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Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches
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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:42 am  
Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches

Player’s Background

In Blackmoor the sun hides during the winter but stays out during the summer making the nights bright as day. Half the year is filled with snow and frost but the people endure and celebrate the days of light.

These celebrations feature Matar, the Mother who flew to oerth from the moon Celene when the land was ruled by the Ancient Things. Matar is said to have followed in search of Mikko the Father who also flew from Celene but in the darkness in search of some great and powerful element to aid Celene who was wounded and dying. Matar brought with her many followers and came to rest first in the terrible land of Black Ice near to the Plateau of Leng, a vast and horror filled area which is higher than the clouds (Leng the brother of Mikko, lost in his exploration of the Plateau which bears his name). Here she built the City of the Gods and fought the Ancient Things till she had wrested the land of Blackmoor from their grasp and rescued Mikko from their dungeons beneath what is now the ruined city of Old Blackmoor.

Matar rules the Summer and is worshipped in the light, while Mikko walks during the dark and still seeks that which will aid the dying moon Celene.

The Birth of Waymoinen the Smith

While dwelling in the City of the Gods Matar and Mikko rejoiced and Matar bore a son, Waymoinen. He was not born as a mortal would be but instead stepped from the EGG fully formed and hungry for knowledge. Matar taught him of nature, the life and death of mortal things, how they grew, how to heal, and how to bend nature to the will of the Gods. From Mikko he learned the ways of war, the many ways of fighting and the weapons of mortals and those of the Gods. From Leng he learned how to learn and the magic brought down from Celene, not the magic in the oerth, for as yet the Gods did not possess such magic, only that which animated the City of the Gods. From Ykko the Oldest he learned the making and shaping of things and at this Waymoinen excelled.

Such is known to the people of Blackmoor.

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:49 pm  

Cthulhevala. Cool.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:07 pm  

rasgon wrote:
Cthulhevala. Cool.

I have my kindle open to Eivind's Finnish Legends for English Children as I write.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:01 pm  

Great work. Which pantheon would you place these deities in?
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:19 pm  

Cyrusalthantas wrote:
Great work. Which pantheon would you place these deities in?

I have them as unique to Blackmoor and the Land of Black Ice. I like having more separate pantheons and world origins rather than the less and none provided for originally
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Apr 08, 2020 12:10 am  

Waymoinen and the Plateau of Leng

The City of the Gods was a wondrous place, but it was of the moon Celene and not of Oerth and the ways of Oerthly magic were as of yet unknown among most Gods. Mikko had learned of this magic in the darkness when captured by the Ancient Things in their citadel which became the city of Blackmoor, and Matar learned of this strange magic in the light of summer when she rescued him and broke the walls and towers and drove the Ancient Things beneath the foundation stones of the citadel and out beyond the edges of the light and the real. They gave Waymoinen a hunger for the knowledge of this new magic.

In the Land of Black Ice creatures lived, but many were strange and many were evil and many were not of this oerth. The new magic was strong in this desolate land but in no place was it stronger than the terrible Plateau which was all too close to the City. The God Leng was an explorer and despite the evil which flowed down from the Plateau as if it was a colorless smoke that brought nightmares and panic and terror without reason he longed to set forth and place his feet atop the cliffs which were higher than the clouds.

Now the Plateau was shrouded by clouds, and though the Gods had eyes that could see through stone, they could not see through these clouds and what was beyond them was a mystery. Waymoinen hungered for Oerthly magic and as of yet he knew no fear. When Leng set off to explore the Plateau many lesser Gods accompanied him but Matar and Mikko refused to let Waymoinen go.

Among the lesser Gods who served Ykko the Oldest was Ilmar the Builder. Ilmar was a great friend of Waymoinen and at first a teacher, though Waymoinen soon surpassed him in skill. Together they devised a plan for Waymoinen to leave the City of the Gods undetected and be carried with the servants of Leng on this great and dangerous expedition.

It is said that if Waymoinen lost an arm another could be made, even if he lost his head, another could be found, and that only the Heart of Waymoinen could not be replaced. In this way Waymoinen and Ilmar planned for him to leave with Leng and yet stay within the City. Ilmar crafted Waymoinen an eye that was not an eye for him to wear in his head and took from Waymoinen his true eye that he might see. This they hid within the helm of a servant of Leng. The eye that was not an eye would see what the True Eye of Waymoinen saw even though far away.

Leng left the City of the Gods on a chariot that flew and sailed through the clouds to reach the Plateau. As he approached the clouds became as black as the ice and the chariot bucked and twisted in the sky. Great cracks appeared in the Chariot of Leng and terror assailed them. Lesser Gods shriveled and died in this struggle and Waymoinen saw through the clouds.

Leng did not return, his chariot was swallowed the black clouds, and Waymoinen tore the eye that was not an eye from his face and smashed it beneath his heel. What he saw he would never say, no not even to Matar and Mikko, but no God or mortal was allowed to approach the Plateau of Leng again.

Such is known to the people of Blackmoor.

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From: LG Dyvers

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Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:07 pm  

JasonZavoda wrote:
Leng did not return, his chariot was swallowed the black clouds, and Waymoinen tore the eye that was not an eye from his face and smashed it beneath his heel. What he saw he would never say, no not even to Matar and Mikko, but no God or mortal was allowed to approach the Plateau of Leng again.

Such is known to the people of Blackmoor.

