. Gar and his kind were the result.

Much bigger and stronger than a normal hill giant Gar is what Talberth calls a Giant-Killer. They are semi-intelligent magical creations but have manged to breed true. Unfortunately while they do have an unreasoning instinctual hatred of all other giants they have no regard for humans, demi-humans, animals or monstrous creatures either, all are food for their anger and the gnawing hunger that their size and heightened metabolism demand. They are clawed and fanged and tend to disdain weapons. They can craft simple fur clothing and scavenge better gear from giants and humanoids. They are wary creatures, hunt at night and prefer to ambush rather than confront directly though they will fight like rats if cornered.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:02 am  

Drow Warrior Gyr'On

After the invasion of Geoff when terror stalked the land the true leaders behind the giants apppered. The Drow Warrior-Lord Gyr'On riding upon a Nightmare prowled the wilds of Geoff hunting down those who'd fled and those who still fought. His story and that of a Geoff ranger are intertwined around that of the half-elven maid Fion have become legendary among those who have taken the land back.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:16 pm  

Cardboard Hero 1-9 Crossbowman

Noth is a mercenary but originally he was a guardsman from Furyondy. He wears a full robe of chainmail and wields a heavy crossbow. He carries a longsword for close combat.

He is a member of the Mercenary Guild in the City of Greyhawk as well as several other cities if he happens to have business in them.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:49 pm  

The Minotaur - Graxus

Minotaurs are magical creations but from a time so long ago that their origin is lost. Attempts to recreate them result in many near misses such as Hinchcliffe's Ram-Men but the original Man-Bull is elusive and perhaps god-protected. They breed true and even cross-breed true in that the product of a union of Minotaur and Human, Demi-Human or Humanoid is Minotaur.

They will use weapons, and prefer them over bare hands. They can even be trained to wear armor. Luckily they prefer seclusion and the dark. The males tend to be solitary though a family group will have several females and a continuous litter of ever present young. The young males will be pushed out at an early age and most dont survive, which helps to keep the number of minotaurs down. A strong leader might have a half-dozen followers (making an adult tribe of 30-40 with the females of the species). Female Minotaurs are slightly smaller than males but much more aggressive when protecting their young, more intelligent and have a social order amongst themselves.

Graxus is rather typical of his breed, large, immensely strong, not overly bright with a mean streak a mile wide. He is the bodyguard of Keller the Lender, a financier to the Guildmasters of the City of Dyvers.
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Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:44 am  

Kalman Laughingstaff

Kalman hails originally from Bissel but has crossed the length and breadth of the Flanaess many times in his life as an adventurer. Somewhere in his adventures he acquired his staff and his patronym. He is of middling height and middling age, a wizard of more power than most but still searching tombs and ruins for items of power. It is said he seeks a lost city hidden in the depths of some forest and protected by terrible guardians.

His staff is named Praytextatus and has a vile sense of humor, laughing in an evil cackle during the most inopportune and unfortunate moments. It finds death or maiming to be hilarious. The staff speaks an ancient form of Suel, as does Kalman, but has also learned the Common Tongue.
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Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:39 am  

Vallinen High Elf Fighter-Mage

Vallinen is the High Elven prince of the elves living in and around the Yeomanry. He is not the Elector who represents the elves among the council but is instead the hereditary ruler of the several thousand elves (of all types including half-elves). The dwell along the Javan, and have their greatest dwelling in the west of the Dreadwood with some living in the Little Hills. The High Elves here are a fragment of a mighty elven kingdom of old but they possess few of their ancient treasures and none of the great strength in arms that they once commanded.

The prince keeps his people united, but without him most would leave this land and travel east toward the lands with greater number of elves.
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Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:48 am  

Yljari Half-Elven

Yljari is the Elector of the Elves in the Yeomanry. He is actually only a quarter human and three-quarters High Elven but to the other High Elves his human grandmother taints his elven heritage.The High Elves who make up over 80% of the Yeomanry elven population follow Prince Vallinen without question so Yljari is merely a spokesmen for the Prince rather than having his own voice in the Yeomanry council. The other elves in the Yeomanry follow Yljari and he is their voice to the Prince.

There is a strong desire among the High Elves to depart the Yeomanry for other elven realms especially the Duchy of Ulek where many of their kindred dwell. The Duke of Ulek traditionally holds his realm in the name of the Prince, but the days of the ancient High Elven kingdom have long passed and the High Elves of Ulek see their Duke as the real leader of all High Elves and themselves as the last small remnant of their kingdom (although this is disputed by the High Elves of Veluna and those of Geoff where a small High Elven woodland fortress survived from the days of the old kingdom. The Geoffish elves have also gained a great deal of independence since the giant invasion and see their Forest Lord as the real leader of the High Elves). Little credence is given to the "Lord of the High Elves" of the Quagflow Valley even though he commands a large population of High Elves.

Yljari is a powerful magician and one time adventurer. His wife, Sana, is a half-elven cleric originally from Veluna. His is extremely loyal to the Yeomanry and should the High Elves he and the other 20% of the elven population would remain.[/url]
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Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:14 pm  

Handsome Hartlak

Handsome is a Half-Orc fighter/thief pirate captain. His ship, the Saucy Sue, plies the waters of the Tilva Strait. His crew is a mixed lot but most are Half-Orcs like Handsome. His base is some unknown island where Orcs and Half-Orcs make up most of the population and the only pirates allowed to make use of the port are Half-Orcs like handsome and all having some relation with the island.

Two of the earrings Handsome wears are enchanted. One provides him with limited protection from normal missiles and the other allows him to transform into a sea-lion. Handsome can't swim so he is particularly fond of that earring. He wears two enchanted daggers on his chest, Fang and Tooth. Both can be thrown and Tooth will return to his hand after a melee round while Fang causes bleeding wounds that need a priestly touch to quench. The sword across his back is a demon-touched longsword. Its name is a secret known only to handsome. He can some 1d3 Hellhounds to fight for him once per day and the sword radiates evil and howls increasing Handsome's chance to hit and lowering his attackers chances to strike him.
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Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:29 am  

Alarak Son of Chaos

The bastard son of Emirikol was a promising student at Grey College studying the geography of the Flanaess when his father made his famous ride of slaughter and destruction. It was only a day later when Alarak was dismissed and thrown from the college and his small set of rooms above the Four Pots, a less than salubrious inn frequented by students and members of the Cartographers Guild.

A crowd gathered at the eviction and then became a mob. Alarak found himself fleeing for his life. He was nearly caught at the Bridge of Entwined Hearts and barely made it through the Guarding Gate and out of ther city.

Alarak has received some training as both a fighter and magician but lacks experience in either profession. He is out on his own but is well versed in cartography and knows the Flanaess as well as maps could educate and as little as one who has never ventured beyond the walls of the City of Greyhawk.
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Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:45 pm  

Sargent Karag

Sargent Karag commands a detachment of Shieldlanders who wage an endless war against the Horned Society. The Knight-Errant who originally led the company was slain along with his squires when the were ambushed by a devil-lead band of Hobgoblins. The company's Chaplin banished the devil before he himself was slain and out of the nearly 300 men only 72 fought their way clear.

Karag wears the typical helm and chain coat of his company and carries the large kite-shield which belonged to Sir Tindus, his slain commander. The Shield bears some enchantment which drove back the Horned Societies summoned devils during the ambush. Karag also carries Sir Tindus' longsword, but does not use it. Instead he favors and ancient curved war axe that has been in Karag's family for generations.

The company numbers some 112 men at the moment. New recruits arrive steadily but the losses to the Horned Society whittle down the command with almost every encounter. A noble replacement for their commander is rumored to be due shortly but so far no one has materialized.
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Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:01 pm  

Qaabil of Ekbir

Qaabil of Ekbir is young to be so powerful a magician as well as a scholar of ancient Suel enchantments. He has walked the Sea of Dust and returned, but now he is an exile from his own land. The Caliph has ordered his death and now Qaabil finds himself dwelling in the City of Greyhawk and hiring mercenaries for his own protection.

The young mage is hiring more than mercenaries. He is assembling a powerful group of adventurers for a grand expedition. Some say he seeks to return to the Sea of Dust, others that he has found the location of the fabled lost city of the Suss Forest. There are rumors he seeks to find a tomb of a long dead sorceror in the Vast Swamp. Whereever he intends to go he seems to be taking a small army with him.
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Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:16 am  

Lady Graysteel of Verbobonc

She is the daughter of Viscount Wilifred's youngest sister and most likely to inherit the Viscountship of Verbobonc upon his death (May it be Far-off). The line of Viscounts began with adventurers who defeated the ancient Suel-Lich who inhabited the ruined castle of Verbobonc. Wilifred himself was a dutiful son and commanded the Verbobonc cavalry which maintained the peace throughout the viscounty but he was himself not an adventurer. His sister was and her many children, few now are left. Lady Graysteel is the most successful and experienced of those children and Wilifred envies her the life of adventure he denied himself.

Lady Katherine Graysteel, Kat to her family and friends, hovers between 8th and 9th level in my `1st edition AD&D campaign. Your mileage may vary. She is brave and daring with a surprising number of friends and fellow adventurers still alive. It was her party that braved the ruins of the Temple of Elemental Evil, freed Prince Thrommel and looted The Orb of Golden Death called Yellowskull from the Temple.

