Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:20 am  
Historical - Queen Ehlissa the Nightingale

Historical - Queen Ehlissa the Nightingale

The great warrior-queen Ehlissa, called the Nightingale by her people, the Giade (later labeled the Flan by Oeridian invaders) was known for her voice which could charm, inspire and enchant those who heard it. She was of great will and determination. Uniting the tribes of her people against the eastern nomads who threatened the more settled western lands of the Flanaess.

The Giade settled and farmed the areas near to the great forests and Elven communities venerating the long-lived demi-humans and learning their ways, but following the path of the Oerth-Mother, Father Wind and Storm, the two sisters of the Moons who watched over the night, the brothers Sun and Sea.

In later day the great inventor-mage from mysterious Blackmoor would court her and give to her the powerful Nightingale he crafted for her, leading to the tragedy which broke the power of the Giade.