Well, that certainly leaves a lot of questions. Razz

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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:45 am  

Waymoinen and the magic of Oerth

The loss of Leng awakened some nightmarish terror atop the Plateau which now bore his name. To this day even the Gods do not venture onto the Plateau of Leng. Waymoinen turned toward the more fertile lands south which were once the domain of the Ancient Things. Here he found the Mother of Witches, Iggwilv, and was first of the Gods to learn the magic of Oerth.

Iggwilv dwelt in what is today called the Cold Marshes but she had servents and spies who saw things and reported these things back to her from across the lands. It was Iggwilv who first saw Mikko the Father in the darkness and betrayed him to the Ancient Things and she saw the coming of Matar in the summer light and the destruction of the city of the Ancient Things which is the ruined city of Blackmoor.

One of the most fearsome of Iggwilv’s servents were the creatures she made from the wings of hornets. She could shape them to any form and she would steal the essence of life from creatures newborn to make her creations move but they were not alive and those who lived in what is now the land of Blackmoor named them Husks for that is what they were. It was a Husk shaped like that of great bear which haunted the northern edge of the Burneal Forest who first saw Waymoinen and his companion Ukkounian the Songmaster wandering the plains north of the forest and so let its mistress Iggwilv know what it had seen.

Iggwilv saw with through the places where the Husk should have eyes and watched the pair move across the land. She knew that such a pair were Gods and that Waymoinen must be a powerful God though she did not know at first that he was the child of Mikko whom she betrayed and Matar whom she feared. Now at this time Iggwilv had a beautiful daughter named the Rainbow Maiden whose voice could enchant any living thing and she sent her to enchant Waymoinen thinking to bring him under her power.

From the edge of the Burneal Forest Rainbow Maiden began to sing and while Waymoinen heard her song first it was Ukkounian who became ensnared. The pair began a great chase through first the forest and then into the Cold Marshes and into the lair of Iggwilv.

Iggwilv’s home appeared as a large but plain farm and Iggwilv herself as the aging mother of Rainbow Maiden. Her disappointment was great to find that her daughter’s song had charmed only the lesser of these two Gods, and she desired some way to harvest the strength she saw in Waymionen. At first she thought to pitch the two Gods against each other and ordered Rainbow Maiden to cast her eyes only upon Waymoinen, but then Ukkonian began to sing and among all the Gods there were none greater at song than he. In this way Ukkonian won the heart of Rainbow Maiden and she disobeyed her mother and warned the Gods of Iggwilv’s power and her plans.

Ukkonian fled with Rainbow Maiden back to the City of the Gods and there she taught them of the magic of Oerth and their children and children’s children became the great mages such as Kempelen the legendary crafter and Mordenkainen of much reknown. Waymoinen stayed and held back Iggwilv. Her magic of the Oerth wounded Waymoinen but his magic of the moon, Celene, proved greater and he bound her in cage of bars of black metal which ate the light. Here it was that Iggwilv traded her great knowledge of Oerth magic for her freedom and Waymoinen released her. Iggwilv fled the north and did not return, though Rainbow Maiden taught the daughters of oerth the way of Witchery which has not been forgotten by the women of today.

Such is known to the people of Blackmoor.
CF Admin

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Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:36 pm  

Hi Jason. Great to read your prolific work again.

Although I've never focused on the Land of Black Ice, I love what you're sharing and how it evokes my dim recollection of how Deities & Demigods presented the Finnish Mythos.

Have you posted elsewhere about your version of Celene and her / its wounding?
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:02 pm  

This thread made me want to ask-what's Blackmoor's general society and culture like? Most of the canon sources don't really describe what everyday life is for Blackmoorians or what their character is like. The closest we have is the 1983 alignment map, which describes Blackmoor as LE, NE and N.

My own assumption is that the law of survival applies in Blackmoor more than anywhere else. Blackmoorians only cooperate out of necessity or when they are forced to do so by their brutal leaders. Every Blackmoorian knows that he is surrounded by potential enemies, whether they be his fellow citizens, various humanoids and monsters, his tyrannical lords or even the bogs and blizzards themselves. Blackmoor's heraldry of a tower on an island is grimly symbolic-every Blackmoorian is effectively an island, and needs to be able to defend himself as necessary.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:38 am  

Nation - Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Part 4

The Gods still dwell in their city near the cursed Plateau of Leng and from the southern lands have come the Oerthly Gods and from the east, the Deities of the northern people such as Fray and Votan and Vili and Ve. The people of Blackmoor respect all Gods but their hearts turn always to their own who took this land from the Ancient Things and drove Iggwilv from the Cold Marshes. The Gods who have always aided them in their people and aid them today against the terror from the north.

Matar the Mother

Celene the Moon

Mikko the Father

Leng of Nightmares and Despair

Waymoinen the Smith

Ykko the Oldest

Ilmar the Builder

Ukkounian the Songmaster

Rainbow Maiden

Dark and terrible creatures have come to plague the lands of Blackmoor but the power of the Gods and the Sisterhood have driven them back to the foothills of Leng and crossed the borders of this world to fight The Grey in its own demise.

The Sisterhood and The Grey

Ancient Things skulk in the Ruins of the city, Old Blackmoor as it is called. By the people. Bestmo fights with the Manor-Lords from his town of Dantredun, but his edicts go no further than the nearby farms and many Manor-Lords possess greater numbers of warriors than the aging Baron. Monsters slither through the cold marshes and stalk the Burneal Forest. Nomads raid from the west, south and east. There are threats aplenty throughout the land, but the real danger wafts down from the north and the real power in the land is the Sisterhood.