Yellowskull is what saved the adventurers from Zuggtmoy but it is also what is allowing Zuggtmoy to unknowingly influence Lady Graysteel's actions. The process is slow but Lady Graysteel has possessed Yellowskull for over two years and the corruption has already taken hold.

Zuggtmoy is aware that Lady Graysteel may soon be made heir to Verbobonc and at the time when Wilifred announces his decision her plans to take over the viscounty will be set in motion. Already a cult of her followers have settled amid the bristling and growing town and several members of the town Guard, Guild-Militia and Cavalry or part of the cult.

Lady Graysteel we are enchanted plate armor and bears a sword of exceptional power. It is intelligent and can speak. It detects magic within a 10ft radius but cannot tell what type just sees it as a type of lightning-blue radiance. Its name is Decay and its blade is notched and rusted. On a natural 20 it will cause a non-magical item, armor, shield or weapon of its opponent to rot, rust or waste away in 3 combat rounds.

Lady Graysteel is completely unaware of the influence Yellowskull has over her through Zuggtmoy, Unless she is directly under control her nature (alignment) is not evil and her actions and thoughts are her own.
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Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:07 pm  

Magda's Divinations

The Rhennee are well respected among the dockworkers and river merchants of Verbobonc. Their barges are continualy coming and going up and down the river and their goods and coins are welcome as well as the contraband they smuggle and fence with the criminal merchants of the city. One of the most respected of the Rhennee is Magda the Diviner. Her barge is perhaps the most often found tied to the docks of Verbobonc and her spells, potions and predictions are sought after by rich and poor, mercenaries and sailors, adventurers and even the Viscount himself.

Magda is a Rhennee woman in her mid-thirties. A user of magic skilled in divination. With her cat familiar, Pyotyr, beside her she has read the fortunes of hundreds of the town's citizens and and hundreds of other visitors to Verbobonc.

She is also a young clan leader of the Rhennee and the boss of the Rhennee smugglers who ply the river.
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Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:18 pm  

Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc

Wilfrick is an aging by vigorous warrior. He has seen the viscounty through two risings of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the fortunes of the viscounty seem to be on the rise.

He is pictured here returning from a patrol with a large force of Verbobonc Lancers. He rides a fiery warhorse named Terror that only he can handle.

Wilfrick's only daughter Helena is soon to be married to prince Thrommel of Veluna and the viscount will be naming an heir to the viscounty soon from among his nephews and nieces.
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Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:32 pm  

Inkeri of the Hela'sons

The druidess Inkeri is a northern woman from the land the Snow Barbarians but she wanders the lands of the Viscounty of Verbobonc and neighboring Celene. As a druidess of the Old Faith she is welcome across the land though less so in the City of Verbobonc than in the countryside. Her companion is an owl and with it she can see and hear all that it can see and hear. While she is hardly defenseless in her own self the animals of the wild will protect her with their lives.

She has been seen in company with the Ragged King, a bandit/beggar who wanders the viscounty and surrounding lands demanding donations from any wealthy man or women he encounters. Jaroo Ashstaff, the druid of Hommlet, has welcomed her to his grove, the gnomes of the Kron Hills will doff their caps when she passes and she is welcome among the elves of Celene.

Recently she has been seen near the abandoned tower of Eldorath and even further south in the Pomarj and wild lands.
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Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:49 am  

Captain Aelfrick of the Verbobonc Lancers

Aelfrick is young for such a responsible command as the Verbobonc Lancers are the best troops of Verbobonc. His is a distant relation of the Viscount but that has not earned him any undue respect or authority. In his youth Aelfrick's family was killed and their manor sacked by an invading band of brigands from thwe Pomarj. Aelfrick helped to track them down and annihiate them in their stronghold deep in the peninsula. Since that time he has lead a life of combat and adventure and is an experienced and cunning warrior. With his acquired treasure he rebuilt his family's estate and joined joined the Verbobonc Guard as a noble officer. His ability saw him to leadership within the guard and more recently a command within the Lancers.

The life of Verbobonc Lancer is not comfortable, safe or easy. They patrol the borders of the Viscounty, often pursuing enemies of Verbobonc far afield. They are found more often riding an endless circuit of the villages and towns than the city and sleep in the saddle or on the cold ground with a thick horse blanket for bedding than beneath a roof and in a real bed. Aelfrick thrives in the Lancers and his troopers would follow him anywhere.

Aelfrick has acquired several items of magic in his adventures but none so powerful as his Spear of Heartseeking. On a natural d20 the spear has a chance of instantly killing a foe. This chance 25% + 5% for every experience level the wielder is greater than the foe (or equivalent HD). The Spear will return to the wielders hand 2 combat rounds after it is thrown regardless of whether it kills its target or not. A unremarkable appearing brass ring must be worn by the wielder of the Spear for its enchantments to work.
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Mon May 24, 2021 9:13 am  

Darkbreaker is a wood-elf from Geoff. During the invasion he stayed and fought withdrawing deep into the Dim Forest only to lead his warriors in raids as far south as the Hornwood. He blames Owen and most of the human population for the losses among the wood-elves and will no longer aid any humans, trusting only other elves.
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Fri May 28, 2021 1:10 pm  

Derek - Champion of the Horned Society and his retainer Wollfeblud

Once Derek was human, some say a Shieldlander warrior captured and used as a demonic host by the Horned society. Wollfeblud may never have been human at all. He is rumored to have been a hellhound once or a winter-wolf changed to human form.

Whatever remains of the human Derek is hiden beneath his enchanted armor. As for Wollfeblud his senses are more than human making a superlative tracker.
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Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:15 am  

NPC Sefa

Far from her Baklunish home Sefa is not what she appears, a dancing girl at the Bakluni House in Verbobonc. She is a spy and an assassin, a skilled thief and an even more skilled seducer. But even those roles hide her true nature, a nature that only her grand-daughter Tolora is aware of.

Sefa is that darkest of once human monsters, a vampire. Long ago she swore her life to the service of Baklunni and so she has sworn her undeath. Unlike most vampires her dedication is entirely to the Baklunni deities and she is a kind of holy monster. She bears several ritual tattoos that grant her immunity from detection, damage from sunlight, cleric abilities to turn undead, or holy symbols. She cannot shapechange or assume gaseous form. Holy water does double damage to her and she must spend time in contact with blessed Baklunni soil once per month or begin to perish, aging and losing her strength each day unless she consumes the constitution of the living. Each time she bites someone she drains 1d6 points of constitution. When she drains all of someones constitution they die and will rise as a normal vampire at the new moon. She can maintain her strength by consuming victims once a day but will survive only nine days without contact with blessed Baklunni soil or a victim a day. She will need to consume extra victims to regain strength loss for any days missed.
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Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:09 am  

Monster/NPC - The Green Woman

In the Gnarley Forest east of the Town of Nulb can be found a dryad grove, now deserted, the beautiful and dangerous tree-maidens having been slain or captured. This grove is now haunted by a creature much like them but far more elusive and dangerous.

She is called the Green Woman by those who have seen her. There is no fear in her but she is approached only by those with no intent of harm within their hearts. Quick as the strike of lightning, strong as the roots of trees, the Green Woman is immune to magic. She can summon trees and plants to aid her. Her flesh is as tough as ironwood and her hands clawed with razor-edged thorns.

The Green Woman is an elemental of nature and has been summoned from that plane by the death-cry of the dryads. Deep within the grove hidden by paths that are both on the Oerthly plane and the Plane of Nature is the portal that allows the Green Woman and her sisters entranced to Oerth. They are here to exact vengeance on those who have slain the dryads. Elves are seen as potential allies and they hold no animosity to rangers and druids, but creatures such as orcs and goblins they kill on sight.
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Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:32 am  

NPC - The Raven Queen

She is a mysterious figure seen wandering the lower Kron Hills east of Hommlet where the ruins of old villages and farms remain from the time of the Temple of Elemental Evils first rising and defeat. Many of the locals fell under its sway at the time or were driven out or killed and the area became wild and abandoned. Now that the temple has again been defeated and Hommlet risen in prominence with the outer walls of the castle completed people are again returning to the area. To the south one of the garrisons of the Verbobonc Lancers is no more than 10 leagues away and they have made great inroads on the monsters and tribes and bandits which had been calling these lands home.

The Raven Queen been spotted many times but never approached. Always great flocks of ravens and crows surround her and she herself can disappear among them perhaps transforming into one of the birds herself. She is seen as a good omen to the returning farmers and offerings are made to her and her conspiracy of ravens and murder of crows. She is said to have driven of monsters and predatory beasts from the newly formed villages forming in this wild land, but no one really knows who or what she is.

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Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:52 pm  

Your description of The Raven Queen reminds me of one of the characters in The Black Company novels. Smile

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Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:50 am  

SirXaris wrote:
Your description of The Raven Queen reminds me of one of the characters in The Black Company novels. Smile


Could be. I take my game inspiration where I find it.
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Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:52 pm  
NPC - Durbar of Clan Steel Mountain

NPC - Durbar of Clan Steel Mountain

Durbar is an experienced dwarven warrior currently recovering from wounds in the city of Verbobonc. He is a mountain dwarf but from a clan and kingdom long thought dead. The Clan Steel Mountain is very old and its last holding is a fortress city in the Jotens where they have remained cut-off from the Flanaess for centuries. The recent rising of the giants and the stirring of the UnderOerth has ended their generations of hiding and now they are sending scouts out far beyond their borders.

Somewhere in the Lortmils there was a dwarven kingdom, cousins to the dwarves of Steel Mountain. Long ago this kingdom perished and Durbar has only been made aware of this when his party of fellow dwarves were forced from its ruined halls. Before returning to Steel Mountain Durbar seeks to return to the ruins, which are considered a holy place by the small groups of dwarves and gnomes nearby. Now he looks for a party of adventurers to join him in his search. He knows that such adventurers will despoil the ruins and loot any treasure but Durbar is more interested in finding the archives of the city than the treasury and will guide any adventurers to fulfill that goal while talking, truthfully, of the wealth once held in this city.

Durbar is a powerful fighter. His weapons are good Mountain Dwarf made with a shield of arrow attraction and a spiked mace named Morgenstern the Bonebreaker which is both enchanted and intelligent.
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Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:15 am  

NPC - Delia

Delia is a thief by trade but a survivor by nature. Some locals call her the Weeping Mask or the Black Kiss but not to her face. Her main residence is in the City of Verbobonc and she spends most of her time at the Mercenaries Guild when she is in the city. Otherwise she will be hired on with treasure seekers for the most part. Her skills are as well known as her remarkable face and the Viscount hires her for tasks that require someone with agile hands and a cautious attitude.

In her younger days Delia found herself in a magician experiment one wrong and no bears the burden of it. Delia's kiss will cause 1d10 damage and the chance to afflict the Black Rot (a magical disease that will turn the kiss-e into a shadow). Delia is immune to many of the effects of the Negative Material Plane and cannot be harmed by Shadows and resists all such attacks by undead creatures very strongly. She can see Shadows and any Undead perfectly clearly regradless of their abilities to hide or conceal themselves.
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Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:23 am  

NPC - Jaroo's Mother

North-east of the village of Hommlet is a small wood covering several hills and valleys. Towards it center, on the crest of a hill, a small cabin is home to the druidess Dien mother to Jaroo Ashstaff and once a leader of the Old Faith in Verbobonc. She dwells in the cabin with her animal companions Owl and Fox and protects the wild creatures of the wood, no longer concerning herself with the viscounty at large.

It is said her strength and knowledge of the Old Faith remains unmatched and in her youth she spent much time out among the people of Verbobonc. For a time she was much honored at the castle in the city and there are tales that Wilifrick needs look no further for an heir of his blood than Jaroo.
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Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:51 am  

Estrella and Mikel

Once Estrella was a flighty and vain Rhennee maiden and Mikel was a warrior-thief Rhennee bargeman. One day while travelling on the Velverdyva on their way to Verbobonc and points west they left their barge for a tryst on the banks near the Gnarly forest and were set upon by a werewolf. Mikel was gravely wounded and Estrella managed to strangle the werewolf with her silver necklace and a power drawn from deep within her. Mikel became a werewolf and Estrella became something, different.

As Rhennee women age they become witch-priestesses of Khona the Goddess of the Moons, All at once young Estrella became a living embodiment of Khona and her power and influence over the Children of the Moon became dreadful.

The barges of the Rhennee are ubiquitous along the Velverdyva and among them is perhaps no figure of more renown than Estrella. Her powers of divination are sought by merchants, princes, soldiers, sailors and adventurers of every hue. But her abilities come at a price for her visions show a true fate, most often dark and unavoidable

The dark and misted woods of the Gnarley hold terrors and secrets within their borders that are older than the coming of men to the Flanaess. Rangers watch the edges of these thick-forested valleys and thorn choked groves but within them time itself twists and turns among the ancient trees and most who enter never return.

Now Estrella and Mikel haunt the Gnarly Forest and rule over a ever growing band of werewolves, none stronger than Mikel. She is feared and respected by the Rhennee but as of yet outsiders are unaware of who leads a growing pack of werewolves in the Gnarly.

Last edited by JasonZavoda on Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:49 am  

NPC - Fireaxe

Fireaxe is a Frost Giant from the Jotuns. He is a terror among his own kind since he took the enchanted burning axe from a Fire Giant chieftain. The axe is intelligent, crafted on the Elemental Plane of Fire and bound with the spirit of a Salamander Lord. Hreim, as he was, became overwhelmed by the spirit in the axe. Now he wars with himself and his own people. He is drawn to the Hellfurnaces, but can only stand the insufferable heat for a short time.
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Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:59 am  

NPC - Scout-Lancer Sedeq

The elite among the Verbobonc Lancers are the Scouts. They ride the land alone or in small groups of two to five. The Scout-Lancers are chosen from the most experienced and skilled, mostly rangers, but some druids.

Sedeq is the son of a Kettish merchant based in the city of Verbobonc but whose mother is a minor noblewoman of the viscounty. He was brought up in the Old Faith and became enamored with the wild lands and forests. His father trained him in the skills of combat and wished him to be an officer in the Verbobonc Guards but Sedeq followed his own path.

At first Sedeq trained under the leaders of the Old Faith, learning of the land, the forests, and the hills. Then he followed a path of adventure seeking more than treasure, but what exactly he could not name. In his exploits he rescued a group of Verbobnc Lancers ambushed by bandits raiding from the Wild Coast and Sedeq was invited to join. Quickly it became apparent his skills would be best put to use as a Scout-Lancer and here Sedeq found his home.

Sedeq normally patrols alone. He is (in AD&D) a Ranger between levels 3-7 and possessing a few items of druidic magic such as boots of elvenkind, enchanted leather armor, a Spear of piercing which treats normal armor and hide as if it weren't there removing the AC protection when Sedeq attacks with his spear. His dagger might be enchanted as well as the leather helm he wears (A Cap of Endurance that allows him to go without food, water or sleep for as much as a week and increases his HP total by 50% The Cap will function for a week then be nothing but a normal leather helm for a week as the magic recharges). Depending on his experience Sedeq may possess, some, none or all of these items.

Sedeq can be a great aid to the party and will accompany them if they are on a worthy cause; something more than treasure seeking or exploring.
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Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:12 am  

NPC - The Beggar King

The Unofficial king of Verbobonc. He is a rough-patched, bearded man of middle years festooned with pouches, packs and bags. He normally carries a staff but bears a broadsword and short sword and can fight with one in each hand.

The Beggar King's true name is unknown perhaps even to himself. He wanders the roads and byways of the viscounty and surrounding lands having been seen as far off as Dyvers and the City of Greyhawk, is said to have appeared in Geoff in the time of their need against the giants and rousing the free folk of the Yeomanry in their struggle against the recent invasion of Hobgoblins which is wracking that land; but Verbobonc is undoubtly his home.

In truth the Beggar King is a ranger-lord, sometimes an avatar of the land itself. Those of the Old Faith, from the most common believer to the most powerful of druids has dreamed him into existence.

The Beggar King demands donations and tithes from travellers and merchants. He duels with guardsmen and lancers and seldom kills, though he has no mercy for evil men. He bears the Staff of the Oerth which increases his strength to that of an ogre and allows him to summon an earth elemental once per day. It allows him to blend into the earth three times per day and travel up to a one hundred yards beneath the oerth, though not thropugh rock or stone. His short sword is enchanted and can break a blade it crosses on a natural d20 as well as adding to the armor class of the Beggar King (+3 to AC in AD&D). His broadsword is intelligent and called Thunder. It can summon an air elemental once per day and strike with a force that can stun an opponent with an overpowering sound.

If slain the Beggar King will come alive again at the rising of a new moon. He will cut himself weapons from yew and ash. These will turn back to his enchanted gear and the gear taken will turn to a staff of ash and weapons of carved yew instead.

While the Beggar King is powerful his strength grows and falls with the dreams and beliefs of the followers of the Old Faith. In their need he is stronger, when content his power weakens. He is a pleasant fellow, offering aid to those in need, an expert in escape and hiding. He often challenges those he encounters to duels and rewards even those who lose with some various item he has picked up in his travels (usually of minor enchantment). He is known to lend one of his weapons to those in need, though seldom, very seldom, provides direct aid or even accompany anyone for longer than a short encounter.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:24 am  

JasonZavoda wrote:

In truth the Beggar King is a ranger-lord, sometimes an avatar of the land itself. Those of the Old Faith, from the most common believer to the most powerful of druids has dreamed him into existence.

JasonZavoda wrote:

The Beggar King demands donations and tithes from travellers and merchants. He duels with guardsmen and lancers and seldom kills, though he has no mercy for evil men.

Okay, so he is an aspect of the beliefs of the followers of the Old Faith - a.k.a. druids worshipping Beory, the Oerth Mother?

They are neutral. She is neutral.

Everything you described about him lends credence to this neutrality, except that last line in the quote above: "...though he has no mercy for evil men."

Why? As an aspect of Neutrality, why would he be less tolerant of evil than of good?

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Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:03 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
JasonZavoda wrote:

In truth the Beggar King is a ranger-lord, sometimes an avatar of the land itself. Those of the Old Faith, from the most common believer to the most powerful of druids has dreamed him into existence.

JasonZavoda wrote:

The Beggar King demands donations and tithes from travellers and merchants. He duels with guardsmen and lancers and seldom kills, though he has no mercy for evil men.

Okay, so he is an aspect of the beliefs of the followers of the Old Faith - a.k.a. druids worshipping Beory, the Oerth Mother?

They are neutral. She is neutral.