The Now

Blackmoor is a land of mystery to outsiders. There are tales of its past with tragedies and catastrophes, heroes and common folk, great evil and great good to combat it, but still a place distant and removed from the normal commerce and happenings of the Flanaess.

Blackmoor was never a truly peaceful land. Trapped between the terrible Land of Black Ice and the nomad hordes the people of Blackmoor have always fended for themselves. But today beneath the surface and around the borders a cold grey presence can always be felt. It is a lifestealing hand that takes the sick and preys upon the newborn. Those who first took up the fight against this presence were the witches. In Blackmoor the witches healed the sick, assisted the clerics of their own Gods as well as Beory, Telchur, Velnius and Zodal, acted as mid-wives, cared for injured animals, and served as judges. They were soothsayers and diviners of fate. All of Blackmoor from the baron to the smallest village’s Elder had a witch to advise and heal. Among the Council of Women they were predominantly leaders and were the teachers of the young girls, administering the test and right of passage from girl to woman.

With the coming of the Grey, as they called the lifestealing presence, they became those who fought. Swords and spears were ineffective against the creatures of fog and mist which began to appear. Magicians were rare, clerics and priests were few, but the witches were many. Every girl who showed signs of power and ability were mentored and encouraged to pursue the arduous path of witchery. And as the Grey strengthened, the Sisterhood was formed.

The Sisterhood, in some nascent form, had existed in Blackmoor for centuries. Never had it needed the strength, discipline and organization that the fight against the Grey demanded.

Nine witches form the Nyma Urd who guide the Sisterhood. They are the most powerful witches, not necessarily the oldest. Once a year they may be challenged for their position on the Nyma Urd. There are thought to be a thousand witches in the Sisterhood, but that number has been growing. Certain events have set back the Grey and expeditions into the Land of Black Ice and beyond the very boundary of the Planes of Existence have rewarded the Sisterhood with both artifacts of power and also victories against The Grey on its own plane, that of Fog and Mist.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:23 pm  

JasonZavoda wrote:
Dark and terrible creatures have come to plague the lands of Blackmoor but the power of the Gods and the Sisterhood have driven them back to the foothills of Leng and crossed the borders of this world to fight The Grey in its own demise.

Did you mean, "...The Grey in its own demesne"?

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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:30 am  

SirXaris wrote:
JasonZavoda wrote:
Dark and terrible creatures have come to plague the lands of Blackmoor but the power of the Gods and the Sisterhood have driven them back to the foothills of Leng and crossed the borders of this world to fight The Grey in its own demise.

Did you mean, "...The Grey in its own demesne"?


lol the things spellcheck wont catch
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun May 17, 2020 8:43 am  

Nation - Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Part 5

Czylle commands the elements. Lightning dances at her willl. She would be a leader in any other land but the Nyma Urd have no leader. She goes gloved and cloaked in grey and her eyes burn with an inner fire. She looks far beyond this plane into worlds beyond and one day she will step beyond this Oerth and perhaps not return.

Next among the Nyma Urd is the Red Witch. She travels the borders of Blackmoor alone though she is protected by golems of her own creation and terrible para-elementals. She practices a form of magic unknown in the Flanaess but it is said to have links to the ancient Olman rites of their priest/magicians and some Hepmonaland shamans are said to have similar powers and rituals. The Red Witch practices Blood Magic, summons para-elementals of blood, constructs golems of blood. She can cause blood to boil or to become Blood Worms that eat their way out of the skin. Her magic is terrible and powerful. Her interests are in Blackmoor though she is said to welcome young women from anywhere who wish to learn her brand of witchcraft and become apprentices.

Last among the three of the Nyma Urd who are known is Tyyne, Daughter of the Moon. It is said that she has been to the City of the Gods and has brought the magic of Celene with her and her power is great. Something of the God Waymoinen is about her for she can craft marvelous things. She can surround herself with a cloud of butterflys formed of steel whose wings are razors. Woe betide any who would seek to harm her.

These are the three that are known of the Nyma Urd.

Among the rest of the Sisterhood all are equal in their ranks once they have begun the first mastery of their art till they take their last breath on this Oerth.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:15 am  

Teleen is an Ancient. Among the Sisterhood of Witches there is great honor in the guarding of the Moonhall, the semi-Oerthly place of gathering and memory. It is easy to get lost within and years may pass as moments in its halls.

Centuries past Teleen came to Blackmoor, a High Suel, great in power. She told nothing of herself but already the Blood-Jewels were set above her brow. She wished only to forget and found the Sisterhood, who welcomed her without question.

In her search for forgetfulness Teleen plumbed the depth of Castle Blackmoor, walked the cold wastes of the Land of Black Ice and finally lost herself in the passages of the Moonhall. Now she has returned and seeks the Plane of Fog and Mist, ready to set herself against the Gray.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:19 am  

NPC - Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Czylle

The frozen land of Blackmoor, choked with mists and twilight. Few travel to that far world and few tales have returned. The great bard of Greyhawk has returned from a long sojourn there where it is said he found the City of the Gods. Silvertongue the Bard found strange and powerful forces at work in Blackmoor but he also found allies in a society of witches that are the hidden strength of that land.