Everything you described about him lends credence to this neutrality, except that last line in the quote above: "...though he has no mercy for evil men."

Why? As an aspect of Neutrality, why would he be less tolerant of evil than of good?


Because while good tries to act for the betterment of others, evil acts for the detriment thereby working against the enlightened self-interest of neutrals consistently.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:52 pm  

JasonZavoda wrote:
SirXaris wrote:
JasonZavoda wrote:

In truth the Beggar King is a ranger-lord, sometimes an avatar of the land itself. Those of the Old Faith, from the most common believer to the most powerful of druids has dreamed him into existence.

JasonZavoda wrote:

The Beggar King demands donations and tithes from travellers and merchants. He duels with guardsmen and lancers and seldom kills, though he has no mercy for evil men.

Okay, so he is an aspect of the beliefs of the followers of the Old Faith - a.k.a. druids worshipping Beory, the Oerth Mother?

They are neutral. She is neutral.

Everything you described about him lends credence to this neutrality, except that last line in the quote above: "...though he has no mercy for evil men."

Why? As an aspect of Neutrality, why would he be less tolerant of evil than of good?


Because while good tries to act for the betterment of others, evil acts for the detriment thereby working against the enlightened self-interest of neutrals consistently.

Oh, I get that in a real-world sense. Even evil people prefer to dupe goodly folks into working for them because they know they can't trust other evil folks not to stab them in the back at their first opportunity. But, D&D alignments don't follow real-world ethical considerations perfectly.

In D&D, a True Neutral person, like a druid or a god(dess), would actively seek to live in balance with good and evil and to encourage others to do so. We are not speaking of neutally-aligned villagers who consider themselves to be goodly folk, but will steal from their neighbor, or a foreigner if they can get away with it and don't actively fight for good. Those Neutrals can be more accurately described as self-interested apathetics. Laughing

Your NPC above is a supernatural being which should embody the True Neutral aspect of alignment by actively working to ensure a balance.

Of course, that is just my opinion, which I am offering as helpful criticism because I enjoy this post and I like to use some of your NPCs for my own campaign. I hope you consider this an academic discussion meant to improve the personality of The Beggar King NPC.

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Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:38 am  

Oh, I get that in a real-world sense. Even evil people prefer to dupe goodly folks into working for them because they know they can't trust other evil folks not to stab them in the back at their first opportunity. But, D&D alignments don't follow real-world ethical considerations perfectly.

In D&D, a True Neutral person, like a druid or a god(dess), would actively seek to live in balance with good and evil and to encourage others to do so. We are not speaking of neutally-aligned villagers who consider themselves to be goodly folk, but will steal from their neighbor, or a foreigner if they can get away with it and don't actively fight for good. Those Neutrals can be more accurately described as self-interested apathetics. Laughing

Your NPC above is a supernatural being which should embody the True Neutral aspect of alignment by actively working to ensure a balance.

Of course, that is just my opinion, which I am offering as helpful criticism because I enjoy this post and I like to use some of your NPCs for my own campaign. I hope you consider this an academic discussion meant to improve the personality of The Beggar King NPC.


Im currently reading and dissecting the Gord novels and Gygax expresses a different view on Neutrality. He tries to express the game mechanics of alignment but then also adds alignments to the story and setting as actual philosophy. Gygax's version of Neutrality in the novels is far from accepting actions against their goals and more active and proactive against Evil while recognizing the benfits of aligning with Good.
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Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:54 am  

NPC - The Green Beast

The Green Beast stalks the woodlands of the Flanaess. It has the ability to transport itself from one forest or woods to another, its body decomposing into rotting vegetation and muck when it abandons one location for another. This beast is an avatar of the woods and forests. It is respected by those of the Old Faith and by druids and rangers in general.

It stands about 18feet tall and has the strength of a fire giant. It is armed with razor-sharp claws and can, but usually does not use its horned head in combat. It is immune to druidic magic and has a general 60% resistance to magic.

The Green Beast is an enemy to those who injure the forest or its creatures. It will aid elves, druids and rangers in need. It has a general dislike of dwarves and hates most goblinoid and evil giants.
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Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:57 am  

The Thief in the Night
Oerthly Encounters

The Thief in the Night

Taldas Fei is a thief who specializes in burglary, especially the robbery of merchants, adventurers and any likely residents of a tavern, hostel or inn.

He will first stay as a guest under an assumed identity, a merchant, warrior, scribe, etc... always a different persona for a different town or village. Then he will carefully and cautiously explore his surroundings, keeping careful record of each room, door, window and lock. He will stay long enough to learn the local gossip and become a familiar face to the residents but avoids close contact with other travellers.

Taldas will never attempt a burglary on his first stay at an inn or tavern. He will first prepare the ground, then leave and return at a later date adopting the persona which he dedicates to that particular locale. He will, in larger towns and cities, sometimes take on a second, third, or more, persona if he feels that he can get away with it. Taldas gathers information and has a journal which he carries with him and a master journal which he has safely hidden away in his only permanent residence, a house in the City of Greyhawk. This journal contains notes and maps about each place that he has prepared. It also has notes on merchants, caravan routes, wealthy travelers, ceremonies and festivals as well as rumors and gossip about everything from dragon's hoards to the possible marriages of the nobility or wealthy; anything which might have potential for relatively unsecured treasure to find its way into first, one of his prepared inns or taverns, then into Taldas's pocket.

Taldas performs his burglaries only at night and will not be in residence when he does so. Instead he will have left the inn or tavern the night, or perhaps even a few days, before if he feels that his target will be safely ensconced within for that much time. After dark Taldas will return and enter through a carefully studied way; an upper window or roof access, the doors through which kegs of beer are rolled into the cellar, etc... Whichever way that he has discovered is the most vulnerable and unattended. He will then make his way to the room of his victim and attempt a robbery, hopefully without violence.

Taldas is aided in his craft by three magic items.

#1 Ring of Silence

This ring, when activated, creates a sphere of silence around the wearer in a 5ft radius. No sound of any kind passes from outside or into this sphere. It can be activated once every 12 hours for a duration of 30 minutes. It can also silence an individual, the wearers choice, within a 15ft range of the wearer for 10 minutes once every 24hours. These functions cannot be performed at the same time and the durations of these effects cannot be altered by the wearer.

#2 Gloves & boots of Spiderclimb

These magic items must be used as a set, a wearer missing a hand or foot could not activate their power. These are made from a slim, silky material and will fit any humanoids from small to large stretching or conforming to the size of their hands or feet. They must be worn directly against the skin of both hands and feet but luckily provide protection against sharp or piercing objects such as broken glass, razors or caltrops. They have no effect on crushing blows. Once all four items are donned they immediately begin to function and will only cease when either one part of the set is removed from the -wearer or if the wearers limb is severed. This set grants the wearer the same abilities as the magic-user
spell spiderclimb.

#3 Catseye pendant

This pendant is of gold in the shape of a cat's head. Two green gems form its eyes. This pedant allows the wearer to see with a much greater degree of night vision (range 80 feet) as well as the ability to see well in direct or sudden bright light. When activated the wearer's eyes take on the form of a green-eyed cats. This pendant can be activated three times every 24hours for a 1 hour duration.

Taldas is patient and methodical. He is intelligent and chooses his targets with great care. He is unlikely to rob a powerful magician or priest and will back away from an excessively well-guarded item.

He approaches his craft almost as an art-form and is no throat-slitter or bash-and-grab thief. He would fight or even kill to escape from capture but will first just try to run away. He carries several defensive items to aid him in this. He might have any one or several of these on hand at any time.

#1) A pouch containing small steel sling bullets. Taldas is adept with the sling but would also use these to toss behind him and hopefully trip up his pursuers.

#2) A glass bottle of oil, he would use this only to make steps or floor slippery not to set fires.

#3) A pouch of caltrops. Not something Taldas would normally carry but he might if going after a high reward high risk item.

#4) A coil of strong twine or preferably wire. He would string these along a stair or passageway at ankle height.

#5) a glass jar filled with bees, wasps or hornet, depending upon their availability.

#6) several rags rolled into balls soaked in lantern oil and dipped in wax. If lit these will produces thick smoke but are unlikely to start a fire.

#7) a glass jar filled with glass marbles (if available) otherwise this will be a glass jar lined with wax filled with steel sling bullet. These marbles or bullets will also be greased. These would be used before the regular sling bullets.

While attempting a burglary Taldas will dress in black, wearing a black cloth mask and hood as well as a small pack and a belt with equipment. He wears no armor but has a +2 ring of protection. He carries a sling and a half-dozen throwing knives. Taldas has 1 packet of dust of disappearance which he will only use in a dire emergency. He also keeps a scroll tube on hand with a tattered an ancient map inside. If captured he will claim that it is a map to a lost treasure which only he can interpret correctly. A small section of the map is missing and Taldas will swear, truthfully that he has memorized it. Taldas picked up the map several years ago. It shows the lands along the western borders of the Duchy of Geoff, but he has no idea where it leads to. Notes on the map make mention of an ancient burial ground of a sorcerer king and of vast treasure, but Taldas is a burglar not an adventurer and prefers to get his treasure the old fashioned way, by stealing it from sleeping merchants.

He is of average height and appearance with blue eyes but otherwise his hair and general appearance are continually being altered. In Greyhawk, when he resides at home, he has sandy blond hair and a fair complexion, clean shaven and shorthaired and appears to be in his mid-thirties.

Taldas Fei, Human Male Thief level 7
Str 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Con 11, Dex 17, Chr 16
HP 29
Skills (without armor)
Pick pockets 25
Open Locks 95
Find/Remove Traps 95
Move Silently 25
Hide in Shadows 90
Detect noise 15
Climb Walls 70
Read Languages 0
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:25 am  

NPC Red Hanlan & Black Harris Part 1

People will notice that I just used this photo for The Bold Soldier of Chendl but I liked it so much and fit with my idea for Black Harris that I've used it again.
Oerthly Encounters Red Hanlan & Black Harris Part 1
Oerthly Encounters

Red Hanlan & Black Harris

This pair of Brigands has been highly successful raiding across the lands west of Greyhawk, such as Furyondy, Veluna and Bissel, as well as the lands of the Yeomanry, Keoland, Ulek and Gran March. Recently, however, they have parted company and now Black Harris pursues his former partner. Red Hanlan now rides with his new partner Tess Bywater or "Laughing Tess" as she is called.

Periodically after a successful raid or series of raids the band would split up, each going their separate way, to enjoy the ill-gotten gains of their labor. Some traveled in pairs like the brothers Kalife and Kalib, but most set off on their own. At an appointed date the band would gather again and it was common for both Red Hanlan and Black Harris to return with a string of new recruits.

Having successfully left a bloody trail of robberies and murders along the paths and roads between the Dreadwood in Keoland to the Lorridges in Bissel, the evil band gathered together once more in a small but growing market town named Fountainspring set within the heart of the Kingdom of Furyondy. Red Hanlan came with a half dozen followers but Black Harris brought along only Tess. While in town the raiders were on their best behavior, but as the reunited group celebrated one last time before leaving town Tess killed a long time member of the band who 'insulted' her. Black Harris and Tess had a shouting, then throwing, match and finally Tess stormed off, with Red Hanlan. Later that night a now staggeringly drunk Harris broke down the door to Red Hanlan's room and the struggle which ensued wrecked the tavern and scattered or killed those who supported Red Hanlan.

Since that time Red has been on the run. Only Tess followed him from the broken tables and smashed chairs of the Inn.

Black Harris has sworn a dark oath of vengeance, but while his followers understand his desire they have more practical concerns, namely loot. Always bloodthirsty and merciless Black Harris has raided and robbed with a brutal cunning. Now he has grown careless. Robbing only to pacify his followers, his thoughts are turned to tracking down and exacting a painful retribution on his brief one-time lover and his faithless former partner. Previously the band would raid only after studying the layout of the land and the composition of the merchant caravan or train, though they would not hesitate to waylay a small party or individual whose bodies would be hidden among ditch or bramble, unlikely to be seen again. Now they strike without preparation. So far they have been lucky and their casualties have been
few, but their luck is not likely to hold.

Red Hanlan has been on the run since that night. Nearly overtaken outside of Littleberg, he has since laid low, living rough along the edge of the Gnarly Forest. Once a ranger of Geoff, Red has used the skills learned in his early days to pick hidden and secure camps and hideouts for the band amid the wild. Now he uses these skills to hide from Black Harris.

Black Harris chases Red Hanlan. He will pursue him wherever the trail will lead. Red cannot remain hidden forever but will appear again, while Harris will follow carelessly in a wake of death and destruction till he is pulled down like a mad beast by the forces of order in the lands he afflicts or till he at last runs down his quarry, Tess and Red Hanlan.

The Brigands:

As an early precaution against detection the brigands took to wearing masks and black clothing on raids and making sure to dress differently if they were in a town or village. Several months before the group split apart they attacked a group of wandering players. The loot was poor but it contained many different theatrical masks which the brigands adopted. Unfortunately Black Harris and Red Hanlan also adopted a policy of no quarter. No survivors, no witnesses. It proved highly successful from their point of view. Merchant caravans and travelers simply vanished, their wagons, baggage and bodiesabandoned in woods or rough terrain. The careful and merciless tactics of Red Hanlan and Black Harris have kept their identities separate from the raiders who plague an area for a few weeks then disappear only to reappear leagues away in a different country or kingdom.

Black Harris, human male, Ftr Level 9
Str 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Con 17, Dex 12, Chr 10
HP 89, AL LE, AGE 36
Physical Description:
6"2', Thin and wirey. Brown hair and eye, brown mustache. Scars over his left eye, on right cheek, wide scar across upper right chest. Tattoo of a grinning skull on right bicep, an eagle holding a bloody dragon in its claws on his left.

On raids Harris wears black. black boots, pants, a black tabard over his chain mail and a black plume from his helm. He was a man of careful habits and grooming but now is lax and usually needs a shave. His mustache once neatly trimmed is on its way to becoming a soup strainer. While in towns or villages Harris would always wear colorful and fancy clothes of fine quality. In his current obsessed state he wears whatever he puts his hands on, leaving such garments on till their stench is strong enough for him to notice.

Called 'Black Harris' because of his grim and merciless nature. It's rumored that he grew up in the Hold of the Sea Princes and spent part of his life as a pirate but no one knows for sure. He is merciless but maintains a rough and comradely discipline among his men. He demands obedience but does not play favorites and will not break his word. His followers know that they can expect honest and fair dealing from him but cruel and swift punishment if they should cross him or violate the oaths that they have sworn to Harris. He has deep respect for magic both wizardly and divine and will go out of his way to recruit practitioners of these arts.

Personality and attitude:
Harris is now obsessed with the desire for vengeance. Once a careful and cunning planner he now simply rides in with the full strength of his band and overwhelms any guardsmen or outriders, then falls upon the body of the caravan or merchant train. He cares nothing for what treasure or valuables are harvested from these raids, though he still takes his cut. He uses this wealth only to pay informants or recruit more men in his quest against Red Hanlan. Only his lieutenant, the wizard Lyndos, and Lyndos's aid Falil, object to Harris's current actions.

The evil priest Salin, a follower of Hextor, approves of this direct action, "Attack, Attack, Attack!" is his motto.

Black Harris has a taken a step from evil into madness and the light from his fiery obsession burns in his eyes.

Chainmail +2
Saber +1 of wounding. (1d8s-m 1d8-l)
Shield +1
Lance +2
Gauntlet of crushing grip:
This single gauntlet can be commanded by the wearer to attempt to crush anything in its grasp 3 times every 24hours. It can easily crush a flagon or snap an unenchanted blade. An arm or ankle would be pulped and perhaps severed. This gauntlet crushes slowly, taking 4 rounds to fully close. With a resisting opponent the user of the gauntlet must make a successful To-Hit. On the first round no damage is inflicted, the gauntlet merely grips what it will then proceed to crush. On each following round 1d6+7 pts of damage will be inflicted. The victim has the opportunity to pull away from the grip if they save vs their Dex on the first round for no 1d6 damage. Each subsequent round the victim will get a more difficult save, first at -2, then -4, and finally -6 as the gauntlets fingers sink deeper into their flesh. If successful they receive half damage as they pull away from the crushing steel fingers of the gauntlet. The gauntlet will not damage enchanted items. Its fingers would not even scratch enchanted plate mail but a shirt of chain, while itself undamaged, would not keep what is between its links from being pulped.

War Horse:
Obesdian, is the fourth Heavy War horse of that name which Harris has ridden. As its name implies it has a glossy black coat.
HD: 4+4 AC7 HP:31
6 potions of extra healing (private stock)
1 potion of Hill Giant Strength
1 potion of speed

Black Harris's Band

#1 Lyndos (level 7 Magic User) Harris's lieutenant
#2 Falil (Level 4 Magic User) Lyndos's aid
#3 Salin (Level 6 Priest of Hextor)
#4 Zeffin (Level 2 Cleric) Salins assistant
#5 Kalib (Level 5 Fighter) twin brother of Kalife
#6 Kalife (Level 5 Fighter) twin brother of Kalib
#7 Smashnose (Level 4 Fighter) 1/2 Orc
#8 Travis (Level 5 Thief) leads thief contingent within band
#9 Costos (Level 3 Thief)
#10 Halvas (Level 1 Thief)
#11 Dursus (Level 1 Thief)
#12 Bismon ( Level 3 Fighter) Follower of Hextor
#13 Quisson (Level 2 Fighter)
#14 Tras (Level 2 Fighter) Follower of Hextor
#15 Arrash (Level 1 Fighter)
#16 Cruther (Level 1 Fighter) Follower of Hextor
#17 Sasor (Level 1 Fighter) Follower of Hextor

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From: LG Dyvers

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Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:37 am  

JasonZavoda wrote:

I love Mads Mikkelson! Is this photo from King Arthur?


Gauntlet of crushing grip:
... It can easily crush a flagon or snap an unenchanted blade. ... The gauntlet will not damage enchanted items.

Oops! Which statement is true?


War Horse:
Obesdian... As its name implies it has a glossy black coat.

I am guessing you meant "Obsidian". Smile

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Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:26 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
JasonZavoda wrote:

I love Mads Mikkelson! Is this photo from King Arthur?


Gauntlet of crushing grip:
... It can easily crush a flagon or snap an unenchanted blade. ... The gauntlet will not damage enchanted items.

Oops! Which statement is true?


War Horse:
Obesdian... As its name implies it has a glossy black coat.