Czylle commands the elements. Lightning dances at her will. She would be a leader in any other land but the society of witches has no leaders. All are equal in their ranks once they have begun the first mastery of their art till they take their last breath on this Oerth. She goes gloved and cloaked in grey and her eyes burn with an inner fire. She looks far beyond this plane into worlds beyond and one day she will step beyond this Oerth and perhaps not return.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:06 am  

- Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - The Red Witch

The frozen land of Blackmoor, choked with mists and twilight. Few travel to that far world and few tales have returned. The great bard of Greyhawk has returned from a long sojourn there where it is said he found the City of the Gods. Silvertongue the Bard found strange and powerful forces at work in Blackmoor but he also found allies in a society of witches that are the hidden strength of that land.

The Red Witch travels the borders of Blackmoor alone though she is protected by golems of her own creation and terrible para-elementals. She practices a form of magic unknown in the Flanaess but it is said to have links to the ancient Olman rites of their priest/magicians and some Hepmonaland shamans are said to have similar powers and rituals. The Red Witch practices Blood Magic, summons para-elementals of blood, constructs golems of blood. She can cause blood to boil or to become Blood Worms that eat their way out of the skin. Her magic is terrible and powerful.

Her interests are in Blackmoor though she is said to welcome young women frfom anywhere who wish to learn her brand of witchcraft and become apprentices.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:14 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Inkeri

Blackmoor is a shattered land but still a land of great power. The capitol is in ruins, the army scattered, the various lords barely ruling over their own lands. Darkness and mist have descended upon the farms and forests. Villages that remain are walled enclaves. Only the power of the witches keeps the land and its people from disappearing into the fog which rises from the valleys and flows from the hills.

Inkeri is a woman of strength and madness. She has fought off the otherworldly things that now inhabit the wilds of Blackmoor but at the cost of her sanity and her soul. The Sisterhood honors her and aids her when they can but she walks in two worlds and can be both a help and a danger to any that cross her path.

Originally she was a healer but her change has brought out a darkness that deals death to those who would stand in her path. Necromancy flows through her fighting the power of life and healing and slowly it is winning. She commands flocks of dead avians and the animated body of a slain griffin is her mount. She is attracted to death and killing, healing those injured but absorbing some spark of spirit from the dead, Those she whose bodies she has drained of this final spark cannot be reincarnated or resurrected

Any who might harm Inkeri for whatever reason will earn the enmity of the Sisterhood and a society of over a thousand witches makes a very powerful foe.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:32 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches

Aefre and the Breath of Blood

Aefre is born of the old tribes of the Burneal Forest who dwelled within before the riders from the west came, the Oerid driven back in defeat and welcomed by the old forest people. Today most who dwell within the chill forest are descended from both Oerid and forest people, only a few tribes are like Aefre's.

While appearing youthful and quite beautiful Aefre is not young. She is the spiritual leader of her people and follows the rituals and ceremonies passed through the generations of the forest people.

The forest is her home and she rarely is away from its borders but she is aware of what transpires in the lands around. Members of the Sisterhood bring her news but mainly come to her to learn. Aefre is the keeper of many powerful spells and rituals otherwise forgotten.

The forest people once held many items of power; objects of wood and stone, leaf and root. There were also older than they. Weapons and objects of metal, crystal and light. Since the mingling with the Oerids most such items were lost, broken, stolen or sold.

The Breath of Blood is one of the last. It is a golden box which only Aefra knows the opening of. Instead as a creature, an elemental of blood. This servant of Aefre's is from an age before humanity, older than elves. It keeps her young, protects her, but at what cost she does not say. Few have seen her with this golden box and none living but her have seen it opened.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:38 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - the Sisterhood

Blackmoor is a land of mystery. There are tales of its past with cities and kingdoms, wars and catastrophies, heroes and common folk, but still a place distant and removed from the normal commerce and happenings of the Flanaess.

Blackmoor was never a truly peaceful land. Beneath the surface and around the borders a cold grey presence could always be felt. It was a lifestealing hand that took the sick and preyed upon the newborn. Those who first took up the fight against this presence were the witches. In Blackmoor the witches healed the sick, assisted the clerics of Beory, Telchur, Velnius and Zodal, acted as mid-wives, cared for injured animals, and acted as judges. They were soothsayers and diviners of fate. All of Blackmoor from the king to the smallest village had a witch to advise and heal. Among the Council of Women they were predominantly leaders and were the teachers of the young girls, administering the test and right of passage from girl to woman.

With the coming of the Grey, as they called the lifestealing presence, they became those who fought. Swords and spears were ineffective against the creatures of fog and mist which began to appear. Magicians was rare, clerics and priests were few, but the witches were many. Every girl who showed signs of power and ability were mentored and encouraged to pursue the arduous path of witchery. And as the Grey strengthened, the Sisterhood was formed.

The Sisterhood, in some nascent form, had existed in Blackmoor for centuries. Never had it needed the strength, discipline and organization that the fight against the Grey demanded.

Nine witches form the Nyma Urd who guid the Sisterhood. They are the most powerful witches not necessarily the oldest. Once a year they may be challenged for their position on the Nyma Urd. There are thought to be a thousand witches in the Sisterhood, but that number has been growing. Certain events have set back the Grey and expeditions into the Land of Black Ice and beyond the very boundary of the Planes of Existence have rewarded the Sisterhood with both artifacts of power but also victories against The Grey on its own plane, that of Fog and Mist.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:53 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches

Anzelika, the younger daughter of the Canon of Redmod, was a typical maiden of the Pale. She was devoted and obedient to the will of Pholtus and dutiful to her father. That is until her visions began...