I am guessing you meant "Obsidian". Smile


That is Mads from the 2013 picture Age of Uprising.

The Gauntlet can snap normal blades but not damage enchanted ones so o conflict there.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:13 pm  

Ah, thanks, Jason! Somehow, I missed the (un)enchanted part of that statement. Razz

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Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:51 pm  

Red Hanlan and Black Harris 2
Lyndos, human male, (Magic User level 7)
Str 8, Int 18, Wis 11, Con 10, Dex 12, Chr 11
HP: 22, AL LE, AGE 33

Physical Description:
Lyndos is pale with thin ash-blond hair. 5"9' and skinny. He is clean shaven but his fine thin hair is hardly noticeable even if he does not shave. He has no scars or tattoos.

Lyndos wears a dark hooded cloak on raids, he has a mask which looks like a grinning devils face horns and all which he wears under the hood, (he salvaged it from a group of wandering entertainers that the band ambushed on the road in Keoland).

In towns or away from the brigands he dresses in dark blue robes with occult signs, actual charms woven into its make-up, ( a charm against detection and a charm of protection +1) He wears a dark blue, wide-brimmed hat to protect his fair skin from the sun.

Lyndos has served as Black Harris' lieutenant for the last three years and outside of Smashnose has been with the band the longest, (a total of four years). His mentor Stesil Hin, a mage of great experience and evil, had an estate outside of Hardby. After catching Lyndos borrowing spell components Stesil expelled him and Lyndos left Hardby only seconds ahead of one of Stesils' lightning bolts. Luckily Stesil failed to notice the old traveling spellbooks which Lyndos had borrowed earlier.

Down on his luck, Lyndos survived hand to mouth in the City of Greyhawk. Without cash or connections Lyndos owned only his stolen spellbooks, a bare minimum of components and a single set of worn pants, shirt and shoes. Then he met Black Harris and he has followed him ever since.

Personality and attitude:
Lyndos is meticulous but lacks patience. His greatest desire is to expand his knowledge of all things wizardly but he does so regardless of the cost in pain and suffering to others. Lyndos had been in on the planning of all the major raids for the past few years. The sudden change in Harris' attitude toward the band's attacks and his lack of care in matters of security have forced Lyndos to make plans of his own.

While he bears no sense of loyalty to Harris he has been amply rewarded in the past and greatly profited due to his membership in the band of brigands. He receives all books, scrolls and magical items which are meant for a mage's use as well as a senior member's cut of all treasure. But now he feels that the rewards are coming at too high a risk and his counsels are ignored. He is gathering his resources and his courage, awaiting a time to break with the band unless he sees a change come over Black Harris and a return to the old ways.


Lyndos has a secret cache of spellbooks hidden away in Veluna City. He only carries a traveling spellbook while raiding.

Travelling Spellbook:
1st) Alarm, Comp. Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Magic Missile,
Read Magic, Shield & Sleep
2nd) Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror image, Ray
Enfeeb., Web
3rd) Fireball, Haste, Hold Person, Lightning bolt, Pro.Norm.
4th) Imp. Invisibility, Minor Globe Invuln., Wizard eye

Ring +2 of protection
Staff of Shielding:
This staff allows the user to cast the shield spell twice every 24 hours at the casters current level of experience.
20 +1 sling bullets
10 Silver sling bullets
3 glass spheres holding dust of sneezing and choking, held in an ivory container that has a carrying strap.
Dagger +1

Riding Horse: Mare, named LuLu.
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Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:08 am  

NPC - Perricard Weaponsmith

The art of crafting enchanted weapons is rare. Surprising to some it is a craft come originally from the Dwarvensmiths of old. As dwarves are not known to be often spellweavers it seems strange to many that there is the renown for enchanted blades and armor. Their craftsmen seem to be able to enchant many things but it is their weaponsmiths that are renowned.

Perricard isn't a dwarf. He is a human late of Furyondy and a great enchanter of swords. Their are spells at his command but a deeper knowledge of blades he is said to have gained among the ruins of a dwarven kingdom in the Lortmils. Perhaps this is why he has moved to Verbobonc.

Gnomes do not like Perricard and he is not welcome in the Kron Hills. Currently he is hiring adventurers to return to the Lortmils and seek out that dwarven ruin, but what he searches for he has told none.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:03 am  

Red Hanlan and Black Harris Part 3
#2 Falil, human male, (Level 4 Magic User) Lyndos' aid
Int 17 Dex 16 HP11, AL NE, AGE 35

Physical Description:
Falil is short 5"4', dark haired, fullbearded and stout. He is surprising quick and agile. He has an intricate tattoo on his forearm. It contains in code the words which will activate the magic wand he carries. He has a terrible memory.

He wears a black hood on raids, just a simple black cloth bag with eye and nose holes cut into it. Over his normal old brown robe he wears a large black cape.

Falil is the son of a Sterich merchant. His only interest was in magic and since he showed noaptitude for the family business he was apprenticed to a local mage of minor power. While studying with the mage a magical construct went awry killing the mage and the two other apprentices. Falil was accused of their murder but was actually innocent. He fled and was found by Black Harris sleeping along the bank of the Javan river. At the urging of Lyndos they spared the apprentice mage. Under the vigorous tutelage of Lyndos, Falil has proven to be an apt student, handy with languages and copying scrolls.

Personality and attitude:
Falil is devoted to Lyndos. He is a lazy unassuming character who would liked to have simply lived out his life on his father's estate.

Falil is able to memorize 1 less spell/ level than he would be allowed for his intelligence. He knows only those spells which Lyndos will teach him. He has no spell book of his own but normally has memorized;
Sleep, Magic Missile & Invisibility

20 steel bullets
Wand of Magic Missiles (12 charges)
Mule, Henry
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Sep 20, 2021 6:03 am  

Oerthly Encounters Red Hanlan and Black Harris Part 4
#3 Salin, human male, (Level 6 Priest of Hextor)
Str 16 Int 10 Wis 16 Con 15 Dex 12 Chr 12
HP 35, AL LE, AGE:24

Physical Description:
Salin is a tall man, 6"3' with a slim sturdy build. He has a swarthy complexion and thick black hair. He has a fine network of scars over his entire body due to the practice of ritual scarring. It is part of the faith of Hextor as it was taught to him by his family and his temple. These scars form a very light spidery pattern covering his entire body. He continually adds to this with scars earned by his abilities and for participating in certain ceremonies. While to the uninitiated these scars are meaningless, they would tell a sage learned in the ways of this cult of the deity the story of Salin's life as a priest and disciple of Hextor.

Normally Salin only wears his black robes decorated with rings of grinning white skulls during ceremonies. During raids he wears a plain black robe and a white skull mask. Now he wears his robes of priesthood during raids, though he still uses the white skull-face mask. Beneath his robes he wears an enchanted shirt of chain and a steel skull cap under his mask.

In towns and villages he dresses as a fighter in his armor and plain, serviceable trousers.

Salin is a Perrinlander by birth. His father, a mercenary, was a devotee of Hextor. Salin felt a strong calling toward Hextor and was accepted as a novice, swearing an oath of blood and steel on his 14th

Salin has only been a part of Black Harris' band for the last six months (still before the breakup with Red). He was recruited by Harris in the Principality of Ulek. Salin had been involved in a mission in the Pomarj and was reporting in to his superiors at the city of Gryrax. After hearing from a young mercenary devotee, Bismon, about Black Harris and consulting his superiors, Salin volunteered his services. While not a follower himself, Black Harris respects the powers of a cleric and the warlike nature of Hextor, and gladly brought Salin into his band.

Personality and attitude:
Salin views Black Harris as a project and a potential warrior of Hextor. Red Hanlan never showed the proper respect, and his chaotic nature irritated Salin's sense of discipline. Then Salin came up with his plan, and introduced Tess, an agent of the temple, to throw discord into the friendship of these two men. Something has gone wrong. At first the plan went beyond his expectations, but Tess was supposed to assassinate Red Hanlan at her earliest opportunity. Now she seems to have gone rogue and become his partner and paramour. Salin desires the death of this traitoress with almost as much fervor as Black Harris. Her failure to complete his plan will be a mark, a physical mark, of shame.

1st) Curse/Bless, Command, Cause/Cure lt.wnds, Dark/Light, Cause/Remove Fear.
2nd) Chant, Enthrall, Flame Blade, Hold Person, Spir.Hammer.
3rd) Animate Dead, Prayer, Pyrotechnics

Chainmail +2
Hammer of Pain:
This Warhammer, usable only by those of an evil alignment, acts as a +2 weapon to hit and damage. 3 times every 24 hours its user can cause a jolt of pain which will stun an opponent for 1-3 rounds of combat (save vs rods and the victim will merely suffer a -2 on their chance to hit on the next combat round). There is a 10% chance that the pain will be inflicted upon the user every time this special ability is used (non-cumulative). Stunned victims cannot attack, cast spells, lose all dexterity bonuses and add 2 points to their AC (AC2 = AC4 while stunned)

Warhammer ( used for spiritual hammer spell, Salin keeps 2 a dozen of these among the pack animals.