The Pale does not welcome witchcraft.

The Canon was not a tolerant man. Some years before he had suffered through the theft of a powerful chalice by a Rhennee thief and the willing defilement of his oldest daughter, Beautiful Light; then to have his youngest daughter show signs of powers that bore the earmarks of witchcraft was too much for the arrogant and pompous old cleric. Anzelika was cast out and sent from the Pale. Distant relatives in Tenh were contacted and, she who was once his daughter, sent there as no more than a servant.

Anzelika's awaking powers and a hidden resolve within her delicate frame stirred a sense of freedom and rebellion within her. As the merchant train she accompanied crossed the borders into Tenh she left one night and took her first steps beyond the bonds the Pale and her father had set upon her since her birth.

Her wanderings and adventures took her far beyond Tenh. The Bandit Kingdoms, the fabled White Plume Mountain, and further and further north till she came, finally, to Blackmoor.

Today she is a powerful member of the Sisterhood. Her visions have allowed the defeat of machinations of Iggwilv and the forces of the Gray which plagues the land. Her sight stretches the ultimate north and shining metal city set against a mountainous plateau which radiates unspeakable evil.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:48 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Tuure

Tuure is from the Burneal Forest, her folk belong to an ancient Flan tribe which hid among the green depths of the wood when the Bakluni and Oeridians first crossed into the northern Flanaess. Her father was a Tiger Nomad caught in a trap by her people the Vigonor who later became a member of the tribe and respected leader.

While Obad-Hai is primarily worshiped among the Vigonor men, the women have long followed the witching way. The Sisterhood is strong along the north-eastern forest while further to the west the tribal witches have maintained their independance. They have also not yet encountered The Grey and the need for joining forces has not presented itself. Yet.

Tuure is a young witch but has journeyed far across the forest. She has seen the attacks by The Grey, even crossed into the lands of Blackmoor and now is a member of the Sisterhood and the branch of tribal witches helping to protect the forest.[/img]
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:16 am  

Blacmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Zelsana

Zelsana is a Palish witch come to Blackmoor. She was born to a brothel-worker in the capital of Wintershiven and recognized by the midwife who brought her into the world as having the link with Moon, Oerth and Stars that are marks of power among witches. As a babe she was purchased by the coven of Wintershiven, of necessity a secret organization amid the rigid and intolerant Pholtite rulers of the Pale.

In the years of her childhood the growing Order of Witchfinders was making life for witches in the realm daily more perilous. As a teenage girl Zelsana was smuggled into Tenh where the Old Faith was still respected if not always followed.

Zelsana spent her early womanhood in Tenh growing in power and respect among the people. She delved deeply into the history of witchdom, learning of the Yaga who was called Iggwilv or Louhi among those of Blackmoor. She who was the Mother of Witches and her Daughter who brought together the first coven and opposed the workings of her mother.

Visions of that cold realm, the marshes that were the Yaga's first home in ancient times, the coming the gods with their steeds of metal and fire, the gleaming City of the Gods, the nameless horror on the mountain plateau that sat above the gleaming city...

She saw the coming of the Gray to the Land of Black Ice, the Sisterhood and its fight against the minions of the Gray as they sifted through the fields and forests of Blackmoor. Zelana heard the thousand voices of the Sisterhood an she knew where she needed to be.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:56 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Eira

Eira was young and very powerful when she crossed into the Plane of Fog and Mist to battle the enitity known as the Gray. She struck down the greatest of the Gray's minion-conjurings and breached the glass-walled citadel of the Thought-Eater Lord. There she was lost for only three of her sister-witches could follow her and within the shattered fragments of fear, desire and nightmares they were separated.

The portals between the Plane of Fog and Mist remain open though now the largest are guarded and for the moment the great terrors sent by the Gray have been halted. Eira was first among the witches to track them down as they were hidden and invisible to the eye. Only the witches can see the portals and even the creatures and conjurings of the Gray can only by seen by wielders of magic or servants of the Gods.

With one hundred of her sisters Eira led the assault through the greatest portal in the dungeon-crypts beneath Castle Blackmoor and many witches fell during the breaching of that realm. Eira herself defeated the Wood-Rot, an ancient being that predated the arrival of humans to the Flanaess, and at its foul-core found the passage to the heart of the land of the Thought-Eater Lord.

The three who accompanied Eira to the Glass Citadel now gather strength for a return to that dread fortress to find what has become of their sister Eira.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:34 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - The Moon Hall

The gathering place for the Sisterhood has no set location. It exists when the moons, Celene and Luna, are in certain conjunctions with the Oerth. The Great Veil is created and the Sisterhood passes within to separate plane of existence. This is the Moon Hall of the Sisterhood. Three of the Nine who guide the Sisterhood hold the portal open while three others help to guard it with a large contingent of witches, warriors and summoned or allied creatures.

Once a year at the passing of the long night there is a great gathering where challenges for rank among the Sisterhood are conducted. None but members of the Sisterhood are allowed at this gathering, though at other times any witch may take a non-witch with them through the Great Veil and to the Moon Hall.

The Moon Hall is sometimes a mansion or palace or even a castle with many rooms. At other times it appears to be glades and groves within a think forest. There is no sun within the Moon Hall only the light from Celene and Luna. No matter what its appearance there will be room for gathering, dancing, feasting.