Set of razor-edged knives and sharpening stone ( Salin will never use these as a weapon, they are for ritual scaring only)

Heavy War Horse : Blood, a dark reddish-brown coated stallion.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:41 am  

Oerthly Encounters Red Hanlan and Black Harris Part 5
#4 Zeffin, human male, (Level 2 Cleric) Salin's assistant
Wis 16 HP 12, AL LE, AGE 18

Physical Description:
Zeffin has the fair-haired pale-skinned looks of a Suel. He wears a closely trimmed beard and mustache. His hair is also trimmed very close to his head. He has the fine scarring, though a bit less, as that of Salin. In his case, though, it is much more noticeable. His scars show as redish lines against his pale skin, and the more recent have a purplish look to them. He is tall, 6", broad-shouldered and thin-waisted.

On raids he wore a chainmail shirt and black pants with a white, featureless face mask. He has a black ceremonial robe with a grey skull on its chest. He now wears this on raids over his chainmail. In town he dresses in his armor and plain grey or brown pants.

Zeffin is from Sterich. His family is old and established. Minor nobility. They are western nobles and after years of conflict with the humanoids of the Crystalmist and Joten Mountains they began to make deals with these creatures of evil. First it was simply allowing passage so that raiders would not attack their land, soon their descendants began acting as fences for goods which these raiders brought with them. Finally they embraced the evil which they hadallowed past their borders. Zeffin is part of a growing cult of Hextor among his father's family and retainers. He was assigned to assist Salin by the superiors of his order.

Personality and attitude:
Zeffin is a sadistic and brutal individual. He is fond of torture and would rather save a few of their victims to practice on. Occasionally the band will take a prisoner and squeeze information out of them. The brothers Kalife and Kalib had been in charge of this information gathering but Zeffin proved to have a greater skill and exuberance for such work. He is loyal to Salin and has a touch of hero worship for the successful cleric.

Horseman's mace
Heavy Warhorse: "Beast", Black, with white streaked forehead and 3 white socks
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:04 am  

NPC - Zervan Cloud Giant Ambassador

Arrogant, immensely powerful, brilliant, haughty and thoroughly evil, Zervan represents the Cloud Giant Confederation when it deals with its lesser brethren (any giants who are not Cloud Giants). He was an emissary to the ill-fated Nosnra and the Drow inspired campaign against surface dwellers that had him flitting between the grubby Hill Giants like Nosnra's ilk, the frozen Frost Giants and the sweaty and overheated Fire Giants. Now he is returned to his home, a cloud castle that floats among the Crystalmists. Some trouble with the dull, grey Stone Giants is brewing so he knows his time home will be short.

Zervan is tall even for a Cloud Giant and carries with him a enchanted blade crafter by enslaved dwarven weaponsmiths. It bears the trapped spirit of a Cloud Dragon within it, Xft by name, and constantly struggles for domination with Zervan. If Zervan can mentally dominate the spirit of Xft he gains the use of the spells and abilities of an adult Cloud Dragon for the day. Each day he must struggle for control of the sword and if the dragon ever wins he will have Zervan destroy the sword, freeing the spirit of Xft and exchanging Cloud Giant flesh for enchanted steel. Xft will walk away in the body of Zervan and Zervan will bide his time till he can dominate a person of his liking and take their body for his own. So far Zevan has always won.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:43 am  

NPC - J'Lr

J'Lr is a ranger from Celene. She is older than she looks but still young for a Sylvan Elf. The forces of Celene have been fighting the growing strength of the Brokenjaw Goblin Wolfriders. The rangers of Celene have managed to turn aside a large wing of the goblin tribe but it is now on its way to the Kron Hills and J'Lr heads a contingent of rangers sent ahead to warn the gnomes and people of the Kron Hills.

Celene and the Viscounty of Verbobonc have been on strained terms since the release of Zuggtmoy from her prison in the Temple of elemental Evil a few years back and J'Lr has been told to warn the gnomes but let the gnomes warn the Viscount. J'Lr doesn't intend to obey those orders as she gets along well with the Verbobonc Lancers and will at least take her warning directly to one of the Lancer garrisons.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:27 am  

NPC - Vir'Veth Warrior-Mage

During the giant incursions into Geoff in 576-577cy A mysterious elven figure was seen leading contingents of ogres, orcs and hobgoblins in the worst of the fighting. Now revealed to be a Drow, the dark splinter-race of elves that vomited from the Underoerth during those dark times, Vir'Veth was one of the first encountered by people of Geoff.

He rode a Nightmare and went armored as a warrior and cast spells as a mage. His weapons and armor bore powerful enchantments but during the last weeks of fighting his blade shattered as it met the power of the druid Haakul's staff and his armor was pierced by the arrows of the ranger Evest, she of the Lightning Bow.

Vir'veth was not slain and to this day leads a band of outlaws and monsters who lair in the Crystalmist Mountains above the Hornwood.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:18 am  

Teleen is an Ancient. Among the Sisterhood of Witches there is great honor in the guarding of the Moonhall, the semi-Oerthly place of gathering and memory. It is easy to get lost within and years may pass as moments in its halls.

Centuries past Teleen came to Blackmoor, a High Suel, great in power. She told nothing of herself but already the Blood-Jewels were set above her brow. She wished only to forget and found the Sisterhood, who welcomed her without question.

In her search for forgetfulness Teleen plumbed the depth of Castle Blackmoor, walked the cold wastes of the Land of Black Ice and finally lost herself in the passages of the Moonhall. Now she has returned and seeks the Plane of Fog and Mist, ready to set herself against the Gray.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:22 am  

NPC - Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Czylle
The frozen land of Blackmoor, choked with mists and twilight. Few travel to that far world and few tales have returned. The great bard of Greyhawk has returned from a long sojourn there where it is said he found the City of the Gods. Silvertongue the Bard found strange and powerful forces at work in Blackmoor but he also found allies in a society of witches that are the hidden strength of that land.

Czylle commands the elements. Lightning dances at her will. She would be a leader in any other land but the society of witches has no leaders. All are equal in their ranks once they have begun the first mastery of their art till they take their last breath on this Oerth. She goes gloved and cloaked in grey and her eyes burn with an inner fire. She looks far beyond this plane into worlds beyond and one day she will step beyond this Oerth and perhaps not return.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:17 am  

- Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - The Red Witch

The frozen land of Blackmoor, choked with mists and twilight. Few travel to that far world and few tales have returned. The great bard of Greyhawk has returned from a long sojourn there where it is said he found the City of the Gods. Silvertongue the Bard found strange and powerful forces at work in Blackmoor but he also found allies in a society of witches that are the hidden strength of that land.

The Red Witch travels the borders of Blackmoor alone though she is protected by golems of her own creation and terrible para-elementals. She practices a form of magic unknown in the Flanaess but it is said to have links to the ancient Olman rites of their priest/magicians and some Hepmonaland shamans are said to have similar powers and rituals. The Red Witch practices Blood Magic, summons para-elementals of blood, constructs golems of blood. She can cause blood to boil or to become Blood Worms that eat their way out of the skin. Her magic is terrible and powerful.

Her interests are in Blackmoor though she is said to welcome young women from anywhere who wish to learn her brand of witchcraft and become apprentices.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:16 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Inkeri

Blackmoor is a shattered land but still a land of great power. The capitol is in ruins, the army scattered, the various lords barely ruling over their own lands. Darkness and mist have descended upon the farms and forests. Villages that remain are walled enclaves. Only the power of the witches keeps the land and its people from disappearing into the fog which rises from the valleys and flows from the hills.

Inkeri is a woman of strength and madness. She has fought off the otherworldly things that now inhabit the wilds of Blackmoor but at the cost of her sanity and her soul. The Sisterhood honors her and aids her when they can but she walks in two worlds and can be both a halp and a dnager to any that cross her path.

Originally she was a healer but her change has brought out a darkness that deals death to those who would stand in her path. Necromancy flows through her fighting the power of life and healing and slowly it is winning. She commmands flocks of dead avians and the animated body of a slain griffin is her mount. She is attracted to death and killing, healing those injured but absorbing some spark of spirit from the dead, Those she whose bodies she has drained of this final spark cannot be reincarnated or resurrected

Any who might harm Inkeri for whatever reason will earn the enmity of the Sisterhood and a society of over a thousand witches makes a very powerful foe.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:31 pm  

Aefre and the Breath of Blood

Aefre is born of the old tribes of the Burneal Forest who dwelled within before the riders from the west came, the Oerid driven back in defeat and welcomed by the old forest people. Today most who dwell within the chill forest are descended from both Oerid and forest people, only a few tribes are like Aefre's.

While appearing youthful and quite beautiful Aefre is not young. She is the spiritual leader of her people and follows the rituals and ceremonies passed through the generations of the forest people.

The forest is her home and she rarely is away from its borders but she is aware of what transpires in the lands around. Members of the Sisterhood bring her news but mainly come to her to learn. Aefre is the keeper of many powerful spells and rituals otherwise forgotten.

The forest people once held many items of power; objects of wood and stone, leaf and root. There were also older than they. Weapons and objects of metal, crystal and light. Since the mingling with the Oerids most such items were lost, broken, stolen or sold.

The Breath of Blood is one of the last. It is a golden box which only Aefra knows the opening of. Instead as a creature, an elemental of blood. This servant of Aefre's is from an age before humanity, older than elves. It keeps her young, protects her, but at what cost she does not say. Few have seen her with this golden box and none living but her have seen it opened.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:52 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches

Anzelika, the younger daughter of the Canon of Redmod, was a typical maiden of the Pale. She was devoted and obedient to the will of Pholtus and dutiful to her father. That is until her visions began...