Amidst all this the spirits of dead witches wander and particpate and interact with the living. They appear semi-translucent and may change from young to old as they speak. Many of the dead are hard to converse with as they appear to be dreaming or distracted by things unseen to the living.

Beneath the Moon Hall are the crypts where the spirit jars of the dead are kept. Some are large and contain the bodies of the dead. Other jars are small and hold only the ashes or even the spiritual essence of some long fallen sister. But the crypts are also a prison and a vault holding items of great power. Sisters whose spirits have fallen to evil or madness are imprisoned and guarded by the honored dead of the Sisterhood. Items of power deemed to dangerous to use except in dire necessity are entombed beneath the spirit jars of the strongest of the Sisterhood from times past.

Beyond the Moon Hall the plane becomes chaotic and home to terrors drawn from the nightmarish depths of the mind. Any interlopers or those who seek harm to the sisterhood within the Moon Hall are cast into this border of churning chaos.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:27 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Taraso Centaur-Lord

The Centaur clans of Blackmoor are perhaps the most war-like and organized within the Flanaess. As with all Centaurs they have an affinity with the bow that outshines all others, even the notable elven and halfling archers. Though they are profoundly good warriors they have no magic-users but a strong priestcraft worshipping their God Perum whose aspect changes with the seasons.

Taraso is a Lord of one of the larger clans of centaurs who roam the western borders of the Burneal Forest, often tangling with the Tiger Nomads even to the edge of the Drawmij Ocean. There is no open warfare between the nomads and the centaurs, but there is a great deal of rivalry and some trading between the two.

The centaurs have a better relationship with the people of Blackmoor and especially the Sisterhood. With the fight against the Grey the centaur warrior-priests were able to defend themselves but do little except to battle the minions and summonings of the Grey. Many of the Witches of the Sisterhood now ride with the Centaur clans and are welcome allies.

Taraso is a warrior-priest, though not the Priest-Defender of his clan and is a stern old Centaur. He has lost family to the Grey when the a large infestation of summoned creatures came upon their game-herds and killed many centaur-young who shepherded them. He has an implacable hatred for the Grey and is a fierce supporter of the Sisterhood. The Priest-Defender of his clan, Volcho, has a strong animus to the Sisterhood and any non-Centaurs.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:03 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Casva the Seer

The south-western reaches of the Burneal Forest are home to the Centaur clan lead by the war-chief Taraso. Unlike many of the centaur clans of the Burneal he has found common cause with the Sisterhood and their war against the entity known as the Grey and its minions. Taraso has also formed alliances with the tribes of ancient Flan who dwell in the depths of the wood.

Casva is a powerful leader of one such tribe. A witch of great foresight and power to divine the future as well as visions of the past. The Flan natives bred with Oeridian invaders driven into the forest as a great wing of their migration was forced back by the wild Rovers of the east. The Baklunish Tiger have mixed with her people as well and Casva's grandfather was a Thousand Leader among the hors-nomads.

While she is not part of the Sisterhood she is a close ally and deeply respected. She leads her tribe as well as the Mother's Council who represent all the women. Her Uncle Arsha leads the Father's.

There is a Moon-sickness among her people and Casva is cursed with the touch of the Fox-God, changing when both Moons reach their fullness together.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:31 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Kampala Shrine of Obad-Hai

Kampala is the chief shrine to Obad-Hai in Blackmoor. It is about 30 leagues north-east of the tail-end of the Fler beyond the Burneal Forest. The image of the Shalm is a stone pillar painted and bedecked with greenery. Beneath him are two stone boars and the shrine is dedicated to Obad-Hai in his aspect as the Boar-God.

There is a great hall that houses the druids and their families as well as a town that mainly serves the farmers who support the shrine as well as several inns that house worshippers and visitors.

The power of the Shalm keeps the Grey and its minions distant from the shrine, town and fields of Kampala. The several dozen druids in residence are generally younger initiates and older or injured druids seeking rest.

Druidism in Blackmoor is divided with Obad Hai having mainly a male following and those who follow the balance of nature itself with more females. The strength of the Sisterhood has drawn many of the women of Blackmoor to witchcraft, though the Sisterhood also contains warriors and other types of magic-users, and the druids of nature and balance are either allies of the Sisterhood or actual members. Those who follow the Shalm are not. They are not against the Sisterhood but follow a separate path.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:57 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC - Jedzec Centaur Lord

Between the Burneal Forest and the Cold Marshes is a roadway, one heavily travelled by the centaur herds. Now that the land is under perpetual assault by the entity known as The Grey and its minions the herds have moved further west and only the warriors patrol the old pathways that enter the forbidding marshes.

Jedzec is a lord among his people and can be often found among the edge of the marshes though even he does not ride to deeply within the forbidding boundries of the frozen bog. He is an archer beyond compare and normally carries no other weapon than his bow that only the strongest may use. A skilled ranger he has an affinity with the Oerth and nature beyond most of his kind. Jedzec is an ally of the Sisterhood in Blackmoor and can call on their aid. In return he and his clan will aid any of the Sisterhood who call upon him.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:54 pm  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Hilja

Hilja is druidess dwelling in the Burneal Forest. She is not often encountered in human form and when she is has the tendency to disdain clothing. She rarely speaks, at least in human tongue, but communicates with many animals usually while taking their shapes. She bears several amulets and totems that allow her to instantly change to one animal form or another.

While allied with the Sisterhood and a powerful enemy of the Grey she is not herself a member of the Sisterhood. Her concerns are less about Blackmoor or even humanity and more about the animals inhabiting the land.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:32 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Brenna

Brenna is originally from the Timberway among the Fruztii or Frost tribes, but she followed a spirit quest and found herself in Blackmoor near the Land of Black Ice and a welcome addition to the Sisterhood. Her way of magic is different from the witches of Blackmoor and is strongly linked to totems, rituals and amulets. The way of the Sedr magic practiced by the Fruz, has strong tinges of necromancy among its traditions and she wears the bones of dead heroes with which she summon them to fight for her if need be.

Her powers are also those of seeress and she can set her spirit to walk among the lands of the dead to ask questions of the past or project her sight to catch visions of the future. Finally he greatest strengths and protections come from the cold and she is granted both ice magic and power of elementals from the land of eternal cold.

She is familiar with the Grey and knows portals to its realm where the intersect with that of the frozen planes of Ice.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:00 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - NPC Maarika the Fallen Sister

Once one of the most powerful witches in Blackmoor and a leader among the Sisterhood Maarika crossed the passage torn through the barrier between the world of the Grey and our own. In the battle against the terror that afflicts Blackmoor she fell and was thought slain, but her body was never found.

Now she was somehow returned to Oerth, but her mind is twisted, her form ravaged by some disease that exudes darkness, and her power turned to evil. Whether she is a servant of the Grey or just driven mad by her wounds and time in the Grey's foul realm is unknown.

Some of the Sisterhood have confronted her only to be injured or slain. A force was sent against her and she had fled to the Land of Black Ice. Will she return? The Sisterhood would have her hunted down and have turned to adventurers who would do the task for coin as their own strength is stretched thin defending the land of Blackmoor.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:55 am  

Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Jehenne of Chendl

Jehenne was born in Chendl but spent most her life with her grandparents in Tusham a small hunting village in the north of Furyondy near the coast and the Vesve. It is there she took her first steps on her druidic path. Here she was taught by an ancient High Elven druidess and met her Owl-companion Hoot.

In the Vesve she fought the minions of the Half-Demon Iuz, and the Swine-Kin of the great Devil-Pig. She watched the Hidden Paths of Iuz that ran through the dark western flank of the forest and destroyed the unnatural Losels that swarmed across those paths since Iuz introduced them from the Fellreev years before.

Though the depredations of Iuz have grown steadily the Druidic circle of the Vesve heard the cries from their kindred in the cold Burneal and have sent what aid they could. Jehenne leads a group of a dozen lesser druids who answer the call of the Burneal Circle. None know what to expect in this northernmost of forests or what plagues both it and the adjoining land of Blackmoor, but they are soon to learn.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:35 am  

Land of Black Ice - The Frozen Monolith - Gateway to the Plane of the Gray

Far, far to the north beyond the border of Blackmoor is a broken and pitted column atop a small mountain. From here can be seen the howling waste that is the Land of Black Ice. But it is here that the skin between the worlds is thin and this column is like a monstrous fang piericing the flesh of the Oerth and allowing the poison that is the Gray to seep in.

The strongest of the Sisterhood, the alliance between the witches of Blackmoor and their varied allies, has made their way to the Monolith and beyond. The witches have fought and defeated the forces of the Gray upon its own plane, and have sealed many portals within and without Blackmoor. This most distant and forbidding gateway is perhaps the oldest of any they have encountered. It is certainly powerful and dangerous leading directly to the great fortress at the heart of the Gray's domain.

A great battle was fought and won on that plane. The gates of the Gray's fortress were thrown down, its towers felled and walls broken in many places. But the Gray was not defeated and the Frozen Monolith remains open.

The sisters mount a strong guard on the Oerthly side of the gateway but still servants of the Gray slip from their plane to ours. Evil stirs within the ruined fortress and always there is need for the strong and brave and adventurous to cross through the gateway and strike down the evil of the Gray as it rises from ashes of its stronghold.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:41 pm  

Project - Blackmoor Land of a Thousand Witches - Siivnna of the Reindeer People

In the uttermost north of the Flannaess is the Land of Black Ice. Life should not exist in this clime. The boundaries between our Oerthly world and other planes is thin here. The land is beyond mere cold, it seems a cursed world meant for elementals and monsters too strong and powerful for any mundane harm to befall them. It is true that here there be Dragons of white, of ice and snow and frost. The horror that is the Grey has entrance from its own fragment of a plane here. But here there are humans that are said to cross the world at its top following herds of the semi-mystical reindeer.

Siivnna left her people, the Reindeer People, on a quest that brought her far south to the lands of Blackmoor. She was a powerful shamaness when she left her lands, but on discovering Blackmoor and the Sisterhood, she has learned new magic, the rites and rituals of witchcraft come easily to her though she speaks only with her hands and no sound escapes her.

It is thought that she has not completed her quest, that searches for something or someone, and she travels the land of Blackmoor from border to border, now with a retinue of young women who follow her, rangers, witches, druids, who have taken on her language of hands shun speech. Some within the Sisterhood are worried by her following. The Centaur-clans of Blackmoor have adopted her as if she were one of the four-legged.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:36 am  

At One Stride Comes the Dark

There are terrible things beneath the streets of Old Blackmoor. A world exists deeper than the catacombs where the dead reside. The bowels of the earth do not hold this realm though it can be reached all too easily. The great ruined towers of Blackmoor where past generations built upon the foundations of races and beings older than humanity reach down into these dark realms. Tunnels, stairs, pits beslimed with horrific use, descend past the corridors of burial chambers and tombs, down and down till the stone gives way to textures that are smooth and warm with the fires of the oerth and not of this oerth; some passages constrict the body first into a crouch, then a crawl, then to a twisting and wriggling as if a great wyrm had shaped the passage to no bigger than its flesh could fit. Deeper still, whether narrowing tunnel or broad stairs with steps wide and steeper than the breadth a man could lift foot to tread, the passage twists; it twists the souls of men, twists their bodies inside out, twists their minds until each step is a scream, a nightmare that eats at them, gnaws their bones, crawls among their fears, deeper, deeper into the dark.