The Pale does not welcome witchcraft.

The Canon was not a tolerant man. Some years before he had suffered through the theft of a powerful chalice by a Rhennee thief and the willing defilement of his oldest daughter, Beautiful Light; then to have his youngest daughter show signs of powers that bore the earmarks of witchcraft was too much for the arrogant and pompous old cleric. Anzelika was cast out and sent from the Pale. Distant relatives in Tenh were contacted and, she who was once his daughter, sent there as no more than a servant.

Anzelika's awaking powers and a hidden resolve within her delicate frame stirred a sense of freedom and rebellion within her. As the merchant train she accompanied crossed the borders into Tenh she left one night and took her first steps beyond the bonds the Pale and her father had set upon her since her birth.

Her wanderings and adventures took her far beyond Tenh. The Bandit Kingdoms, the fabled White Plume Mountain, and further and further north till she came, finally, to Blackmoor.

Today she is a powerful member of the Sisterhood. Her visions have allowed the defeat of machinations of Iggwilv and the forces of the Gray which plagues the land. Her sight stretches the ultimate north and shining metal city set against a mountainous plateau which radiates unspeakable evil.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:47 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Tuure

Tuure is from the Burneal Forest, her folk belong to an ancient Flan tribe which hid among the green depths of the wood when the Bakluni and Oeridians first crossed into the northern Flanaess. Her father was a Tiger Nomad caught in a trap by her people the Vigonor who later became a member of the tribe and respected leader.

While Obad-Hai is primarily worshiped among the Vigonor men, the women have long followed the witching way. The Sisterhood is strong along the north-eastern forest while further to the west the tribal witches have maintained their independance. They have also not yet encountered The Grey and the need for joining forces has not presented itself. Yet.

Tuure is a young witch but has journeyed far across the forest. She has seen the attacks by The Grey, even crossed into the lands of Blackmoor and now is a member of the Sisterhood and the branch of tribal witches helping to protect the forest.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:17 am  

Blacmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Zelsana

Zelsana is a Palish witch come to Blackmoor. She was born to a brothel-worker in the capital of Wintershiven and recognized by the midwife who brought her into the world as having the link with Moon, Oerth and Stars that are marks of power among witches. As a babe she was purchased by the coven of Wintershiven, of necessity a secret organization amid the rigid and intolerant Pholtite rulers of the Pale.

In the years of her childhood the growing Order of Witchfinders was making life for witches in the realm daily more perilous. As a teenage girl Zelsana was smuggled into Tenh where the Old Faith was still respected if not always followed.

Zelsana spent her early womanhood in Tenh growing in power and respect among the people. She delved deeply into the history of witchdom, learning of the Yaga who was called Iggwilv or Louhi among those of Blackmoor. She who was the Mother of Witches and her Daughter who brought together the first coven and opposed the workings of her mother.

Visions of that cold realm, the marshes that were the Yaga's first home in ancient times, the coming the gods with their steeds of metal and fire, the gleaming City of the Gods, the nameless horror on the mountain plateau that sat above the gleaming city...

She saw the coming of the Gray to the Land of Black Ice, the Sisterhood and its fight against the minions of the Gray as they sifted through the fields and forests of Blackmoor. Zelana heard the thousand voices of the Sisterhood an she knew where she needed to be.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:33 am  

Oerthly Encounters Red Hanlan & Black Harris Part 6
#5 Kalib, human male, (5th Level Fighter) twin brother of Kalife
STR 18/89, INT 8, WIS 8, CON 17, HP 41, AL LE

AGE 30

Physical Description:

Kalib has a fringe of dark hair around this head but is otherwise bald. He has a heavy, black beard and mustache. 6"4' tall he is very heavy and very muscular, muscle-bound actually. He has tattoos over his right arm and shoulder. Across the right side of his chest is the tattoo of a demon showing half of its face. He has a large wide scar starting at the top of his forehead and running across the left side of his head.

He wears a large black poncho when on a raid with a chainmail shirt underneath. The poncho is simply a thick piece of cloth dyed black with a hole cut for his head and a belt across his waist. Over his face he wears the mask of a grinning pig-like face.

His normal wear is worn farmer garb. He dislikes his chainmail shirt and only wears it on raids or when Black Harris tells him to.


Kalib was born on a farm in Furyondy, His mother died in child birth and his father took it out on Kalib and his brother Kalife. At age12 the pair beat their father to death, gathered what money and belongings were on the farm and left.

They were quickly caught and placed in a prison where they were even more quickly sold as workers for a nobleman's farm. The life actually suited them. The nobleman was smart enough to recognize strong arms and weak minds, and violent tempers.

At age 16 the pair had grown from oversized murderous children to gigantic musclebound adults. The nobleman had them trained, as much as possible, in the art of combat, and kept them on as bodyguards, and since he dabbled in the free market of the underworld, as enforcers as well.

After a few years the pairs' brutal methods became too much for the nobleman and he passed on his dangerous employees to a traveling merchant and fence for stolen goods. In their early twenties they ended up working as hired thugs living in the Old Town of Greyhawk, which is where they met and joined up with Black Harris.

Personality and attitude:

Kalib is loyal only to his brother and Black Harris. He and his brother have a surprising fondness for cats, dogs and horses and will not abide any form of cruelty to these animals.

If his brother is killed Kalib will stop whatever he is doing and will cradle his brother in his arms weeping and crying piteously. He will not defend himself and the shock will reduce his intelligence and personality to that of a five-year old's.

Chainmail shirt (+2)
Two handed sword +2/+3 versus Hill Giants (He is completely unaware of this aspect of the swords enchantment)
Draft Horse named Matilda

#6 Kalife, human male,( 5th Level Fighter) twin brother of Kalib
STR 18/99, INT 8, WIS 8, CON 17, HP 41, AL LE
AGE 30

Physical Description:

Kalife's appearance is similar to his brother's but he has no scar and his tattoos cover the left side of his body, a duplicate of Kalibs. He is a little more muscular but it is only apparent when the two are standing side by side.

He also wears a rough cloth poncho on raids with a shirt of chainmail underneath and a mask shaped like a donkey's with one ear is missing.

See Kalib

Personality and attitude:

Kalife is very quiet and he only talks to his brother or Black Harris. He will support either in any situation. If his brother is killed he will go into a berserk rage, ignoring wounds, and attacking his brother's killer with fanatical strength (+4 to hit/+7 to damage). He will then go on to attack anyone not a brigand who is nearby. Afterwards, If Black Harris is around he will follow him everywhere and not want to be separated from him. If both are dead he will run off and live like a wild-man or beast, and his effective INT will drop to 3.

Chainmail +2
Two-handed Bastard sword +2/ +3 versus the Undead (as with his brother he has no idea that the sword has any special enchantment except that he doesn't need to sharpen or polish it (which suits him fine).
Draft Horse named Sara
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:31 pm  

This is quite a rogues gallery of characters / entities!

Just out of curiosity, did some of them start as PCs or were they all NPC's from the start?

Also, how long have you been running your campaign(s)?
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:41 am  

jmarso wrote:
This is quite a rogues gallery of characters / entities!

Just out of curiosity, did some of them start as PCs or were they all NPC's from the start?

Also, how long have you been running your campaign(s)?

These are mostly NPCs. I started in '77 with the Holmes basic set, but I don't have any of my game material from before '86.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Oct 05, 2021 1:43 pm  

Saamal is of a rich and noble Palish family, an accomplished knight and part of a growing number of the aristocracy who have fallen from the worship Pholtus. There is a more cosmopolitan air to the upper society due perhaps the growing wealth and military influence of the Pale.

While Tenh has become a key trading hub with the barbarian north, it is the Pale who is the outlet to the southern lands of wealth and civilization. To the west the campaigns against the Bandit Kingdoms of Grosskopf and Fellands had cemented the alliance between Tenh and the Pale while the capture of the fortress-city of Redspan from the Bandits signaled the rise of the Pale's strength in arms.

The clergy and theocratic rulers of the Pale have looked upon this with dismay. Wealth and military might are nothing without the Light of Pholtus guiding the way. And so Samaal, youngest of the House of Koiv, is summoned to Wintershiven and, beneath the Great Temple, brought into the Shining Ones presence...
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:59 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Eira

Eira was young and very powerful when she crossed into the Plane of Fog and Mist to battle the enitity known as the Gray. She struck down the greatest of the Gray's minion-conjurings and breached the glass-walled citadel of the Thought-Eater Lord. There she was lost for only three of her sister-witches could follow her and within the shattered fragments of fear, desire and nightmares they were separated.

The portals between the Plane of Fog and Mist remain open though now the largest are guarded and for the moment the great terrors sent by the Gray have been halted. Eira was first among the witches to track them down as they were hidden and invisible to the eye. Only the witches can see the portals and even the creatures and conjurings of the Gray can only by seen by wielders of magic or servants of the Gods.

With one hundred of her sisters Eira led the assault through the greatest portal in the dungeon-crypts beneath Castle Blackmoor and many witches fell during the breaching of that realm. Eira herself defeated the Wood-Rot, an ancient being that predated the arrival of humans to the Flanaess, and at its foul-core found the passage to the heart of the land of the Thought-Eater Lord.

The three who accompanied Eira to the Glass Citadel now gather strength for a return to that dread fortress to find what has become of their sister Eira.
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