And when no more can be born to those who have not turned away or lost themselves, body, mind and soul along this narrow twisting way, those who have survived, they step into the darkness, a wall, a pool, a great suffocating cloud deep in the earth and out onto a plain of silver grass and starlight. The land of Evening beyond the deep passages of Old Blackmoor. A dark road cuts through the silver grass and the guardians of thought line the way. Their bodies seem no more than thin pedestals of black rock; armless with wide eyes and skulls stretched above. But as you approach their bodies seem filled with stars, their eyes filled with light, their bodies glow softly in the semi-darkness.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:25 am  

City - The City of Blackmoor

Blackmoor lies in ruins much as it did when the first humans found it sitting on the edge of Blackmoor Bay long centuries ago. The foundations of Blackmoor are set deeper and more firmly than bedrock. They touch upon the boundary of the black abyss and the nightmare dreams of Elder Gods who were never worshiped by man.

Above ground, though in ruins, the shape of the human city still exists. The docks are empty except for the hulks of rotting ships, some no more than masts and upper works still projecting higher than the aging quay. The Sea Market was the life-blood of this far northern city. The buildings were never tall here and have mostly collapsed within themselves, the streets are clear except for scattered debris and the clean-picked bones of those who were unable to flee the sack when the defenses failed.

The quarters and districts and inner walls exist, the Craftsman's Way burned, the great tenements of the Labor District collapsed, fallen across streets and alleys making the entire area a vast layer of wreckage; shattered stone and broken beams. The Path of Temples an open pit revealing the depth of the Undercity and the inhumanly vast greenish blocks of greasy stone which are the cities true foundation.

Tallest among the ruin is the vast cylinder which had served as castle and palace to the old kings and queens of Blackmoor. Its upper reaches empty and hollow but the blackness of its high walls seemingly invulnerable to the damage which destroyed the city.

Beneath the Castle, beneath the city, the tunnels are old, much older than the memory of the dead whose ghosts haunt the ruins. Down they go, wide, unchanging, fetid and slimed with something more than moisture come in from the Bay. The passages go down, and branch, some opening into wide plateau's or vaulting chambers while other ways grow smaller and smaller, twisting worm-like till they become so small no sentient thing could travel further.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Nov 27, 2021 8:58 am  

The Crowned Beast of Stone

At south-east of the Burneal Forest can be found a statue of some great beast crowned with a rusting ironband whose spiked ends, now snapped off into jagged spears, suggest gems or valuable crystals once ran astride the crown. The weed-choked creature now stares forlornly into the stream which begins life as spring whose waters pour from its open mouth and which rushes by its front paws before disappearing in the thick forest and eventually emptying into the great swamp and mire of the Cold Marshes to the south.

Few know of this crowned beast of stone for its waters are sovereign and potent and the Sisterhood and centaur shamans strive to keep its existence and location a secret. To this end they have set traps and guards within the forest, druids charm creatures and enchant plants, illusionists hide the spring, centaurs set guards that neither sleep nor rest nor tell tales, as well as magicians and witches that cast dire spells to protect this source of so many of their potions, solutions and balms.

The power of these waters is quickly diluted after it spills from the mouth of the crowned beast but within certain distances the waters have differing effects. The water at the mouth of the statue pours forth a deadly acid on one side and a supremely potent base from the other. As the water touches the earth it becomes useful for all manner of transmutation elixirs but a dozen feet further and it is sovereign remedy for curses and a foundation for healing potions, a dozen feet further on it is useful for charms and enchantments, till it covers the entire gamut of the alchemist's trade. The area where these liquid components can be gathered is not truly large and the waters quickly become no more than any other forest stream and no more useful. Within this area the Sisterhood and shamans have set their guards, wards and enchantments. Beyond this area a steady patrol of foresters, rangers, and centaurs patrol the forest and roads leading to it. Only those accompanied by those of the Sisterhood or the tribal shamans of the centaurs can pass these, and then only with certain badges, tokens and finally enchantments if they are to proceed to the innermost sanctum of the forest. But all this protection has brought inquiring eyes down upon that which they would seek to remain hidden and differing powers within and without the land of Blackmoor seek to find out what is being so lavishly protected.

In singles, pairs and groups both spies and adventurers are being hired to seek out whatever is hidden within the depths of the cold northern forest. To date none have returned and only the fact that something valuable enough to warrant such costly measures as guards and enchantments drives the search for this unknown treasure forward.
Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:19 am  

Baron Ambrus of Blackmoor and his Half-Shedu Mount Gyozo

The mysterious land of Blackmoor is in no way made less so by the appearance of Baron Ambrus flying near the southern borders upon his mount Gyozo, a half-Shedu (some say half Manticore). The pair are accompanied by a half-dozen guardsmen on Gryphons and often stop to converse with merchant men and travellers who make the long trip to the forbidding northern land.
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